/GBG/ - Greek Borders General - Shout-out to BrasilBros


Latest Updates:
>Turkish military police is throwing chemicals and tear gas at the Greek side.
archive.is/UbecB (twitter.com/akrokentrwos/status/1235136458555617280)
>Refugees throwing a lot of CS Gas Grenades at Evros border guards
>Greek military arrested migrants that were able to cross the border in Evros
>NGO warehouse destroyed by fire in Panagia Letsena Greece
>video of orthodox church destroyed by immigrants
>refugees protest against living conditions in Moria camp
>1000 refugees marching towards the city of Mytilene
>People camping and marching towards Mytilene classhed with police
>508 Refugees at Mytilene port to be sent to detention center
>Riot police blocks 400 illegals from boarding a train from Athens to Alexandroupolis in an effort to support their invader friends at the border

Pastebin with full list of updates with archives, videos (with audio) and images

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Follow the hashtags:


Highlights: (thanks huebro)
>Based farmers on Evros patroling with tractors and full lights to help the army and chase out the orcs.
>Pomak minority in Greece assists Hellenic Armed Forces and Hellenic Police by delivering food and drinks to the frontline!
>hunters and fishermen helping police and army
>Greek army calls reservists for potential deployment in evros
>Refugees staging gas attack on children
>Greek coast guard pushing back boat
>Greeks on Lesbos are burning down a UNCHR Migrant reception centre
>Warning shots by our army at Greek-Turkish borders against invaders
>The representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees getting attacked by Greeks in Lesvos
>Greek patriots tell economic invaders to turn back
>Refugees destroyed church in Lesvos
>Greek army reinforcements headin to Evros
>Islamist illegal immigrants shouting Allahu Akbar wanting by force to invade Greece
>Algerian migrant NGO activist records a video while standing together with the thousands of migrants that are trying to storm the Greek border
>Anry rapefugees storming the greek border.
>Migrants burn tires and other things at the border in Evros

Any important updates? I heard millions want to cross the boarder to the EU is that true? Is the vorder help from other nations already there?

OP here, I was offline all day and I baked without checking for updates.

>Shout-out to BrasilBros
The new holy league
May Christ bless your efforts
we also want to see Europe white and christian, It's why we hate Brazilians that go leech on Europe and never return.

Can you do it plesse? I have to learn for my driving licens.

Fistfights broke out in the Turkish parliament

Apparently, someone called Erdogan a traitor for the dead Turks in Syria

Are you the HueBro I was discussing during the morning thread about finding alternatives in case this general turns to pure cancer?

there isn't anything to talk about, the grecians are saying "conspiracy theories" and everyone else here is like "it's about f***ing time". both sides are already developed and there isn't much new news.

hold the border, whatever the cost, that's what i say. and turks are cucks, maybe greece should start penetrating turkey a bit for good measure

Cope harder roach

f*** off swarthy half-*ssed border patrol MUTT


Lmao dumb subhumans

What can a normal person do to help keep sandniggers out?

First for Μεγα Ποσειδων

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>What can a normal person do to help keep sandniggers out?

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voice support for the Greek government and pressure your own. today Poland + other V4 countries officially offered to send guards and other help to Greece.

>400 illegals attempted to board the night train to Alexandroupoli at Larissa station to help their fellow illegals but they were intercepted by riot police
That must’ve played out like a movie kek

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How is this not an insurrection? Give me one reason why they shouldn't be subdued. They are literally helping opposing forces from the inside. At the same time sissy activists are crying for mercy and humanitarianism. If only you little bitches knew how bad things have been you sheltered little fucks. They are not refugees, they are illegal immigrants, unstable little opportunistic fucks and they deserve no sympathy.

