What should be done about homeless?

Hard Mode: You can't kill them & the solution has to end the problem in less than 1 year.

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Why inhale solvents when you can inhale your own shit?

He's on jenk and trying to ride the brown wave

Bum battle royale. Make them fight to death and the winner gets its wish granted.

Send the homeless to the private homes of the politicians who are in control of the area. Make the politicians pay the ultimate price at the hands of the homeless


He should throw them on chinks' faces

>you can't kill them
Stick them in small boxes with no room that has a robotic arm with a coarse sharp tip
>robot arm slides into urethras, assholes, and orifice really
>there is a shelf within arms reach that holds a loaded gun
Checkmate athieists


picture the scent
conceptualize the aroma

if there are no homeless what will the vampires feed on? you're ruining the artificial foodchain

>You can't kill them

Boy is there any question whether or not whites are the master race?
Lmao fucking sexless nazis

>commienigger replies to OP twice, pretending it's a different poster

>cant even reply to my post
Did I? Because what i see is 1 shitpost and a follow up burn on whites
Shut up idiot, oldfags are talking.

Medical Housing Communities.

>give them free booze or drug of choice
>have them sign contract while under influence of said drugs/booze
>send them to kaiji-style labor camps underground
Done. Easy. Next problem.

Hon Hon Hon,Thats gourmet corn bits.

>Shut up idiot, oldfags are talking.
prove it

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This, give them one of bernies houses, duh then they'd have a home

And/or give them these

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>implying implications
>fucking implies the link to my reply out of existence

undo the aclu kikery, round them up in state run mental institutions to have their heads examined, those that belong there stay, those that belong in prison go there, those that can be made functional again are made functional again.

Provide them with all the drugs they want and a place to do them in hopes they will kill themselves.

Get rid of (((mortgage)))

send them all to one of the artic islands.
forget about them after the next news cycle

Why should people who've worked hard to get ahead bear the burden of other people's bad decisions, are you by chance an egalitarian commie?

Every single one should be thrown into a large industrial bath unit, scanned and then I shit you not dewormed and deparasited. 90 percent of those rambling psychopaths have had their brain scrambled by worms, toxoplasmosis or worse. This is why that crazy cat lady or that hobo in the subway keeps yelling about nothing most of the time.


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Drop a nuke on the entire west coast to annhilate the illegals and they homeless will just die from the fallout. Hey we didn't kill them the fallout did. VIVA NEW VEGAS!

>"oldfag" cant triforce

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Give them a house. In just about every western nation there are more than enough houses for every person

Make sleeping on the street illegal and set up camps on cheap land outside the city. If you want to do jack shit and lay around all day you can do it in the desert and not on the coasts


Institutionalization is the only real (non killing) solution at this point. Round them up into camps and do triage to see who is salvageable.

Do what Mexico does, send them across the border to the north.

Put em into the cube from the cube movie series and those who come out get to live in Pelosi's mansion lol

Work Camps
I don't understand why everyone is so scared of putting people into work camps

>OH the nazi's did it!
The nazi's also drank water

There is nothing wrong with Work Camps

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insane asylums and drug addict insane asylums


But I think it must be implemented in a homogenized society.

>Institutionalization is the only real (non killing) solution at this point
it was the only real solution ever. the only reason its not done anymore is because the alcu successfully sued to have it ended. guess (((who))) was behind that.

cant have a shitty homeless problem to cry about for votes it theres no homeless

>can't kill them
that's where you're wrong, pretty sure I killed one idling my diesel truck next to where the shithead was passed out in a back alley

I thought he was eating it.

obviously more politically correct propaganda to demoralise them is the correct solution

Fema camps total reeducation

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Simple. Set up a prison work camp outside of town. It can be farming, cleaning up public parks and land or anything else that actually improves life in the city. Aggressively enforce all quality of life issues like vandalism, loitering, illegal camping, panhandling, whatever with the sentence being time in the work camp. Here's the kicker, the sentence is full days worked, not days spent to prevent malingering. Repeat crimes earn longer sentences, first offense a week, second 2 weeks, 3rd a month etc up to 364 days.

