We NEED Venezuelan refugees

1. They’re white. During the Cuban revolution, most white Cubans fled for the United States while the black and brown ones stayed home. Venezuela is about 50/50 white European and mixed European and Indian.

2. They’re conservative and hate socialism. We need that more than ever

3. They’re beautiful. Venezuelan women have the most major beauty pageant wins in the world. High fertility rate too

Attached: 7F2BE0AF-298D-43C4-8171-D7672FC58748.jpg (1080x1080, 91.27K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>WTF I love immigration now.
But how do we only accept just the young hot ones looking for white daddies?

>2nd post
>Mutt’s Law already in effect
God bless America.


100% agree OP

Bring in all the Venezuelans here to the US, keep the Hondurans and Squatamalans out

White men are property of Latina women. We should be doing more to make sure Latinas are replacing white mothers.

Attached: 1577845230362.jpg (639x768, 106.69K)

>1.they're white


God damn. What kind of Latina is this?

1) no
2) no
3) no

I hate every latinx period. None are based. All have southron europe/muslim DNA mix. I hate their shittyass loud music I hate their inability to speak without shouting everything I hate their annoying in your face trying to be friendly. Anyone with drop of DNA from below danube need to stay in their containment continent. Take your twerkass loudspeakers somewhere far away from the wheat fields.

Attached: cat gun.jpg (768x1024, 55.44K)

> Venezuela is about 50/50 white European and mixed European and Indian.

I don't believe this.

Let's get the pictures going. 1 - 2 photos isn't enough, we need hundreds (for research purposes).

>1. They're white.

No. I worked in Venezuela for 3 years. Nobody looks like pic related.

Attached: 249572349875.jpg (1024x683, 247.01K)

>they're white
venezuela is literally the blackest Hispanic country in the world.

Go to Venezuela if you want to be around Venezuelans you filthy piece of shit. Or, kys.

what the fuck is wrong with you, faggot? even the PERUVIANS dont want them! they had to escort them at GUNPOINT and deport them. seriously KYS


had a friend of mine who had a venezuelan wife, her name was like jellybelly ore jabelly or jewbelly or something.

If all we imported were THICC Latinas and petite Asian women, the feminists would close all national borders over night. I say, lets make it happen.

We will accept as many castizo Venezuelan women as they want to send. Female children can also come. Men need to stay hime and rebuild their country.

What about Brazil?

Attached: 1538354327281.jpg (720x960, 64.37K)

Based Peruvians. Allow no escape for dissidents and make them accept socialism in their hearts.

>2. They’re conservative and hate socialism.

No. There is a diaspora in the US that hates socialism but the average person in Venezuela doesn't. They hate Maduro who they believe destroyed the beautiful socialist society that Chavez created. Given the chance they'd vote in another socialist in a heartbeat.

Attached: Cola-en-Maracaibo_05_05082016_DCB.jpg (1920x1080, 733.72K)

Attached: this.gif (300x186, 444.87K)

Bungabunga Sapiens

Plastic surgery model.

We have enough retarded socialist voters already.

The 20% white population of VZ hates socialism

why Yas Forums tards makes these fantasy threads about shit they dont know?

The ones worth a damn with marketable skills and conservative values already moved here when things were starting to get bad.
The ones we would get now ad worthless chavistas who think Maduro fucked everything up when in reality their politics have been retarded since the 50's.

We don't need more people.

Impossible to find one

>The 20% white population of VZ hates socialism

Almost nobody in Venezuela is White. Certainly not 20% of the population.

Attached: Cola-en-Maracaibo_06_05082016_DCB.jpg (1920x1080, 780.4K)

thats a man


Attached: 1476948933227.png (212x218, 83.41K)

Theres not a single person in this picture over 5,6

>they’re white
Yeah ok
Some are, not the majority

>they’re conservative
Then why did they fall for socialism time after time
Because they’re majority brown retard.
Brown people are mainly socialist

>They’re beautiful
Yeah, the white looking ones lol

YES, take them away, most of their woman here have aids anyway and even the chad in our group has decided to just fuck colombians anyway
You want mexican level criminals who behead and mutilate their victims while recording the whole thing?, sure, you can keep them
Even our criminals were posting in social media that if they see a venezuelan doing shady stuff they'll kill them quickly, because they finish the job quickly
Keep their stupid working mentality and laziness, they cant even perform well on simple jobs, having to be capacitated on how to cut fucking grass and nowadays not even begging for money works for them, my father hired a couple of them to work on our 6 ha (15 acre) terrain and keep it safe and 1 year later he did fucking nothing, it's a mess

An obese one


>Girls who are skinny and sexy from lack of over eating
>Fat brown beasts

Why is it always like this?

