Trump is going to win 2020. No chance for Biden or Bernie

They're divided as fuck and Trump is putting King Nigger to shame. It's over.

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2020 democratic turnout exceeding 2016 and even 2008 in some states

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Na, Trump won't even get 200 electoral votes this time around.

>Trump is going to win 2020.
This is obvious. The American public has already decided they want more Reality TV in their politics and that competent individuals can go fuck themselves in the ass.

Is this just for Democrat voters or all voters

The Dem fraud machine is all they have going for them.

Trump has it in the bag. Democrat party already knows this. They know most Bernie supporters will vote Trump or stay home. They dont care though. They just wanted Sanders out of the way. There's still more money to be made in hating Trump than there is to be made with Sanders as president.

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Let me know when a competent person runs

pretty sure it's all voters. but of course dems are using it for their propaganda

Of course turnout is going to be bigger because in 2016 they thought Hillary couldn't lose and the field wasn't as divided. A good chunk of that turnout is Bernie supporters who will riot when they get denied once again at the convention. On the other hand, Trump has no opponents and yet his turnout is massive. His base supports him utterly.

lol, there are NO competent individuals that have run against Trump. Literally none. We have the choice of hideously corrupt, incompetent, boring morons, or Trump. Seriously the fact that the neither party could actually put forth a competent challenger to Trump is rather depressing statement about the state of our political parties.

It's amazing they found a weaker candidate than hillary. Biden v. Trump is best case scenario; easy win.

This isn't being covered enough because then the media would have to admit that Trump has great approval among his supporters. It's actually pretty amazing, I think his constant rallying is pushing this turnout. He might be the greatest modern politician.

They do run. They just don't get very far.

Republicans have nothing to do this year so they are screwing with the dems.

seethe more. if you're suggesting that either Joe "I'm running for US Senate" Biden or Bernie "Walk off the stage because my supporters took my mic" Sanders is competent, you're completely disconnected from reality.

Trump on paper should be the easiest candidate in history to defeat, yet they can't manage. It's a great illustration of how far you can get when you just don't give a fuck what the opposition says about you.

(((Bernie))) is tearing the democrat party apart. Do you think they will ever (((notice)))?


>t. Seething leftist faggot

Trumpniggers are leftists. Establishment cucks are all leftist.

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His approval among republican voters is the highest approval rating in the history of the Republican party. Higher than Regan. The primaries have had record Republican voter turnouts. And he has far more overall supporters than in 2016. I really don't know how he does it. I honestly think allot of people like him cause he's hilarious.

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All fake votes
How did twice the population show up

>I really don't know how he does it.
Everyone loves an alpha Chad. Simple as.

>I honestly think allot of people like him cause he's hilarious.
That's the biggest reason for me. I like some of his policies and don't like others, but it's amazing and hilarious to see how much he works up everyone. Overall my life hasn't changed much besides my 401k going up, and taxes down a bit, so I'm happy.

Honest to God, this is the biggest lesson I’ve learned in the roughly 5 years Trump has done this. As long as you come to terms with your own personal history, ready yourself for the fight, and literally do not give a single flying fuck, just that some can take you places. You can call it confidence, gumption, or whatever other adjective. Trump is not perfect, by any means, but he’s taught me a lot about staying positivity and keep fighting and pushing through. It sounds cheesy but I think this is a really underrated part of what Trump has delivered for the right wing in America. They simply see a person willing to fight. Ironic, I know, considering he actively avoided war service but here we are.

I don't agree with everything he does either, but who does have a perfect policy?

It's called cocaine

Pretty much. Plus I have no faith in the government, so besides some window dressing policies, very little changes.

no one cares about incumbent party votes you drama queens.

Nobodys life has changed much but for the economic growth.
To hear some people talk you'd think he's been executing randoms in the streets or something.

>They simply see a person willing to fight
He caved to the Dems and handed retards like you token cosmetic victories to soothe your ass after getting raped by the deep state. The only person more cucked than you is Trump himself.

And whats grown?
Not the welfare roles after last month
Just the dead whites

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>75 year old
>not dead after all this
You potatoniggers have never had even one foot in reality, have you?

Well there's been more repo bailouts, so our bill for Trump's corporate socialism keeps growing.

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>caved to the Dems
What, other than impeachment, have they accomplished in the last three years?

>repo bailouts
The FED issues those, you lying faggot. And Trump has been continuously attacking the Fed since he's been in office. Try saying something that isn't a bald-faced lie.

Please keep going, your salt is better entertainment than anything on TV

>raped by the deep state
lol ok Q

It really is this simple - humans are hardwired to respect and respond to confidence. Women flock to confident men, soldiers rally behind confident generals, etc. You can be the nastiest man alive and still have half a nation supporting you if you strut about with unwavering confidence.

How about omnibus spending bills, you dumb Democrat? How about draining the swamp and locking her up? How about the wall?
Yea Trump screams and bitches about rate cuts and is conveniently silent about the repo bailouts. He acts like the fed tells him to act. They want him bitching about the rates and they want him silent on repo bailouts.

