A genuine question about National socialism

>socialism is about helping your fellow neighbor
>99% of them are degenerates

How can you look at nigger lovers, leftists, jews, trannies and say with confidence that you want to help them through socialism?

Most people in the world reject the nazi message, which is literally about helping them and lowering crime, you can't force people to be helped

And no, its not the propaganda's fault they're like this, despite how well nazi Germany was doing Hitler still had to create propaganda, but why's this?

Easy, most people are sheep, and I'm not going to force help a bunch of sheep

And that is why ancap is the only way, there's two different types of whites, the 99% slightly above niggers and the 1% who actually know about their culture whites, they are the true superiors

In an ancap society, they can flourish and live in their own community with niggers and kike's being banned, while the rest of the "whites" can enjoy their diversity

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It is only socialist in name. Look at it’s actions.

National Socialism is literally about helping your race, that's the only reason it was created

It only really works when the population is 100% white but even then, do people really want to be forced to work or forced into some shitty conflict?

>physical removal

Pick one

Most people just live and die, that's it, none of this deep race 'connection' bullshit

I'll never say white people are as bad as niggers but they're not special

If you own the property they're on, then they were the aggressors and can be removed

National Socialism is the idea of collective struggle and self-sacrifice for the Volk to survive and flourish, but the government or the Volk itself can kick people out, race-mixers, degenerates, traitors etc.
I think if a genuine nazi or proto-nazi system takes power, a huge majority will see the true worth of Volksgemeinschaft and celebrating your civilization very quickly (again).

Think how extremely different people's viewpoints are from just 50 years ago, it can change very quickly.

Does this imply using of propaganda and force? Yes.
But ancap does this as well and if you say it doesn't you are a lying sack of shit. 99.9% of people aren't anarchists, let alone anarcho-capitalists, why would they participate in an ancap project?

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>and self-sacrifice for the Volk
You self sacrificed for corporations the same way you do now. There is literally no difference, same people make all the money while you work some forced shitjob with no way out and some boomer tells you to deal with it.

It's not about if they want to be in an ancap society or not, its that an ancap society is the only society where its essence makes sense

National Socialist's philosophy is that, we as a race are superior so should collectivize

The fact that you need to collectivize shows that you're not superior, just that you're a piece of meat used to shield others in war from gunshots

A real superior should thrive in ancap society, the very message that you're trying to get across of your superiority is undermined by your own philosophy stating that collectivization is needed

>do people really want to be forced to work or forced into some shitty conflict?
Of course not, but what if people wanted to work and fight for their country because it would improve their lives?

But the fact we're not doing this now shows that they don't want to

Saying "all people want this" while we're not doing it disproves your argument

>but what if people wanted to work and fight for their country because it would improve their lives?
It doesnt improve their life that much and as we can see in history it really didnt accomplish much.

>>but what if people wanted to work and fight for their country because it would improve their lives?
>It doesnt improve their life that much and as we can see in history it really didnt accomplish much.

Oh, so you really think a person with a home and family wouldn't want to defend it from a hostile foreign nation? Are you to tell me that's why wars have never been fought over? Are you telling me that world war 2 had no such spirit in it? Are you of the opinion that it is more realistic to be a cucked serf who shifts his lords at a whim who owns no property and has no family?

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>Saying "all people want this" while we're not doing it disproves your argument

Okay, I'd advise you to ask ethnic white brits living in urban settlements with high arab populations and ask who they are voting for and why.

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>niggers are raping little white girls everyday
Obviously they don't give a shit, just sheep


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Ancap is just an ethnostate but with actual white people

The right has failed to collectivize all over the west, and now they're getting trampled by third world hordes, social justice fanatics, Jews, and even have to let their kids get put on hormones and chop their dicks off.

This hyper-individualism is gay bullshit. Go tell any group with power that they're weak because they're a collective group and they'll laugh at you. You're a stupid faggot.

