Why do they always lose lol

Why do they always lose lol

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Said the polack... kek


Idk, Poland gained a decent amount of land both world wars. Sounds like a win to me.

but it had to be given to them, which is pretty pathetic tb h

Weird sexual proclivities


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This they have a punishment fetish. They are not happy unless they are getting absolutely railed.

we lost two world wars but we won plenty other wars. Yes German history goes back way before 1871 you brainlets, we fucking annihilated the Roman legions and took Rome.

>Meme lland
you don't say

>Why do they always lose lol


But we're doing fine?

Rome destroyed itself with feminism and faggotry. You were just buzzards, sort of like the modern day islamists circling western civilization.

France, England and Russia.

We lost WW2 because we allowed the jews to spread too far before acting. UK and USA butt fucked us because their jewish overlords ordered them to.

This is our punishment for WWII. America and the west is being flooded. I too love Israel and want to die for the gay disco.

We're all fucked. Aren't we ;D My fellow Amerimutts/Europoors.

you're proud being nigger then. Also "germanics" weren't germans. It comprised also scandis, and anglos.

>we fucking annihilated the Roman legions and took Rome

Such an accomplishment that benefited western civilization, you must be proud.

You lost the war in the East because your g*rman overlord declared war on Russia

Yes it was an accomplishment that every German should be very proud of because they murdered many Germans and wished to take our land. Germany losing WW2 is what ended western civilization

Stalin was preparing an invasion anyways.

Fuck Rome and fuck every single foreigner in our lands, we will once more cut off your heads and send them to your overlords, niggers.

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No he wasn't
He had offered to join the Axis but Hitler got too greedy and too confident and thought he could take them on

Your poor proficiency at ruling divided by 2 the number of some populations in western Europe. It took 3 to 4 centuries for the germ aristocracy to finally become civilized.

because they suck and have a weird language

>Germany losing WW2 is what ended western civilization
good, fuck your civilization built on greed and hedonism

He stabbed Germany in the back by sending thousands of troops and tanks to the border. Besides German intelligence had already found the proof.

But you, the eternal god damned Anglo, you contributed the most to the absolute destruction of not only Europe but the entire civilised world. You ignored the USSR when they went into Poland in the 20s to expand and spread their cancerous jew ideology, but when Germany wants to take back ancient land with Germans living in it you start bombing. Almost as if a higher power told you to do so, and that's what happened. Now you shamelessely lost your empire and are being occupied by the peoples from all the countries you've ever colonized, and you think it's worth it, that and the destruction of western civilization was worth it for you. Don't you feel any fucking shame?

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>Why do they always lose lol
blonde people with bleu eyes are dumb... typical.

Fuck your shithole eastern countries no one gives a fuck about, make place for the necessary and important countries.

Is that what your christcuck overlords tell you you dumb frog retard?

That's ironic, your language is a German dialect and we annexed you in 1944 because you are historically and ethnically German

seethe more golem

Here's a song that illustrates why they always lose.
Now, that song is by communists, but it doesn't matter. They're Germans and Germans are romantics and idealists. They will take an idea and push it until it becomes an obscenity. Look at their national epic. It's about willingly going off to die in a fight that destroys nearly all participants because you're technically obligated to by the rules of honor.

You lost ww2 because you lacked oil

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>Britain threw away their entire worldwide empire just so Germany wouldn't have that bit of land
Nigel you're a fuckin moron

Traitors should be silent!

Autism leads to inability to understand and therefore predict how normal humans think, so they always end up getting outmaneuvered.

>jews left
>superpower by 1953
>killed all commies
>britain a shithole without colonies

Theyre tired of winning.

Wait, Belgroaches don’t even have an own language...

Official languages in your shithole are French, Dutch and German.

It's in their DNA. They are a nation of rape babies

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> superpower by 1953
Reminds me of something.

Exactly, that's all you can say and do, you are nothing and you will never be anything

Angela Merkel is a saint.