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Daily reminder its a duty to knock out a t*rk whenever you see one

when will we drone strike gayreek subhumans border patrols + let all poor refugees achieve their dreams

You fucking Turdk

>doing an act of war against NATO country

Prepare to get kicked out of NATO and get glassed, you filthy roach.

please do so mehmet

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Traitors within. Hopefully they're all dealt with as viciously as possible.

thanks for sharing the meme

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>Greek residents have formed vigilante groups to find Refugees, catch them and deliver them to border guards

no, thats me actually, I'm back but not for long I'm afraid, I have a busy day ahead

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Me and some friends thinking about coming to greek to help and support you. But we dont know what would be the best place to go and what would be the best to do to help you guys at the border. Any suggestions?

first for Giwta

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>updates from today

Refugees throwing a lot of CS Gas Grenades at Evros border guards
Greek residents have formed vigilante groups to find Refugees, catch them and deliver them to border guards
Images from Turkish Police in riot gear and shields shooting gas grenades towards greek border(video from Greek Official sources)
police in riot gear stop migrants trying to get on a ferry to Athens at Lesvos
Refugees being put into Greek Landing Craft at Mythilene, more information to be released

Pastebin with full list of updates with archives, videos (with audio) and images


why is this allowed? is greece turning into a tin pot dictatorship?

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They're sending them away so they don't get their heads kicked in by locals.

Don't forget the traitors from the inside.

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atm its on nothingburger level user we didnt even get called to the border ourselves save your enthusiasm for when shit goes south

>Two pairs of Turkish fighter jets flew over the Aegean islets of Ro, Farmakonisi, Leipsoi and Arkioi on Wednesday without authorization.
>According to an announcement from the Hellenic National Defense General Staff (GEETHA), one pair of Turkish jets flew over the tiny islet of Ro at 1.03 p.m. and 1.11 p.m. at an altitude of 23,000 and 5,000 feet respectively.
>Shortly afterwards, a pair of Turkish F-16s entered the Athens Flight Information Region (FIR) without first submitting a flight plan, flying over Farmakonisi at 25,000 feet, at 1.33 p.m over Leipsoi at 26,000 feet two minutes later and over Arkioi at the same altitude at 1.37 p.m.


Armed men directing refugees towards greek border, shots can also be heard in the background
Migrants that have boarded the Greek Navy Ship will be sent to pre-deportation camps

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Thanks brownie bro.

if they keep this up next week there will be calls.The moment leadership calls for conscripts reinforcement it's over for turds and leftist faggots in Greece will realise that they are all talk unless they really want a cleansing, we will oblige. Turkey surely knows that after theres more manpower reacruited it's game over for the rapefugee influx. What they will try to achieve is an agreement with the EU that will make us accept them in small numbers, but we all know that after we relax there will be the standard influx of rapefugees. We need to make the call to never again allow our governments to leave the border unprotected, we need to make the call that will save Greece.

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Based french frogs.

how great is to see Europe united. All of christians, catholics, protestertants and orthodogs (inb4 butthurt, just bantz) united against circumcised headchopping menace from the east. VIVA EVROPA, BROTHERHOOD AND UNITY FOR ALL EVROPEAN NATIONS

>Punches thrown in #Turkey's Parliament after President #Erdogan raised the rhetoric by accusing the main opposition party of treachery and betrayal to the nation.

Roachmaster general has lost his fucking mind.


Same here mate, I'm on the move all day that's why I'm changing IDs constantly.


Leftist journalists are shitting their pants in pure anger after they were sent away from the Mytilene port by the Greek Police

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Holy based


greekanons should we do an operation on IOTBW levels to heat things up? Any ideas in mind?

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np man, I'll probably be more available later today, I'll think of other communication options also

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Maybe a propaganda campaign against globohomo cucks and gommies that support human trafficking in disguise of "human rights" and "asylum seeking"?

lets come up with something pol

No need man, things will heat up by themselves. No rush.

check the Pastebin for the full list of updates we have so far

it also contains files of the original videos and pictures from several of those tweets if not all of them

also, dont forget to share this whenever you can, specially among your compatriots also, dont forget to share this whenever you can, specially among your compatriots

Ok just have some vacations left and thought me and my friends can help

its been fun, I have to go now but I'll be back later today, good luck greek anons

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Η Κύπρος είναι ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΉ και η ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ. ΓΑΜΙΕΤΑΙ Η τουρκια

They're being invaded by Turkey; they should just invoke Article 5 already.

H Μακεδονια οντως γαμιεται

roach IDF in suicide watch

Vive la France!

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are you scared they dont get enough material to frame for the mainstream media?