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He and America got fucked hard by the deep state these past few years. Trump's presidency has allowed the to be more brazen than ever before, like Trump helping them "suicide" epstein for example.
Trump is regular cucked by a "man" as effeminate as Jared Kushner. He is the opposite of alpha.

Trump owns the fed you low info qoomer

being built. actually even arguing this in 2020 outs you as a really left behind shill.
>draining the swamp
CEO resignations hit record numbers in January. deep state is putting everything they have behind Biden and he's going to lose. no new wars and peace on the horizon in Afghanistan and Korea.
>omnibus spending bills
so he's not vetoing bills that Congress will override. and?
>you dumb Democrat
lmfao I made this thread to laugh at Democrats you shill cuck. what else you got?
>yeah Trump attacks the fed but he's not attacking them on this latest thing
so now you admit trump attacks the fed but you're whining that he hasn't attacked them enough. pathetic
>trump helping them suicide epstein
trump helped epstein get fucked years ago, and was the only one to do so, faggot. you're nothing but a demoralization shill.

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>the executive branch owns the fed
lol look who's calling me low info. the fed can only be changed by congress through the federal reserve act, you complete fucking mongoloid.

1.5 million came out to vote in a bullshit primary for Trump in Texas. That's significant.

Qfags know that actually. Q has talked about the FED.

> There's still more money to be made in hating Trump than there is to be made with Sanders as president.

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OP, you're being delusional. Whoever won in 2016 was going to lose in 2020. The anti-Trump sentiment form the midterms has not worn off. People like Joe Biden. Yes I know he's senile, it doesn't matter. they hate Trump so much.
>They're divided as fuck
They're all united over their hatred for Trump.

Rallying is honestly Trumps biggest super power.

You should look at reality more and whos on board

>The anti-Trump sentiment form the midterms has not worn off
You're an idiot. The House is at risk of flipping because of the supposed moderates that were elected just voted with the libshits everytime, including on impeachment.
They're fucked.

I'd say it's the other way around. The Fed owns Zion Don
>being built.
Using Obama's design to refurbish Obama's fence is not "building the wall", trumpnigger. 3 years and maybe 2 miles is absolutely abysmal.
>CEO resignations
How the fuck is that draining the government swamp? These CEOs are all easily replaced anyway. Probably to be replaced by the people "fired" by Trump. Golly sure sucks for those swampniggers huh. Biden and Trump are both corporate socialists. They are both deep state. Trump has maintained the previous wars for israel even though he has all the power necessary to end them. At this point, he is just as guilty as Obama and Bush. Also fuck all has changed in Afghanistan and Korea other than the based iranians killing a bunch of glowniggers for us.
>Not veto
Yea he should fight and veto the liberals and cuckservatives. He won't because he is a liberal.
>Laugh at democrats
You are a Dem you stupid trumpnigger. You have all the same goals as the typical libshits.
>Attacks the fed
He attacks them for what they want to be attacked for. Not the shit they want to keep quiet. Like $6.6 trillion in Wall Street welfare.
>the only one to do so
And who got epstein off last time, even with Trump's alleged help? Oh yes, Trump's close friends and allies Alan dershowitz and Ken Starr. Very convenient. Also, Trump helped cover up the "suicide", even if he was a good guy years ago he proved he isn't one now.

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Trump doesn't have shit in the bag. Vote! Always vote. The levels that the Dems will sink to is bottomless. Don't take anything for granted. Learn from 2016. Clinton thought she had it in the bag too.

Let's do this!

Keep America Great in 2020.

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>being absolutely retarded

OP's point is that Trump is UNCONTESTED and still racking up the numbers you fucking illiterate.

>The levels that the Dems will sink to is bottomless
Yea, including having a liberal degenerate like Zion Don run as a cuckservative republican.

Fuck off KAGgot

you seem to be lost, this isn't the chapo sub

This isn't your safe space, trumpnigger. Back to the_donald.

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not a migapede, just don't like socialists like you chapoids

This is probably the most important post. Trump can't fix everything. No president can. But a president can change the culture and reflect what values the people truly want and care about. We're in a crossroads between preserving nationalism or becoming global communist PC slime. This is America and every other country can suck our dick. Vote to get your dicks sucked gentlemen. Take your country back and preserve its values.

There's still a ton of other primaries that are contested, idiot. It's not like there is no reason at all for republicans to show up other than sucking Zion Don's dick like you do. Although I'm sure a lot are showing up just for that.


Trump is a corporate socialist. He is further left than Sanders, but not quite as far left as Biden.
Trump has betrayed everyone who helped win 2016 for him to serve israel and the establishment corporate socialists. He is a traitor.

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No refunds on Trump's corporate welfare.

Now try saying something original.

Blow me faggot. I'm saying vote Trump and don't get complacent you illiterate dildo.

Why would I change when I am guaranteed to btfo trumpniggers with the same arguments? Begging won't get you anywhere, socialist.