Are you serious memeflag? I thought 'all' white people were so concerned about their race that they'd march and kill Arabs on the streets, not 'vote'

>Are you serious memeflag? I thought 'all' white people were so concerned about their race that they'd march and kill Arabs on the streets, not 'vote'
You absolute cumbrained idiot, read history how the pendulum swings. Why do you think multculturalism is even a thing today despite europe being a very ethnocentric continent in the 18th century?

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>National Socialist's philosophy is that, we as a race are superior so should collectivize
I don't think you actually need a believe in racial superiority for a national socialist state, just a strong affection to your people and civilization. But ok, for the sake of argument, I accept that.

>The fact that you need to collectivize shows that you're not superior
that's the point that is not a logical conclusion at all. Of course a collective is stronger than one individual? Cooperation in achieving a goal is obviously better than hard individualism. Do you build a house alone or in a group?
And national socialism sees a (if not THE) moral core in the strengthening of the Volk itself, not just the individual. If you want to strengthen the Volk, you help the homeless Volksgenosse, the one who is hungry or sick, so that he can do his part eventually. It's a support network.

I think the fundamental misunderstanding is that individualists don't accept that a collective has moral relevance at all, not your one individual. This a deeply philosophical question/problem that is debated for centuries now. We won't solve it here. I am convinced that it does, you don't believe that.

>Thinks everybody will be able to see the light, doesn't take into consideration of human emotional cycle

Okay mr cumbrain, when and why did you start hating niggers, was it gradual? was it a boom? Why did you start hating niggers, how long was the process, did you live modestly before? What bad end of the stick did you experience first hand?

But user, aren't white people gods? I thought they were so intellectual that they could thrive in capitalist society where you need to think

But no, you're saying that they need the state to provide them with everything

I'm not saying the collective is weak, but I am saying that the only reason anything collectivizes is because its weak on its own, hence, most white people

>Of course a collective is stronger than one individual?
so why limit yourself by race? aren't you implying that multicultural globohomo is superior as it works toward a bigger, thus stronger collective?

firstly, didn't argue against my point but okay

Um, maybe because people are sheep, what I'm literally arguing? The other races come and they switch because they're sheep

You should be arguing that white people aren't sheep, but you've proved yourself wrong as Europe was an ethnostate in the 18th century, but for some reason, your god like whites gave that all up?

Socialism is about stealing from people who work and pretending to give it to people who dont but actually giving it to the rich.

All that I'm saying my German friend, look around, none of your people are walking around in culturally German clothes and talking about the deep philosophy of Kant or Hegel

Look at a very publicized time in my country's history, the victorian era

Of course there were men walking around in top hats and fair ladies walking around talking about how much they loved watching that Shakespeare play, but that wants all of the population, that was the 1%

Our country's culture is created, and practiced by an extremely small minority of our countries, most people are just self centered filth who just want to fuck everyone else over, not highly intelligent cultural gods

I'm not doubting that the collective is stronger then the individual, but the people in this collective are literally killing themselves, screaming at us to stop cleaning their streets, and then when finally stoping them from hanging they jump off the cliff

People don't want to celebrate their culture and heritage, they just want to be filth

The bong is right , a redpill a lot of polaks are not ready to swallow

NatSoc is a forced meme spread by jews using race to get you back into the system - the system ((( they ))) own, so their media will protect them from any holocaust danger. Thats why they spam "muh white race" to get you involved in a jew ZOG system

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>firstly, didn't argue against my point but okay

>Are you serious memeflag? I thought 'all' white people were so concerned about their race that they'd march and kill Arabs on the streets, not 'vote'

>Um, maybe because people are sheep, what I'm literally arguing? The other races come and they switch because they're sheep

>You should be arguing that white people aren't sheep, but you've proved yourself wrong as Europe was an ethnostate in the 18th century, but for some reason, your god like whites gave that all up?