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or ovens
the nazis didn't do it, but they prbly should have

>can't properly reply let alone triforce


Did you seriously just make an antisemitic joke while wearing the badge? Whatbthe fuck is wrong with you?

Living out in the wilderness makes them a target for parasites and disease.

deport them to africa.

Africa should be declared off limits to all nations. The worlds greatest natural preserve. Left untouched. And no one should even be allowed to go there. We can use satellites and drones to monitor Africa. All the worlds criminals, homeless, degenerates, refugees, they should all be dropped off there. After all, Africa is the home of all humanity is it not? and as such dont all humans have the right of return to mother Africa. If all of these people (the homless, the refugees etc) are "oppressed", then it only makes sense that they can truelly make something of themselves in a place where no white people (well the oppressive kind) are ever allowed.

As we slowly dump whites there, they will no doubt breed with niggers, (probably in rape camps), but slowly Africas genetics will rise, until finally, maybe, for the first time ever, Africa will actaully generate a "civilization". All criminals should be dumped there, along with drug addicts, homeless, worlds refugees, anyone who doesnt have, or want, or create, a place for themselves in the civilized world.



Send them all to Canada

>bring back WW2 Era civilian service.
>Round them up and let them know they have been drafted
>run tests to see who is physically able and mentally fit
>all the unfit put in state housing
>take army of former hobos
>pay them to build the Trans-American canal between Mexico and USA
>no need for a border wall, plus we'd get more money than Panama canal as we'd no longer need it

San Francisco?

Sort through them. Find out which ones are drug addicts. Put the drug addicts in rehabilitation centers. Until they stop doing drugs.
Find the people that are just down on their luck, lost, or just genuinely need help and help them in the way they need. To either get them back on their feet, or if they have mental or health problems don't just leave them out there, give them some kind of help.
Society shouldn't have people lining the streets and pooping all over the place.


Work camps are only acceptable if you pay workers.

national socialism.

>nigger commie lier still looking for (you)s
some say he thinks I read his posts!


Forced into hospitals for mental illness treatment and drug rebar. Forced onto meds. If anyone thinks anything else will help you’re out of your mind have zero experience with the homeless.

And just like that all of the homeless people magically turned into 3rd reich flags


It's a self correcting problem


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Free fenatyl
Its not lethal

More funding for addictions and mental health services, less gibs welfare gibs,

>Put the drug addicts in


Too bad we'll be coughing all over you in the street

Deport every illegal and give their jobs to the homeless.

Yes, lets see them demographically replace polar bears.

Forced labor camps.

Make a homeless army battalion. Send them on the front lines as cannon fodder. Those that survive get dosh.

Invade some smaller island nation and build up a penal colonie


Give them Fentanyl and they will kill themselves

Some are legit mentally ill. So, scientists could study those ones.

Illegals dont work though, they just do welfare

eat shit memeflag neofaggot

dude do you think africa is all sand, animals and niggers? southern africa is modernized as fuck

Because Maxine Waters lives in a multimillion dollar mansion on the other side of town from her district, which looks like this.

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Send them to Canada

An epidemic would be the best opportunity. No one is going to care about their neighbor when they are worried about their own families. Just like the stray animals from back in the day. Just lift them off of the street when a massive viral outbreak happens.

Homeless user here.

Is it okay if I exploit a loophole in your statement?

You say "you can't kill them" but... what if we just give them all hand-grenades and fully automatic firearms and a thousand rounds each?

Whatever happens next; it's not me killing them.

the legit homeless people are usually mentally ill and more or less WANT to be how they are.

The virus will take care of them

Separate the homeless into two categories. The mentally ill and the drug addicted. Mentally ill can include people too depressive to work.

For the mentally ill, provide housing and therapeutic services. For the drug addicted, provide counseling to have a better understanding of the conditions in their life which made them seek drugs, and create a goal plan. Keep them sequestered from the outside world to prevent further harm to themselves and the community. Eventually allow them to do low-level jobs once rehabilitated, but only for housing vouchers and food to prevent further spending on drug usage.