Attached: 1563832855847.jpg (853x1024, 207.3K)

The kind with plastic in its face and ass.

She looks like shit
White men are property of white women retard

We don't need any immigrants, let alone refugees, you stupid fucking nigger.

This is my kind of immigrant right here.

Attached: Karla-Spice-Lopez Venezuela.jpg (400x548, 80.68K)

kek, how fucking stupid, right now I have a venezuelan niggress talking with my bussines partner about how fucked she is for robbing a teenager last week, worst thing is that my country is filled with this subhuman scum.


>They’re conservative and hate socialism. We need that more than ever
only because they have no food in venezuela, once they get out of there they become the same gullible whores they were before

average instagram hoe, as long as you just want to fuck its alright, but they'll leave you after 2 weeks, maybe less

>Why are things I read on Yas Forums untrue?
Not sure who's behind the "BASED, WHITE" latinx meme though

You’re talking about Castizos which aren’t the majority
The majority of Venezuelans are brown and ugly like most Brazilians.
Shit colored

How come Venezuela is starving but every venezuelan woman here is a landwhale? Also all of them have fiveheads lol

Because the food they do manage to consume is unhealthy and cheap

Same with Cubans. But the ones we have here are the lightest of all hispanic groups due to anti-white socialism

The white ones were the first to flee.


Why not take white South African refugees?

I expected them to at least be skinny.

This whole 'starving refugees who are also fat obese bastards' is so difficult for people outside America to understand.

Attached: boomer.jpg (500x500, 26.92K)

1. No.

2. No, Venezuelans are culturally conservative. but politically speaking, Venezuelans will vote for whoever decides to hand out as many gibs as possible, that´s how we got socialism in the first place.

3. No, there is quite a lot of decent qties in my area, but don´t expect a 10/10 in every corner.

OP is a faggot in a JIDF poster in disguise.

Sure. You can take from them from my country too. Take the women too. They're a plague.

>he doesn't know that all latinas lose their virginity at age 12

Attached: 1575353336276.png (720x720, 68.4K)

I hate every woman abd I wouldnt be sad if they stubbed their toes really hard one day. Like, not to sound gay or anything (I'm straight) but if I had to choose between suck a dick or get a gf, I would suck the dick

user, I deal with venezuelans almost on a daily basis here. Take it from me, they are more entitled than your average white woman and your average hood nigger and beaner.

If you created bleached women with them, then it will be worse for you and your economy. There is a reason why google's search in spanish autocompletes: "why are venezuelans..."
"why are venezuelans so materialistic"
"why are venezuelans so superficial"

And most of them do not look like your pic related. Spain, Peru and most of latin america hate them for this very reason.

>>Girls who are skinny and sexy from lack of over eating
>>Fat brown beasts
>Why is it always like this?

Lets take an educated british gal like your pic related: She was told since birth that her ideal breakfast was toast with some small amount of jelly and tea. Take the average venezuelan: She was told since birth that arepa rellena con carne molida and Coca Cola is her ideal breakfast. You follow me?

Violence against women is skyrocketing as the socialist government collapses! Who will save them?

Attached: A064C81D-BCEE-4D2A-AC87-26B7BFE2BAF9.jpg (1125x1337, 1.14M)

create. I was editing and was about to mention something else.

user thats a venezuelan whore. She has fillers all over it. If you are going to pay to have a whore marry you, do it with a real white whore from your country. You will eventually create prettier people and maybe, smart white dudes. Not 84 IQ white passing mutts.

White woman detected


Venezuelans were crazy anti-USA under Chavez, let them starve to death for all I care, this is what they deserve

Si, ella es muy caliente

Attached: aaf.png (680x709, 243.33K)

>2. No, Venezuelans are culturally conservative. but politically speaking, Venezuelans will vote for whoever decides to hand out as many gibs as possible, that´s how we got socialism in the first place.

I know your history, your white passing high class subjugated the brown masses with awful treatment and that led to them electing Chavez in 96. Your white passing people are giving your country a bad name because they are the same shitty people who destroyed the stability you had in the 90s before Chavez. Your extremely brown people are awful too, real violent criminals.


12 to 25

>Because the food they do manage to consume is unhealthy and cheap

Why not go for fresh locally grown food as that is the cheapest and best for you?

Go to cambodia. Everyone is dirt fucking poor but they arent landwhales because they are too poor to afford brand name food packed with calories.

I’m not wrong tho

user I'm sorry your white women like us spicy latin lovers more than your boring white bread ass, but you shouldn't get so upset. No one likes bitter mayonnaise.

These are the type of milkers that are prevalent in that shit hole.

