/stg/ - Super Tuesday General #8 HALF A BILLION FOR AN ISLAND Edition

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Biden retakes national lead

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cytu DOT be/r/2020 Put a . where DOT is.

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In lots of states anyone can choose any ballot they want

This is now a didn't age well thread.

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1) Bernie isn't a communist 2) Capitalism is just as degenerate as communism anyways 3) Trump only placated pissed off white people while fucking them over and has been a negative for anyone who is white.

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Do they let you swap? I voted trump 2016 because fuck Hilary but now I'm voting in the primaries

>1) Bernie isn't a communist
>honeymooning in Soviet Russia intensifies
lmao please tell me you donated

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I voted for trump in California. Did I just imagine the button that said his name on it?

>age well

Know who else did not age well? Scarborough's intern he killed.


IMAGINE not living in a state with an open primary

Honeymooning in Soviet Russia does not make someone a communist.

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Have the template, user.

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The Biden 2020 campaign appreciates your donation.

>go to jamaica
>you’re a nigger

>white supremacist
>all jews against him in big tech, media and hollywood
>destroys israel allies one by one by sanctions
>still making deals with iran even though kikes are crying
>tells both iran and israel to make a deal or the sanctions wont stop
>court just ruled he can denationalize citizens and send them back along with mexico acting as wall
>fag and tranny acceptance
>lets supreme court rule in favour of banning abortions in texas and removing funding for states who do not co-ordinate with ICE
>but he's still best israel president
>said the red flag laws statement to appease it while rolling back shitty gun control through local judges and courts which you obviously havent been tracking
this is why you'll get BTFO again
top kek

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True. This is why Trump was a great experiment, and the only one we'll ever have. They'll never let another outsider win again - and Trump has wasted the Presidency to be Generic Republican with Bants. Funny, but ultimately useless. Abandon all hope.

Yeah what a shame though. I herd she was busty.

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>old commie jew is an anti semite

does this term have any meaning anymore? did it ever?

I hate both parties. Voting for either party means you're blue-pilled and don't belong on Yas Forums

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Then there's the whole dining with communists, and being a member of a commune, and being a proud 'democratic socialist (communist)'
Nah he's totally not a commie

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haha yes FUCK BERNIE!

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this will be Biden's song he wins the Primary

What will bernie bros do when Bernie drops out? Its not been trump or right wingers who stole this from them, it'll be the DNC and their own party who fucked them

>Zion supporters rather siding with Hillary 2.0 over Bernie
Good goys.

Whoops, bit of a lazy eye there Rhonda

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Democratic socialists aren't communists. Even if he was a communist that wouldn't make him any less of a detriment to our country than the capitalists importing beaners and gooks for profit.

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Accelerationism merely prescribes the present-day conditions of capital. Anyone who seeks to turn it into a practice (whether it be so-called "communists" in the verso loft to siegepilled idiots who fantasize about race war) is missing the point.

based japan serving heat

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They have to win almost 2,000 delegates and have only won 300 something each.

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Bernie lost because of the Negroes. How do we exterminate them?

>Democratic socialists aren't communists
>e. even if he was a communist that's only because he's smart because communism is the way to go
>please vote for the communist

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>Not sucking Golem trumps dick makes you a shill
Boy, talk about living on delusion.

Nowhere in that does it show you how to conclusively prove someone is a shill BECAUSE YOU CAN'T.

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No, but having a history of praising Communism and Communist Dictatorships does.