Allow people to hire them for jobs with no paperwork and no minimum wage. Remove most housing regulations and ease zoning laws so new housing can be built (by these people). Charge huge taxes to foreigners who try to buy up all the housing. Force government to be employer of last resort with a hefty minimum wage all across the USA- at least $10/hr. This will force normal employers to pay at least that.

>tl;dr- put them to work and let them build homes. It was always this way before.

Memeflags are liars. Disregard them.

1. No outsourcing at all.
2. All cheap jobs get a minimum living condition. If they can’t afford shit then tax Bloombergs to build shelters for impovered workers
3. Access to said shelters requires working even if it’s shitty poor work.
4. The disabled are used for organ harvesting.
5. All drugs are illegal and earn tickets straight to jail.
6. Jail is forced hard labor. They will clean our beaches, oceans, and highways. So essentially hispanics and blacks can pick up all their litter this way.

Concentration camp

Also it really wouldn't cost that much to build a giant housing center with shared bathrooms and the like for the mentally ill and appoint a nurse to ensure their mental well-being and self-development.

It's much better than just throwing them on the street to cause crimes and then jailing them later.

Also homeless and I like this user's plan. I'd gladly hunt down other homeless(and bankers and politicians) for free.

One in my town literally said can I have cash for a meal deal,I said I've got snacks in my bag you want one?Nope..

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>Charge huge taxes to foreigners who try to buy up all the housing.
fucking smoothbrain

BAN foreign purchasing of american real estate.
all american real estate currently owned by non natively born citizens MUST be put on the market and sold within the next year or it will be confiscated and put on the market by the state instead.

corona virus is all over california
year still young

Boy youre all getting so riled up. Dont like it when someone says something in your little echo chamber hmmmm?

>Put a team together
>Go city by city tranquilizing all the homies
>Transfer all homies in coma state by bus to specified port
>Load all homies in deep sleep into ship refitted for mass stasis transport to the Bay of Bengal
>Make various landings around the North Sentinel Island
>Begin waking homies from slumber
>Activate wall in homie storage to move forward, forcing homies onto the beach
>Crushed if they don’t exit
>Provide homies with primitive weaponry (blunt stone weapons, spears, etc)
>Homies must then fight the indigenous peoples to the death by necessity
>Homies wake up from their tired existence or die
>Continue process until all homies dead, or homies have cleared island
>Rename it Homie Island upon completion
>All countries welcome to participate
>Homies that survive Phase 1 are offered decent jobs in their country of origin
>After Operation Homie is complete, begin moving homies to Africa - Phase 2

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what kinda job anywhere would have "didnt die, had a rock on a stick" welcome on a resume?

Used to be homeless for a long time. We need to separate them into different classes and deal with them in different ways. Some people are down on their luck. If they can work, give them work and a little place to live so they can better themselves. Most other homeless ive known are willing to be because they're crazy or on drugs. Ship them to Africa if they refuse help.

>San Francisco?
Yes. pcmdnews.com/video-shows-people-in-san-francisco-now-eating-their-own-poop/

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Build high rise apartment buildings for them and give them food stamps. They can indefinitely live there. It would only cost like $5-10 billion per year

Bring back nut houses.