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Schluchtenpooper by 2000 BC


british fags be like:
>we need to save poland!!!
>starts WW2
>soviets take poland
>nigels decide not to fight the soviets
what were you fighting for again?

sorry i cant read turkish


They were always on the jews side, they knew exactly what they were doing; cucking for kikes and nothing more or less


Unironically the allies' actions in WWI was the single, most egregious collective error in human history and the veritable end of history (in terms of the progression and production of sociocultural phenomena)

How the entire "civilized" world could, to this day, believe that their actions were justified in systematically dismantling Germany and preemptively and forcefully instilling boneless democracies across western Europe is beyond comprehension. Thinking about the 2.8 million germans who were murdered and will go down in history as villains generated a visceral disgust in me. Fuck Russia, fuck England, fuck the US and especially fuck France and Shitaly. I would say fuck all the poles who are content with resting upon stolen territory, but I would rather us have it then whatever Germany has become today unfortunately

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hitler was the puppet of elites, he killed millions of wh*Toids and sl*Voids, smeared racism and nationalism for eternity, i love nazi golems sucking dick of their puppets, thinking they are heroes lmao

germs are on the same level as jews. Always trying to destroy everything and being lying bitch. Rome was only ran over because it was in deep corrupt state only for germs to roleplay as "holy roman empire". Same with prussians that were originally baltic tribe same as lithuanians only for germs to toatlly annihilate them and then roleplay as prussians. Both world wars are cause because of germ autism and any european nationality has been eternally stained by them not mentioning WW2 causing death of millions of europeans and downfall for european domination

Based, not that Poland is non-jewed.

Thank you, slavic fren. Were maybe the same people.

>stolen land
>literally the borders of Poland in the year 1022 with minor differences in the north-east
>be called land thief by owning lands that were stolen from you by germans in the first place
b-but muh danzig
Tell me how germans became a majority in the city krautboos, go on.

Dont let us divide by this stuff. Germans and Slavs are the same people, divided by the fucking two churches and their artificial languages they gave us.

ayyy lmaao you seem pretty salty.

Hitler so badass hes gonna be recognized in a THOUSAND years. ask people on the street of Kirgiztan who the fuck Tomasz Arciszewski is and who Hitler is

spoken like a true schizophrenic

the world wars were caused by kikes, if you think otherwise you really should lurk more here you underaged newfag retard.

>Both world wars are cause because of germ autism
Nice propoganda retard. If you want to trace back WWI to its esoteric roots, WWI was started by the French and the reasons were merely exacerbated by German autism. Even mobilization dates and times point to Russia at the very least.

learn history you fucking russian mong. it began well before the 10th century ad. Considering your previous response, its no surprise you would write something this dumb. I'm not even a Krautboo, but I recognize that others are sitting on our land just as we are sitting on germany's

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We were great buds until north krautoids created a literal heresy that spreads degeneracy and you mountain krautoids backstabbed us after we helped you out.
There is not a single war in history where Poles attacked Germans, it was always the other way around.
Fuck off, Berlin was founded by slavs, your forest nigger brethren are squating on rightful slav land.


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In thousand years hitler will be remembered as supremacist of extinct race read by shitskin muslims on tablets as a proof why their ancestors canceled whites

Because they are the only ones who put up real resistance. Everyone else just lies down and happily gets enslaved by kikes.

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Slavs even spoke the same language than us until the orthodox church started to falsify your dialects and the roman church started to falsify our dialects.

Based and redpilled.

>Works hand in hand with the Soviet Union under Stalin

>hitler will be remembered
thanks for aknowledging my argument
>cancelling whites
thats your problem, not hitlers

>"Everything I undertake is directed against Russia. If the West is too stupid and too blind to comprehend this, I will be forced to reach an understanding with the Russians, turn and strike the West, and then after their defeat turn back against the Soviet Union with my collected strength. I need the Ukraine and with that no one can starve us out as they did in the last war."

nobody is more schizo than nazis, the eternal golems of the elites

feelsbadman, we're gonna make it bros

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>Everything I undertake is directed against Russia
That's why im going to continue the secret military treaties we had with the Soviets under Weimar rule.
That's why im going to sign a literal alliance with the Soviets and carve up Europe between the two of us.
That's why im assigning the most anti-russian and anti-communist countries to the Soviet sphere of influence.

absolutely lmao

yeah because this future we are living right now is so much more worth it than a German ww2 victory amirite? yeah I know that's what you think, well enjoy living this future you brainlet.


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>being intentionally this stupid
Everything he did culminated in the invasion of Russia, which was his goal all along
And if the British and Americans hadn't blockaded the Germans and supported the Russians, they wouldn't have been any Soviets anymore

when did this meme start by the way?
when hitler attacked the soviet union they had the biggest standing tank army the world has ever seen and even since then.

by that logic the 20k tanks near the border where carousells for the children, just standing there eternally

Yeah bro just let us join the Axis.
All we want now is just Romania, Bulgaria, Finland, and uh maybe the rest of the Balkans too.

