There is only one God and it is The Aten

There is only one God and it is The Aten

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There is but One God, and Aten was His first Prophet
>willing to turn the entire country against him to proselytize for the One
>entire legacy scrubbed and probably died poisoned
literally the first martyr

And he cohencidentally looks like a retarded nigger-jew hybrid like Obama.

I'm fucking retarded

So was his mom white or his dad cause thats a mulatto


>missing the point

Nice hat

More like one of the Bogs if you asked me

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Pharaohs of the 18th dynasty
Amenhotep I
Amenhotep II
Amenhotep III
Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten)

Gods are assholes and we should kill them all like Kratos.

>he thinks you can kill Aten

No one cares about what you think you fucking nihilistic coomer

What idiots think are (((gods))) are either scum or imaginary and only complete subhuman morons would care about them.

No, that's Yahweh. The "aten" is just the sun and worshiping the sun is idolatry.

Says who?
The subversive Israelite Moses?


>He thinks the One God cares about which honorific he's honored under
Okay nigger

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Sons of Aten

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How blasphemous of you people! The only true god is my anus.

Naw man.... The only God is Brahma.

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Nukes are fake and gay ancient death cult fear porn (Jews).

Redpill me on akhenaten and atenism

Kneel before your one true god

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sun worship

this. I don't know if they're our greatest hope, or the betrayers of our species.

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>Furrygods bow to the Solar Disk

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The Proto-History of the Judeoanuist Conspiracy

Although the concept of the New World Order is a modern phenomenon, the Judeoanuist conspiracy is much more ancient and has a multi-millennial history. In order to understand it in its entirety first we have to take a brief look at its proto-history and go all the way back to its dark origin.

The original Jews were always the people of their god Anu-Yahweh and therefore were distinct from the rest of mankind. They are not a very ancient race as they themselves would like to make us believe, but rather a new creation whose spawning was something special. It is for something that the fanatical Zionist Rabbis and the deranged leaders of Jewry often say that Jews and Gentiles are two different species and that non-Jewish souls come from a demonic source. The original Jews or Proto-Hebrews were created separately by their own demonic god in the region of Palestine almost some 4000 years ago. After the last divine war between the Enkites and the Anuists which would bring about the sudden and mysterious demise of the ancient Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia, Anu would establish his own people on earth and form the Proto-Hebrews via alien genetic engineering. He would use his own extraterrestrial genetic material and also that of his interplanetary allies the Draconians, a malevolent alien race distinct from the Anunnakii. The Draconians are the same extraterrestrial species which would later appear as the malefic Archons in the Gnostic texts of Nag Hammadi. The Anuists are very powerful beings but at the same time much less numerous than ourselves. Therefore, they would need their own earthly people by which they could conspire against the humanity of Enki.

>furry gods
Only one
The Sun


The people of Anu-Yahweh would be created in his image and likeness and therefore would inherit many of his violent and pathological traits such as depravity, lust for blood, warmongering and a thirst for conquest. In fact, the story of the election of Abraham in the Hebrew Genesis is nothing more than an esoteric allegory of the commission of that warlike people for their conspiracy against the nations. Let's remember that the Judeochristian Bible is nothing more and nothing less than a sinister Zionist blueprint for Jewish world domination and an accursed tool for them to reach that goal. The hybrid Proto-Hebrews created by the Anuists would soon leave their original territory and make war with the peoples of Enki. Known as the Hyksos, they would appear in Egypt for the first time at the beginning of the second millennium and would soon take over the two Egyptian kingdom by their great military power. They violently subjugated the great Egyptian people of Marduk and established their own government which would last for almost two centuries. The origin of the Hyksos is a great mystery. There were rumors that they were Semites, then Asiatic nomads or even Greeks. However, it is evident that their leaders bore Canaanite names although they would later choose to adopt Egyptian pseudonyms. Let's bear in mind that in the second millennium the Hebrews and the Canaanites were still the same people and spoke the same semitic dialect. The Hyksos had Hebrew-Canaanite names and spoke a Levantine language. They were Proto-Hebrews!


The Proto-Hebraic Hyksos would rule over the Egyptian people until around 1570 BCE when they were defeated by the Theban resistance and cast out of the region. The great kingdom of Egypt would recover from the infiltration and everything to continue as before. However, almost two centuries later the Egyptian government would be infiltrated once more, this time by the treacherous monotheistic 'pharaoh' Akhenaton, an Anuist hybrid and religious fanatic who vehemently opposed the Cult of Amon-Ra (Marduk), the firstborn son of Enki, and attempted to replace the polytheistic Egyptian religion with Atonism, a monotheistic cult to a sole sun god. In the beginning Akhenaton declared that Aton was the supreme god, but then later he would begin to deny the very existence of all the original Egyptian gods, proclaim Aton as the one true god and initiate a violent smear campaign against all other cults. His followers would ransack the temples of Marduk, destroy the images of the deities of Egypt and persecute the priests of the ancestral cults. The intolerant Akhenaton was the precursor of the disrespectful and blasphemous biblical Moses. Fortunately the new cult introduced by Akhenaton would hardly last 20 years and the religious tyrants of his regime would all be exiled from the country. All the Anuist onslaughts against Egypt failed and the Egyptians would restore their great spiritual current.