Modern feminists claim to be strong, independent people. Yet they prove over and over again that they are parasitically reliant on men in every aspect of life. A prime example of this is child support (sexist extortion). Your average strong, independent will have 1-3 kids out of wedlock. Typically with a male they choose to abandon for more cock carousel. From the male, they will demand, over the course of 18 years, an average of $500,000-1,000,000 (or more) in child support (sexist extortion) fees for each child. This doesn't include legal fees or medical bills a man is forced to pay out of pocket. It also doesn't include the countless welfare programs the man will be paying for through various taxes. For a strong, independent woman, getting knocked up is like winning the lottery. They don't earn this money and most of it is used to attract more male victims and "party it up" with their equally trashy female friends. It is seldom used exclusively for the child. Let that sink in, because child support, is supposed to be a "supplemental" fund for the sole purpose of feeding and clothing the child. It's Not supposed to be a replacement for alimony (more sexist extortion) or her getting off of her fat, lazy ass and getting a damn job. Even worse, if you are poor, you will likely be unable to afford the outrageous child support fees (which are calculated based on a spreadsheet indicating your earning potential based on bullshit statistics not your actual income), not only will you be forced to pay anyway, when you ultimately fail, they can jail you for "contempt of court" (debtors prison) and force you into actual slavery to pay off your debt, with interest. So don't fall for a woman's bullshit of "HAVE SEX". It's a psyop. Modern women are not strong. They're parasites. ...and, if you do get your dick wet, use VCF spermacidal strips. They will keep you from being a victim (or chump) of the sexist, matriarchal system.

>You mean I can lose weight with AYDS?
Waist away with AYDS(tm)!

Dump them somewhere in Africa.

just the logical evolution of the commiefornian dinner and show, then

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This. They want to be greedy and force their consumerist/globalist agenda, then they can put up with homeless folks in their lawns.

Use them to power the matrix, which is entirely made up of behind the scenes Lizzo bathtime footage

Build a massive incinerator into the ground. Cover it up with some brush. Round up a bunch of homeless and throw a shitload of heroin onto the brush and watch them all leap into the incinerator.

End central banks. Problem will be solved in 3 months or less guaranteed.

Make lemonade out of the situation. Pay the bums in vodka/smokes to fight each other for our entertainment.

Hmmm, a darwinian "running man" of sorts.. I can dig it, because in spite of what some in this thread might believe, homelessness can jump up and bite the best of people. I was homeless for about 6 months and I wanted to kill every non trustworthy leech I came across that wasn't worthy of help. Good luck to you, if you're intelligent and persevere you'll pull yourself out of it.

Yeah this is the way to start. You would want to handle them various ways depending on what category they fit.
>Crazy or not
>Drug problem or not

>>Homies that survive Phase 1 are offered decent jobs in their country of origin
police man? army?
both are government make-work for retards.

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You think it's the politician's fault? They should be called the brainless, not the homeless. They start life as stupid trash genes people, and end it by frying their brains with drugs. This is their own fault for the most part.

You can assign some blame to politicians because they offer welfare to stupid people so they breed more of these retards who are susceptible to drug use. They also allow third worlders to come here with drugs, and set up drug running gangs within our borders. Contact with shitskins is the biggest cause of trash whites getting addicted to drugs.

user, no!!!

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Set their tents on fire. Take all their worldly possessions and throw them in the river. You have to choose to be homeless in a western nation.

Ive met a few like myself that didn't want to be homeless. I accepted help when I found it, got off the streets and am working to rejoin society and become a normal person again. Most ive known, however are hard drug addicts and won't accept help. Fuck those pieces of shit.

UBI and legalize ALL drugs.
Everyone has a chance and/or most will kill themselves anyways.

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send them to that island with untouched feral niggers
>also send drones and make it a reality show

>worked hard to get ahead
politicians are parasites that have never worked a day in their lives
riding on the coattails of superior white men whom built our nations in the past, now the whore of the jews sanctioning your own enslavement to a consumerist, materialist hell empire to eternally slave away for to fund the welfare of niggers and shit skins fuck you retard
the only good politician is a dead politician, and you lynched right beside them, bootlicker statist faggot
If we were in the Ice Age I would smash your faggot head in with a rock and take all your shit and rape your mother

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fund it

Hang every politician that made this possible. Invest in mental healthcare and rehabilitation centers.

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Send them all to Israel where they love immigrants

Drop a fucking nuclear bomb on Israel.

Wait, what with homeless ppl?

a contemporary Diogenes

Bring back insane asylums. FFS. It has been proven beyond all doubt that crazy people can’t function with society by tossing pills at them and expecting them to take them regularly.

I remember a schizophrenic nigger bum a few years ago chasing me because he said I was a servant of the primordials trying to seal his enochian powers.

