What the fuck, why did no one fucking told me that drinking pic related would cure me from this shit flu I got...

What the fuck, why did no one fucking told me that drinking pic related would cure me from this shit flu I got? I fucking hate mainstream media news outlet and their fear mongering while I was feeling like shit. Just go out and buy this.

Attached: superorangemanbad.jpg (450x450, 47.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Works better if you sniff the powder like cocaine.

you need to try this

Attached: MEGA FISH CAPSULE MAXIMUM STRENGTH ENERGY.jpg (1245x1000, 255.59K)

pill form is better friend check the back

I don't see how that would be as effective for the auto immune system but I could be wrong, also those are way expensive. A pack of 30 Emergen-C costs me around 9$ which means I'm set for a month, I could technically buy 12 and be set for a year.

Yeah? How so? I'm all ears, every new information is good information.

I mix mine with Hi-C. It tastes fucking great. I've been drinking a packet + Hi C every day since news came about for COVID-19

How vitamin C became the meme ill never understand. Literally 2 oranges or 1 kiwi and you've got your daily recommended. With all the products they add it to, besides the fruit and veg that contain it naturally, it's almost impossible to NOT meet your daily recommended amount..

Emergen-C again't gonna cut it.

It became the meme because
1. The fucking big phramacy companies lose billions of money on people taking this instead of their daily cocktails of pills
2. No one eats healthy, NO ONE. NO ONE knows about the benefits of vitamins, NO ONE.




I used to think it was all bullshit, until I tried it. I've had a flu that was lasting almost a month, tried everything, EVERYTHING. And nothing was working, went to the doctors and all they would say is that "you need to move into an environment with less humid" something I can't fucking do. Then I started to do some basic research, 1 week later I'm back to doing construction work, no sniffles, no runny nose, absolutely zero flu symptoms. I mean, what else can I say? My body had a Vitamin decency and the doctors were either negligent to tell me or didn't care.

And is this exact vitamin deficiency that EVERY person gets the flu and last them so long, because there is ZERO information on what vitamins are, there is not a single campaign informing people of the importance of the vitamins in the body. My ignorance of the matter lead me to research, and I hope this thread does the same to you.

Nice sage


its expensive relative to other forms of the C

Enjoy your kidney stones bro

Just drink lemon juice. Way cheaper.

I don't get how if Vitamin C is so important in fighting off illness, why the fuck doesn't our body produce it in huge amounts? It's hard to get grams of vitamin C through food every day.

i dont ever feel sick really anymore. idk. when i get sick its just a runny nose or a cough. when i was a kid i got sick like every one else. i even got strep throat a bunch of times and they kept giving me different medicine. from pink stuff to cream white stuff to finally green stuff (the nasty one) then i stopped getting strep throat but it would be years later that i no longer ever really felt sick

like the closest i come is this warm feeling and then it melts away and thats gone. i cant even tell if i have a fever and it doesnt affect me. the surface of my skin will rarely actually warm up but my breath gets hot but im not a mouth breather so i dont notice it unless im smoking

this doesnt work. placebo best case scenario. go to a prescriber and get an antiviral bois

t. pharmacist

>No one eats healthy, NO ONE. NO ONE knows about the benefits of vitamins, NO ONE.
lol dude I post one picture on Yas Forums and get 10-15 replies of people asking me for my diet, what kind of workout I do, ask if I'm on steroids, ask how many new chicks i fuck weekly, etc
You are projecting hardcore. Some of us are juicy male-model tier physique monsters, btw

The trick is to not take a too large of dose at one time. Dont take my word for it though.

You need multiple doses throughout the day as your body is quick to use all it needs and get rid of the rest. but then a short time later, you body needs more.

Potassium is needed to keep lymphocyte production up

Compared to what? Because I've spent more than 200$ trying to heal using "prescribed medications" and let me tell you, I am pissed (of my own ignorance mostly, but that's what life is about, learning).
I don't consume fried chicken everyday, I'll be fine. Kidney stones are a possibility but look up alternatives on how to reduce them, as for example, a healthier diet.

Hitler would approve

Compared to pill form

You get 30 packs of 1,000 mg powder for $10
or you get 500 500 mg pills for $8

High doses of Vitamin C when you feel a cold or flu coming helps. Have been doing it for years and have never been ill since.