Based, fuck j*urnalists

Everything that comes to mind is either too long or too clunky. Best I could think of right now is: IT'S OK TO PROTECT WESTERN CIVILIZATION

Let's brainstorm.

how is that for start?

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*Could also be PRESERVE instead.


>Neo-fascists from Austria & Germany arrived in Greece today. They want to spread racism and their ideology of "white supremacy". Their leader Martin Sellner uses the "white power" hand sign like the racist mass murderer of #Christchurch from whom Sellner got a big donation.

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That's actually pretty good, though I'd go with OK instead of OKAY. Regardless, it's truthful and succinct. I like it.

Something to also shift the opinions towards the trafficking side of this matter. Turkish state really is running the biggest human trafficking business in the world now. Maybe your civilization not western.

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Based. Phalanx or Legio Evropa coming soon.


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I find it hard to believe many take these idiots seriously outside of their echo chamber anymore in Europe. If you give them enough of a scare they'll probably quiet down and nobody would care.

Ok, this time around we're gonna have to go with quantity as well as quality. I propose these three:


stop it you nazi

greeks wouldnt even work lmao wht makes you think theyre gonna go protect the border
if it wasnt for europe greece would be worse than syria in terms of living condition

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IT'S OK TO PRESERVE YOUR CIVILIZATION/CULTURE ?? Maybe sounds better to normalfags

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Reminder to avoid linking to these cancerous media outlets
(especially without an archived link, don't give them views or an IP with a referral from Yas Forums):


and many more I can't remember right now, other anons will fill the blanks

>tfw you lose NATO status and capitulate to Russian demands within 8 hours

It’s only a matter of time. Even as a kid in civics class EVERYONE asked why the ottomans were included in NATO.

>grown men who unironically use terms like gayreek, turdk and rapefugee
this is why you incels dont get pussy

So how are you guys doing?

Having a quiet evening. Cheers Russia bro

Learning for drivers licens. You?

Fucking based.

Good thinking. Which one, though? CULTURE sounds more relatable but CIVILIZATION low key includes the entirety of the west.

100% agree, but to my surprise there was an article in Lifo the other day that dropped a lot of redpills. It read more like something from Kethimerini's golden age. Editor in chief must've been asleep. If I find it I'll post it.

It's okay to defend your country.

Bingo. Greece determines a massive kudos for this so far.
Enough that we should strike all denbts. It would mostly be germancucks who would suffer anyway and they've done enough to fuck European demographcis so they deserve it.

Not bad at all. Might trigger normies less than "invaders".

what about this one?

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haha nice, change West to Europe?

Oh, shit. Nice. Use Helvetica.

or just europe

Hitler was right

General Patton knew

Jfk knew

Ακροαριστεροί νοιάζονται για τους "καημένους δημοσιογράφους". Το είδαμε κι αυτό. Η απόλυτη υποκρισία.

you're getting somewhere

I was trying to conduct an experiment for my PhD and I spend 6 hours looking for a 3cm Allen Key

That's nice to hear. Was kind of hoping for a quick rundown on the situation though. Did the horde break through? Are they being repelled? What's the general opinion of the greeks? Are they ready to kill? Will army have the balls to just shoot everyone who's getting through? Turks still fuck with the border?

I'm just trying to draw btw.

And no burgers today know and you continue to undermine and usurp like the jew puppets you are.

I wouldn't mind being drafted to fight the orcs. Monitoring the situation from muslim infested Germoney.

just for being sure. I have one month holiday I will gladly spend in greece helping my bros. as I heard right now the shit didn't hit the fan yet, but eventually will. What can a foreigner with greek passport from grandpa heritage can do in case the boogaloo starts? is there any coordination forum or channel?

Man I had a nice set of those but some faggot took it and never bothered to give it back

what the fuck are you shitheels making flyers for? go there and help out.

Where will you be? Are you packing your bags?

Same here man, a faggot undergraduate must have lost it. Fuck that fucking neckbeard

It's sometimes better for it to be a completely unprovocative and simple truth, because if someone gets angry at it they look ridiculous to even the average bluepilled person. Maybe you could even just outright state that "Turkey is trafficking humans into Greece" or something, but personally I would rather place the blame on NGOs out of pure spite and malice for how they sell their souls.