>Loses entire Empire
>"Defeats Germany"
Hope it was worth it retard.

we've never been traitors.

ahh the good ol' polish inferiority complex, never gets boring.

Hitler rightly viewed Stalin and the Soviet Union as merely a minor arm of Jewish international finance capital, the true enemy were the Jews in New York and London to whom Poland was completely subservient.

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You retard he invaded half of western europe first. Germany on its own could never fight a war with russia so Hitler was a mong who knew he was gonna draw the ire of the world. The only conclusion is he was a puppet.

>good, fuck your civilization built on greed and hedonism
I would say that would be the Swiss, being a neutral safehaven for rich people to avoid national taxes. I like to think of the Germans personified as high functioning asbergers, the guy who in a time of his life was addicted to porn and developed weird kinks, meticulously builds star trek models until one day a lightbulb pops in his head that is logically sound and with not much emotional input it is the next obsession in his life.

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whatever you say loser lol keep sending us money cuck

germany never had the chance to win you literal retard, hitler was sent like lenin to start another WW2 by the elites, maybe if you had the balls and killed him you couldve lived in your big germany, but no, little golems like you have small IQ, so you went into the flames with your puppet fuhrer


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Yes because France and Britain declared war on him, genius
On a one on one, Germany would have smashed Russia, but the British blockaded oil and rubber, which were vital for the war effort and which were in short supply in Germany, and the Americans supplied the Russians with raw materials, resources, trains, trucks etc

Always? They literally have never lost when you consider all time up to this point.

This is coming from a Progressive American. Too bad we're too brainwashed to vote for Bernie.

Somebody probably read some stuff without any context, Not understanding how the Soviets were acting.

>wouldn't have been any Soviets anymore
>im basing this on the absolute failure that was Operation Barbarossa
>im basing this on the fact that in 1941 germans had 148 divisions fully prepared for offensive operations, in 1942 germans had 6 divisions fully prepared for offensive operations
>im basing this on germans failing to fulfill any of their objectives outside of taking Kiev
>im basing this on germans being at the absolute end of their supply lines
>im basing this on the insane attrition germans suffered, including the lack of winter clothing until november
>im basing this on the fact that over 30% of german supplies were lost due to partisan activities
>im basing this on the fact that soviets would've totally surrendered if germans took moscow, taking moscow wins the war right? Stalin would've just went all like "welp we tried, we're surrendering".
HAHAHHAHAHA, axis had numerical superiority on the eastern front until Stalingrad, they still fucking failed. You think Soviets wouldn't just keep retreating? Most of their industry was well beyond the range of german bombers over the Ural mountains already. It's the basic Russian strategy since XVII century, trade land and manpower for time and just watch your opponents forces evaporate.

because they are the niggers of the white race kek


>Why do they always lose lol

the real question:

why do even weak baits like this trigger most germans on this board?

finaly i will say this bong is on point.
also the us provided high quality high octane fuel needed for aircraft ot the soviets which the soviets could never have produced in that quantity leading to the luftwaffe having high losses agianst well trained soviet pilots.

>Yes because France and Britain declared war on him, genius
Because he was fucking invading countries left and right and breaking treaty after treaty.

>On a one on one, Germany would have smashed Russia
No, that's wrong. Nazi germany did not have the natural resources to fight against russia which is precisely why they invaded so many fucking countries who would have refused to trade materials with them.

>Implying that the Jews let them to keep the island

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Snownigger, go back to your cave. The fucking germans were allied with the turks during the I WW. The meme is just the opposite.

Polish niggers charge tanks on horse back.

swiss were a free warlike warrior nation /tribe before napoleon cucked them, they were known to seek battle over any thing else. and to be extremely savage in war.