>Competent individuals
>Referring to Warren, Clinton, Biden, Sanders, etc.

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Capitalism isn't perfect, we accept our faults and don't shy away from them, crony capitalism is a serious concern and must be tackled head on.

I love seeing trumpnigger friendly fire

>being so poor you have no investments

lmaoing at ur life

The funniest thing is that bernoids could have joined the military or become tradesmen or worked on an oil rig or something else but all of you are lazy autists screeching about how you deserve free shit (which the military gives anyway) without having to work for it. You are the source of your own problems.

replied you be accident, soz fren

>crony capitalism is a serious concern and must be tackled head on.
Well that's not going to happen with a fanatical corporate socialist like Zion Don.

>say Democrat votes
>image shows all votes

i see you, kike

>corporate socialist
Why do you spout terms you dont know the meaning of? And every fucking POTUS is either a puppet for Israel or Saudi Arabia because sucking their cocks is the only way they'll sniff the nomination. And if you think Trump is farther left than lol free shit Bernie then you're one of those faggots from El Chapo and you dont have to be a Trumptard to see that

>Voting in an uncontested primary
Tumpism really is a cult full of morons

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>No investments
Are you kidding? I have made a killing on SPY puts the past week. Scalping dumb boomers is awesome. The worst thing about Bidens performance yesterday is that it's going to crab the market instead of another tumble to make quick money on. Bubble is popping anyway. You're going to wish you had president Bernie to blame in a year.

Massachusetts is still subtly gerrymandered. Roughly 35% of the state votes red but every presidential election all districts go blue. I hope that Bernie Bros here (I know many) will be some fed up with the DNC fucking Bernie again and abstain from voting or write in. I want this to be the year that at least one district in MA goes red.

it's not going to happen with you chapoids either.

We need to raise awareness to close the corporate income tax loopholes, raise the capital gains and dividends tax to cut the income tax rates for the middle class and have regulators prevent monopolies and abuse of market position. We need to raise awareness on the issues and vote in politicians who deliver on them.

>implying 2012 wasn't uncontested for Obama
Are you illiterate or were you just born stupid?

>LARPing this much
You couldn't scalp a corpse you fucking pansy

All capitalism is crony capitalism. Capitalism is increasing capital with no increase in goods or services, which is another way of saying capitalists are people who get rich without working for it. The free market is the answer, when there are goods and services in demand money returns to it's actual value and is immune to inflation.
It boggles my mind that most Americans don't understand that's what socialists mean when they say Capitalism is evil, they take it as a personal insult against Americans.
But then the socialists are stupid and want government in control of the market which ends up being the exact same end result of capitalism: the majority of resources under the control of a few people.

And way less Obama supporters voted because they weren't sycophant cultists

lmao look at this dude lying on a chinese cartoon image board, where did it all go wrong in life user

you're a fucking idiot.

you guys realize that the legislative branch is more important than the executive branch right. trump lost the house. "muh country" is insufficient now. that was the 2016 answer

if he ends like obama and cant get anything through the legislative branch which drafts all laws he will look dumb

They did in 2012, but smart phones were still new so not everyone got to find out about how the MSM black listed Ron Paul. Haven't had a good candidate since.

You're not wrong but the majority of Socialists say Capitalism is evil because they're retards who took out loans with massive interest rates, get a useless degree and dont get a job in college to help pay back some of the debt before the interest rates skyrocket. They just believe Socialism will clear them of their debts and give them more money without actually doing anything

Excellent rebuttal. You played yourself because you didn't bother to read the entire picture in OP's post and now you're resorting to back tracking in Hope's that I didn't notice. Unfortunately for you, Yas Forums is full of autists that take notes of the most trivial details.

You're a fucking moron and have no notion of history. Capitalism has lifted from poverty more people in this country alone than anything associated with Marx has in the entire history of the world.
Its your fault for not playing by the rules you fucking chink

It's okay. I love you.

>And every fucking POTUS is either a puppet for Israel or Saudi Arabia because sucking their cocks is the only way they'll sniff the nomination.
I wanted something different from Trump. I have no reason to support this establishment cuck and every reason to shit on him and his dumb cultists.
>We need to raise awareness
Anyone who is not yet "aware" is consciously choosing to be unaware. Politicians all know this and are 100% committed to keeping the scam going as long as possible. The only exception are madmen like Sanders who would do us all a favor and squeeze the system too hard and break it.
Don't worry, your 401ks will recover someday lmao. Meanwhile, it's just free money. Well I guess it was your free money lol.
Do you not know what primaries are?

Holy shit. I never thought of that. I'm with HER now.

Yea but we don't have capitalism, we have corporate socialism.

That wasn't the argument brainlet, our current system was taken over by special interests and tearing it to the ground and enacting full blown government control is beyond retarded


establishment R's and neocons sat out in 2016, they're going all in in 2020 now, moderates on the fence sat out for both parties, 2020 is not going to reflect 2016 and i'm watching, in real time, the democrat elites popping champagne AGAIN after Biden comes back from the brink of death.

dems need the youth turnout, they aren't even turning out for Bernie this time because he took all their money in 2016 and gave it to Hilldawg. There is no chance they get a hard on for Biden. He's not JFK. In fact, I don't even think moderates and independents are going to switch to Biden because he looks like he has dementia.