Attached: A786E7C1-172D-4F80-A06B-832F71D582D5.jpg (750x732, 491.8K)

Actually we don’t.
The majority of prefer our handsome white men over some brown subhuman trash.

Why would anyone be jealous of this???

is not that they don't have options nor that they don't have money for something else...

Is that their little brains tell them there is nothing else. And this applies to the rest of latin america too.

That's one girl in a country of mostly la creaturas and el abominacións. Yeah let's take a million pieces of shit just to have one piece of shit that shines, and only does so because she has white genes in her.

Why don't we just take only girls with all white genes? Why have you cucks already forgotten about South Africa? Millions of whites are stuck there in the midst of an actual violent white genocide and no nation will take them in. And here's OP making a thread about taking in yet more shitskins. OP is a literal kike.

look at this shit - WTF has been going on, and what aren't they telling us ?

Attached: Venezuela this makes no sense.png (1045x647, 91.64K)

Most white women are with white men for a fact.

Tranny men in dresses don't count. Go take your titty skittles and convince yourself you won't join the 41%.


You sound mad that I’m a white female that prefers her own men
Triggered much?

Import these

Attached: 5E32615C-5256-42BD-BF8D-0B4CCDBC9099.jpg (1044x1570, 472.56K)

There are no white men anymore. Just estrogen drenched onions drinkers sperging over their nintendo switches. The future of men is brown.

Tits or gtfo

its anti BBC. There is a lot of niggers in South America.

Thanks for the explanation.

shes hot

Quality > quantity
Just because browns outnumber whites doesn’t mean anything in terms scientific innovation and contribution.

please import Russians

I’m not going anywhere.

Venezuelans are some of the ugliest goblinos you will ever find, I wonder how hard do they cherrypick their miss universe models. And whites? Fml, they make Colombians look like nordics.

You forgot
4. They are batshit insane tsundere psychopaths and will murder you for fucking them

Yeah Colombians aren’t far behind venezuelans.
You’re mostly brown subhumans with some cherry picked goodness here and there.

Hope you innovate something soon that keeps your precious white women from submitting to passionate, masculine Latino men.

But keep telling yourself that.

Oy Vey!

I barely see white women with subhumans.
Let’s stop larping and look at reality please

>Southern Europe

Good. Hope they all sufferv


Spic women were literally made for BWC

Oops forgot pic

Attached: EAC6F800-8F6F-4354-B9C0-B5C39946518F.jpg (750x956, 265.82K)

Lmao you haven't seen the goblins that get off those boats. Fucking with fat old oil workers to get some food. They're either fat with a shit perm of rat faced sticcs. The guys are complaining at the brothels because they are so ugly not even niggers want to fuck them. None of them are blonde or white. I've net one Venezuelan like that and she was rich and married, not a poorfag fleeing the country and leaving her 3 kids with her ex husband (real story from the papers btw).

Fuck Venezuelans. They need to stay in their own goddamn country instead of making the rest of us deal with their problems.


Negro, que?

BWC is a meme.
Most white men are 6.5 inches at best

That's because you don't see ANY women on a regular basis, too busy as you are staining your mini cock with cheeto dust to the thoughts of a white future that's long since been gone.

If we're talking reality go out to a bar sometime, and see how white women throw themselves at smooth, suave, masculine Hispanic men who know how to dance and seduce. But of course you won't, because your Nintendo switch won't play itself.

Can't you faggots just find a white woman?

Nick Fuentes GOYper christcuck thread

Attached: 1575030234002.jpg (733x448, 67.92K)


spic COPE

Why do most white women date their own race then?
Please stick with your swarthy pussy and swarthy nipple women.

only women, they must be at least a 7 and the must be permanently sterilized.

I know that feel user. I'm from Trinidad and Tobago. We are so fucked. A country of 1.5m has taken in 80k of these cunts. I hate them so much.

I’m a white female.
All white men ive been with haven’t been over 7 inches

Oh yes they were.

Attached: 56AD5D66-B943-467D-9540-D82E3E2A5FD5.jpg (750x578, 650.08K)

What creature is that?

>I’m a white female
proof or fuck off, Juan.

>all those injections in her face and lips
nice brapper though

fuck off, we're full

And fuck the UN for bullying us into regularizing as many as we did. I hope you know that's the only reason any of them got papers. The US media was trying to make us look bad by saying we only had half the amount of cunts who came and we were getting a lot of pressure from the UN to not just keep treating them like shit.

I’m white and this is why date blacks lol
BWC doesn’t exist

I would trade all our mexicans and central americans for venezuelans

They are all the same user. Better to just execute all of them. Everyone from that continent is a menace

BBC is real.