I am also basing this on the fact that the Germans were running critically low on oil, which mean they had to invade early, as well as operate under capacity and use horses for logistics instead of trucks
On top of this they had spent crucial time and resources for the past year dealing with the French and British in Europe and North Africa

>In 1938, just before the outbreak of war in Europe, the German Luftwaffe had an urgent requirement for 500 tons of tetraethyl lead. Ethyl was advised by an official of DuPont that such quantities of ethyl would be used by Germany for military purposes. [14] This 500 tons was loaned by the Ethyl Export Corporation of New York to Ethyl G.m.b.H. of Germany, in a transaction arranged by the Reich Air Ministry with I.G. Farben director Mueller-Cunradi. The collateral security was arranged in a letter dated September 21, 1938 through Brown Brothers, Harriman & Co. of New York. [15]

>"Since the beginning of the war we have been in a position to produce lead tetraethyl solely because, a short time before the outbreak of the war, the Americans had established plants for us ready for production and supplied us with all available experience. In this manner we did not need to perform the difficult work of development because we could start production right away on the basis of all the experience that the Americans had had for years." [13]


>Because he was fucking invading countries left and right and breaking treaty after treaty.
Right because the British and French would never do that
>Because he was fucking invading countries left and right and breaking treaty after treaty.
Only because the British and Americans blockaded them so they were not able to trade and receive vital resources like oil from the US or Venezuala

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KEK ! Germans are just puppets of the prussians. Prussians weren't even in the Holy Roman Empire. They just butt raped german in the HRE and used them to try to conquer Europe and failed multiple times. Germans are just the bitches of the prussians ambitions.

>You buttmadd?
>You buttmadd?
>You buttmadd?

Because you know its true. You lost two world wars, you set the world in fire with your protestant barbaric heresies, you fucked up Western thought with Kant, Schopenhauer and idealism, just stop existing for the sake of humanity

KEK ! Prussians are Germans, Bavarians are Germans, Austrians are Germans, Dutch are Germans, KEK !

??? i seriously cant consider this an insult, if it comes from a pollak lmfao.
>keep sending us money
imagine actually being proud of being a parasite lmfao, you guys and mudslims would get along well.

Learn the history of your fucking country,

north-african descendants talking about niggers

>Le buttmadd

Prussiafags BTFO

Germans fought the good fight. Fucking USA ate up all the kike propaganda during both world wars and fucked over western civilization. May God destroy this fucking country.

It's more like you are a peasant who works, so your lord (Poland) can get richer lmfao. Literal slave race

Yeah, keep telling you that to confort you.
Prussians are goths, unlike other germans, they have nothing to do with them. Other goths went to Italy and Spain.

you do realise you can pick catalonian flag as it's part of Yas Forumss memeflags right?
you absolute dingdong

Amazing countryside with broad options for agriculture and trade, but in the most horrible geopolitical sandwich imaginable. Also, imagine one of your lungs working and one collapased and poisoning the whole body with CO2, thats how the East West wealth difference feels. Our language is arcane and ancient by European standards, not even Europeans learn it properly when they migrate here. Germany is a good country with bad luck and it's making the people cynical. Of course they'll grow weak, you can't have strength without a power base and unconquerable spots.

By using that term I can assess you're not an ethnic Italian or Catilonian and no relation to the people that built and contributed to their success throughout history. You're a genetic marker of decline.

Yea the whole Swiss mercenary thing still kind of resonates with their mountain jeew stigma ;). I have nothing against people who build personal wealth and as far as I am concerned the Swiss are simply harvesting a crop, they aren't the ones growing it.

>germoney bad, intermarium stronk
>gibs me more gibs!

No he didn’t. This is revisionism, to justify Hitlers war of aggression against the Soviet Union.

Remember that this faggotry is the face of the germans browsing Yas Forums right now

shut the fuck up snownigger. You don't even know where is catalonia on a map.

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>can't disprove anything I wrote
>goes for absolutely trash attempt at ad-hominem
lmao, try again

You are a cuntface. Bolsheviks deserved no less since they pacted with Hitler, but they were in dire straits after the bloody years of the USSR's founding. They had no interest in war at that moment, that's why they made the pact to begin with. The backstabber in this picture is Hitler, as always.

user, hitler was a cuck who enjoyed sucking dicks of industrials, but other than that he was a very reasonable man and politician
He was tricked into war by pathetic poles who only know how to provoke (it’s in their blood), by dirty anglos, and by russo-jews

He wanted a sphere of influence in the Balkans and was willing to negotiate with the Germans and the Italians over their respective areas. It wasn’t wholely unreasonable. You can’t expect the Russians to join an Alliance with a bunch of rabid anti communists without getting anything from it.

>reeeeee my great great grandmother paid the jizya with her pussy I am ethnic Roman!
Get fucked faggot you're a product of a historic catastrophe relative to the success of humanity.

Which one of you chinlets made this?

>implying being worth more words than just a plain „nigger!“
You‘re not you niggerish nigger

Kek we are the leader of Europe. We played the long game.

