Los Angeles declares state of emergency

Los Angeles declares state of emergency.

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I'm rooting for absolute pandemic levels.

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what does that even mean? how will saying "state of emergency" do anything to prevent a virus from ripping through their third world populations

It just asking for free GIBS from the federal government.

The more dead the better and the more dead California trash is perfect


*yawn* call me when it's a state thats has a consituency who regularly bathes

it's a gun grab, isn't it

>be California
>middle class leaving
>no one to tax to support entitlements
>declare state of emergency
>receive Schumers 8.5 billion in emergency funds
>stay solvent until after 2020 election

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My Childs worthless video game playing father left, we have no social safety net and you people are seemingly fine with tearing our society apart, shame on all of you. My child is half black and you have no idea the terror I live every day

Its just go get the gibs from the federal government for when shit hits the fan.

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It unlocks the state Emergency Funds and opens up FEMA bucks which the homeless tent cities would desperately need. Pandemic or not.

this has to be bait

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You did it to yourself. Fuck you and your niglet.

Your situation is hilarious and I'm laughing at you.

Maybe all the immigrants from all over the world that come to California to work and live should play it safe and go back to their respective nations?

LA fucked
she said be ready for increased number of infeected
be ready for a scenario where the sick cant get to work

D-did you say FEMA?

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nice b8 dubz
I hope you both get eaten

forgot link
youtube com/watch?v=z66UeY90Dq8

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CA has hardly any cases and won't have many because of the dry sunny weather.

My wife has just started having cardiac health problems. She’s really scared. If she gets this shit I am fucked, big time.

haha you fucking coal burner

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I want the two sodoms to go belly up so we can retake this country peacefully

Fugg, black hole sun, wont you come, wash away the REIGN

No you’ll be fine, she’ll be dead fuckface.

Not trying to be mean, but maybe life insurance time?

About fucking time.

>what is air conditioning

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>My child is half black
The equivalent to baiting a hook and accidentally hooking yourself.

Dry and sunny, not Arid and Hot

Based ID friendo

>27 infected in california


Coronachan will solve LA's homeless problem

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One day I hope to learn that the person making these virus waifus gets a virus.

That money was squandered a LONG time ago, now you're going to witness hedonistic democrats trying to scrape together millions of dollars that ARE NOT there in an effort to save face with the illiterate proles they robbed. Wew lad.

Well their goes their homeless problem, just as they wanted.

Ofc it’s bait


>declares state of emergency
Whats gonna happen?
Explain me Americanons.

time to pay the toll

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state of Jefferson user.

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10 feet higher!

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What the hell is wrong with you people?

Don’t worry about him, he’ll be safe playing games indoors. It’s pretty cool of you to worry about him still though, very mature attitude.

I heard that various agencies that no ones likely to have heard of are being activated.

Thank you, I was starting to think every single guy on here was just a immature little punk. I don't think they understand how hard it is to deal with real oppression every day.

She will be the fucked one

Meanwhile in L.A....

"How do we stop this this thing from spreading?"
"I know, lets call it racist... that always works."
"I liiiiike it....but no, I dont think it'll work this time."
"No, I'm thinking more along the lines of asking for consent before infecting, like with sex."
"You might be on to something there."

I hope L.A. burns to the ground.

Nice larp faggot.

>state that started the anti-vacs movement
>biggest state with the most entitled children aged 15-50
>last standing hippie state that still uses "hugs not drugs" slogan

Can you fucking imagine it? When the CDC quarantines a city the absolute backlash of spoiled fucks being told "no, you cannot leave"?

shits scary

Literally nothing. They might shut down k-12 schools but people will still be expected to work and do business as usual. Unless we get to Wuhan tier which honestly doesn’t seem too far off considering most of the country isn’t testing

lol they probably tripled premiums by now

then who will make a waifu of that virus?

Is San Diego safe? All my family is up north. Fuck fuck fuck

Fuck Los Angeles and California

Los Angeles isn't a state. Shouldn't it declare a city of emergency?

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I don't know how you sleep at night

By not dealing with and/or associating with coalburners with no good decision making abilities.


I don't speak nigger.

By the way you deserve the (you)s great bait senpai.

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Kek good to know they still have a sense of humor about it
If you go on pornhub and search coronavirus you'll have a kek

I know this is a nothingburger but I like watching normie panic. Nothing more comfy

wow it all plays out like predicted


that was the news i was tuning in for. whew!

You're fucked. Spread it to low IQ's

Wait. You mean to tell me people shitting in the streets is a problem? Then why aren't more Indians dying.

It really is superpoopower by 2020, isn't it?

Jews trying to tank the economy to fuck with Trump. S&P up over two percent tho

what games

Based poster fear the day when his half N-word American child inevitably half murders and rapes him then half sets him on rire


your sir are a genius

Good. LA needs a good cleansing

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the fucking swap meet. wow.

Just a flu bro

LA and Washington most affected. Really makes me think. Swamp. Drain.

Will this trigger mass looting for supplies? I mean they can steal under $1,000 and it's a misdemeanor crime, right?

4 Ounces Jack Daniel
Mint Herbal Tea
Spoonful of honey
Lemon Juice (1 Lemon)

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LA here
they don't have enough cops. no one will leave LA because the roads will be congested for miles after the first daily three accidents are never cleared. That and the homeless, plus various gangs all over (armo spic chink) itll be a fucking blood bath as the cops will defect asap.

Seriously?? The times they are’a changin.

Gee I wonder why?
>8000 (EIGHT THOUSAND) cases

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if it gets that bad it won't be police, national guard will be called

we can only hope it sweeps through the homeless and unsanitary conditions, then cali will round them up to be put in camps, antifa weirdo types will bust people out of camps, antifa jerk offs will get sick or shot. pandemic spreads, our girl keeps it going

They wont cover her if she has a deadly illness

a flu just flew over my house !