Here we see clearly the typical modus operandi of the Chosen People of Anu. Here we expose their shameless deceit and their underhanded tactic of the accusatory inversion. They are just like their deceptive god. Despite the fact that the Hebrews themselves invaded the kingdoms of Egypt, subjugated the Egyptians and subjected them to their dominion by military force, the Jews would later twist history and accuse the Egyptians of having enslaved them in their land before the so-called 'Exodus' of Moses. The fictitious Exodus of the Hebrews from the region of Egypt never happened and the biblical story is nothing more than a pseudo-history of the Jews invented in the first millennium and included in their accursed Bible of lies. The truth is that biblical scholars and egyptologists have been searching for proofs of the event for a long time and still after more than a century of research no convincing evidence has been found to support the veracity of the Exodus. In the end, although the Jews have always been an oppressive, intolerant and warmongering people, they always pass themselves off as the victim and seek to accuse foreign peoples of having oppressed them.

Later the same Chosen People of Anu would establish a monarchy in the region of Palestine and there they would continue to practice their strange saturnic religion and make war with the polytheistic peoples around them until their kingdom of Judah was defeated by the powerful Babylonian Empire in 587 BCE. The Jews were a troublesome people and many of them were exiled to Babylonia for their continuous unrest. Once there, the elite of the Hebrew priesthood would redact their supposed holy book, the Pentateuch. It was then that the biblical scribes edited out many of the polytheistic references of their literary tradition and the jehovitic priests began to distort history and present Judaism as a monotheistic cult to the so-called 'one true god'. The Jews would invent a pseudo-history for their people and write the deceptive Hebrew Bible in order to justify the new false theology. At the same time the religious elite of Judaism would distance itself from its polytheist past by writing polemics against the other gods of the ancient Hebrew pantheon and the deceptive prophets would attribute the bloody and depraved practices of their own jehovitic cult to the other Elohim of the polytheistic Israel of the pre-exile period. For example, in spite of the fact that El-Yahweh, the god of Israel, had always been a bloodthirsty entity whose cult was characterized by ritual human sacrifice and the offering of firstborn males in holocaust, the sacrificial practices of the jehovitic cult were denied by the prophets in captivity and all the degenerate customs typical of El-Yahweh were transfered to his son Baal (Enlil). Here we see another example of the typical accusatory inversion of the Jewish elite and their demonic god El-Yahweh (Anu).

Ah, here come the shills with their walls of text finally

In the first century of the Common Era the region of Palestine found itself under the dominion of the Roman State and it was then that the new Jewish sect which would later dominate the whole world was born. We are taught that Christianity began in the province of Galilee with the preaching of its main personage the legendary Jesus of Nazareth. However, there is a much more sinister history to the origins of the Christian religion which they don't teach us and don't want us to know about.


Kikes don’t worship the sun

lmaoing at your retardation

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Synagogue means

Sun + Together

gods =/= Gods
I'd use the term daemon but it's reserved for entities born out of human interactions like Eros
Read Plato

Heresy! Your name will be forever struck from the record of kings and your face removed from monuments of your blasphemous reign!


Saturn is interchangable with Helios

There are 7 hells and you will be end in one of them.

Sure it does
Nice try though
They worship יהוה

Not the sun

Saturn, The Black Sun/Star

Middle English: via Old French and late Latin from Greek sunagōgē ‘meeting’, from sun- ‘together’ + agein ‘bring’.

Based and Bonacci pilled

Is not Aten

Except that worship of the actual celestial object as the medium of the one is more like Sol Invictus.
Early Greco-Roman paganism lacked proper sun monocults



one vocalization of the Tetragrammaton

Kikes are moon worshippers. They still use the lunar calendar and every single one of their holidays is based on the moon. Like Nisan 13

No Jericho was the original moon worshipping spot

Yas Forums is a Christian board
This board realized long ago that the cohesion of religion and state is key to the sustainability of decency and morality in our society.
That is WHY we have these threads almost daily. They believe they can manipulate us into thinking being Christian is anti-white when it was Christianity what made possible for us to have nation states in the first place.
Do not be deceived by these useful idiots, Yas Forums
Believe in the Lord and praise his name.
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven" - Matthew 5:10-12

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The Greeks called it the god "Helios". The Romans called it "Sol". These familiar figures have a long history, and the more one learns about their links to the earlier cultures, the more a mystery of origins comes into focus. Long before Greek and Roman times, the Egyptians worshipped the luminary Atum or Ra, just as the Sumerians honored Utu and the Babylonians the god Shamash. Astronomers and priests celebrated this light of heaven as the "Universal Monarch," the "father" of civilization and the celestial prototype of kings.
There is no mystery as to the present astronomical associations of these figures. But more archaic traditions, coming from many and diverse cultures, identify the great "sun" gods with the motionless center of heaven, the celestial pole. They speak of a primeval sun, an exemplary or "best" sun, ruling before the present sun. The god's station was the summit of the world axis, from which he ultimately fell in a heaven-altering catastrophe. Perhaps the best known story is the Greek account of Kronos, founder of the Golden Age, eventually driven from his seat at the top of the world by his son Zeus.(jupiter)
To what body did these strange traditions refer? Today we take for granted that the ancient words we translate as "helios" and "sol" originated as references to the Sun that illuminates our every day. In many languages the words for this axial figure did indeed become the words for the Sun. But the later identity could not obscure the more archaic idea--of a former, stationary light at the pole, whose every feature defies any identification with the Sun in our sky today.