Cumbrained slide shill detected. Learn basic human psychology of how humans come to terms with acceptance. Post pic of hand for futher discussion.

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>But user, aren't white people gods? I thought they were so intellectual that they could thrive in capitalist society where you need to think

Who said that? I never said that. Definitely no Gods, but certainly the most potentially capable group of people when they remain homogeneous.

>But no, you're saying that they need the state to provide them with everything

No, help each other help themselves.

>I'm not saying the collective is weak, but I am saying that the only reason anything collectivizes is because its weak on its own, hence, most white people

Then your idea of what is weak doesn't really matter. Go ahead and pretend to be the big man, rugged individual on the hill all by himself while others collectivize and take over.

What are you talking about 'tree hugger'?

You must accept rationalism, the belief that knowledge is innate, over empiricism, knowledge is taught through the senses or you'd have to accept that niggers can learn to be as smart as whites

Whites should already know that they're superior, that's what you argue the jewish propaganda has made us think different, no "emotional cycle"

The fact that not every whites thinks he's superior proves that not every person is the glorious white person in your head, as if they're superior thoughts can be easily turned off through propaganda then they were never superior as they never question

Remember, philosophy, one of the things that is SO white? And one of its main components is questioning without emotion? Well if most whites can't do the questioning and prefer the propaganda, then maybe they were never your 'white' in the first place

Based Aussie

God, look at you, can't disprove me so you're praying to god that I'm white so at least you didn't get outsmarted by a nigger

Imagine if I was, that would be one way to disprove you on your 'superiority'

interesting question.
>so why limit yourself by race?
I would call it Volk or ethnic group, but ok.

>aren't you implying that multicultural globohomo is superior as it works toward a bigger, thus stronger collective?
the point isn't to just create THE strongest collective possible (and even if, that wouldn't be the way, I strongly expect), but to preserve your people and culture and to make them the best people possible: As healthy, as productive, as inventive as possible.

The biggest mistake they made in the 30s and 40s was the attempt to colonize and subjugate other peoples as an additional way to benefit their respective people. I have no interest in that, and it was obviously completely contra-productive: It just led to ruin and misery and destroyed so much: Art, architecture, historical treasures.

>firstly, didn't argue against my point but okay


>God, look at you, can't disprove me so you're praying to god that I'm white so at least you didn't get outsmarted by a nigger. Imagine if I was, that would be one way to disprove you on your 'superiority'

Post picture of your hand to show that I'm wrong.

You're talking with a nigger.

Because in a properly racially collective society we shame those people and give them nothing.

I see, yes that's a valid critique.

In my personal experience, coming from the Alpine region of Bavaria, a true native culture still exists there (now I was forced to move to a big city, I just want back). we have our fairs and rituals, our cultural clothings, our music etc. and those regions are still 95+% German. And I must tell you, it's a dream. It's paradise. It's as close to the Volksgemeinschaft I envision as it gets nowadays. You can't imagine how different, how fulfilling life in a proud and homogeneous culture actually is.

There is a difference between the high culture you described (discussing Kant for example) which is mostly practiced by the elite, that's true, and the culture of everyday life, but they both are part of the larger culture of a civilization and they overlap.

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>t brainlet who hasn’t studied national socialism

Um, have you read my other replies, I've never said that getting rid of the collective is bad? What I'm saying is that collectivizing a whole country, which is what socialism is, means that you're weak on your own

Business is collectivization, but when you set up a business you don't go around looking for your local alcoholic and sign him up

Collectivizing a whole country is basically saying that all whites are these amazing people, when in reality, most whites not only reject your help, they love and will never give up their degeneracy

>PoSt ReAl fLag

wow, imagine getting outsmarted a nigger, anyway, I thought you were so right that it would be easy to disprove me

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I'd still argue that these people are "rich" though, just not outright

People who live in the countryside and aren't farmers have to be rich or they couldn't afford to live there

People who live in the suburbs are usually rich too, as they have long commutes to work

The place where culture is dead is the city, where most poor people live in those lifeless towers

I get where you're coming from, but its all fantasy imo. Big government and collectives are horrible at doing those things. Peoples and cultures are things defined defacto by what they are rather than a set of government guidelines to be applied onto people in order to define them.
>the point isn't to just create THE strongest collective possible
but strength is power which can translate into things like health, productivity and research.