>When he was campaigning in 1971 for the US Senate, he demanded the nationalization of utilities
>In 1973 he proposed a federal takeover of "the entire energy industry."
>The very next year in 1974, he wanted a 100% tax on all income above $1 million.
>In 1976 he asserted that workers needed to "take immediate control of the economy" and called for "public ownership of utilities, banks, and major industries"
>He has had a plan in the past for "public control over capital."
>As late as 1987 he asserted that "democracy means public ownership of the major means of production."
>By the time he won his first election, as mayor of Burlington Vermont in 1981, he began to associate himself with the Socialist Workers Party, a communist group that had followed Leon Trotsky.
>He endorsed the SWP's presidential nominee in 1980 and 1984, spoke at their campaign rallies during then, and in 1980 was part of its slate of would-be presidential electors.
>The SWP's foreign policy was openly hostile to US interests, but that didn't stop Sanders from expressly endorsing some aspects of it. Quote; "I fully support the SWP's continued defense of the Cuban revolution."
>The SWP even backed Iran's new theocracy while it was holding US Embassy personnel hostage. Quote the SWP's presidential nominee Andrew Pulley in 1979: "Who are these hostages anyway? Well, we can be sure that many of them are simply spies...or people assigned to protect the spies."
>In 1985, Sanders visited Nicaragua. On returning, he called Daniel Ortega, its Soviet-backed leader, "impressive" and said it "makes sense" for the regime to suppress newspapers given the threat from the US-supported Contra insurgency.
>He has praised bread lines as a "good thing"
>He has railed against consumer choice, stating that we don't "need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers"

>mfw waiting for all of those riots communist Bernie Bros said they were going to start.

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ok basedcialist faggot

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There is a line between democratic socialism and social democracy but you'll find more people supporting the latter than the former at your local DSA meetup than anything else. Bernie's proposed policies generally line up with this as well, which is.. unfortunate.

>implying things not implied
Pathetic fagapedes on damage control.

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So glad Bernie is out
You retarded genital mutilated burgers had your last and final shot with Yang, but blew that golden opportunity out your ass
Anything ANYTHING is better than a communist.

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god it's like christmas morning seeing all these upset bernieniggers seething

Well. When the glowniggers run an obvious puppet (Junior) so his daddy and friends can have a second (and third) term they never got... it’s a bit different.
Either way, say what you will about Bush Jr. he said some of the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard with such conviction and confidence that I couldn’t help but to like him.


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> capitalism is just as degenerate as communism
you're a retard that doesn't know literally anything about history, is your brain damaged or are you under 18? in which case you can't post here. one of the inherent properties of communism is that it stacks bodies to the ceiling. another is that it makes everyone equally poor. capitalism. doesn't stack any bodies at all. in fact capitalism and life/death are completely unrelated because it's not inherently degenerate. capitalism has also lifted more people out of poverty than any other system, billions over time. it raises wealth of people, not lowers it. the computer you're typing on? that's because of capitalism. the house you live in? capitalism. the car you drive and the plane you fly in? all capitalism. the reason everyone you've ever known has a cell phone, and all apps built for it? capitalism. in fact anything you could ever name that someone has, uses, or owns is because of capitalism. it's safe to say you don't actually know what capitalism is, and it's also safe to say you're a fucking retard.

Negroes saved you retards from communism
Now fuck off and grow some braincells

Copypasta in every threat
Very informative

The salt is so real, I can taste it from here.

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Biden and Bernie are tied up at best and have over 1,500 more delegates to win. Premature ejaculation on your part.

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>capitalism. doesn't stack any bodies at all

Stupid faggot. So politically retarded you can’t tell it’s over yet. Unironically kys retard nigger; it’s only gonna get worse for you

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The point is, when called out on his 3 houses and millions of dollars (hes a socialist, redistribute his wealth) he was quoted "and yeah, like most people I have a summer get away" after explaining his other 2 houses.
That's a clear sign he's way more out of touch than these hippies think he is.

I gotta go to work, I'm sorry your commie Bernbabby got the shaft again, maybe you can go do something about it *kiss*

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How’s it feel watching Biden pummel Bernie and steal his lunch money?

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The momentum is on Biden's side, the establishment is on his side, and for some reason even blacks want a guy who was cool with segregating them. Bernie might get close thanks to some decent states like NY but getting close isn't enough when they have the super delegates.

4 more year of Trump it is. And it's unlikely Dem will learn shit, so prepare for President Ivanka.

California will give Bernie the lead in delegates and there's half the country to go.

>Biden and Bernie are tied up at best
>at best
>bernout coping this hard

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have fun at work wagecuck

Chapo trannies really on full force today
This shit is hilarious

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Have fun losing more, commie


Holy kek. Republicans might be scum but at least they get off their ass and vote for their beliefs instead of bitching on Twitter.