This meme needs to die. Germany wasn’t going to smash Russia. They were already facing logistical difficulties by the end of 1941. American supplies became very helpful by 1943, but the Baltic’s and the Mediterranean were essentially closed to Allied shipping as long as Germany and Italy were in the war, respectively. Most of it would have had to get to Russia over the long land routes from the Persian Corridor and Vladivostok.

then why are you forced to send us free money? We are the true lords. All that money we get and we dont have to pay it back LMAO

>They had no interest in war at that moment
>Bolsheviks deserved no less since they pacted with Hitler
>For war
Are you retarded? Just because they hadn't openly declared war (rightfully so as Hitlers surprise attack pushed their shit in) they were obviously building for an offensive war, not defensive.

And sage

lurk harder

Because Germany is superior and the world knows this and can’t handle it.

>cucked industrialist
>pathetic poles
>dirty anglos
>fell for it all
>v-very reasonable man and politician
You huns need a tougher mommy than Merkel

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>we are the leader of Europe
>thats why Europe is really fucking shit right now
seems right

This meme needs to die. You’re right about the Western Front, that swallowed up a lot of resources. They also campaigned in the Balkans and North Africa to support the Italians and with the help of the Hungarians and Bulgarians. However, most of the troops garrisoning the Balkans were Italians, Hungarians and Bulgarians and the bulk of the soldiers in North Africa were Italians, the Africa Korps was just that. A Korps. This is a point that Zhukov made to Montgomery personally. The German troops that fought in Africa, would have gone largely unnoticed on the Eastern Front due to the sphere scale of the Campaign that was being fought there.

This too
Imagine needing the help of the rest of the world to contain 90 million germans

Another sage for d&c kikery of that polish drunkard

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>free money
The money is worthless and is only a projection of value, which you have very little of. If that 'money' were to cease to exist your production of tangible value would still be low while Germany would thrive. I say this with affection, I hope our polebros build a good and useful product/service to enhance their inherent value to the contribution of us all.

You purposefully ignore the reason why they were facing logistical difficulties, the fact that the British insisted on blockading the Germans and supplying the Russians
And no, neither the Med and especially not the Baltic was closed to Allied shipping

Attached: Map_US_Lend_Lease_shipments_to_USSR-WW2.jpg (756x590, 184.95K)

Poland had to fight. They were sandwiches between two revisionist Powers.

To be fair, I thought that was what was going to happen (taking Europe by stealth in another round of domination) But you even frigged that up.

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>declare war against the whole world
>complain you had to fight the entire world
you know you've fucked up big time if Brazil decides to send its favela mutts masquarading as soldiers over the ocean to fight you


>a-atleast we aren't speaking German and our society is being inclusive and declining so the less developed world can take the reigns of development because after all it is our fault to begin with that they were destitute and poor!
Get fucked you little bitch.

We sure, but that cunt is serving her last term anyway

Another sage because ignoring is the best way of dealing with pathological provocateurs from pooland

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>This meme needs to die.
Stop repeating this, idiot.
Hitler himself talks about how he wished he had conquered France in 1940 instead of 1939, and how the situation in the Balkans and North Africa meant he had to divide his forces

*in 1939 instead of 1940

blue-pilled on roman catholicism

Never that let razor sharp wit of yours dull away, burger

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That’s far from the only reason. Look up Rasputitsa. Russia is a massive country. It’s part of Russia’s strategy for defence to trade land for time and because of its size, they have the strategic depth to do it.

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Pooland is an uncultivated and fake shithole that did not contribute to european culture in any notable way
Their dna prevents them from intellectually challenging tasks, they’re just genetically programmed slaves

One more sage for that pathetic euro trash niggers

>Poland keeps the Ottoman Turks from conquering Europe
>Germany allies with the Ottoman Turks
ah yes

Well, if Hitler said it... then it must be true, right? I’m looking at the actual data. The number of troops that the Germans used and kept in the Italian theatres with their equipment and resources, were a small drop in the bucket compared to the war on the Eastern Front, that’s why Stalin kept pushing for an Invasion of France and Churchill kept delaying it to fight wars on the periphery. He even tried to get Turkey to join for a Balkans Campaign.

>gay disco
What's this from, again? Also, checked. ALSO also, requesting a clownified version of the pic related.

Attached: dubs 1.jpg (780x439, 46.98K)

Chopin, Marie Curie, Copernicus, Sobieski etcetera. They haven’t contributed as mush as Germany, but they have many achievements.