>8000 cases
potential cases, no it isn't the same, but still a fraction of those will be actually infected, which might result in a good ammount of cases added

The future you chose lol

give us your emergency funds naowww drummppfff >:|

they spent billions on a fake high speed train and greased the wheels to all their contractor and enviro buddies

Nigger lover

>Nigger lover
nigger enabler, you mean

Can any romanians here translate this.
He's antifa and he mentions Yas Forums.


national guard has that many hazmat suits? LA riots with a virus? everyone kin flu fighting? nah its gonna be hell. kek em.

Blumph loses election and is sued for lying about amount of cases and severity.

Globoschlomo stunt trying to tank market to embarrass Trump. Meanwhile S&P up almost 3% on the day better luck next time moshe

Good I hope it gets wiped out

Seriously, you too? A flu just flew over the flue on my house!

So you expect a social safety net in this world because youre a woman. YOUR SITUATION IS ALWAYS YOUR FAULT.


Hoping this is the case. Was initially disappointed that winter was ending early this year and snowboarding season was already done, guess it has its upside if virus can't do sunny, hot places.

Look at all the faggots responding to this as though it isn't obvious bait. Jfc, Yas Forums is like a Russian doll of LARPing.

>Los Angeles declares state of emergency.
is OJ on the loose again?

The homeless population will make this whole thing 100x worse than it would normally be.
Expect west coast to be hit much harder than anywhere else in the country.

the rolling isolations are going to do more damage than the flu

>The homeless population will make this whole thing 100x worse than it would normally be.
This. I live in Portland and we're completely fucked. At least LA has warm weather to help suppress it. Seattle and PDX are going to be ground Zero

>Los Angeles declares state of emergency.

It basically just unlocks more pots of government cash if they need it. They should have declared one once the homeless populations started contracting the plague. Zero fucks given you happening faggots.

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wtf is there actually a literal asian with a coof mask on bombing their shot? is this real?

WHO’s gonna clean up the virus infected a shit and piss all around that liberal hell hole of a state?

As far as I'm aware, blacks don't make a significant portion of LA's population anymore, they've been pushed out by latrinos.
I don't know how likely they are to riot, considering half of them are illegal. It's possible but untested so far.

why, people not being able to afford isolation, being fired, or...?

Of all the cities in CA, SD seems to have its shit in order the most. I would expect you guys to be effected the least.

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>World ends 5th March
Which time zone?


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All of them, faggot

You’re responsible for your own decisions.

My dick can only get so hard


Checked, wasted on bait



Checked,allot of dubz in this thread

They just want the federal money

You're a fucking retard, holy shit. Please leave this place and never come back.

Extremely extremely low IQ. Lowest of the low.

Where the sun shines first of course

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Um sweaty hating niggers is a very high iq past time

Fuck you!!!

Awwww, poor you! Didn't you know that 95% of relationships with a Black Male end in breakup, or worse? You're lucky to be alive, missy!

Shame about the half-breed. You should have been one of those Strong, Brave Women-who-don't-need-no man and "Pro-Choiced" your unborn spawn like a good feminist. :)


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I'm guessing you are a LITTLE DICK virgin

Kek has spoken checked

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good luck gojira-chan!


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>Los Angeles declares state of emergency.
it's just a fucking FLOO for FUCC's SAKE

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It lets them crush whitey and demand more tax dollars from the productive

Also exponentially increase surveillance and social/police control

Same in WA state. This is the leftist response to how well Trump is doing. Only way they can think of to stop him is releasing a bioweapon then panicking.

>Yes, there are as many theories about coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) as there are people talking about it. The reality is that I don't know the truth about what this virus really is or where it came from and neither do you.

>But there's something that we do know for sure regardless of where this virus came from or whether it even really exists. The hype and fear and panic and pandemonium surrounding this (supposed) outbreak is going to be far worse than the disease could ever be. Because, as I've been screaming about for over a decade now, a bioweapon attack (real or manmade, false flag or otherwise) is the perfect cover for a slew of agenda items on the globalist checklist. And the more the population panics, the more they play into the globalists' hands.

>Here are five items on The Powers That Shouldn't Be's wishlist that are being delivered on a silver platter as people scurry around panicking about coronavirus.


They're still be rioting cause of the cholos regular Latinos are unlikely to chimp out tho

Literally the entire city is controlled by women and Jews. They are fucked.

Would be funny if the federal government replied with "No, not till you cooperate with ICE, close borders, etc."

no lie, fuck noggers. i despise them all, and yall killed yourselves, it would better the country.

yall are the very reason this country is the piece of shit you live in. i can literally prove that niggers are the sole reason we cannot have anything nice, and that their lives are shit. you all, in your stupid self inportance and self rightousness continue to dig your own graves, while being too damn tipid of a group of people to realize that you are the reason everything sucks here.

i wish this country were peuged of all niggers, and that you all prove terribly fucking weak to corona, or something worse.

lord have mercy on us all, and put all the niggers in the ground, freeing us all from the shit world they bring about each and every day.

>burn the coal pay the toll.
I hope you and your little mutt suffer. This society will collapse and all you leeching faggots will die.

Wow! This bait caught a lot. I guess timing is everything.

Burn the coal......

the reality is roastie whores really post this kind of shit.
normally its west of cali oddly enough but many such cases.

Emily as Corona Chan? MOAR

Women are in charge. Los Angeles is fucked.

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goddamn that's world class gangster rap.

She should get a grammy for this. Catchy song.

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Neets don't have this problem. We are superior in almost every way