Eliminating the gold standard was a Marxist idea. Nixon was about to restore the gold standard after creating tariffs, but was suddenly impeached.

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To be fair turnout for the Democratic primary in Virginia was waaaay higher than all previous records.

I don't have a party to lose with.

You're forgetting Washington, Oregon and the entire Midwest. Not sure about Idaho.

I don't mind UBI but mostly because it's welfare for the (white) middle class here in America. Niggers are just going to blow the money on trinkets (like they always do) so it ends up in the hands of the corporations that are funding it, but middle class white people will (hopefully) use it to have children or otherwise move forward in life (get married, buy real estate, etc.)

However, I'd be happier if we just literally gave people money for having white children. That would be good too. Encouraging whites to have children is the only way we're going to fix demographic shifts in this country without seceding to form an ethnostate. And the american white public just isn't there yet. In 10 years maybe, but not right now.

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Pretty great that the only person big enough of a loser to champion your cause is the same kind of loser that loses his own event stage to a couple nigger randos lmao

can you believe there are two people in this thread that are so desperate that they replied over 22 times? that's really sad

The nigger vote

What’s the best place for an accurate real time look at the delegates/odds of who is winning. Besides Electionbettingodds

It's called big dick energy.

>likes UBI for all the wrong reasons
Well this is Yas Forums so I guess retardation is a given

Stop lying commie.

Doesn't Washington have a decent black population? At least it's going to be ironic that Bernie loses due people his policies would help the most.

He just wanted to know the results and you shut him down just because of his race. Based.

Isn't that his whole thing, though? "Not me, Us" I think he's generally taken steps to better inspire class solidarity across racial lines since his 2016 run.

Washington votes the same way as the rest of the West does.

You're thinking of Washington DC?

Someone doesn’t understand how super delegates work.

If anyone can make this idea shorter and punchier have at it.

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Neither does anyone

>court just ruled he can denationalize citizens and send them back
When did this happen?

Y'all thinking we're gonna transition to a centrally-planned economy over night has me in stitches.

Any local or state seats flipped from Dem to Repub?


Imagine if they raised the threshold to 2 delegates kek

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If Bernie wins more delegates overall and they don't give him the nomination then they threaten their own party's victory in November. Pelosi said she'd be fine with Bernie and Biden has less of a chance of winning. Moderates can feel good in that they gave it a shot but it's just not their party anymore.

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They already know they won’t win the Presidency. They are worried about losing down ballot if Bernie is the nominee.

please kill yourself so no one ever has to read the retarded shit you type ever again

>calls poster retarded but doesn't explain why
>insults Yas Forums as a whole for no reason

>They already know they won’t win the Presidency
Provide a source for your claim or admit you just made that up. lol

They're really going to do it, there really going to hand the senile diddler the nomination. Trump's banter against Creepy Joe is going to cause an aneurysm.

What a time to be alive. Imagine how flustered Biden is going to become on the debate stage. I guess the left is only progressive up to the point where it threatens to take half their money and private health care.

If Warren bends the knee then Bernie will win.



Still looks tricky now that the centrist field is smaller. And Warren is going to take off votes from him before endorsing Biden. Even if he wins overall, what's the chance the establishment won't fuck him over if it's not a clear cut victory? They would rather lose to Trump.

Corona virus killing off a few boomers until then might be the best hope.

>then they threaten their own party's victory in November
They already do it by going with a centrist all over again. Why would anyone expect that centrist + penis would do the trick? Pelosi is too smart to announce a coup in the open.

Shit. Might be.

you are so fucking stupid it hurts me to know you are not even even trolling how stupid you are

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this perforates the MIGA shill’s colon

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Sources familiar with the DNC’s thinking

I love it. May it play again in 2021

mfw Bernie will be remembered as a slightly more jewish Ross Perot, and nothing more.

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>Warren is going to take off votes from him before endorsing Biden
If you think Warren will endorse Biden then you're an idiot.

What left? Dem would be a right wing party in civilised countries. The progressives are a minority.

So you think she's still in the race because she thinks she could win?

>The progressives are a minority.
In the West they are in the majority.