The number of troops wasn't the problem, it was the delay each invasion caused for Operation Barbarossa. The sooner he invaded the better

So working in expensive Germany and living in cheap Poland is shit? And you get cheap workers from Ukraine perfect slave system.

Wow you genius
I am sure you are the only person who has ever taken into account the Rasputitsa
And funny how you post a picture of horses, I wonder why they weren't able to use trucks?
What data are you looking at then?
Because it wasn't a 'small drop in the bucket' when multiple divisions of tanks and air force have to be assigned away from the East and put in North Africa, Albania and Greece

We are WW1 Buddys.

Sure, but they were a good 10 years away from it, as was proven by the straight march of Nazis to Moscow and Stalingrad.

Being surrounded by historical enemies on all sides led them to be extremely paranoid and impulsive as a nation.

The intellectual capacity of polish subhumans is just good enough to understand commands of their masters
They are not capable of doing anything beyond that complexity
The few poles who achieved something of note are most probably mutts with germanic admixture
Because poles themselves are incapable art, science, industry, or even peaceful coexistence, unless you rule over them with an iron fist

... or just sage them and let them rot

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nobody viewed germans as enemies until they started sperging out and attacking everyone around them

You're an actual fucking idiot and you are the 'slippery slope' of being this well connected socially. Before the internet your entire genetic line sat back and listened, to their benefit but alas today we're forced to live with you, in your brain that oozes actual dogshit.

I’m not saying that this is my idea. This is the historical consensus. German logistics were terrible, even after the war, Halder said that logistics shouldn’t be allowed to constrain operations essentially. The zgermans had always emphasized tactics and operations over logistics and strategy. Williamson Murray has written extensively on this. They did use trucks and cars. I posted a picture of horses, to better illustrate my point.

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This has been debunked as well. The Germans couldn’t have invaded much sooner. They weren’t ready for it logistically and the Central European rivers were in full flood, because the winter had been abnormally wet. Conquering France had made them arrogant.

Uh-huh, hindsight is 20/20 but the facts at the time were physical evidence of the development of offensive weapons and the capabilities of Russias manufacturing power/resources. You don't start an offensive war until you have the numerical and tactical advantage, this is nigger tier knowledge of war.

Just needed a Navy and the war would have been Germany after they nuked the Soviets.

Because they fought for all of us and instead of united in Victory, we are falling one by one, alone.

There are many sources on this stuff. What are you looking for specifically?

But again, the reason why their logistics were so terrible, the reason why even though they had and used trucks and cars, the majority of their logistics was done with horses, was because they were so short on oil due to their own deficiency of resources and the British blockade.
Which is why I said earlier that without the British insisting on continuing the war, the Germans likely would have won in the East.

>Why do they always lose lol
They fucked you guys up. If it wasn’t for the Russians you’d be speaking German.



I get what you’re saying, but I still don’t see it. Russia is huge. At the time, they controlled more than half of Europe and their infrastructure wasn’t the best. The sphere scale of invading Russia, would have necessitated the consumption of massive amounts of oil. The blockade hurt them. Sure. However, even without the blockade... I don’t see a victory for the Germans. Maybe if Britain had sided with Germany and America provided the Germans with lend lease they could have won. Maybe they would have been able to eek out a victory.

keep talking shit polacke

Attached: polish cycle.png (800x600, 26.4K)

They never wanted to invade the whole of Russia, they just to invade the important parts, Moscow, Stalingrad and Leningrad, and the Baku oilfields.
And it's not about Britain and America changing sides, without the blockade the Germans would have had plenty of oil to fuel their tanks and planes, and supply their armies, and without the land-lease, the Russians would never have been able to push the Germans like they did in 1942 onwards
The Germans were already running out of oil in 1941, which is why they felt they had to make this mad rush to Moscow and to the oilfields

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Like Canada, Russia is extremely vulnerable due to it's concentrated population.

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I’m aware of their goals. They were extremely optomistic. They never even managed to get past Moscow. Besides that, according to Timoshenko... the Soviets would have continued the war if they’d taken Moscow. The bulk of their efforts were going to be in guarding the Caucasus. To Hitlers credit, he recognized that the Caucasus was more important than Moscow. His Generals like Halder, prioritized Moscow incorrectly. If Hitler had offered Stalin peace terms in 1941, in exchange for Poland, the Baltic’s, Belarus, Ukraine and Scandinavia... he might have gotten away with it. A 1941 Brest-Liovsk, probably would have worked.