Hitler's socialism was racial socialism not class socialism. socialising the people for Hitler was removing all non Aryans. national socialism is still a stat run economy, it still believes in shrinking markets and it's still the workers seizing the means of production. fucking brainlets.

>free healthcare

>self-sacrifice for the Volk
So take from the rich and give to the poor, no different than Bernie Sanders.

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Lets rephrase that, take it from the hardworking and giving It to the lazy

I'll tell you what fren, some of these socialists probably do support Bernie

You only got free shit in Natsoc Germany if you were a war hero or some form of noble hero of the people.


>but its all fantasy imo.
Sad, but true. For me, it's only a thought experiment of an idealized philosophy at this point. I must live with the decline and death of my civilization.

>but strength is power which can translate into things like health, productivity and research.
true. It must have guidelines, like, for example, I said that I would never even consider colonization.

Nazism and fascism were never fans of full-on capitalism. I personally would favor a form of social market economy pretty similar to what we have right now here in Germany. It's a very good system, that got fucked over by low birth rates and most of all mass-migration.

still socialism, commies.

Very respectable German, I must say

thank you.

A couple years ago I moved from a multicultural urban shithole to a small village of my kin. Not sure what I was expecting but it was somewhat disheartening to realize they didn't give a shit about lineage, race, history or culture. To them its all about being local vs outsider and "what can you do for me" attitude. A real eye-opener to say the least.
They say blood is thicker than water but that don't mean shit when your thirsty, apparently.

Socialism is only bad when it denies a person's growth. You give free shit for the hell of it a person will never be self-respecting or a model of and for the people. When a person does heroic deeds they are rewarded for their efforts as the should be. This encourages people to get off their ass and do something.

ok, I can see that. I guess Southern Bavaria is way more conservative and proud than any village in Canada but this phenomenon:
>To them its all about being local vs outsider
is familiar to me as well. Especially among the really old.

that's capitalism retard what do you think money is? god why are all socialists fucking stupid?

There you go, it's not socialism. Next.

>the stupidity of that statement

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>Most people in the world reject the nazi message
I wouldn't say this is entirely true, most simply have a twisted perspective on it thanks to post-war allied propaganda.

America had extreme anti communism propaganda yet look at the youth now

You should believe a philosophy because you think its right, not because of propaganda, so everyone would suddenly become a nazi if Germany won, through propaganda

I don't want to share my money with sheep

jesus fuck OP what don't you get about NATIONAL socialism. you help your folk, not niggers and leftists and kikes and trannies you fucking newfag.

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It's easy to loathe lemmings for their apathy, I know, but we can't get rid of them, that's just not going to happen in any society. They're a valuable resource if nothing else, think of it that way.

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OP if you were such a follower and were actually not such a low self confidence faggot you could take an non biased and non ENDOCTRINATED view of what National Socialism is. its not some evil monster hate shit, it is what it is and you can see for yourself what it stands for and how it views a nation and what it should be and function.
when you do that, you can easily see why national socialism is a very good system and compared to the fucking joke of a system we live under that makes our lives worse you would see why so many people would rather live in a true nation under National Socialism.
it is just a way better way to live in a society, safer, more united and more joyous. Its FREEDOM. its beauty. its natural.

>I don't want to share my money with sheep
believe me, I can understand that viewpoint as well.

How do you think ancap will or could happen and how will it play out? Or is it also just a dream? And why full ancap and not a kind of minarchism?