As strange as it may seem, early astronomical traditions identify the "primeval sun" as the planet Saturn, the distant planet which the alchemists called the "best sun" and which the Babylonians, the founders of astronomy, identified as the exemplary light of heaven, the "sun"-god Shamash. ("Shamash is the planet Saturn", the astronomical texts say.) In archaic copies of Plato's Timaeus, the word for the planet Saturn is Helios, the "sun" god. Popular Greek traditions identified Saturn as Kronos, alter ego of Helios, and Kronos is said to have ruled "over the pole". But only a handful of scholars have bothered to trace the parallel referents in other cultures, or to address the unanswered questions.

What's going on in this picture?

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Aten = Adonis = Wotan = Athena
Praise comet Aten!

Timaeus is the book which includes Atlantis (1/3) (2/3) (3/3)

Stela 1
And his majesty said unto them, "Ye behold the
City of the Horizon of the Aten, which the Aten
has desired me to make for him as a monument
in the great name of my majesty forever. For it
was the Aten, my Father, that brought me to this
City of the Horizon. There was not a noble who
directed me to it; there was not any man in the
whole land who led me to it, saying, 'It is fitting
for his majesty that he make a City of the Horizon
of Aten in this place.' Nay, but it was the Aten,
my Father, that directed me to make it for him.
Behold the Pharaoh found that this site belonged
not to a god, nor to a goddess, it belonged not to
a prince nor to a princess. There was no right for
any man to act as owner of it.

Stela 2
I will make the City of the Horizon of the Aten for
the Aten, my Father, in this place. I will not make the
city south of it, north of it, west of it or east of it. I
will not pass beyond the southern boundary stone
southward, neither will I pass beyond the northern
boundary stone northward to make for him a City
of the Horizon there; neither will I make for him
a city on the western side. Nay, but I will make
the City of the Horizon for the Aten, my Father,
upon the east side, the place for which he did
enclose for his own self with cliffs, and made a
plain in the midst of it that I might sacrifice to him
thereon: this is it.
Neither shall the Queen say unto me, Behold there is
a goodly place for the City of the Horizon in another
place', and I harken unto her. Neither shall any noble
nor any man in the whole land say unto me, `Behold
there is a goodly place for the City of the Horizon in
another place', and I harken unto them. Whether it be
downstream or southward or westward or eastward, I
will not say, `I will abandon this City of the Horizon.

Too bad you can't comprehend what you've done.

>There is only one God and it is The Aten

Well they *are* pretty cool..... but gods??

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>Definition ofAdonai
>used in place ofYHWHas a name of the God of the Hebrews during prayer recitation


The secret world is a good game, too bad it got gutted and transformed into a free to play cash shop

Fuck the Orochi group

Also the Critias

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Never kissed your son on the cheek, user?
Akenaten's Amarna Period was known for its weird for the era but heartwarming family scenes
It was unprecedented to show anything than a dignified Pharaoh in Egyptian artstyle
Whatever the reasons, I don't think Akenaten was much for vapid propaganda.

What do you know about the ancient deity 'Salm, the namesake of Jerusalem?

>black sun
saturn is not the sun nor it's immaterial source. saturn-yahweh is a semitic volcano deity and the demiurge trying to usurp the spot of the Absolute

Pretty sure Sol Invictus is the continuation of Quirinus/Romulus cult tho, just with proper solar imagery.

>There is only one God and it is The Aten
Political swamp draining attempt. Egypt was infested with deep state in the form of numerous gods, priests and cults.

Haven't look into it.

It was the primeval sun to the ancients

Plato referred to Saturn as Helios (personification of the sun)


and the only word I misspelled was the most important one, good fuck up again fat finger cunt

Golden apples is eight stars at the end of Scorpio + the orange star Antares. Scorpio’s body is the branch on the Milky Way tree.

Don't be hard on yourself about a typo

There's little to be found, as far as I know, but it appears to be one of the oldest names. Don't think there's even a Wikipedia page on it.

Neem je pillen, broeder Anton.

It's interesting that their holy day is Saturday named after Saturn while the Christian holy day is named after the Sun.

It's also interesting to think how similar in principle the Egyptian resurrection rituals were to what Christ did only Christ perfected it. Egyptians had flawed immortality for a select elites. Christ gives everyone a path to eternity.


From Wikipedia
It is believed that his name was given to him by his father, after Salm chooses to seek safety and run instead of fighting the dragon that had attacked him and his brothers[1]

[1] the dragon was Fereydun himself who had disguised himself to test his sons

He recognized that pantheism is error and there is only one true God. He did not call himself God.

Wise and bold move

Franks and Alamanni in the Merovingian Period: books
Ian N. Wood - 1998 - History
same thing as transmission of that word by Irish missionaries to Germany. ... possible elsewhere) a transmission of the word first from Irish into Old English ... salteri alongside occasional psalm, psalteri) betray the influence of Irish salm, saltair.