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This is called Schizophrenia.

These people need to be institutionalised.

Anything you would do to work with Schizophrenia, can help these people.

Have a look at the conceptualisations surrounding "schizophrenic negativism" ... these guys spend their entire lives fighting an image (imago) of a parent from their early childhood.

This means they cannot co-operate in any way or form, they fight others, fight themselves, if you say "left", they say "right".

It really is mad, and this is why they are homeless.

The left-tards will say "Oh they are victims," and in a sense, they are.

But on the other hand, they stuff everything up around them, and everything in their lives is destroyed.

They do it to themselves, and if you get near them, they will do it to you as well.

This is how Schizophrenia works.

>pay homeless people with laced amphetamines to assassinate politicians

sounds like a movie

they say homeless people are the ones that struggled with life and got defeated by
these people are not on the streets due to their insanity or addiction

having to deal with some of the homeless people im not really sure about that

Judge Dredd, if they're caught in the city limits they go in the isocube for a year.

Fix it by throwing money at it and creating even bigger problems elsewhere.
What do I win?

There are always winners and losers in a free society and the wealth divides proportionally. So I even if you deport all the homeless people to space, there will be new ones the same % of the new population.

Ship them to Wuhan

Honorary Swede

Bring back mental asylums for the ones that are not stable in the head. That will leave the ones that are homeless purely because of drug addictions.

Honestly, the good homeless are outnumbered 20 to 1, and the soup kitchens are getting to full. We need to think out the herd.

A little bit of india in America, how wonderful.

free tax free housing for veterans, if the soldier of valour doesn't pay property tax none should have to

>that video

You can't make these things up. It's fucking real. Wow. Truly, pajeets are the masters of poop.

Criminalize Narcan and let them overdose. Problem Solved.

Someone like that would honestly be better off dead desu

Serious answer to this thread:

1. Give housing to the ones that don't do drugs, gambling, thievery, and other such vices.
2. Arm them all with weapons, watch as the more retarded and mongrelized of them self-purge, and the rest end up becoming very peaceful and never stealing again.
3. Section off all the non-white hobos from society. Concentration camps and the only way they're allowed to leave at all is with a tracker on and only for the purpose of working.

When a white behaves like that it's abnormal.

When a nigger or chink behaves like that it's normal.


That video is nightmare material.

There are certain subhumans that if you give them a house they just destroy it. Soon they all end up homeless again.

You realize most homeless are not in any condition to work due to injuries or being batshit?

There should be work camps for the ones that do drugs, steal, etc. but it would be highly unproductive work camps. They'd hardly be worth the food they eat.

t. injured hobo

Allow entrepreneurship again

Btw, I've never seen chinks in any of the soup kitchens in my area, until the last week or two. Now I see them volunteering regularly.

I think they are trying to infect all homeless with nCov to kill us all off.

Ship them to islands.

Soviets killed more jews than NatSocs I think.

>As we slowly dump whites there, they will no doubt breed with niggers,

Wrong. Racemixers only get away with it because there's laws and shit protecting them from being killed. Dump the homeless in Africa and you can rest assured that racemixers will be killed off there.

Its actually extremely simple. It's illegal to sleep on the streets. Police round up everyone and send them to a homeless shelters. Upon admittance you're tested for substance abuse and mental health. If you're an addict, you get involuntarily placed into a rehab program that segregates you and forces you to go cold turkey. If you have severe mental health issues, you get committed to an asylum. Everyone else (shouldn't be many left) has to face an ultimatum - find work or go to jail and get barred from the city upon release.

God bless the chinese

>reddit spacing

Meds do not necessarily help and I'd kill anyone that forces them on me. I'll only take them voluntarily.

You make them work/ Force them to join the army.
In France we had the Ateliers Nationaux, Basically those without job could join them and work for the state even without qualifications. It was mostly manual or dirty labor like building roads or cleaining the streets and collecting the thrash. It was in place during the 19th century. The problem with that idea is that the homeless can refuse to work, that's why it should be imposed on those who don't work, much like a work camp but without the camp.