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PhD in women's studies, I hope

I've been to Greece and Crete 5 times already. If I'm allowed to and if I am given a rifle of sorts i'll help out.

Death to commies

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I have a neck beard + with chin beard :(
Fuck you!

For those of us who served and are now part of the reserve army, our hands are tied until the call drops. Until then, we'll be disrupting leftshit/mudslime coordination/protests in our cities in cooperation with the authorities and cracking some antifag skulls.

Well said.

can I come too? and do you have a gun for me? place to stay?

european use and i have the perfect one for greek use

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Sorry man, nothing personal with neckbeards only with those losing my Allen keys.

Nope in Electrical engineering.

You have no idea, the enemy is literally at the gates and we still have the fucking refugees welcome crowd frothing at the mouth to let them in. Yet they are slowly realising that a) fewer and fewer people give a fuck at this point
b) They used the words racism and fascism so much noone gives a shit. Hopefully Mitsotakis doesnt cuck out

Nice digits. The way I see it, the only thing the rest of you guys can do is form strike teams and travel to major Greek cities, but A) we can't ask that of you, guys, and B) you have leftshits to deal with in your own countries.

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I know what you mean, as I did ymy practical exam (Not a Phd, just 2 years eytra school for an extra degree), I had to do my own glas container with a FUCKING BLOW TORCH IN A CHEMICAL LAB, because some fucker destroyed every glass container in the lab.

>Hopefully Mitsotakis doesnt cuck out
Here comes Merkel with an aid plan and some germoney.
Wir schaffen das and suddenly Europe creeps ever closer to US level demographics.

Didn't even cross my mind. Fucking based!

why not accelerate?

Because we don't want to end up like you.

Just stick to this type of propaganda, it's much more effective.
Nobody here will get the "it's ok to be white' template

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you have more refugees than us though

that's what turdshits want to get the UN on their side(as fucking hypocritical for UN that would be, they would still do it) but i don't think it will matter if EU doesn't want massive influx of rapefugees and it seems like they don't.



>To assist Greece, 160 additional asylum experts, one hundred additional border guards, six coastguard ships, one airplane, two helicopters and vehicles, medical assistance, tents and blankets are needed. "Of course, we have a longstanding commitment to the Greek islands," said the Minister. "And we've already delivered six troopers and two vehicles to the Bulgarian border."

We're not that useless after all. Graag gedaan bros

the UN would get on Turkeys' side if it meant Russia would get involved.

Franco-belgian satirists had the right idea. Funny and edgy humor has much more power than meme-tier posters that hit well in the US because the media there chase controversy.

There is hope in other countires in the EU supporting us like Austria and France. Hopefully we dont balk and use the money to build a better wall. If Im being honest I didnt expect this responce from our gov, theres even been talk about pushing back boats and not letting a single one through. And most greeks agree that this shit had to stop, well besides the usual crowd.

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>asylum experts
Here it comes. Don't let your guard down.

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This kind of people need a one-way ticket to Siberia.

>more (((asylum experts))) than guards
I don't like this..

Thanks you, Based Poseidon

I know, wtf is even an asylum expert? Kill those and keep the rest

We don't have places like Molenbeek, though.
Also, the top two origins of immigrants is Poland and Lithuania (before fucking Somalia but still).

oxi literally means no but in context can also refer to Metaxas refusing to work with Italy during WW2 commonly seen as an act of defiance n Greece and a point of pride

Well, no their body heat would melt the permo frozen ground and even there they would do harm against us.


The tide is turning here too. People are openly having opinions you could only have in private before and the "ALT-RIGHT REEEEEEE" fingerpointing ninnies in the lügen-presse are preaching for deaf ears.
Sad that the 25 and younger crowd are thoroughly cucked, though, but these people still have problems figuring out which restroom they want to use and the rest are immigrants themselves.

oh so you don't contain the immigrants like we do? alright


Btw, good luck on your driving test.

You mean refusing occupation from Italians, Italians asked for complete capitulation like we were nothing. They never asked for cooperation.

I'll have to take 2 pre test. Then I can go to the actuall test. But thanks.