Here comes the Sun

Gebruik de H.A. Rey versie van de sterrenbeelden en gij zult zien broeder Reindert


This is it:

Oh, and Scorpio of course is also the snake in the garden giving the fruit to Eve. Eve = Virgo, next to Scorpio. Adam is Bootes.

>There is only one God and it is The A-10

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No retard.


The god Shalim may have been associated with dusk and the evening star in the etymological senses of a "completion" of the day, "sunset" and "peace".

So like the Islamic Flag

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A move the Egyptians hated though.

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and it is the atman, which is brahman

praise Aten

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Exodus 3:14 And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

great post actually

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Ra = Sun. Aten = comet.
The Aztecs too thought the sun was dying and the world wound end with the sun and a movement of the earth.

>Ra = Sun. Aten = comet.
Aten was the literal Sun disk you could see and Ra was the entirety of the Sun.

Akshually, Scorpius (later Scorpio) was created by Gaia after she and Apollo decided Orion (who sits 180° polar opposite of Scorpio in the night sky) needed to die for reasons. No mention of Eris.

Funny thing is, the Pyramids of Giza are perfectly in line with Orion's Belt. I wonder if any structures line up with Scorpio or the Apple?

The corrupt priests that ruled Egyptian society hated it. The subjugated people of the Mediterranean and Britain under Egyptian priestly rule loved it. It united them all under symbolism they could relate to from their own local traditions. This helped form the sea people which spawned the tribes of Israel which includes Phoenicians that mixed with niggers through the slave trade to became the Biblical Canaanites and eventually modern Arabs including kikes.


Idk, feels like Vishnu is top dog, his Avatars takes no shit and lmao’s through the cosmos yeeting on demon and human alike.
Brahma, though all encompassing, seems vacant and without form.
Vishnu is my fave, vishnu and Jesus

It was a pomegranate

quints of truth

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Both can be true. The Incas also worshipped a sum-disk by the way called Inti (literally sun god)

I’m having a vision
A manifesto

That’s one of the many myths attached to the constellation Scorpio. Scorpio has a thousand faces and plays a role in myths worldwide. It is also a boat, a fishing hook, a sled, a ball of yarn of a weaving loom, a dragon, a river delta, and much more.

How does the relationship between God the Father and Jesus differ from the relationship between Vishnu and Brahma?

That's true. I think the Romans combined the two into one also.
It was a bold move but too sudden for the priest class imo. Plus the Egyptians had a cool polytheism so some people probably didn't like it.

akhonaten returned!!

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he gainted the entire power from all the prists and temples. literally monoplized on power.

Stupid Egyptian faggots

Egypt was based. Their God of chaos and the primordial darkness, Kek, is still praised in some cultures today.

>decaying cultures

There was a story that Tut was stabbed in the pineal gland and was buried in his Mother's burial mask
The breasts of Tutankhamun - NCBI

Isn’t a daemon just any being in between the world of the gods and the physical world? An angelos (where the word angel comes from) was specifically a daemon whose job is messenger from God to humans.

"Akhenaten started a new cult that worshiped a single deity Aten (the disk of the sun). The art of this period took a revolutionary new naturalism; the pharaoh was no longer depicted with an idealized face and youthful, muscular body as were pharaohs before him, but as strangely androgynous, with a potbelly, thick lips, elongated face, and, of course, gynecomastia."

There is only the Aten. All else is heresy.

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>revolutionary new naturalism
I've never liked how it looks. Just seems weird.

>Ancient Egyptians

Oh its a schizo time. Ok now its my turn
> there is only one god and hes name is Tony the Tiger

Well it's connected to why Tut wore Nefertiti's death mask

Praise Akenathen, the only androgyne to rival David Bowie

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the ancient Egyptians named the planet we call Saturn after their god of light, Horus, who often appeared in the form of a hawk.

Whatever it is it's "warmer", more emotionally vulnerable and so feminine. Even if he actually had big lips sculptors in a more traditionally patriarchal authoritarian environment would make him more stern and thin lipped. But yes also it just look weird.

The heretic king aka moses.

Pharao Akhenaten was Blood Type A(2) Negative.


Ramses II's mummy was DNA analyzed and blood types. He was a red headed B-Negative


Rothschild are B- bloodtype and trace back to Ramses who destroyed the temples of Akenhaten and turned Egypt into an Imperial Empire after the religious period of Akenhaten


Aten is a dick sucker

יהוה and الله are the False God

There is only Aten

Let it be known

יהוה - one vocalisation of Tetragrammatron

Tetragrammadion means Swastika

" Its important to realize that the Swastika is the symbol of the black sun "

Black sun = Saturn = Helios the primeval sun

Saturn = Horus

Note that femininity even though it has positive sides is consistent with a ruler that you would expect to eventually be overthrown like he was. Whatever he accomplished he also blew it.

There is only One God, you’re desperately clutching to your diminishing power

I'm following the NASA exercise.

Mohammed The Poet
Jesus The Carpenter (mistranslation actually tekton for architect)
Moses - Master Mason (carving commandments in stone)

Aton to Moses to David to Jesus to Louis to America

the blood of the dragon

>(mistranslation actually tekton for architect)
It seems more fitting for Jesus to be an architect rather than a carpenter, with God being the architect of all existence.