I just do 500mg a day, then 1500mg when feeling like I might get sick. Haven't been actually sick in about 20 years.

Also I am around sick people all the time and they marvel at how I don't get sick. When I tell them why they say that isn't true google tells them so. Fucking niggers.

I ordered vitamins online.
one bioflavanoid to help with my inflammation
one tub of calcium/magnesium to help with general health (recommended this by doctor).
also one pack of macca because i was told it would help with energy and i wanted to try it out.
all in all it came to 80 dollars.

The delivery guy didnt even ring my doorbell just dumped it infront of my door while i was home. How do i know? because i got the email a few days after, ya its gone. Now im left wondering if it was one of the shitskins in my building that stole it or just a random passerby.

The mail service here is so garbage whoever they hired is a complete idiot. At least i have a few weeks worth of vitamin c i guess.


Attached: drink-your-vitamins-bitch.jpg (1080x720, 183.18K)

It would cure you of 99% shit if you do IV 5000mg of vitamin C for a week. Lead cure other stuff like faggotry and socialism.

If it was amazon tell them. They will either refund or send another. If it wasn't still try. I hate amazon as a company but damn do they replace shit and give refunds like it's no ones business.

This is good to know, I'll be on the lookout for pills in the market. So far there has not been an official coronavirus confirmed case here in Puerto Rico, but just watch as how this product (and every other vitamin supplement for that matter) will DISAPPEAR from the shelves as soon as a case is reported, not to mention when an official report comes out saying to start using vitamin supplements to fight it off. If any boricua user is reading this, go to your nearest pharmacy and stock up on at least 12 of this little bad guys.

Rubbing lube on your anus and presenting it to a homosexual nigger is the only cure for coronavirus.

> If it was amazon tell

you buy anything off amazon that is suppose to go inside or on your body and you gonna die. i would never fucking buy vitamins or supplements from amazon are you fucking kidding me. counterfeit at worst, expired and damaged at best.

Ya i had one parcel not show up with amazon and another one came but had nothing in it. amazon refunded both times.
This recent issue was from some vancouver company so maybe i was spared coronavirus anyways.

I didn't believe it either but it kept getting memes so I tried it when I had the sniffles and sore throat last week. I just took two grams every couple hours for a day. The next day I was fine, usually I would've gotten sick for three or four days minimum. Vitamin c is virucidal.

Vitamin and mineral supplement threads were dropped weeks ago. If you aren’t taking these you better start. All of these are researched backed for reducing viral infection severity and duration.

Vitamin C.
Vatican D.
Green Tea.

And get good sleep.

Forgot to mention I did drink some elderberry juice too during that time so I'm not completely sure which one it was

Take high dose Vitamin C preferably in Ascorbic acid form
A small amount of Iodine a day (Lugol's Iodine) one or two drops
Magnesium Citrate
CBD if you can get it
And the usual stuff

Everytime I get sick I get that and I mix it with sunny d for a super vitamin c punch. Everyone tells me it doesn't work but I haven't seen a doctor in 5 years

Vitamin D.

its spelled turmeric

Most of these vitamins are owned by Bayer

vitamin d3 is an animal hormone, you cannot supplement real d3, only d2 which is plant synthetic garbage.

I've been drinking Isopropyl alcohol filtered through sliced bread since January 2nd. My body is bacteria free right now. :)

>I post one picture on Yas Forums and get 10-15 replies of people asking me for my diet, what kind of workout I do, ask if I'm on steroids, ask how many new chicks i fuck weekly, etc
post a pic here you LARPing faggot

synthetic vitamins are trash and there is no proof they are utilized in cells, only that they are in the bloodstream.

eat quality animal foods, preferably in their natural state and you will never need to support the (((supplement))) industry.

Emergen-c is owned by Pfizer

You want high quality Liposomal Vit C or intravenous if you’re a baller

You’re literally just pissing money away with that Emergen-C crap

I take vitamin c and elderberry and I don’t get sick

i've been putting all packages through decom procedure since before mid feb. packages not safe, especially outside cardboard. inside items should be cleaned as well.


can kill with with this virus

So it's either
2.the real thing
whatever it is, its fucking working and I'm glad, and happy to inform others of it in hope that it leads for them to research.

>My body is bacteria free right now. :)


no it can't cure you

The human body is broken. Unlike other animals we do not produce it. Don't ask me why I don't know why its broken but it is.

