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Other urls found in this thread:

Take it down a notch rapist.

This is why Dr. Edward Dutton should be declared king of Finland ASAP

Meanwhile in the UK....
when will europoors admit they have a shitskin and jewish problem?

In the year 2020 we dance the "No Rape Dansen".

Don’t forget to bring your bracelets

>when will europoors admit they have a shitskin and jewish problem?
When faggot e-celebs fuck off and you homos get off your fat jewish asses and go do something in this world instead of bitching about everything like women

the closest apostles of jesus were jewish, user; that means whatever you are talking about is something good

the closest apostles of jesus were jewish, user; therefore whatever you are talking about is something good

I tought a nation that laughed at the face of death was better than this. Fucking publicly execute those White-nigger jews.

>elect female leaders
>suddenly go to shit
How long will it take for the collective males of a country to realize that women cannot hold positions of power?

From the Winter War to this in one lifetime.

Attached: IMG_5852.jpg (425x533, 43.25K)

There is nothing that pisses me off more than modern "humor" aka doing something "wacky" and "zany" while having a deadpan expression on your face


things were fine under our female president, she has been gone for a long time now fucking retarded leaf

No. The Europe has the degenerate American goy problem. The genocide of the American goy will save the western civilisation from the mutt-culturalism.

It's not comedy. They are dead serious, and the body language is supposed to mean "go away", but why would they swing their hips? That's literally "niggerspeak" for come fuck my asshole.

They really underestimate the immigrants. They aren't 5 year old kids, these are fucking adults abusing their kids. Whatever.. enrichment is a cult.

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Just archived this shit, surprised no one archived it before
Will be interesting to see how (((they))) will try to change this in the future


How can there be a rape crisis all of the sudden?

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oy vey.

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oy vey

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But that is from Oulu

100% mentally ill.

I'd like to grab the blond on the right by her nono square.

well done Finland, this is fucking epic, I thought the cUcK and Sweden were fucked, but you've taken it to a whole new level, fucking A star!

Attached: 1582655277722.jpg (600x531, 34.06K)

sounds like a lot of cope from a white finnish cuck

They 100% want the nigger dick rape!
It's the dream.

The entire west is cucked and fucked, don't even care about the white race anymore just want someone to end this insanity, pls nuke us china

she did a shitload of damage which we are still recovering from

>signed the ottawa mine ban treaty (or what ever the fuck it was called)
>she picked literal commie judges who are still in power
probably alot more which i dont remember


Attached: 1568465876596.png (1159x1328, 156.29K)

(((china))) u say ?

>How long will it take for the collective males of a country to realize that women cannot hold positions of power?

Finland is going to hell. That's why no men are found in the party leadership.

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jewed checked

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The fucking song is stuck in my head now

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Jews Are Not Human.

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Why is this in English and not ching chong Finnish?

Name The Jew

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>Meanwhile in the UK....
im prepared to create a political party and eradicate these pests. with the harshest force

guess why, international guests

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Guy in the back on the right has a "If only you knew how bad things really are" face.

This is trend.

they're teaching children how to cope & accept their immediate future.

do it, then expand into the rest of europe and decuck the whites
brittanian empire electric boogaloo

We have gone and went miles beyond any generacy that was in weimar germany

Are they laughing at you or themselves ? Is this some kind of virus ?

Yes Yes Yall And (((You))) Don't Stop

Attached: 1568467556232.png (357x483, 20.38K)

based, archived the comments

The comments on Twitter are pretty good.
>rape Macarena


It's just a money laundering scheme to line their pockets. They spent something like 30 million on this. Someone really should ask for the receipts and post them online to the public.

Is their body language trying to communicate that they want it only in the ass?

He really should.... or any male for that matter at this rate.

i'm being facetious
so no
it means "rape me you niggermonkey shitskin"

Indeed we have, finnbro

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I ain't clicking that no-no box.

And the pharasees were Edomites just like you. So what?

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I would like to see how Muslims react to this video

Good work.

>those two basedboy cucks dancing in the background

Fuck me dead bros


I've seen this a bunch of times, and it keeps getting funnier every time I see it! The guy in the back right, wtf, don't touch me there bro!

I never thought it was possible to capitalize on raw cringe. I guess I was wrong. Lulz.

>I would like to see how Muslims react to this video

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user, we need to organize expedition into northern territories and free our relatives there from evil spell.

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Ah the 200M Euro song. Always worth a chuckle.

Kuvittele kuinka huonosti asiat oikeasti ovat.

What town.

They'll probably believe it's some sort of seduction dance and will proceed to gangbang them for 30 days

Oulu, where there's been a wave of Asians(tm) raping Finnish girls recently.

Oulu. North Pohjanlahti area.

It won't be long now.

Grab some friends and go Full Simo on them, bro.

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She cute, but no snu-snu Moona.

Attached: Moona3.jpg (1080x1080, 392.43K)

Best of both mongol and white worlds.