Yes and with the son of of Caesar being called chosen of Ptah (Architect God)

where the bloodline fo Ramses (B-) and Akenhaten (A-) to be mixed to form the holy grail found on the Turn Shroud (AB-)


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Aten = winged sun = linked to constellation Hercules in four-armed form just like the swastika.

Just read a book about Akhenaten the other day. His conceptualization of God had striking parallels with the Abrahamic God. Both gods represent truth and love and view each human as being equal in front of him.

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Jesuit emblem with alchemical Saturn H

(Egyptians believe Horus was Saturn)

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Abraham, Moses, David and Jesus all direct descendants of Akhenaten.

Danley, who is Catholic, told investigators that Paddock often told her, "Your God doesn't love me."

The Sun. A man above time.

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Some bronze age Egyptian bronze has tin from Britain in it.
At the time they didn't conceive of dominating the world like Alexander and the Romans did but they ended up doing it anyway. Just by buying tin from Britain in exchange for grain consistently they raise generations of people reliant on Egyptian grain who end up forced to work in mines to survive simply because that's what they know. You can even start the process with slaves that slowly turn nominally independent but still completely relying on your grain and favor.

According to legends Akhnaten's sister, Scota traveled to Celtic Spain and then the British isles and founded her kingdom there. Around a hundred years after the fall of Akhnetan and the exile of Scota the sea people invaded Egypt and Phoenicians took over the trade network.

Yes hence why Iberia and Hiberia are related to Hebrew

"It has also been proposed that Nefertiti was Akhenaten's full sister"

" Modern interest in Akhenaten and his queen Nefertiti comes partly from his connection with Tutankhamun (even though Tutankhamun's mother was not Nefertiti, but a woman named by archaeologists The Younger Lady)"

Tut wore Nefertit's death mask
Tutankhamun: Great golden face mask was actually made for his mother Nefertiti

What’s the A- bloodline

There are three places called "land of the Hebrews". Georgia, Spain and Ireland. All three have similar local art styles passed through the generations with flowing intricate patterns and serpent symbolism.

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La ilah illa Atun


30 + 60 + 90 = 180

180 = 1+8+0 = 9

60 + 60 + 60 = 180

1+8+0 = 9

Attached: index.png (184x272, 2.23K)

According to Yas Forumstards I'm not white because I have brown eyes though

180 + 180 = 360 / 5 = 72

72 x 3 = 216 = 6 x 6 x 6

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90 + 90 + 90 + 90 = 360


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I love ancient egyptian stuff
I used to read tons of books from the school library, and loved playing games with egyptian stuff in them, like bud red head and tomb raider anniversary

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216 / 2 = 108

108 + 36 + 36 = 180

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Attached: CaYjFwGWIAA3F16.jpg (1200x675, 68.77K)

That book is hot garbage, I made it halfway through before giving it up.

k but I don't get what this is because I came late and can't be bothered to check it up
What is this besides basic shapes and shit we learnt in school?


72 + 36 + 36 = 180

180 / 36 = 5

just posting strange shit user

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based and atenpilled

It's not for everybody. I think I'm about to switch to the abridged version to get through it and move on.

What's your take on Evola? I'm just trying to gauge if you're a strict materialist or if you just have different tastes in spiritual/supernatural matters.

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Well do you know about 216 in the fibonacci sequence?

And also importantly, do you know about Feynman's "Map of a Cat"?

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oh boy, we got a live one
open your eyes

I have actually had Brahma visit me in dreams before. I grew up Catholic and not even knowing no he existed until I researched after like the third visit.

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This shit is flat and one dimentional

have sex incel

0÷0 =1 also 0^0 = 1

Attached: pointsofwisdom.png (1136x1213, 3.1M)



>vishnu and Jesus
Isn't Jesus the 10th avatar of Vishnu, Kalki?

>2x/x as x goes to zero is 1

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Why so Sirius?

Attached: fb_img_1508657501651-11921956950.jpg (411x720, 66.33K)

I don't see why not.

When it comes to the Fool. The fool's number is traditionally zero. Because in nothing there is infinite potential to become anyting.

zero is everything but also nothing

God is the beginning and the end, he is beyond location, direction and time, he is neither here or there he is everywhere at the same time. its a closed loop system, nothing is inseparable from good, not even Satan


I don't know much about Feynman's Map of a Cat, tbqh. I have a few books of his.
I don't know what you mean by 216 in the Fibonacci sequence, though - but I do know it. What of it?

Richard Feynman, a celebrated scientist and the winner of Nobel prize in Theoretical Physics, was infamous for barging into any classroom (unrelated to Physics) in his university. He would then ask questions and make his fellow professors uncomfortable.

One day Feynman decided to attend a Biology class. Being aware of Feynman’s history of mischief, the Biology professor posed a condition to discourage him. Feynman could attend the class provided he would do all the assignments and write research papers like everyone else attending that class. To the professor’s surprise, Feynman agreed.

Feynman’s first assignment required him to study the nervous system of cats. So he went to the librarian in the biology section and asked her if she could give him a map of the cat.

“A map of the cat, sir?” she asked, horrified. “You mean a zoological chart!”