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Yes goyim, please buy my irradiated "vitamins" remember that the chemical structure is completely different and your body probably cant even use it. don't worry about the industrial process to make these "vitamins" leaks heavy metals. It doesn't matter that ultraviolet radiation is used and then you consume them.

Vitamins are good for you :)

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The best thing I have discovered is this shit. I get either the syrup or gummies

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I don't know I started taking a vitamin D supplement recently and I feel a lot better


either you had a placebo affect, you added more animal products into your diet with d3 or you got more sun light exposure

D2 is 100% fake and gay scam

Linus Pauling used ascorbic acid and its fine as long as you spread your dosage out in the day in small amounts, few grams at a time.
You are right that liposomal is better absorbed but at this point take what you can get.

So you prefer just dying? I mean, I'm all for having my own farm and have it full of what a human needs to be healthy but unfortunate I am not so lucky, the alternative is to keep living.

Avoid ascorbic acid forms of vitamin c. In high doses it makes you shit or puke. Buy liposomal vitamin c, its liquid. I dont trust powdered forms. If liposomal is too pricey then get sodium ascorbate. Its a buffered vitamin c powder you mix into water. If sick with the virus take 50mg to 200mg per kilogram of body weight (chinese method of treating coronavirus that south korea is now doing) and whatever that number is based on your weight split it every 4 to 6 hours throughout the day. Vitamin c stays in your blood for around that long and you want 24/7 coverage. If sodium is a concern for you, calcium ascorbate is the same thing but instead of sodium its buffered with calcium. Buffered vitamin c is easier on the stomach. Sick people have higher tolerances anyway. South Korea is giving their docs 200,000 IU of vitamin D as well though at home its fine to take 10k daily, SK docs are doing 200k short term boosts. Vitamin A is another good one to take. Zinc lozenges for sore throats and zinc in general when not sick.

Just based on research, do your own. Im just a guy on Yas Forums. Look into linus pauling and dr. levy on vitamin c.

anyone can go buy real food from a local farmer, especially people like you in the 3rd world

>wants to see picture of a shirtless dude
>calls others faggots
just browse Yas Forums more and you'll see me, memeflaggot

1g of shit quality Vit C taken orally isn’t going to have any effect unless you’re severely deficient. The majority of that 1g in Emergen-C is not absorbed and just pissed out.

The magic of Vit C happens when usable amounts actually get absorbed into the bloodstream and can be utilized.

>3rd world country
Is this another timeline jump?
Thank you so much, information like this comes a dime a dozen , keep up the excellent work user.

I had to go check but it's D3, not D2

fake industry scam since d2 is not absorbed by humans. fake industry scam since beta carotin is not retinoic acid, which is the only form of vitamins humans can utilize. there is no real natural retinoic acid supplement on the market

how so?

>he won't post a pic
LARP confirmed

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D3, in sublingual olive oil or gel caps in oil. Maybe with some K2 or other form of vitamin K

I wish liposomal wasn't so damn expensive, it's £40 for 30 sachets on Amazon which is effectively £1.30 per gram. It's very effective though.

there is no real natural d3 in vitamin supplement form. real d3 comes from raw animal products or is produced by your skin in the sun. all vitamin d supplements are created with UV radiation, which changes the structure of the real d3. There is no scientific study that proves any vitamin d supplement does anything, being present in the blood does not prove utilization by the human body.


Don’t buy shit that’s packaged in (((plastic))) packets. Buy the Pure Encapsulations in the glass jar. Or just make your own, extremely easy. Make sure to do the proper method using ethanol so that it actually creates liposomes, just blending up lecithin and vit c powder is shit tier

What about cod liver oil I'm told that's better
also how is the structure of the D3 any different?

Incredible how many dumb people on pol gobble up these kike scam products. Eat real food, get real vitamins. Imagine unironically thinking the healthy thing to do is to take pills..


D3 is usually harvested from sheeps lanolin and there is plenty of data on d3 supplements and people showing their blood work from labs to prove it.

You are more than welcome to not take it.

Vitamin C is necessary for production of immune cells. Most people have enough anyway, but if you don’t you’re immune system is weakened. So taking this ensures you can produce a proper immune response.