Pinned all night and only 1000 replies.
Yas Forums is fucking dead.

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Based as fuck. A hero your country needs but doesn't deserve.

you have to have an IQ below 80. Democrats are not progressives. The Democrat Party is not your socialist party. Your kike lost and no one is going to pay for you to cut your subhuman dick off.

It's never just about winning, but there's a lot of pressure for her to back down and if she does she will side with Bernie not fucking Biden.


If you idea of "progressive" is a rainbow colored boot coming down on you face then sure, I guess.

What? Who?

>Younger generation outvoted Boomer
if only we could vote from apps so the younger generation could cast their ballot from the comfort of their homes

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Reminder that Biden literally named the Jew:


>“The Jewish people have contributed greatly to America. No group has had such an outsized influence per capita,” Biden also said. More specifically, he cited the Jewish role in shaping popular attitudes and in setting policies on race relations, the role of women in society, and “gay rights.” He went on: “You can't talk about the civil rights movement in this country without talking about Jewish freedom riders and Jack Greenberg ... You can't talk about the women's movement without talking about Betty Friedan.” Biden also praised the Jewish community's “embrace of immigration.”

>"Think - behind of all that, I bet you 85 percent of those [social-political] changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, the influence is immense."

>“Jewish heritage has shaped who we are – all of us – as much or more than any other factor in the last 223 years. And that’s a fact,”

>For some Jews, the Vice President's bold statements were actually worrisome. One prominent Jewish journalist wrote that, however gratifying Biden's “very philo-Semitic” remarks might be, such an open acknowledgment of Jewish influence is “wandering into highly uncomfortable terrain.” The Vice President went too far, cautioned Jonathan Chait, especially given that “lots of people” are not at all happy about how “Jews have used their influence over popular culture to change societal attitudes toward homosexuality.”

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How do people like you exist? How do you just deny reality? Warren knows Bernie is a rape fetishist and fucking despises him.

Requesting the Dan Halen taste the chain no refunds meme

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>she will side with Bernie
hahaha no, come on. Warren clawed her way to the top not to pull a Tulsi and flip off the establishment. She will be a good girl and she will be rewarded with something good in the Biden administration, just like Hillary was rewarded for playing nice in 2008 by becoming Secretary of State.

I mean he’s right it’s a pretty good play by Democrats to keep Bernie out

Warren will probably back Bernie.


>comparing a 12 year range with a 15 year range, a 20 year range and everything else

Just as it was imprisoning Eugene V. Debs a century ago.

By not stepping down, she is fucking Bernie over. She knows that yet prioritises something else … why wouldn't the same person flip flop to Biden? Wouldn't be the first time she went back from shit she said.


It would make sense on policies but she seems more of an opportunist.

How do you just not read what I said. Warren has confronted Bernie before for being sexist. Hillary had this to say. "“Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him, he got nothing done,”

please end your life

If she wanted to support him she would have closed her campaign last weekend

the only reason she would back bernie is if she actually cared about the progressive movement which her constant attacks on bernie show she doesn't

The only laws the real world has are the laws of nature.

>Warren has confronted Bernie before for being sexist.
Women are naturally submissive. She will probably back Bernie.

dems are tranny lovers

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She will back Biden, either directly or indirectly.

>"The only way to beat Trump is with record-breaking turnout!"
>"And only I can achieve that!"
>gets less votes than his competition and less than four years ago

This guy is only suppressing turnout. If he weren't around, all his supporters would be Warren supporters that are willing to back any Democratic candidate. Instead, it's just "Bernie or bust" all over again.

If he really cares about beating Trump, he needs to tone down his "only me" attitude, and consider dropping out.

So, does this mark the way for a Biden nomination? Does Bernie really stand any chance after this?

Probably not.

Dems are woke capitalists and nothing more; they couldn't give two shits about the trans community.

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No communism

Absolutely wrecked

i'm thinking she's gonna back Biden at this point


Elizabeth Warren is more a man than you will ever be and I would put money on that. She just called him a lying sexist on tv a month ago, and now you think she would endorse the same guy who said " a woman can't win". How did you get this way? What happened to you to make you lie to yourself about the reality in front of your eyes?