And you aren't going to get anyone else aside from Trump until 2024. Go move to Mexico faggot.

What does a 401k have to do with you being a pussy that can't scalp a corpse? Do you Chapo faggots really think you can fit in on a forum that despises any form of Socialism?

>2020 and trumpniggers are STILL pretending to fight Hillary
Honestly it would be hilarious if the DNC gives her the nomination at a brokered convention and she just rubs "lock her up" in Trump's face the entire election.
You think you can VOTE your way out of over a century of banker dictatorship? Nigger please. We need a hard reset and the tree of liberty is in dire need of watering. Sanders would have broken the system.

Again, you dont know what that term means. Corporate Socialism implies every single business is entirely controlled by a Socialist style government which isn't the case. The US is a Democratic Republic you braindead retard

>Sanders would have broken the system.

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>And you aren't going to get anyone else aside from Trump until 2024. G
Doesn't mean Yas Forums has to suck his dick like you reddit immigrants.
>despises any form of Socialism
Do you not know what the swastika represents?

Do you even fucking read the post before replying? You're either a shill or braindead.
Also, "banker dictatorship" is still preferable to literal jackboot tyranny and the whole country being reduced to the economics of Venezuela

That's DNC fraud. It'll be a lot harder for them to fake it in the presidential election.

>Corporate Socialism implies every single business is entirely controlled by a Socialist style government
And where did you get that definition? The US is a banker dictatorship with a circus every 4 years.
Our monetary system is built entirely on creating money from thin air and enslaving working Americans to the debt that incurs. Sanders would have tried creating way too much something from nothing and break the system. This would lead to global economic collapse and ideally civil war.

the house isnt flipping retard

>reddit immigrants
Did you come up with that term on discord you cancerous newfag? You dont even know what Noko means

Forum, anonymous image board, same difference. You're deflecting because you can't refute my points or defend your own for that matter. Your reedit tactics are obsolete here

>retard doesn't know what a Swastika represents
It's a peace symbol faggot

Blackpill faggots like you are almost as bad as trumpniggers. White men don't need to fear upheaval because we will come out on top. The country our forebears built now punishes us and serves niggers and kikes. When a house is infested with termites (like ours clearly is), you have to tear it down and start anew.

Bernie "three homes" Sanders wouldn't do shit, you're stupid for thinking he could even if he was elected.

We live in Narnia

Almost every country in Europe has centralized banking, including your precious Denmark and Norway. You their the term Corporate Socialism around like a rag but (((central banks))) have nothing to do with corporations and the US is the furthest thing from Socialist in the western world so that term is essentially an oxymoron. You dont understand anything about economics or politics for that matter; you're just a useless piece of shit that wants free shit

I have been here since 2006 and I don’t know (or remember) what Noko means.

Trump has botched the handling of the coronavirus situation, he is going to lose.

Holy shit you are actually delusional, the US isn't some African shithole with a tinhorn dictator, you're not being oppressed by "muh bankers." This country is the only country where you can change class brackets with relative ease, its just losers like you who can't compete and want to tear it all down.
>Blackpilled faggot
You could've been a skilled projector if you weren't pissing away your life shilling on an image board

>i keep saying trumpnigger so I win
>i keep saying obama's wall so I win
>i keep saying drumpf did some but not enough so I win
you have to go back

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of course you do. like i said, demoralization shill. you're more of a glownigger than anyone here, which makes you calling others democrats the height of lolz.

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>zion don
oh 2017. you just won't leave Yas Forums.

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If you ever posted on Yas Forums Yas Forums or Yas Forums in their primes, then you should know what Noko means, especially if you've ever made a new thread back then. Reminder that this was long before catalogs existed

>Overall my life hasn't changed much
well the point was to not elect another obama or hillary, it would be hell x2 if they got elected

I don't care if Sanders is able to deliver free shit. I'm certain he can't. His attempt would break the federal money printing system.
Still waiting on where you got your definition. It's fine if you made it up.
I don't want to be Denmark. Their wealth is based off not having to defend themselves. You are extremely ignorant if you think corporations have nothing to do with central banks. The Fed IS a corporation you dipshit. It literally has stock and dividend payouts. The (((stockholders))) are kept secret but it's not like us plebs can buy any. This is who owns both Trump and Biden.

You should really consolidate your efforts and boil it down to what you are:
Thing is, you don't even have the intelligence to get your demoralization approach down to meme-level status. You're the lowest tier of demoralization shill: just telling everyone they're wrong and fucked. You offer no alternatives, ultimately convincing nobody of anything.
>Blackpill faggots like you
The fact that you typed this only demonstrates how lacking in self-awareness you are.

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I hope it becomes Joe vs Donald lol

Michelle Obama will run with Biden or solo and she has 80% of winning.