The dose is 5 of those packets per day unironically tho

Unless you’re growing real food yourself, the expensive “organic” shit you’re buying at the store is laughably void of nutrients, and thus supplementing is an alternative you dumb faggot

Black Elderberries have been proven to be an effective anti-viral
Sambucol was made by a viralogist

mercury kills flu?

No one is talking about taking pills, read the whole thread and inform yourself. Your advise of eating better and healthier is on point, but nowadays, as I've been saying, no one has any idea what vitamins are, and knowing how important they are to us can be the tide that turns a deadly virus into just a common flu.

I drink a few glasses of cranberry juice. I should get rid of sugar more but I haven’t been up for that yet

Perhaps add a half cup of ammonia and bleach too. Need to make sure to properly disinfect all of your pores.

I was posting about elderberry but it seemed to go unnoticed, I just gave up in the end. Likely the best intervention natural or otherwise and no one knows about it.

Just drink a fucking orage juice you mongrel.
Tastes better and its better for your health.

Stupid brainwashed faggots shoving this farmacos down their throat thinking they're so smart and prepared.

>a fucking orage juice
>orage juice

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>hurr you guys are stupid
Oh, so you don't know what you're talking about
thanks for letting me know
>No one is talking about taking pills
I was

Suppository is the way to go. Kinda like a coffee enema only instead of coffee, use Emrgen-C

retard you buy real animal products at a local farm, raw meat and raw dairy, raise your own chickens, now fucking kill yourself. lmfao responding to me talking about buying organic at a corporate store.... LOL! have fun buying food at walmart bud

go take your supplements, retard

fake and gay, the d3 structure is changed from UV

as long as it was produced without heat, you can buy raw fish liver oil but its more expensive.

D2 is lab made vitamin D (ergocalciferol) and vitamin D3 is cholecalciferol. They are not bioequivalent and should not be considered interchangeable. D2 is made in plants and fungus exposed to ultraviolet radiation, synthesized in laboratories. They have different molecular formulas. The changes in molecule structure in D2 makes the d2 not follow the same pathways and is not as effective as D3, and probably not effective at all.

You might be right, but without pre and post levels (taken at the same time of day, et cetera), all you have is a case study of 1 with poor data.

I mean, yes, you are, but that user mentioned pill like it was the pivotal point of this thread, which is not. We are talking about the effectiveness of supplements and vitamins in our human bodies, and how this information is rarely talked about. of course, I thank you for your contribution.

Some pretend doctors on here have claimed that elderberry is good for boosting your immune system, but once you get sick, to not take it because it might propel the cytokine storm that was mentioned into overdrive. I am not a real or pretend doctor, and have no way to verify this claim.
Personally, I am taking several different kids of vitamins (mixing up types of vitamins on different days to try and get all extra nutrients I might lack) and supplements at the moment (including elderberry) to do my best to boost up my immune system.
Another one is echinacea.

Liposomal & intravenous is best

Go back to r.eddit dumbfag

Dumbass. Buy ascorbic acid powder for $20 a kg. That works out to 2 cents a gram. Buying this expensive shit is a waste when you can get powder for practically nothing.

Coronavirus Cure Genera from last night, several threads were made with good info
Check it out.

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Vitamin C is basically as cheap as dirt or at least very nearly. There is no Vitamin C lobby to speak of. But there is a pharmaceutical lobby that has in interest in keep you in poor health so they can treat the symptoms and sell you expensive medication they control.
Companies like Teva in Israel is one example.
Just titrate up till you find you have loose stools and then take the dosage down a bit and you have discovered the amount your body can make use of and use that dosage a few times a day.

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How do i make a 100% homemade Milk Kefir grains and a kombucha SCOBY ?
I wanna pump ump my immune system and gut flora but don't want pozzed chemical shit grain/scoby

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>not getting his medical/health advice from a Bhutanese Sand Painting forum.

The more you know...

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You'd have to be an idiot to believe that there's a miracle panacea.

I thought people were saying elderberry could help the virus kill you faster? cytokine storm I think

Ascorbic acid has a low absorption rate. Most of it is not used and it doesnt stay in blood long. Easier to end up getting the shits from it.

Ascorbate (sodium or calcium)

Tops 3 forms in order.