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If the situation takes a similar turn here in the South, that'd be nice Polebro...

Whatever this is, it isn't cute.

where sweden goes finland inevitably follows.

Gather The Gypsy Witches, I'll go see if any Ice Wizards remain in The North. I don't think there's enough mana in the world to offset this level of autism.

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l read an article in that the brainlet behind the video is considering legal action because the internet hurt his fee fees by mocking the video. Mock harder damnit!

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Rautio is a Skolt Saami surname. She undoubtedly owns a Four Winds Hat.

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What the fuck is that jesus christ my poor eyes


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Gib blonde austistic Finnish qt

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You know what fellas, I think after seeing this, I'm going to change my ways. No more rapey fridays for me. Money well spent.

wtf happened to the fingrolfs? I always thought you are the last non cucked country in the north

Our country is completely cucked and soon it will also be totally fucked. While there's hope on the horizon (Mestari), I'm afraid it will all be too little, too late...

It's catchy as fuck, though. Makes me want to touch no-no squares and see cute girls do this safety dance.

They have Swedish blood.

>Women trying to look imposing

It never works but they continually try it.

Finnish PSA

wait a sec importing rape and also paying for it might a bad idea

Why did you even bother fighting the winter war?

These assholes are given shitton of money just so they can act retarded in social media, and same can be said about police. Cops just pose in internet but do nothing when Ahmed is upto no good.
That's Oulu, where there was grooming/rapes. And Tawja Hawonen was typical female politician, as in more destructive to a nation than all of Russias Arsenal put together.

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The main alcohol producer at the time was just outside of Tampere. The Ruskies kept trying to bomb it to the point there were more anti-aircraft guns surrounding that single plant than there were in the entire capital.

Stop! Joe touched me there, Biden's a pedo please beware.

Unironically, not even this can stop you from ridin' with Biden.

What the fuck is in the water up there?

Uncle Touchy is Finland's Kryptonite.

Attached: FinnishBusStop.jpg (820x461, 51.98K)

One of only 3 known species of freshwater seals.

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I want to breed her. She would make many strong children.

Sandnigger cum

scandanvia forgot what made them a high trust society, they gonna get a heavy dose of what niggers are really like lol.

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What is this racist shit?

Look, it's not the best anti-rape song and video finland could produce. But come on, they only had 2.5 million euros to spend.

why do they queue like this?


Attached: 1566938212175.png (192x263, 24.3K)

dats rite

Because if they stood any farther apart, it would take too long to load the bus.

Attached: finnish_bus_stop.png (555x333, 143.19K)

kek this, they are like animals on a lone island which are suddenly confronted with some new kind of predator. They either have to take measures or they will go extinct.
Pls don't unleash Biden on Finland

How many times are you going to spam this, nigger?



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How the mighty have fallen

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Okay this is better:
Stop, Joe sniffed my hair, Biden's a pedo please beware.

kys racist


ok kike.

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check yourself

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>kys racist
oy vey

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How many Finns does it take to change a light bulb?
None. They would rather sit in the dark out of fear of having to engage in a conversation to find out where the spare bulbs are stored.

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? ??

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ez checkd

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off by one*

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Exactly. Let's hope the Finns Party will be able to do something, but expecting Halla-aho to be some kind of savior is folly. There is a storm coming for Europe no matter what, and we have to be prepared.

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They were Israelites aka whites.

Are finns really anti social? idgi


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yes ok!

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Tarja Halonen was a retarded leftist cunt. Shut up idiot


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But she hated Sweden....

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I wish stupid shit like this would happen in Ontario and that I could find where the people live.

Unfortunately I may never get such worthy targets presenting themselves to be made examples of.

the time for politics passed long ago

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Holy fuck.

Those legs.

If the ox dies, she can pull the plow, in addition to having many babies, and covering your six with suppressing fire in the event of a bewgalew. I... I... I think I’ve seen my ideal woman today...


Attached: bernie sanders porky jew.png (493x375, 63.8K)

>Tarja Halonen
Not the first time an obnoxious Finnish BITCH called TARJA has destroyed things from the inside out.

chêckês ! !

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ylilauta Yas Forums is full of gays, trannies, shitskins, women and other freak of nature with reddit tier humor and retardation

stay away from that board unless you want aids

Attached: norppa.png (1480x2048, 157.31K)

I'd marry her the moment she said "racemixers must hang".

le chêck le

Attached: 1569191739760.png (1280x768, 444.12K)

when you are horny af and preparing to rape your victim starts to doing this

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Never forget
Whores voted for this.
Trade racists for rapefugees

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off bah ona

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ez check nao;

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She will very likely be a lieutenant general in Finland one day.

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Finland needs to be nuked

These people should be raped. Soibois included.

off bah ona !

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check ed

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off by 1!

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Shake your hips side to side to present a moving target for your rapist.