The trade-off of "not paying taxes" for anarchism seems pretty bad to me. I think anarchism is very dangerous and would lead to warlordism or a plutocracy. Am I wrong?

>German in Nazi Germany
Aw thanks Hitler, now I can be a useless fuck but get free stuff with it too

Just because white people are better then niggers doesn't mean white people are these holy people, most of them are just above niggers

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>National Socialism is literally about helping your race,
>It only really works when the population is 100% white
German education

>Aw thanks Hitler, now I can be a useless fuck but get free stuff with it too
Nope, you can't, you'd be sent to a work camp lol

It's pretty much socialism but its okay because its white people who are getting the benefits

Ever seen a McDonalds worker? I've got a feeling they're not on the same level of Socrates

I totally agree, I just say im ancap because a lot of people don't know what minarchism is

My dream system would be a 1% tax on just income, that's all, and that would go to the king of the minarchist government, to pay for things such as: defense only army, police and courts

Of course, these people would be stripped of the things they usually do (for example, drug busting for the police) as there are so little laws

The laws will mostly consist of Kantian ethics that relate to business and making things move on

For example, if everyone killed each other, business couldn't happen, so therefore murder is illegal

And the idea of the King is that. as the philosophy is passed from father to son, hopefully he'd keep his father's philosophy and keep it a minarchist state, yet, he'd act more like a CEO then a king, especially what he wore

My biggest problem with libertarianism is that people have the freedom to make the country not libertarian, so the only way power we have to take away is political power so it can stay libertarian

Ah, so national socialism is slavery? I don't know man, I got feeling being told constantly that its "helping" your race and being forced to work long hours will keep the workers calm

>My biggest problem with libertarianism is that people have the freedom to make the country not libertarian
Yeah, that's why I always found hilarious in libertarian movements, they are almost always pro-open borders, so they let people in that would never vote libertarian.

So you'd rather see unemployable addicts, bums/misanthropes and mentally ill people, who will exist in pretty much every society, just starving to death in the streets in your society, rather than have them sent to a labour camp where they could actually be of some use to you and your society? Come on now, that doesn't sound like a very nice place to live at all, but I don't know, maybe stepping over rotting corpses in the shit-smeared streets of your hypothetical society sounds comfy to you.

Yeah, this whole thread was pretty much me arguing that people are sheep, so if we had democracy in a libertarian nation, all it takes is one propaganda socialist to change the country

Excuse me buddy, I've actually bought my own couple of acres of land to start my own only white housing estate, so I keep the niggers and plebs out

Also, I don't know how you're going to force people to work, when every worker in this nazi nation will know that if he goes one step out of line he's going to the work camp

Look up the Soviet Union, it works when you want every Russian to die, but not when you want to create a utopia

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>I don't know how you're going to force people to work, when every worker in this nazi nation will know that if he goes one step out of line he's going to the work camp
Excuse me, what? What do you think they'd be doing in the WORK camp? Working. Life outside of the work camp was better than being inside, so there's the incentive to actually find a decent job and be a law abiding citizen of the nation who contributes to society.
>Look up the Soviet Union
Look up the third reich from 1933-1939. Probably the closest any state has ever got to being a real utopia.

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Get your disgusting commie language out of my country.

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Well, you know, people riot and stuff

Just look at the slaves in Haiti, they found a leader, and rebelled, easy

What your describing is a dream, not something that can actually happen

The only way this state could work would be if humans weren't humans anymore

If you only let these 'perfect' whites be free, you're going to find yourself with a country that has the same population as the Vatican

>Well, you know, people riot and stuff
Didn't happen much at all in the third reich.
>What your describing is a dream, not something that can actually happen
It did happen though. Read the picture I posted, it's written by someone who lived in the reich. It worked.

>If you only let these 'perfect' whites be free
You didn't need to be perfect. Just don't be a fucking bum/mentally ill/gay/jewish/a criminal lol.