Pretty much this. Boomer establishment democrats are not socialists. They own homes and make good money and have good private health insurance. They'll vote republican/abstain before they ever vote for a pandering communist.

This election may cause a formal divide in the democratic party. I honestly don't think they factored this scenario into their globalist agenda. If anything, I think they believed Trump would split the republican base, but the dipshit nu male millenials really got out of hand with the socialism meme

>Democratic primaries
>1000+ posts
pol is dead

That's the thing: most democrats arent leftist. They are center right and center left at most. Americans are still overwhelmingly right wing, be it very moderately. I called it that your average Democrat was not going to vote for someone as far left as Sanders.

Yes communism

I could probably make her wet just by looking at her. She will back Bernie. It is written.

Fat chance. He’s a Marxist who’s only goal in life in to advance the chains of his retarded 19th century political ideology and to accumulate more lake/oceanfront houses. He couldn’t care less about anything else, he’s knows he is dying soon and this is his last grasp at power.


Never understood the outrage over this. Maybe I'm just a simp but I think she's cute.

Exactly. The average Democrat is center right. They won't vote for a blatant socialist.


Tbh they should compare it against demographics, but it's too skewed by illegals so it's all pointless.

Marxism is a critique, not an ideology.


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You are powerless. I raped your mother before and I will do it again. You will have a brother, son.

We can all agree that non of this really matters, because we already know how the general election will end.

Seeth socialist democratic fagets.

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It's both and it's garbage.

Dems are trannys there's no two ways about it, everyone already knows this. you can't rewrite facts or history. Dems will always lose from 2016 onwards because they're all fucking trannys.

>turnout during primaries =/= turnout during election
Especially with someone who has a younger base like Bernie. I know a few people who want to vote for him but are too lazy to get off their ass to do it in the primary.

>that are willing to back any Democratic candidate
Why would progressives back any other candidate but Warren or Tulsi? Half assed centrist won't make much of a difference compared to the current idiot, so why validating them?

>"a woman can't win"
>implying it's not the case in Burgerstan
Hillary getting more votes in normal states is irrelevant when it comes to winning old white back in backwards shitholes and lacking a dick is likely to play a part in their decision. Stating a country is sexist isn't sexism.

Jews won again. Israel and billionaires are saved.

They won't vote for a social democrat, whose policies barely meet the requirements for what is considered socialist either. Now that's pathetic.

Anything can become an ideology if you worship it hard enough. Like Staw Wars, or Marxism.
Its incredibly dated
Workers of the World unite
In a society increasingly moving towards automation.

Seethe harder. You can do it faggot; I believe in you

Nobody thinks that. Bernie is a commie regardless.

Most still support his positions, even in the South people wanted the stuff he promises but just fall for the "electable" meme. Being slightly left from the centre by normal standards isn't as much of an issue as the presentation.

My neovagina is erect.

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7/10 would socialist with her.

The pedophile vote is strong in the DNC.

All of the trans people I know are further left than any berniebro I've met.

>aftermath of a sticky
>it's full of unemployed memeflags

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Whatever helps you cope.


You want him to cite a source for his speculation?

keep coping shitskin. your kike wont even make it to the convention

In his personal beliefs he probably is. His policies are boring centrist stuff though.

Fucking HiPoint. How appropriate to get the nig treatment.

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Grundrisse has more to say about automation than all three volumes of Capital; I suggest you read it.

>turnout during primaries =/= turnout during election
If he can't even motivate his core base, then how can he motivate the rest of the country?

>Half assed centrist won't make much of a difference compared to the current idiot
Biden probably won't make a ton of progress, no. But he won't be regressing as quickly as Trump, and he has the power to build up the resumes of progressives like Harris, by giving them positions of power now.

Trump will lose to Biden.

Slow and steady, Jeb 2032

>whatever helps you cope
>said the shit posting Bernie supporter

But it will be a bitter and boring loss like Hillary's not the shit show a trump Vs Bernie would be

but he was unironic about it nip

They named one of their pistols the Yeet Cannon. Yeah, they know their market.

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damn, just handed my party an easy win. you guys are fucked.