Globalists have begun to use Finnish autism for their memes

Babou! Serpentine!

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No, politics matter. Even to rebel against a system is politics. But this feeble liberal democracy the West now has, with its criminals and lunatics masquerading as servants of the people, is doomed to fall.

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The Rape Macarena, sweeping Europe in 2020!

if only you knew how bad things really were

Attached: 1583337345217.png (138x120, 19.48K)

Ah fuck it's too late... just change country name to Suomali and get similar flag.

They deserve to be raped if they think this is an acceptable way to protect their countrymen

This is what it looks like to shirk your responsibility

I would trade whatever years of life I have left just to see what people from the future, if there's any, think and write about people from today.
Although if there's an AI induced apocalypse I'd be even happier.

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The guy in the back shakes his pee pee?

>I'd marry her the moment she said "racemixers must hang".
When was that?

I've been plagued for days.... Can't shake it

Not gonna lie boys, never thought I'd want to be a rapist until today.

We heard about it 4 days ago.
But thanks for reminder.

Attached: jethus-cwithe-tyson.png (500x644, 134.72K)

>3.3 million dollars for a dance.

I imagine her breath is fresh as a summer breeze

Daughters. These idiots think a no-no dance or bracelet will protect their daughters from hordes of angry immigrant men.

This is normal, in PL too (though now that PiS rules it's the Soros and Norway Funds that pays. It's a form of sponsoring communist organizations.

Most of Finland hates Sweden

It's pretty dumb tho, unless we're talking about cucked Swedes

Not liking neighbouring countries is quite normal though.

When God created Finland, he realized it was too perfect, so he gave the Finns asshole neighbors.

reminder that Tiina Wiik is a race-mixing degenerate and there fore anti-Finnish and anti-European.

Attached: imaisee piipusta.gif (500x213, 499.03K)

Lol well you're right

What? Doesn't she claim to be an ethnonationalist?

I'm not even following her but she shows up as a retweet in my feed at least twice a day along with Hustasaari.

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We need the happening so that spiteful mutants are replaced my group selected people

her boyfriend is a Moroccan immigrant for fucks sake. Just another run-of-the-mill trad-thot with nothing to offer
She's an actual zionist. Our small conservative political scene is possibly even more cucked than that of the US

Attached: sioonisti.png (262x380, 124.92K)

>She's an actual zionist.
At least she's cute.

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Jumalauta ei helvetti

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that's what you get for following e-thots dumb zoomer

>we've gotta exterminate an entire nationality of hundreds of millions thousands of miles away to remove the niggers and semites down the street from me!

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have some eye bleach anons

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Thats sexist to put the men in the back like that for a number of reasons.
Among them it furthers the harmfull act of descriminating against men based on their size
and it also furthers the harmful and toxic misconception that men cannot be sexually abused.

Fins need to file a lawsuit for this one
Imagine if they put blacks in the back or said women cant be molested. The outrage and backlash would be off the charts.

Well I followed her, sure, but it was pretty half-hearted since many "le trad woman xD" have turned out to be complete frauds in the past. Huhtasaari just embarassed herself with the whole plagiarist scandal, her Zionism is just the cherry on the top.

God i'd love to see the blonde on the right get stretched by a BBC.

Who is this girl?

I truly hope there's a silent majority in Europe, just waiting to take action when it will have the greatest effect. It would have already happened if we were allowed to discuss these things in public forums

In maybe 5 years no one will be taking sex tourism trips to Asia, they'll go on Rape Tourism trips to Scandinavia. Much cheaper and safer too

It's actually a decade old song

i'd vote for dutton
why do foreigners care more about finland than finns themselves?

So you are saying we shouldn't nuke Israel?

Included in the anti rape program, which the video is a part of is a guide on how to do a rimjob with condom for hygiene. Just so when Mahmoud rapes little girl she can toss the niggers salad afterwards.

Sweden levels of fucked here we come

Attached: c502d13e.jpg (640x476, 38.33K)

It's far more practical to glass a much smaller and closer target. Go right ahead.

Pic related

Oh and did I mention that this is shown to 13 year old kids?

Attached: 03e3b57e.jpg (924x575, 117.11K)

Wtf is that even supposed to do?

Stop! Don't touch me there
This is my no-no square

Attached: No no.jpg (550x488, 166.3K)

Kids making genitals from thread to combat migrant rapes

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Kata Karkkanen. A playboy goddess from the late 80s, early 90s.

Attached: syrw.jpg (961x1440, 119.54K)

13 YEAR OLD children also have to explain what words like bdsm,squirting,transexual and cis-gender mean

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why is she so perfect lads?

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I wanna fuck the dude on the top right so bad

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The finns reveal thier true form. Look at the finn as he makes cuck dance. Fintards will cope but its to late.


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You know what to do, Pertti.


Attached: NationalSealOfFinland.jpg (1000x1000, 123.42K)

Hayy macarapea!

Would rape the fake blonde.