That's what Russia does. Most of the soldiers Russia sends to fight Ukraine are all just Russian hobos.

This is true.

They did, and it was intra-racial. Messianic Atheist Bolsheviks purging Jews. Second most systematically targeted for purging. Second only to ethnic Russians. If you thought Black on Black could suck the air out of a room, bring up Jew on Jew in Soviet lands.

Use public land to create communism farms and ship them out to work. They get paid a fair wage and can leave once they earn enough money to.

Fucking based and purge pilled.

This is an actual interesting concept. Imagine a bunch of homeless, many not even black in fucking Africa. Not just a few thousand, I mean millions. You find out there's an enclave of non-black homless, the black ones being indistinguishable from the natives. What WOULD exactly happen if all these mentally derranged people were suddenly dropped in nigger Africa? Who would come out on top?

Deport them to Germany for euthanization

We have standards, you know?

>coronachans got this

now just nuke some tendies, sit back, and enjoy the show.

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Make quanta hut camps separate for men/women. Make slop for them to eat & provide bulk hygiene products. Have a Dr come through once Ina while.

Provide opportunities for rehab, education & job training so they can climb the ladder out of the hell.

Africa has many rare ressources important to many occidental countries. It should belong to these countries and then the homeless are sent there to extract these ressources.

That's where fudge comes from, in case somebody didn't know.

Imagine trying to make people with schizophrenia and chronic pain and injures try to work.

You can't make most homeless work!

Open poor houses.
>Green Level - Free housing, drugs, food and internet. Leaving is restricted. Essentially very low security prison.
>Yellow Level - Free housing, No drugs, food, internet and career counseling. Stay is optional. Provides a safe place for people who are down and out to get back on their feet
>Red Level - Farm. Housing is paid for, as well as food. No restrictions on coming or going, you get paid for your work to help you back into recovery. Provides a place for people who want to work and need a place to stay or clear their heads.

Once these are in place, enforce camping/squatting laws. And wash away homeless encampments with fire hoses.

You can't just make these people work even if you gave them an expensive apartment or mansion. They'd still start talking to themselves, piss in the corner, and look for more drugs immediately. The ones, even slightly sane, would end up being Alex Jones on crack saying it's all some Alien abduction plan and think the resources to be collected in Madagascar are for aliens. I'm simply talking about if you dropped them all in the middle of Shanty Town, Africa and left them to do as they please.

This, so much. Foreigners should not be able to own property.

Also we need to deal with the (dual-citizen) issue.


How did you become homeless?

Labor camps

Make Non-citizen land property owners rent them rooms in their property for free.

ps - fuck chinks


Good luck to them with getting any money out of me.

I'm on welfare and I'm notoriously difficult to find.

Dude this is smart. Empower the smart homeless to take care of it.

Bro. We hobos already do that to each other all the time. Check out the rivers around Kitchener, often a cart of a hobo's possessions gets all dumped in there.

>You can't kill them
citation needed

You don't make them work, you force them to work but make it looks like they are doing it willingly.
Also you speak about the drug problem. If you give them to many drugs and they take it all and make an overdose and you don't save them, does it count as killing them ?

>you can’t kill them.
Ok. I will just pay $50 for every homelsss person that’s brought to the morgue.

>that’s not what I mean
FINE open a mental health hospital and a drug rehab hospital that’s funded from the states. Hire all of Starbucks baristas that have social science degrees and psychology degrees. Now the only people that would have had a problem with it now all have state jobs with states benefits. All they have to do is fix the homeless people within the budget we give them. Lol.

Get rid of property taxes, give each one a lot somewhere to live, nothing fancy. Done

America used to have no property tax, so people had a good base to start from in difficult tubes but now, you lose your job, you lose your house, you lose your mind and become homeless.

Deportation is the obvious


How do you deworm and deparasite yourself?

Some schizophrenics are like that but not all.

Put them on a plane and drop them over Israel.
The corona corpses too, just for good measure.
>Hard Mode: You can't kill them

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