Just because you can play on your Nintendo switch and watch niggerball every night doesn't mean you aren't a slave you nigger. I can compete in the confines allowed by our kike banker overlords and have plenty of money to buy creature comforts while my nation continues to be bled dry. They will pay for what they did to America and traitors like you will pay with them.
>Reeeee stop bullying me!
Zion Don is a corporate socialist Dem and no amount of your tears will change that.

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>1,900,000 votes

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>Corporate is self explanatory
>Socialism is self explanatory
Just because you use the term however the fuck you want doesn't change the literal meaning of those words. Therefore it's implied that all corporations are controlled by the Socialist government, but that's just regular Socialism to begin with. I'm assuming you use the term to describe how the government bails out big businesses and gives them tax cuts but that usually only happens with businesses that can actually make their money back. Remember when Obama bailed out multiple businesses, including GM which came back to bite taxpayers in the ass. Is that what you willingly support?

Winning isn't the problem, winning the house back is. If he loses the house and wins the presidency they will impeach him over and over.

House is irrelevant as long as he controls the Senate. Senate are the ones who actually vote on impeachment; the house are just useless faggots that make suggestions that the Senate votes on if the majority of the house agrees on it

>shitty shilling is criticized for being shilly and without substance
>gets essence of shitty shilling boiled down to the demoralization shilling it is
>you're just saying stop bullying me
>zion don drumpf miga ur democrat reddit
nice projection. still waiting on you to make an argument that isn't three years old, demoralization shill.

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I can call it "billionaires welfare" or "socialism for the rich" but corporate socialism triggers the most retards.
>I'm assuming you use the term to describe how the government bails out big businesses and gives them tax cuts
Yes, along with the function of the Fed.
>Remember when Obama bailed out multiple businesses
Yes. Obama is a corporate socialist like Zion Don.
>Is that what you willingly support?
No. I was 16 when king nigger first ran as the market was shitting itself. I bought the hope meme and hoped he would fucking punish the banks. He cucked out and I have hated him ever since. I also fell for the Trump memes in 2016. Trump also cucked out so I hate him too. If the system only allows cucks then the system needs to go.

>without substance
Please, at the very least the ancap retard learned that the Fed is in fact a corporation today. Trump is a proven deep state stooge and corporate socialist. Calling me a shill doesn't change facts, KAGgot.

>28 year old faggot thinks he understand how the world works
>uses terminology he knows is wrong because he likes the attention of being corrected
>uses vpn
>still offers no alternatives
>just attacks everyone calling them democrats or redditors or other 2017 shit
>profits from the very kike financial schemes he whines about
good luck with your opiate addiction. I give you 4 years.

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And what makes you think any other POTUS, including Bernie would do any different than those two or the ones elected before them? US politics is a ruse; presidential candidates spew whatever propaganda they can during the election cycle and make many empty promises that they know they wont actually fulfill but that's irrelevant to them as once they get elected they dont have to worry about securing empty promises. I agree that the US needs to change politically but voting isn't going to accomplish anything when the real enemies to the US are the ones controlling the strings in office. That's why I dont really hate Trump because as much of a kike puppet he is, he sucks a lot less Israeli dick than most of the GOP and anyone from the DNC would have done worse. Just think about it for a second, how many candidates from either party would go out of their way for peace talks with the likes of best Korea, and attempt to pull put all troops in Syria and Iran? The only other one who is genuine enough to do that is Tulsi but she was never going to be allowed to win the nomination to begin with

The ancap made up his own definition of corporate socialism and just wants me to use it. I won't.
I already offered the only viable alternative, vote for whoever will break the system. That's Sanders as of now. You are redditor democrats, no harm in being accurate. Also no harm in making a few grand on SPY puts. It's like a videogame. You will continue being a stupid easily-triggered trumpnigger.

Stop pretending like you know what you're talking about because you have no idea how the US government actually runs.

>MSM silent on democrat turnout
you think if democrat turnout was through the roof it would signal trump's end and MSM would be crowing about it but the turnout is low and DNC/media is scared. when people have too many choices they cant make a choice. that's how/why DNC got other candidates to rally around butterbrain joe. turnout was low and they were hoping to get a boost by narrowing the field. didn't work and they're totally fucked.

Still waiting for you to refute

lol why you vpn hopping all of a sudden, demoralization shill?
>vote for Bernie
>you are democrats
holy shit. the fact that you type these things one after another are clear evidence of detachment from your own consciousness. you should really seek help for whatever substances you're currently hardlining.
>also yeah i profit from the system that I want destroyed
again, either you are on drugs to justify to yourself the glaring contradiction in your actions, or you are a shill pushing contradictory values in order to demoralize people here. either way, it's sad and particularly funny coming from a 28-year-old day trader.
the fact that you keep using this 2017 rhetoric while claiming others are from reddit makes me kek heartily.

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This is probably their best bet, VP Hillary will just piss everyone off.