“From then on there were rumors about some dumb biology graduate student who was looking for a map of the cat.”, wrote Feynman in his book Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman.

Feynman wasn’t dumb. In fact, what made biology department think that way was precisely the brilliance which made Feynman a towering genius.

Amused as much you may feel on Feynman’s choice of words, there’s is no way you can misunderstand what he meant by a map of the cat. Can you?

Legend has it that Feynman once walked into the Mathematics department and challenged the experts. He claimed that if they could explain him any mathematical concepts, no matter how difficult it was, in simple terminology without using any jargons, Feynman would quickly arrive at the same conclusions which took these mathematicians years to derive using complex formulae.

Indeed, a fellow shitposter.

Zero thus demonstrates the function of God. Though, zero is not even a number. It is a metaphysical abstraction that has somehow managed to plant itself into a strictly numeral framework. How does zero fit there so well? People can look at at a progression such as -2, -1- 0, +1, +2 and not have the zero even stand out to them. "It's just another number". But isn't! Zero is something FAR greater. Zero is Man's most formidable attempt at capturing the fundamental principle behind all creation. And now triumphant, Man draws a circle on a paper, declaring: "Behold, the definition of God."

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216 is titled Plato's number.

We see here that 6 x 6 x 6 = 216

In the Finonacci sequence, the 216th number

216: 619220451666590135228675387863297874269396512

we find 666 in sequence and if we add all those digits together, they equal 216

216 / 72 = 3
216 / 36 = 6
216 / 24 = 9


216 / 108 = 2

144 / 72 = 2


Attached: pentagon_and_golden_triangles.jpg (600x360, 22.68K)

let me repeat that


216 is titled Plato's number.

We see here that 6 x 6 x 6 = 216

In the Finonacci sequence, the 216th number

216: 619220451666590135228675387863297874269396512

we find 666 in sequence and if we add all those digits together, they equal 216

216 / 72 = 3
216 / 36 = 6
216 / 24 = 9


216 / 108 = 2

144 / 72 = 2


and 72 / 6 = 12

Attached: 108.png (1200x1214, 137.33K)

>216 / 24 = 9
where did this come from, explain it to me..

72 / 3 = 24

24 / 2 = 12

72 / 9 = 8

72 / 6 = 12

5184 / 216 = 24

Attached: Great Pyramid.jpg (257x196, 10.12K)

>Build the pyramids, have real culture
Huur duur, niggers are subhuman me white and think my shitty job advanced

>Have in depth religion and culture where gods don't think of us as play things to prove something to them
Duur huur, me white and worship a perverted version of Abrahamic faith. Hethens dumb! Oh no me said curse word, please no hell Jew god

>Worshiping the Orion empire


Attached: 170.jpg (300x400, 27.5K)

And 0?

This smirking kike faggot probably influenced me more than any philosopher and without many words.
>I/U. Phallus/Yoni. "I" and "U" (you/the other). Father Son. The boy is father to the man.
Your right brain sends visions to your left until you reach a new wholeness.
The H's pad the process. And round and round it turns like the dharmic wheel.

Can you autists expand on this?

Attached: Tetragramaton.jpg (561x604, 114.14K)

It's the Tesla principle of 3,6,9


The Americas

and B Asia

Attached: Tuva.jpg (570x348, 25.74K)

Dharma 108

Fuck off you retarded faggot

Stfu nigger

>defending a semite religion
How does that work?

The diameter of the sun is about 108 times that of the diameter of Earth. The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is 108 times the sun's diameter. The average distance from the Earth to the Moon is 238,800 miles, about 108 times the moons diameter.

>not white
They mean Aryan basically.

oh you're perhaps looking at it from the other end to find 3 6 9

i also find the simple doubling system interesting

1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 etc

for instance cells divide with this doubling system, computers also use this system of doubling.

Sorry I meant to reply to you. Who cares what they think?

Jews took his power and depicted him as such as ancient form of propaganda.

>According to Yas Forumstards I'm not white because I have brown eyes though
>taking D&C memes unironically seriously
Fuck the shills m8.

Yeah I had some cool stuff about doubling systems, I think the thread was maybe deleted

also the relationship of 144 and the sun and 108 the moon

Ordo Sæclorum: a treatise on the chronology of the Holy Scriptures: ...
The chronographer purposed to get a period of 1080 years; he had before him ... 2267–1402 B.C. = nearly 864 = 4 x 216 1404 - 324 B.C. = 1080 = 5 x 216 The ...

4 x 216 = 864
5 x 216 = 1080
120 (1)
360 (3)
720 (6)
1080 (9)

864 + 216 = 1080

In the beginning

216: 6+...19220451666590135228675387863297874269396512 = 216

1080 x 8 = 8640 - diameter of the sun 864,000 miles
27 x 8 = 216 diameter of the moon 2160 miles

864 + 216 = 1080

6 x 6 x 6 = 216

72 x 3 = 216
36 x 6 = 216

216 Plato's Number

Attached: great pyramid.png (586x295, 63.88K)

the real god is beyond our conceptual ideas or labels we place on is, it is far to easy to fool people with 'it says so in the bible' we need proof today and we find it within the mathematical system when applied to the physical world. Mathematics was not invented, it was discovered.