Sure we do. That's why we keep the poles and Lithuanians in Oslo (and on icy roads up north where their drunk driving regularly kills some natives).

>asylum experts

Guys I want the image with the based military priest for the next bread.


thank you, based poseidon


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Yeah my bad, they werent seeking for allies but for a vassal.

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Thanks lads.

As an Italian let me again apologize for fighting you in ww2


Well it's ok, it's not like you did any damage to us. Water under the bridge


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whatever, we are bros anyway.

showed his hand too early, kek

based and redpilled

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>Turkish military police is throwing chemicals and tear gas at the Greek side.
That's an act of war right? Can we please give Istanbul to the Greeks now?

It is a great provocation that needs a hard answer. Greatest answer would be to never let any fucking migrant pass through the Greek borders again nd any that passes will ahve their belongings confiscated and returned back to Turkey. Placing the minefield again will help a great deal. That will fuck up their logistics.

oh and probably arrest some faggot roach gendarmier as well.

Another one

"Jobs that are going extinct: feeling street seller"

The figure is our ex prime minister. They're much more mainstream and are doing a better job battling against the left's ideological hegemony than meme posters.

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Too cucked to do it. Plus, we're not that much better at waging war than the Roaches.

"It's OK to have borders"

True story: My grandpa sheltered an Italian soldier after the Germans started looking for Italians to kill when Italy switched sides.

That's a Poland no


We can defend. Hoepfully. But our military is not meant for offensive action and will likely not be able to support the logistics required for such a task


Could this work?

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What was supposed to be the message of this image?

Estonia also send 20 men and 2 patrol boats wich is kinda big considering their size.

This is good stuff. Clever and memorable.

she wants the D.

how do I join your militia? I want to fight invaders too.
I can't stand to sit idle doing nothing while good Greeks fight.
It drives me mad.

That's what I meant. Obviously we can defend but an expedition to the Eastern Thrace or to Asia Minor is doomed to fail.

thank you polbros. we salute you

Coming soon to a neighborhood near you, Germanons. Aren't you proud of this new Europe you've created?

>cuckservative government tries to seize people's property to construct facilities for the great replacement
>the pressure cooker blows up and islanders flood the streets
>government sends riot police to enforce the demands of the NWO
>riot police returns to the mainland with bruises, severe concussions and gunshot wounds
>people thought "why stop there?" and they decide to kill two birds with one stone and go after the NGOs next
>meanwhile the Russian bear turned Erdocunt's al-Qaeda defense corps in Idlib into a red mist
>Erdocunt desperately needs a diversion so he unleashes all the worst criminals of the midnight express right outside the Greek border
>If our PM gives in and let's them through, he will lose power so he decides to reinforce the border for the first time in decades
>Turkish paramilitary is right outside the gates with grenade launchers, shooting smoke and tear gas at /ourguys/
>Erdocunt's Neosultanic ambitions has somehow united Norf Yuros, the Balkans, Russia, even Libya and Egypt
>farmers and civvies create roadblocks, our most popular football teams come together to provide border guards with supplies and volunteers
>Anti-NGO Kristallnacht is in full effect across the islands; cars smashed, warehouses and UNHCR camps destroyed
>PM holds his ground for now and manages to acquire EU funds but nobody knows whether the money will go to the NGOs for the damages or a brand new border fence

tl;dr we've haven't had this much fun in years. What a time to be Greek.

Sometimes postcards will portray old jobs that poor people used to do but are extinct now. This one shows our ex prime minister supposedly selling fellings about refugees on the streets, implying that it doesn't sell anymore.

Wanna say as a diaspora Greek I'm so proud of you guys.

Eλληνες ενωμενοι!

Thank you based Poseidon

We waiting one mistake. Do it. and see what happens. You filthy subhuman robbers of constantinople. We waiting a tiny mistake to burn you alive roachers shitskins

shit meant this vid

Is anyone serving in the borders btw?

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I'm confused about her. She has an quintessential Greek surname (Γιώτα) but she was born in Russia. Is she Greek or Russian?