>We are talking about the effectiveness of supplements and vitamins in our human bodies,

There is zero effectiveness of processed synthetic vitamins. Literally has never been a study that proved any synthetic vitamin can be utilized by human beings. Blood count levels of synthetic vitamins does not prove that humans utilize in cellular functions.

chinese garbage probably full of heavy metals at worst, at best is just a plain white powder. idiot


I prefer to get my medical advice from pic related

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ok but I'm taking D3 not D2 do you not understand that

Leaf, go fuck yourself. Read the thread first and then go fuck yourself.

>he doesn't have a UVB lamp for making Vitamin D in his skin.

Will you even survive this?

Attached: Sperti_UVB_850nm.jpg (558x624, 166.57K)

>trust me bro

user the ascorbic acid is ascorbic acid and i doubt it would be possible to acquire the amount I am using from food alone

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I only brought it up because that other user is insisting the supplements don't work but in my experience (with vitamin D at least) they do


Lmao. Maybe in europe you have oranges and kiwi everyday. I really don't think the average person in the UK gets enough vitamin c in a day.

no proof that any pharma synthetic vitamin works

buy raw milk at a farm and use raw honey to ferment it, the best way to make natural kefir

>taking scam pills
>thinking taking any pill is healthy


elderberry is a huge boomer meme. the new boomer meme is beets because of the sugar industry.

It's not about being cheap, it's about trusting this called "vitamins" when you can get everything and more with the real fucking fruit, for the same or even cheaper, and absolutely more enjoyable.

Idk man, I think for the American brain eating a damn fruit it's like poison, they prefer the good goy packed solution always.

Hope Corona wipe that shithole away.

>he doesn't have a UVB lamp for making Vitamin D in his skin.
no I'm a pleb and just have my supplements, which unfortunately contain goybean oil

Wrong info fag. You mean ascorbate is preferred. Higher bioavailability

Just go outside lol

just raw milk and honey in a glass bottle ?
for how long ? i put it on my kitchen counter or in the fridge

I take every 2 day pic related, and if the corona will be more serious I will take every day

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I live in Florida user and eat a ton of fruit but the amount of Vitamin C that your body can make use when sick, think 50-100 grams/day in some cases would be impossible to source from food alone.

>no colloidal silver
>no ashwagandha
>no iodine

enjoy getting the wu flu.

And a lot of Clementines

Fruit is nothing. Upgrade to spinach and brocolli and other superfoods.

Your skin looks so amazing after eating it. It's like eating poison at first after adapting from a standard american diet (foods producing glucose are very addictive), but after a few days you develop cravings for superfoods and stop wanting cheetos.

It's only like an extra 10 dollars a week to eat right, and I think it's one of the most valuable things ya can do for mental health.

I can't read foreskin runes (I'm joking but. can't really understand what that package says, or what it is)

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This and only this

Take kiwi too it's full of vit C

yes mix the milk with the honey, it has to be both raw though. put a coffee filter over it and keep it in a warm dark place like a kitchen cabinet, wait until its slightly thickened and has a nice smell

jewish internet supplement defense force

the only vit c you get is from the real food you eat sorry to break it to you lmao

I am a lazy faggot

>Upgrade to spinach and brocolli and other superfoods.

Enjoy your oxalates and eventual kidney stones. Leafy greens are literal poison. You've been memed hard by the plant industry

No I'm going to stop taking it and get cod liver oil instead

the Component are written in English as well and on the left side it's the dose in mg

I like sun gold kiwi from new zealand, but I think now it's not the season
It's made in USA by softgels technologies

High doses of vitamin c produces hydrogen peroxide which we all know is excellent at killing viruses. Many studies confirm this.

Thanks will try. It will make grains or just thick probiotic milk ? got a YT vid on this ?
I found some in my local supermarket so you must have some too i think. iirc Red bell pepper are good too + of course Jaffa oranges

I am Mexican and I know about it.
what is your excuse, Yas Forumsanons?

also use:
Loin's Mane Mushrooms
Turkey Tail Mushrooms

Also, you want to scare yourself? Study up on the Spanish Flu. 1,2,3 waves and this shit would kill you in hours.

you're fucked

you do realise 80% of your immune system is reliant on the good bacteria in your gut surviving? not to mention your small intestine can't produce serotonin without them either.

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i recommend the Rosita brand. there are a couple decent raw liver oil brands though.

still a fake product


theres a lot of recipes on google. yes it creates starters

*serotonin which you need in conjunction with dopamine to stave off depression (a biological condition, not psychological)

No one wants to post in these gay spam threads

Thx a lot man
Do you know what's the shelf life of the starters ?