>And what makes you think any other POTUS, including Bernie would do any different than those two or the ones elected before them?
I think Sanders would try printing way too much imaginary money way too fast and would fuck up a delicately balanced scam. It might nor happen, but it's definitely not happening with Zion Don so why not?
>he sucks a lot less Israeli dick than most of the GOP
Lol what? He is the champion kike dick sucker and we all know there is a LOT of competition for that crown. He fucking murdered a hero like soleimani just to please the kikes after soleimani raped their ISIS pals. His peace talks are photo ops, the actual situation in Korea is unchanged. The situation with Iran is actually much worse after 4 years of Zion Don. And he doesn't need to "attempt" to pull out troops, he has all the authority he needs to do that. He just pretends to try to mollify idiots like you. He has zero intention of actual pullouts and will almost certainly invade Iran next term.

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>the fact that you type these things one after another are clear evidence of detachment from your own consciousness
Did you know that not everyone who voted for trump is a republican? Guess not.
>You can't make money off the market if you hate it!
Why not? Especially if you're shorting dumbfuck boomer stocks. Also I prefer "triggered" to "cope" and "seethe". Get over it.

Bernie would never be allowed to fuck with the FED. If he so much as tried he would get JFK'd and his VP would become POTUS.

Are you retarded? Any other GOP candidate wouldn't have hesitated to send more troops into Syria and Iran and Clinton was going to implement a No Fly Zone in Syria, both of which would benefit Isrsel greatly. All Trump has done is approved of the move of the embassy to Golan Heights, which only made Syrians hate him and Israel in return, and ordered two airstrikes in Syria that resulted in a whopping zero casualties. Compare that to the time Obama drone striked a hospital full of children. You're under the impression that you can influence anons on Yas Forums with your bullshit but dont realize anons that lurk here long enough come up with their own answers and usually can't be swayed. Bernie lost, Chapo House lost and you lost and all you have to show for it is the bitterness and spite in your posts

>vote bernie because he'll fuck up the system
>also bernie is a corporate socialist just like trump and the rest
>but trump as a corporate socialist is totally different than corporate socialist bernie
oh this feedback loop is juicy and so indicative of psychosis.
>Lol what? He is the champion kike dick sucker
Hasn't started a single war, faggot. War is the ultimate kike dick sucking and he's blueballed them on that single point for three fucking years, which you continually refuse to acknowledge because you have no argument to it.
>hurr durr u din't know non-republicans voted for trump did u
holy shit in 2020 thank you for informing me that pissed off bernie bros voted for trump to spite hillary. i think you're the only person in the world to know this and you've illuminated everyone here with your 28-year-old day-trading wisdom lolol holy shit.
>i prefer outdated teh_donuld rhetoric to 2020 Yas Forums rhetoric
>also btw you need to go back to plebbit you democrat
you are a walking contradiction. your brain hemispheres are dissociated in a way that only homeless san francisco needle fuckers can sympathize with.

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>If he so much as tried he would get JFK'd
Good. Riots and possibly civil war would follow.
>Any other GOP candidate wouldn't have hesitated to send more troops into Syria
The same GOP that wouldn't let Obama invade Syria? Rand Paul still exists you know. He didn't disappear so you could suck more Trump dick. Trump more or less admitted defeat to Iran in Syria yet still keeps our troops there. How interesting.

Trump attempted to remove troops from Syria and everyone from Tulsi Gabbard to Noam Chomsky(these supposed anti-imperialist anti-war figures) threw a bitch fit. he's brought the Korean Peninsula and Afghanistan closer to war's end than literally any POTUS ever has, and you're saying the GOP wouldn't let Obama invade Syria(while he invaded Libya, Somalia, Yemen, etc). I love how selective you have to be with reality to validate your accelerationist worldview, which is really just a way of visiting your self-hatred upon the rest of the world. no wonder you're a Bernie bro.

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>thinking roots would lead to anything other than Anarchy
>thinking you would actually survive more than a week in an Anarchist society

And Randlet is the only person in the GOP that acts like that because of who is father is
>why dont we just withdraw all troops immediately, it should be easy and with zero repercussions
It isn't that simple even if you think it is. Israel demands US presence in Syria and Iran and Trump, or any POTUS for that matter can't refuse them entirely since he has lived ones that can be used against him. Let me ask you this, do you have any idea what the Arab Spring was or were you only 10 years old a decade ago?

>thinking you would actually survive more than a week in an Anarchist society
but d00d he's got PUTS, man! and thank god he does because otherwise how would he continue to get that sweet Burmese #4 to keep him going?

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Vermont 1.29% black.
The only state to prefer King Nigger, because they lack experience with niggers.

the term is crony capitalism or corporativism, corporate socialism is an oxymoron as socialism entails public ownership of the means of production. ancap is right in this case

suicide seems your best shot at redemption from the hell that is your life.