Maybe because 'starving venezuelans' is a meme created by Jews because Venezuela isn't controlled by Jews?


I'm glad you're learning to be more respectful to your betters, but I'm going to have to decline and continue on with my current plans. My current girlfriend is white, my last three girlfriends were white, and the future mother of my mixed babies will be white.

But say what you need to to cope.

To be sincere...white women belong to BWC...latino women belong to BLC...and black women belong to BBC...asian women belong to SAC.

Its all about correlation in vagina and penis size.

eg. black women have the deepest vaginas so large genitalia makes sense.
asian girls have small vaginas so small genitalia make sense.

White women are for everyone so it makes no sense.

White women belong to BBC and I’m a white woman lol

What country do I need to go to to sit around on a beach and fuck asses like this all day

Why do you want white women so badly? Last three? Lol
So desperate for white babies


duck lips

>I’m a white woman

5 shekels have been deposited in your account

Keep dreaming Juan
Go make brown babies with Juanita and fuck off will ya

the aging perma seething roastie is here lmfao
tick tock!! biological clock is ticking away!


He’s right when Iran n Italy play soccer y’all look alike

Prove you’re a white male post doc pic with ruler

I have known a Venesualen girl since elementary, when she came to America. Can confirm that if I didnt know any better, I would have assumed she was white.

She's not white.

Attached: 1578010482584.jpg (1052x700, 267.33K)

Why are you so obsessed with white skin Juan?

Leaf... Please.
Don't embarrass yourself.

No, no and no, you only gonna get midget nigger goblins that sell arepas

Whiter than you Jamal

>Men are property of (((women)))

Kill yourselves.

Phenotype is not a measure of whiteness.

Attached: 1578628105915.jpg (1440x1800, 347.46K)


Wish my born Venezuelan gf looked like that.

we will point at you and laugh when you pay the toll for burning the coal, niggerlover

no fucking joke, Venezuelan hookers are literal top tier woman.

>White men are property of white women
women are property of white men retard
stop it with your cuck fantasies

ALL women are built for the BWC.

Find a white woman faggot

I would let a Venezuelan women use my tongue as toilet paper

You're going to be so pissed when the Venezuelan ho's arrive and just also fuck niggers.
Your dreams will become memes.

haha gross dude

Attached: 6ECD4B4D-6712-45EB-9FD3-0F9145E2A69B.jpg (1144x1512, 318.51K)

>Nobody looks like pic related

I think you mean the opposite.

Still got bigger dicks than shrimp white men

t. bitter white roastie

Even if I'm a goobagoo American?

That doesn’t sound like a female you jackass

>Nobody looks like pic related.
yeah FAKE NEWS, photoshopped!!!!
Probably using a proxy.

that would be ecuador or colombia my friend. venezuelans are brown

if they all look like her, then yes let them in. We need more hot female migrants. not this BS we are getting now.

money wasted on the injections
she would have this bumpy lips just from sucking me all-day long

Venezuelans seem thinner than Colombians to me, although I'm not sure if that's just starvation now.

Guys hear me out
We give white women to black dudes. In exchange we take the latina women. Then we give latina men asian women and asian men/black women can go fuck themselves because nobody wants to fuck them anyways.
This can work. We can achieve racial unity.


Southern Euros are White you fucking kiken rat. Latin Americans are just mutts made up of various races.

Trust me, you don't want them. Even we think that they're savages. Also, all of their women are prostitutes

>why Yas Forums tards makes these fantasy threads about shit they dont know?
Do you really think it's people trying to have decent conversation here that makes these idiot posts. They should be banned permanently everyone who makes stupid threads like these.

That's the Dominican Republic.


We already have like a million Venezuelans here

Some of them are actually white, but those already left Venezuela and already assimilated into the countries they fled to wether it's in Europe or Latin America

From what's left, there are only the dirtiest, brownest and ugliest...and almost of them are real commies

What exactly is the difference? You're both tri-racial Hispanic countries

Iranians are literally the Whitest people in the Mid East though.

Bruh I’m a bong and even I know that most Latinos in America look like little Trolls

You didn’t give white women to anyone.
We willingly left you for the BBC
Keep coping tho

This is why there are Mexicans

Attached: Latinas for Trump.jpg (640x853, 128.95K)

What OP is responding to is the 10% subsaharan African admixture in Latinas. I suggest OP go to subsaharan Africa himself to get the full dose, instead of settling for the watered-down "exoticism" of beaner women. Move to Ghana, OP, and stay there.

Karla Spice / Krla Lopez

if Trump would sign boobies enlargement procedure as a standard refundable surgery imagine how many women electorate would he gather
landslide 2020