>Rosita brand
I just searched it on jewgle why does it have to be so expensive

It prevents illness it doesn’t cure it

Are you an alcoholic? Serious question.

>unless im smoking
2020 still smoking...

Who the fuck do you think pays for those refunds? Amazon? Nope they charge the seller who listed it. Why should they get bent over and fucked in the ass because you are too busy dilating to check on the package.

because it takes a lot of fishes to make it, since it's just the liver oil and not simple fish oil and they do cold extraction methods without adding stuff in. a lot of the cheaper liver oils are extremely adulterated. if you eat a good diet one bottle should last you 2 months.

np. not sure of shelf life but i know it can be reused quite a few times

Sugar competes with vitC

all information is wrong

?*takes emergen-c*
mmmm!! i feel good enough to give evewy user kisses!!! >///<
>*kisses all of you* mwuuuuuah~!
mffff~ s-so soffftttt ;///;

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What the fuck?

isnt vitamin C supposed to PREVENT illness? It doesnt fucking magically cure it

You niggers need to eat some raw garlic and ginger. Enjoy never getting sick. You're welcome .

>Leafy greens are literal poison
tell that to my 95 year old granda who raised us on grocery bags full of home grown swiss chard and vinegar. nothing better than steamed greens with butter and vinegar, energy + B vitamins for the immune system

all this does is produce an anti biotic response. anti biotics like raw garlic and ginger destroy your gut bateria. literally as bad as taking anti biotic medication

no one cares, faggot. everyone knows old people who smoke 3 packs a day and lives to be 100.

This reaction made me lol. You must be a newfag.

Also youre a full on mongoloid if you believe the vitamin c shit is anything but placebo quackery

Retards have been spouting that shit for years and it was just as dumb to anyone with above nigger IQ back then

>muh pappy did w x y that means z is good for u!

the average person would have kidney stones from eating leafy greens in large amount.

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>says greens are bad
>i say their not
>ree nobody cares

no they wouldn't. unless our whole family are mutants

are you arguing with yourself now dumb fucking leaf?

Yes goyim eat the healthy leafy greens, we are herbivores, etc, etc onions is good for you, vegetables totally arent man made creations never eaten by humans in nature.

in reality, most people who say "my family is super healthy" "muh family genetics are great on the standard diet" tier shit are delusional to the state of their health. no, you aren't healthy

Lmao this is your brain on american education and obesity

>Haha retard you wanna see a picture of a shirtless dude haha I just browse Yas Forums all day nothing but shirtless dudes who I post my body for haha you're such a faggot

Mutt's law in gay. You burgers never fail to provide

lmao you're retarded. greens are delicious and healthy. not my fault if you're fat and prone to kidney stones.

Best thing I've read today

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Retarded and delutional

Refined sugar increases bodies need for vitamin c

Poor user, he doesn't realize he's already on the list of PPL that 'won't make it' past the second month

Its used by your immune system and your immune system prevents and cures

>you're wrong because i'm an exception to the rule
>pay attention to me

B complex multivitamin /leafy greens are a great way to fight winter blues, lack of energy and cloudy thoughts and depressive feelings as a result. I'm prescribing you 1x dose (2-3 cups steamed) of swiss chard, report back in 2 weeks to see if we need to adjust your dose.

Yea sniffing powdered acid is amazing. Kicks like a fucking mule and those membranes probably won't even grow back lol

Or if you put tablets in butt.

B vitamins are animal vitamins, not found in plants. All synthetic b vitamin pills are fake scams. All you're doing is eating indigestible plant fiber.

>trading coronavirus for kidney stones

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Magnesium takes a few days to kick in tablet form. They spray works in second as its absorbed through the skin. You can feel the effects immediately. /pol take the mag spray pill

Attached: magnesium-oil-goodnight-spray-100-ml_1_g.jpg (231x512, 21.98K)

But corona is not related to influenza.

caps suck, take omega 3s with a spoon

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Fucking based. I've been using those packets for ages every time I got sick, works like a charm. Even made my throat less sore. I like the red packets when I get tired of regular orange.

The year I took that stuff regularly to prevent a flu, I got sick twice and I rarely get sick. I thought I was being extra preventative.