The way I understand it Shiva Brahma and Vishnu go hand in hand and Brahman is like the total of all three of them + Shakti.

What does Americas mean, mutt? Native? Some other anchient bullshit?

Attached: 216 nine demigods.png (556x151, 50.06K)

>not claiming to be an orionite and accepting your dual citizenship to alnilam

120 x 12 = 1440
The base perimeter of the GPG's 1,440 Sacred Cubits.

120 (1)
360 (3)
720 (6)
1080 (9)

5 x 216 = 1080
5 x 72 = 360
5 x 144 = 720
5 x 24 = 120

3 x 72 = 216

144 / 24 = 6
144 / 12 = 12
12 x 12 = 144

I got to learn some mathematics along with learning to program with assembly i'm gonna do some mad experiments with these numbers ^^

>What does Americas mean, mutt? Native? Some other anchient bullshit?
Europeans and East Coast Indians have the same Ancestor.

Attached: nugent.png (572x380, 53.65K)

>it is far to easy to fool people
It doesn't matter what the fundamental assumptions are some people will misunderstand and misuse them. The trick is to have different levels of engagement like Christ describes in the parable of the sower. The masses need their stories so you have to include them or lose the masses to some story teller.

Math is invented like formal logic but both conform to discovered systems more closely than anything else, so closely that it's easy to be confused about if we made these things or not. We made them but according to specifications encoded in reality.


you see here in the pyramid
5184 well that related to this
72 / 3 = 24

24 / 2 = 12

72 / 9 = 8

72 / 6 = 12

5184 / 216 = 24

Attached: 5184 C.png (550x764, 99.63K)

Math is not invented though

we discover the form of mathematics in nature


5184 / 72 = 72

72 x 72 = 5184

The square root of 5184 is 72 :)

and remember
72 x 72 = 5184

the key of C 518,4 hz

Attached: 5184 42.png (240x183, 87.82K)

I'm willing to bet the pyramids were covered in a reflective surface at one point.

Yeah I have heard such and with a proper capstone as well

and there was going to be a ritual to put a capstone back on or something, I don't remember

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It is just as invented as all concepts and labels. The meaning they reference isn't invented. The statement "math is discovered" only confuses in the same way the kid confuses the name of a bird with knowledge about it. You can invent many new way to represent the meaning behind different principles of reality right now, new kinds of math but probably not ones as useful and as closely conforming to reality as the ones we've already made. Arbitrary symbols and arbitrary bases are clearly made by us, the principles they're describing are clearly not.

no the form of the universe is not arbitary

but I think I get what you mean with regards to the arbitary applications to understand it.

before it was related to the speed of light a metre = one ten millionth of the distance from the equator of the north pole along the meridian through Paris.

It's all math. But some math transcends logic.

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>were covered in a reflective surface at one point.
And for what purpose?

Well salt was found in the Queen's chamber and

The atoms in solid salts are already ionized long before touching water.

Literally was the first "inclusive" SJW snowflake Pharaoh.

This is from my recent trip to the Tomb of the Nobles, notice he shows jews, blacks, and whites worshipping him alongside Egyptians

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Math rests on logic. You construct logically coherent systems based on assumptions like the existence of a point and line and use the systems to model reality.

>Math rests on logic.
Then math could not possible explain anything about reality, for neither can logic. Logic itself rests on linear segmentation of reality, rather than reality itself. Reality laughs at logic. Logic is so small and puny compared to him. This is why it is essential for math to transcend logic. The finest example of such is music.

Are they touching a wall?

original jews were atenists fleeing persecution after santorini volcano blew(plagues + exodus). they hid in the sinai amonst fellow atenists who were semetic and thus for self preservation adapted yaweh which is semetic. this is the birth of the "jewish" identity. moses is a eqyptian fable brought from egypt and the flood tale was borrowed from the babylonians during the babylonian exile. just throwing that out there.

The totality is not perceivable at once, therefore it transcends logic exclusively

He's a real Nowhere Man, sitting in his Nowhere Land makeing all his Nowhere Plans for Nobody.

In this Book Dr. paul LaViolette describes how the processes of creation are encoded in the Egyptian Mythology among others.. its a fascinating read explaining the origins of the Egyptian deities as a guide to the processes of and operation of the universe.. they deities are not representations of some otherworldly being but of functions of and aspects of creation.

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This is the thing the Catholic tards worship. Since vowels are interchangeable, it can be Omen, Amon, Aman, Amun or as you all know- AMEN. Test-AMEN-t.

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Literally every single Hindu sect and even Buddhism makes fun of Brahma. There's countless stories about him fucking up somehow.

>an asura (demon) is doing tapasya for millenia
>Brahma gives him magical powers for it
>the demon begins waging a war on heaven with his new powers

>Brahma is talking shit about how great he is for creating everything
>Shiva uses the fingernail on one of his pinky fingers to chop off one of Brahma's heads
>the other gods get mad at Shiva for messing with the retarded kid Brahma, so as a punishment he walks the earth as an ascetic yogi for a while, using Brahma's skull as a begging bowl

Attached: Brahma.jpg (1362x1600, 672.22K)

This post doesn't make any sense to me. It's just fact that our mathematical systems rests on logic, that's why they work and how they were developed. The reality our systems of logic and math and language describe is not the same thing as those tools we use to describe it. If you believe they are you're not thinking using reason and logic but conditioned associations.