Sanders might cuck out. He'll probably cuck out. That still puts him above Trump, who already cucked out. Trump has continued fighting israel's wars despite having zero actual obligation to so. After almost 4 years, he is just as guilty as Obama and bush.
>thank you for informing me
You're welcome. You are pretty ignorant so I'm glad to help.
>Trump attempted to remove troops from Syria and everyone from Tulsi Gabbard to Noam Chomsky
Trump caved to Noam Chomsky huh? Gee now I really want to vote for him!
If I die, I die. I think I'll be alright. It's more about the chance to make real fundamental change. And revenge. Mostly revenge.
>Trump, or any POTUS for that matter can't refuse them entirely
Then he is too cucked to be president. Stop settling for cucks. I know what the Arab spring was, yes.

It also entails welfare so I'll stick with corporate socialism.
My personal life is fine. Doesn't mean I can't hate the ever browner corporate socialist dystopia.

Number of terms per party since 1912.


The 1 is Jimmy Carter. Only 1 is extremely rare. 3 or more is less rare than only 1. 2 is the most common.

Disagree. Hillary is fucking awful, evil. Biden is just not as disgusting as Hillary. Hillary is 100 on the hate scale. Biden is below that 100.

I hate Hillary, I do not hate Biden.

>talking shit when you would cower in the face of real Anarchy where no one will protect your rights or you for that matter
>thinking you would actually do anything different from Trump if you were in his shoes knowing you have a scope to the back of your head if you make a wrong move
And apparantly you dont know what the Arab Spring was because if you knew what it was, you would realize that Israel has been trying hard to do it again but in Syria this time. Obama had Gaddafi killed off while the CIA and Mossad created fake riots throughout Libya to distract the people around the world from what they were about to do. They succeeded in assassinating Gaddafi and proceeded to throw Libya, the most stable country in Africa at the time, into pure chaos. They then proceeded to use this as an excuse to further increase the influx of refugees in Europe which led to the migrant crisis Europe is facing now. If Trump was as big of a Zionist puppet as you assume he is, why hasn't he taken measures to overthrow Assad since that's what Israel has been doing for years now.


Going by your own definition, Corporate Socialism would not guarantee anyone welfare dumbass because bailouts have nothing to do with welfare

>bailouts have nothing to do with welfare
bailouts are welfare for banks and corporations idiot. its literally their version of foodstamps to keep them from dying.

>Trump has continued fighting israel's wars
I said literally the opposite. I guess this is the only way you can argue now.
>pretending I wasn't sarcastic
Again, arguing the opposite of what I said
>pretending I said Trump caved to Noam rather than pointing out how dedicated the opposition to removing troops from Syria was across the political world
Jesus. You're disintegrating
>I think I'll be alright.
You're already fucked, and in order to not off yourself, you've completely subsumed yourself to a delusional psychosis. Try the black tar. It'll give you the "acceleration" you crave.

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>welfare for banks and corporations
I though you said you hated the FED, why would you care if billion dollar companies get bailouts? Don't play dumb mate, we both know I was referring to welfare in the general sense when I said that. And on the topic of welfare, it wouldn't actually exist in a Socialist society as everyone would essentially have the same pay rate, whereas taxpayers feel the brunt of it in Capitalist countries where useless fucks can mooch off the system but at the same time you claim to hate said system.

This. The same can be said about Trump - he seems like more of an idiot than an evil person.

Stupid is preferred over evil because stupid people are less capable of doing things in general.

>My personal life is fine.
lol if only. you're clearly single, unemployed, and struggling to find meaning in your existence. if your personal life was fine you wouldn't want the world around you to burn in accelerated turmoil. i know your denial is deep-rooted, but at least stop lying when you've already revealed the vastness of your self-imposed abyss.

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conservatives know how to make statements with their votes instead of on social media

they know they need 4 more years to finally but the obama admin to bed

yes this is the case for me and my family. We have no war, and tax cuts.

thats good enough for me, 4 more years

Hey snowflake. I'm voting Trump again. Enjoy 4 more years.

>I said literally the opposite
I don't care what you said. The fact is Trump has maintained israel's wars just like Obama and Bush.
>Again, arguing the opposite of what I said
Again, I don't care what you said.
>how dedicated the opposition to removing troops from Syria was across the political world
None of which changes the fact that he caved to the Dems and neocons. Mostly because he's on the same team as them.
>why would you care if billion dollar companies get bailouts?
Because that's American wealth and prosperity being turned into fed monopoly bucks and inflated away
after the corporate socialist handouts.
>it wouldn't actually exist in a Socialist society as everyone would essentially have the same pay rate it existed in the USSR. I think you're just retarded.
>if your personal life was fine you wouldn't want the world around you to burn in accelerated turmoil.
I care about future free from central bank slavery. I am confident in my ability to see me and mine through my upheaval. You are just a coward and project your weakness on others. It's why you cling so hard to Trump "winning" for you.
Trump is a linear continuation of bush and Obama's administrations. Same wars, same degeneracy, same swamp.

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Do what you want, liberal.

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Trannies are gross and mentally ill. One supporting Trump doesn't make me hate Trump though. Why in the world would anyone let a tranny have that much control over their decisions?