I'll take it with a fork, you can't tell me what to do

>cancer in pill form
It's even written that the FDA didn't test it

Fellow boricua, stay safe!

You need real LIPOSOMAL vit. C retards to increase it in plasma, standart vit C is useless. And if you are sick minimum 10 grams daily.

Dont forget to check out /CCG/
China and South Korea are treating infected patients with high doses of Vitamin C and D and SK is also giving their doctors 200k IU of Vitamin D. Both reporting success.

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Lady in this vid snorts Sodium Ascorbate.

OP. the news is paid for by Pharmaceutical Companies.

You cant patent Vitamin C and it cuts into their profits BIGTIME. They Hate Vitamin C.

already take it to decalcify my pores and help regrow my bald spot
Is there a danger in magnesium exces ? or i will piss out the exces ?

Hot damn you weren't kidding



Ya I use this too when I get sick, but damn it's not cheap.

I literally have been doing this for years.
>feel sick
>take 5000 mg vitamin c a day
>everything gone in 3 days.


it's the jew

It does cures you, alleviate symptoms and fortifies your auto immune system.

>Also youre a full on mongoloid if you believe the vitamin c shit is anything but placebo quackery

>no one knows what vitamins are, bro

maybe in your backwater forgotten favela, Juan Pablo. ffs we should just sell Puerto Rico to the fucking dutch or something


Except Guinea pigs which is why we test on them.


>Two controlled trials found a statistically significant dose–response, for the duration of common cold symptoms, with up to 6–8 g/day of vitamin C. Thus, the negative findings of some therapeutic common cold studies might be explained by the low doses of 3–4 g/day of vitamin C

People who think Vit C is bullshit just aren't taking enough. You need to take EPIC doses, regularly so your entire body becomes virucidal.

It won't hurt anything, you won't die, you won't get kidney stones for doing this for a few days and it's cheap. You have literally nothing to lose.

Vitamin C is made from Glucose and its an Antioxidant. Its one of the most Crucial Antioxidants in our body.

Its also used as a cofactor for many processes in the body.

But you cannot understand its Antioxidant power. And most of you are so dumb you dont understand Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress. You dont know about Electron Flow and how Pro-Oxidants steal electrons from all your cells and how Antioxidants like Vit C donate electrons stopping free radical damage.

You also dont understand how much disease is cause by this Oxidative damage to your cells. Or how much free radicals are produced by a Virus.

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Pharmaceutical research at one time indicated that high dosage intravenous vitamin C is incredibly effective at combating viral infections
There was a lot of hype behind it, right up until the company funding the research was told the process couldn't be patented

3 days is usually how long colds last though. When I do the Vit C megadose everything is better the next day.

drink a lot water if u taking more than 1 gram of it every day to avoid kidney stones

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Stop repeating the stupid kidney stone shill myth the Jews started.

Linus Pauling debunked it.

>2. No one eats healthy, NO ONE. NO ONE knows about the benefits of vitamins, NO ONE.

Kek, they should make you an official US State m8. You've earned it by now..

I don't get it daily either, though I probably get a fair bit from fruit, veg & juice.. But I'm also not the person buying vitamin supplements.. It baffles me that so many people apparantly care enough to buy pills, but don't care about the fruit&vegetable aisle, or even care for basic nutritional knowledge.

Why do pretty girls always get such retarded tattoos?

Sí pa'. Me quedo en el bunker de mi casa.

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But what vitamin C to get? Just ascorbic acid? I have heard some stuff about it not being the whole molecule or whatever.

Won't cure the rectal bleeding bro.

The chad Vitamin C user vs the virgin ibuprofen user

The chad vitamin C user:
>has confidence in his body to fight off the infection
>use vitamin C only to boost their body’s natural defence mechanism
>goes through fever like a pro
>needs no vaccines
>rarely gets sick
>knows diet is very important
>treats his body like a temple and with utmost respect

The virgin ibuprofen user:

>hates his body
>doesn’t trust his immune system
>takes ibuprofen because he can’t handle the pain
>doesn’t realize it lowers body temperature and fever is important to fight off viral infections
>believe the Jew vaccine science
>treats his body like a garbage bin

what about diffrent kinds of vit C?
maybe some cause kidney stones while the others dont?

That works? Asking for a friend...


Go be a real wizard then tell me what to do.

Uh.. you forgot Guac.
- Jeb!