>The Germans were already running out of oil in 1941, which is why they felt they had to make this mad rush to Moscow and to the oilfields
The attack against Russia was not an act of desperation for resources, it was a strategic gamble.
They knew the Russians were preparing for an offensive war, (if the Soviets had capitulated Germany the world would be much different) the gamble to invade Russia is logically sound with the intel at the time.

Russia was not ready for war

America was preparing for war and has the capability and manpower for unprecedented production/sustaining resources.

Russia does aswell but not yet

Russia offers a threatening location to America

Russia is positioning offensive weapons along Germany's border.

Stalin moved around 25 million people beyond the Urals along with entire factories.

This is a myth. The Russians weren’t going to invade Germany. The quick defeat of France, shocked the world. Up until then, France was viewed as the worlds greatest military power. Stalin was cautious. He’d have never gambled on a war with Germany after that.

THIS is what spaghettiniggers will never admit.

Another year and Russia would have been nuked and ended the war.

Tanks are offensive weapons, not defensive and Russia had the largest mass manufacture of tanks history.

always makes me laugh when i see those fuckers like uk or france being huge colonial empires with civilized people and losing it xD i treat canadians or mexicans or murcians like theyre normal people but inside my head i know that they are just kids of dumb europeans that could not hold their shit together

6+ billion shitskins and counting. We're not the ones causing ecological disaster but you're 100% fucked if we're ever gone.

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Herman did the greatest betrayal of times.

I want to remind that Germans were basically niggers at the time breeding like madmen and occupying other lands.

they tricked him into annexing Czechia and genociding other peoples.
Yes, of course, Hans

Polish win/lose war ratio is much better than german/hre whatever your state was
full list
They're in like top 5-10 most victories

t. italiano negro

>2.8 million germans who were murdered
When? Where?

Just another reenactment, where we get overrun because we are not replacing ourselves due to the importing of foreign people. Rome was a victim of mass immigration, you brought them in your civilization and they consumed you. Even carried the torch as the Holy Roman Empire. Which is why most actual descendants of the Roman empire legacy are in Northern Italy and southern Italy is foreign.

>genociding other peoples
Lmao please tell me of this Czechian holocaust.

Nobody is denying Poles, simply denying the legitimacy of negative outlook of the German role in WWII, they tried for all of us, even the Russian people.

Lol go visit his statue and take a good look at him. He is the liberator of all of Germany and a national hero.

Damn, I missed this one. Fucking based Yas Forumsack we are going to make it bros.

When my brothers finally wake up

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>annexing Czechia

what in the world? We never annexed any land with majority non ethnic Germans, you should learn the difference between occupation and annexation you literal retard brainlet, a protecorate is not annexation

The amount of germanoid cope in this very thread is INSANE.

Get fucked butthurt Yas Forumsack, without us you will be left alone with the subhuman hordes you so comfortably relish while we cling to the control of our countries. It won't be so fucking funny then.

Where is your hate for this man who unanimously slaughtered thousands of your people.

Kek, Drusus and Germanicus raped you beyond existence. You didn't annihilate any legions (inb4 the 3 legions argument when Rome could raise a hundred more), you got in and destroyed Rome via migration and scheming. Sort of like what the sand nigger refugees are trying to do to Europe now. Time is a flat circle.

Danzig, Poland. Ahhhhhhhh what a nice city! Poland sure is great!

We still cut off their heads and took Rome. Where is Rome now? Kek

the colors in this image hurt my fucking eyes. whoever colored this has colorblindness or somthing.

Where will Germany be 50 years from now after the refugees are done raping your country and your family?

Fucking answer me you subhuman rat where is Rome now? It's gone, because they thought they could just attack anyone and then mindlessly implemented Christianity which is still terrorizing all of Europe today with their extreme Gutmensch policies

Nuked by who? Germany didn’t have nukes.

Also, tanks can be used in offence and defence.

>we wuz romans 'n shiet

>Nuked by who

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They always have dumb leadership who shoot them selves in the foot and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory,

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They had no intention of nuking the Soviet Union and they’d have to bypass the Soviet Airforce and their AA defences to get at them. If anything, the Americans probably would have nuked Berlin if the war had lasted longer in Europe.

Bismarck was pretty great though.

Rome is where it’s been for the past 3 Millenium. It’s in Central Italy.

google operation unthinkable