You have proven you have zero understanding of reality and can’t even be considered human

Those numbers for NC don't look good

at least they won't breed any halfniggers

They should compare these numbers to the polling from 2016. The obvious difference is the existence of an actual competition this year. No one thought Bernie would actually beat Hillary in 2016, but he represented a dissatisfied wing of the party.

Pretty much this was the last competent guy to run trumps not that bad though in reality compared to the last 30 or so years for damn sure

He most definitely would. Socialism does not work so whatever system you had he'd broke it.

>numbers that are meant to show great leftist enthusiasm are bullshit, but that doesn't matter
How is it to be as braindead as you are?

>reddit spacing
kill yourself

Because Zion Don is a degenerate who wants a Weimar America full of trannies. But Zion Don's sins go far beyond trannies. He is an open borders corporate socialist.

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>The fact is Trump has maintained israel's wars just like Obama and Bush.
ISIS beaten. Afghanistan moving towards an end with the ceasefire. Korean coming to an end after seven decades. Keep up the denial, faggot.
>I don't care what you said because it would mean arguing it and I'm incapable of doing that so fuck you Democrat vote Bernie.
I'm just going to use that as the sum total of the rest of your posts, depressed drug addict.
>You are just a coward projecting weakness onto others
Says the whiny cunt who tells others who don't want civil war and mass violence to literally vote for the open borders communist kike. lol I don't think even a cadillac health plan could provide sufficient psychological help for your dissociative state.

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>if you vote Trump you're a liberal or Democrat
>vote Bernie that's the true Yas Forums candidate

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What trannies want has no power over my vote. I don't care what they want, to automatically hate something because a tranny likes it is just weak. To allow a mentally ill faggot that much control over your actions is sad.


>ISIS beaten
By Iran and Russia
>Afghanistan moving towards an end with the ceasefire.
We just did an airstrike on them today
>Korean coming to an end after seven decades
Kim still has his nukes. The situation is uncharted other than a hypothetical cosmetic peace treaty. I'm sure Kim enjoyed the photo ops.
>I'm just going to use that as the sum total of the rest of your posts
Cool. Trump caved to Chomsky and Lindsey Graham and everyone else so fuck him.
>open borders communist kike
That's trump and president Kushner. I already have insurance tho.
Sanders is chaos. Trump is establishment.

>can go fuck themselves in the ass.
Is that all you communists ever think about?

Sorry your mommy was harsh with your potty training. Or maybe fondled you when changing your diaper.

But you really need to clean up your minds and mouths.

>what is greentexing
You faggots really need to learn to lurk. And I meant to say wouldn't there. Way to conveniently nitpick points you could argue with while ignoring everything else

So don't worry about the trannies. But why vote for an open borders corporate socialist?

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>Sanders isn't establishment

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Oh yeah but what about Vermont? Check mate Blumpfkin

>Sanders is chaos
You faggots are resorting to stale memes to get your points across. As I've stated multiple times you Chapo faggots aren't going to accomplish anything

Yes it is.

A legal immigration system isn't "Open Borders". It's the very definition of having borders and requirements to be admitted to the US. Amnesty on illegal immigration is far more "Open Borders" in policy.

>Way to conveniently nitpick points you could argue with while ignoring everything else
Says the ancap retard who doesn't understand the fed and is nitpicking how I accidently connected a separate line to the greentext quote.
There was welfare in the USSR, which was a pretty socialist place. In fact you could even call it communist.

>B-but dude Zion Don lmao

Less establishment than Zion Don

Wonder how difficult it will be for the GOP just from the sheer voter turnout of the Dems alone; that might spell trouble

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>making baseless implications because you have no arguments
Of course I know what the fucking FED is, you on the other hand go around throwing terms you don't understand because you think it makes you sound smart, when in reality you don't understand shit. You also ignored a good 80% I said, including not bother replying to posts you had no answers to while attempting to change the discussion to something in your favor. Bernie is a sham, always has been and always will be but gullible retards that assume he would be any different are ignorant to how broken the system is.

>you COULD call the USSR communist
>vote for Bernie the communist
>I want the world to go into civil war and breakdown just like the communist uprisings in the early 20th century
>I'm happy to profit off the financial system I lament
In other words, you're a communist. You could save everyone a lot of time and just admit what you are, druggie.
>the guy who literally told people to vote for the establishment candidate is less establishment than the guy who beat the establishment and took their party from them
ok commie.

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Sanders will print too much money for the fed to sustain, collapsing the economy and creating chaos. Or they JFK him like you said. Both are more interesting than Trump sucking kike dick for 4 more years.
Letting in shitskins to replace whites is open borders, whether it's done legally or not. Legal white genocide is not any better than illegal white genocide.

>Puts down goalpost
>Gets proven wrong on said goalpost
>Moves goalpost

You sir are either a nigger or a faggot; if you aren't one, then you are the other. :)

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Indeed. He's made things a bit better here and there and is keeping things from getting worse. It's better than any other president I've lived under, that's for sure.

How does so much bullshit fits in your head?
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