Greek bros: What are the odds of gov’t collapse, new elections and Golden Dawn surge?

government collapse doesn't sound good in this situation. Turkey would probably use this as an excuse to invade like they did with Cyprus back then.

tell her to contact Stephanos Xios's partners :DDDDDD

You don't have any drones left gaiboi. Back to your rat cave

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kek she will become an ottomaboo afterward




is turkey getting btfo on multiple fronts?

my great grandma did the same
she also told us the Italians were sharing their rations with the poor villagers while the Nazis were pushing pregnant girls off of cliffs
>tfw the G*rms are at it again



Fucking nazi


not that I know of

This. How do I join your foreign legion?

Imagine watching one NATO country attacking another and article 5 gets invoked.

I'm back faggots, what has habbened since I left?

Do you REALLY want to start a WAR turk boy?

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Not likely. Most people and the media are with the goverment on this one, hell even ts*pras agreed with sealing the borders, even though a lot of this mess is on him to begin with. The usual far left and KKE retards are seething as usual but despite some online reeeeing and downvoating on places like the greek subreddit they seem to be ignored mostly.
A lot depends on extrenal factors, as well as wether or not Mitsotakis will balk. People, especially those living in islands and near the borders are really fucking tired of migrants, and the gov balking and letting them in would definetely mean some rise in GD-esque parties. Unless the media makes a switch and tries to brainwash the population before that happens, even then it not certain it will work at this point. Most dont even try to spin muh women and children angle anymore


No, but things are not going according to keikaku.

TL note: keikaku means plan

>Commission: The Greek government has not requested the relocation of refugees



top fukken kek and tell her to post the uncensored transcript of their conversation

We dont have a militia or a foreign legion thing and I dont think its easy to sign up for the army unless you are a citizen or a descendant. BUT there are reports of locals near Evros and the islands forming citizen milita like groups to help the police and track down illegals to turn them in. No idea to what extend these guys are organised though, and may be wary of foreigners after the whole ngo issue

Sorry, my blood is boiling.

>Trusting far left sites

there is your problem right there, bro

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So it seems, so it seems. Tomorrow will be an important day. Putin meets with erdoggo. This will influence the migrant matter as well, since the whole start was roaches getting shitfaced in Idlib.


That's why I said I hope it's just leftshit fake news.

Degeneracy and demographic decline of Europe
Same as usual

I mean i don't even think greeks fell for this bullshit back in 2015 either, did they?

You guys need to print the greek version of these posters and make sure every citizen on that island knows his duty to the country and to his people.

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Either way we will fuck Koulis up the ass, friend.

Unironically the only based journalist in Greece.


blessed grizzly digits

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Good luck, friend, Ottomans already overstayed their welcome on the european continent back in 1853.


you smoking to much weed user.

Sorry for calling you Olive nigger user.
But just because he didn't request refugee allocation doesn't mean we will keep them here. The whole point is to keep them out.

The eternal ANGLO strikes again.

It's finally happening isn't it. Thank you greekbros.


Thank you based poseidon

Great inspiration for what we'll need to do once your country finally collapses and you start swarming our borders.

>where id de humanity
t. roach


Are there private groups detached from the government?
Can you fund them?

>UK siding with Greece's enemy
Imagine my shock

I'll hold you to that.

It's ok, my bad for letting the demoralization machine get to me.

For fucks sake can you stop betraying humanity FOR ONE MINUTE

Name one time the US, UK and Russia has been on any European country's side without it serving their own self-interest.

Greeks are hairy wet backs who get triggered when an Australian waves an Australian flag on Australia Day. Fuck you fat, egocentric, drug peddling, kebab munching wogs.
Greece is heavily infiltrated by the Israelis and this is all part of the plan. Refugees will flood inro germany, nobody will really do fuck all besidesbpat pat eachother on the back hair. Greasy spics

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I don't even know what he's trying to do. Never place any faith in the anglosphere.

Go away mehmet

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>mfw both the eternal anglo and the eternal g*rm will side together with turkey so we get fucked

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the insufferable anti-ruski strategy

Apparently some neo-nazis are arriving to Evros in a couple of days.
Google it, maybe they accept donations.


cringe. Check your temperature, mr. Liang

Shut it down, shut it down

Just let them in already

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Where are they bros? Will we see some cool ass anti immigrant action or will it just be based farmers versus Migrants?

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The irony of this post