Why do certain tones and harmonies bring forth emotion?

why do certain shades in combination bring forth emotion?

Why do we appreciate the beauty of a flower, while the bee appreciates colour on the level of recognition of pollinators

"are these aesthetic senses available to the "lower" forms of life too"

Why did Immanuel Kant propose beauty is moral?

Why do we find symmetrical faces more beautiful?

You see the logic of the mathematics is transcendental to our emotional sense

Son of the Aten
The One who would be Kang

Attached: Akhenaton and WEED MAN.jpg (1436x1124, 2.47M)

Brahma is an entirely different entity than Brahman

Attached: Brahman+The+Supreme+God+or+the+Eternal+Soul+of+everything.jpg (1024x768, 170.54K)

most above the goys and jews are the biggest, dont dare to say their name

Attached: download (2).jpg (268x188, 10.87K)

akhenaton was based

he was a high-iq mutant

the art of him from that time period was mostly realistically based on his body differences, not on some exaggeration or style.

changed the polytheism to his own monotheism Sun cult

died of an aortic dissection
left wealth to his son (king tut) but the elites took over and made tut a puppet-pharaoh, and changed back the religions. Then tut died when he was a teenager.


The Aten pooped his pants.

He put it better than I could.

He was Henotheistic meaning revering the supreme being but accepting the other Gods

which even Genesis 3.22 contains a reference to "one of us" when man has eaten from the tree of knowledge

Akenaten is moses
he was trying to subvert egyptian civilization so the egyptians kicked him out and erased him from history.
he and his followers then wandered around the desert for awhile until they stumbled across the canaanites, genocided them and made up the escaped egyptian slave story to cover their tracks. and thats where kikes come from, boys and girls.

Yahweh was then some obscure nomad wind God.
Every way inferior to Aten.

You're not understanding any of what I'm saying if you think all that's relevant to it but I already repeated the point from many different angles so I give up.
If you want to get into the evolutionary reasons for why harmonies are pleasing we could but it's not relevant to my objections to the statement that math is discovered. The reason why the words "math is discovered" is pure confusion is because it reinforces these misleading conditioned associations that you have that confuse reality with your map of reality and so disconnect you from God instead of bringing you closer to Him.

Attached: tetra.jpg (999x999, 78.44K)

>O my god, my lotus flower! . . .
>It is lovely to go out and . . .
>I love to go and bathe before you.
>I allow you to see my beauty
>in a dress of the finest linen,
>drenched with fragrant unguent.
>I go down into the water to be with you
>and come up to you again with a red fish,
>looking splendid on my fingers.
>I place it before you . . .
>Come! Look at me!
(IFAO 1266 + Cairo 25218, 7-11)

Attached: 1580559587935.jpg (800x930, 149.68K)

Sorta Hapsburg jaw though

lol I've seen this kike deceiving people in other threads with his hippie meme flag. Ignore this faggot, he's just jacking off and gloating. Instead of reading this thread go watch Ring of Power: Empire of The City. The do NOT worship the source of all things, they worship the fucking devil. And here he is just casually walking up to all of us and saying the devil is God. Fuck off kike.

>God is the Sun because it give us light, warm and make the wheat grow.
Wowwww great idea Autismathen. Very original, I'm sure that no other tribe in the jungle had that idea before.

Water is also a God because we need it to not be thirsty?

SATURN worship.

Well we didn't create the fact that a nebula or fetus follow the Fibonacci did we?

We discovered that.


Attached: artistic exaggeration.jpg (480x320, 22.98K)

The gods have pronounced thy doom
They scorn thee and thy false Aten
The ancient ones turn their backs upon thee
Thou art cast down, overthrown
Thy reign of heresy is ended
Those thou hast driven out have risen against thee

Attached: Annihilation Of The Wicked.jpg (900x630, 150.08K)

Do mean something like a "living water" or "holy spirit?"

Attached: jesus_living_water.jpg (600x427, 129.08K)

Yes we discovered that by creating a model that describes these things precisely given very few assumptions. We created our description of reality but not the reality it describes.

How do I worship him?

>muh saturn
why do /x/niggers have to ruin every single thread?

Ahura Mazda, Wise Lord, who is All Truth & Goodness and no evil comes from Him.
The One Source that is Pure, Focused Consciousness.
The Heavenly Father of All Creation, He who created the Sun, the many suns.

Explore the Original Aryan Monotheism

Red Ice Interview with Dr. Stephen Flowers PhD
"Restoring the IndoEuropean Religion"

"The Magi are far more ancient than even the Egyptians."

Attached: tumblr_lpbqj2OpCT1qfqp1y.jpg (473x349, 35.81K)

A model which shows proportion.

You haven't answered why we find symmetrical faces more beautiful.

That not the same at all.

Attached: Christkikery summed up.png (2034x542, 130.68K)

I hate those types of images

it's boring

Attached: No.png (295x315, 143.75K)





No you are boring.

Boring Company I keep

must be that

Weaponized Autistic God Powers.... The rise of the Wizards of Autists.

Attached: download (5).jpg (201x251, 10.32K)

Yes, I know, that's why I said Brahma.