What’s pathetic is that the entire working class hates your commie ass.

It doesn't matter if its true, what matters is Sanders told her to drop out because she is a woman, then lied on national TV about it. Then sucked Fidel Castros dick on national TV a week later. He is a laughing stock and you're a sandnigger so its not surprising why you are obsessed with our politics.

More like necrovagina, goddamn

Cope what? That my most hated politician lost?

lol tf

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so are we going to start getting rid of brown people or what

No, Biden has more of a chance of beating Trump.

He wouldn’t get a single thing done maybe expand Medicare a bit but the problem is that he would nominate a bunch of commie judges and that’s who really runs the government. His personal communism matters more than his platform.

based trump fanning the berniebro seethe

The primary was unironically riged though.

Also eliminating private insurance isn’t centrist.


>more of a chance
yeah, you're right.
0.0001% > 0.0%

Checks out. Only thing missing from the trifecta is being a nigger.

Yet every other Western nation has healthcare for all. Enjoy the Corona nightmare.

Social democracy unironically sucks, but I won't act like it doesn't present any benefits to some people—including myself.
Members of certain states' largest unions went against leadership to support him last weekd; I don't think our hatred is unequivocal.
Cope with the social democratic ascendant in this country.

I'm pasty white.

They all have a state run healthcare system and private insurance. Like America does.

because his kike lost

Trump will lose because of the pandemic mishaps and throwing the forgotten under the bus.

>A substantive portion of Bernie voters switched to Trump because they felt like he was cheated last time due to cooperation between the DNC and Hillary.
That's not true. More Hillary voters voted for McCain in '08 than Sanders voters voted for Trump in '16.


Many such articles

bernies whole operation seems like a big pyramid scam. he endlessly asks for donations and is basically milking his followers. after last night its clear biden will take the nomination so at this point a donation to bernie is a donation to the establishment.

Nobody cares what your taggot country does Hans. Here in the US, eliminating private healthcare is pretty far left you retard

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The social democracy movement will die with Bernie. All of it’s young “leaders” are women.

>Trump will lose
you are so disconnected from reality it's alarming
trump has already won

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Im not taking suggestions from a commie.

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It will die not because they're women, but because they lack industrial policy.

> then how can he motivate the rest of the country?
The hype around elections tends to do that. It's the time when everyone is suddenly interested in politics for a few days. Riding that wave is much easier than motivating people doing shit as early. Imagine being one of the fags in Texas who waited for 5 hours and in the end their candidate might not even get a chance.

>But he won't be regressing as quickly as Trump
Trump isn't doing much either way. The harm of tax cuts to his buddies is already done, he gave up on killing MediAid, his climate policy won't fuck up things much faster and even the media is getting tired of his rhetoric. The worst is done, all he's going to do is embezzle a bit more, talk more shit and so on. With Biden it'd be almost the same shit just packaged in a less racist way. All at the cost of stopping any momentum for actual progress.

Which works because state run healthcare is the main one and private ones are extra options for richfags. It couldn't work when things are as broken as your healthcare costs.

Biden will beat Trump the liar hands down. Wall Street Jews are more important that saving America's poor Whites and Americans from a pandemic.

fucking kek

So? Tulsi and specially AOC could pick it up. Wouldn't be a big deal if the whole climate crisis wasn't so close from becoming unfixable in the next decade.

> Trump will lose
is this satire? he has already one you retard. Dems are beyond pathetic and the party has crumbled, is it not obvious to you yet? holy shit you're dense

Xers are spiritual boomers


Suit yourself; all I'm saying is that his work isn't outdated and remains super prescient even in the 21st Century.

>Wall Street Jews are more important that saving America's poor Whites and Americans from a pandemic.
Which is why Trump will easy win it against Biden. Both suck Jew cock, so the establishment doesn't have to bother. On the ground Trump has a much more reliable base too.

When your entire pitch is "I'm not as bad Trump", people will either stay at home or vote for Trump. Why are you forgetting 2016 already?

What’s this image?

Women lack leadership abilities.

Yeah you just have to replace workers and proletariat with trans-youth and Muslim immigrants. No ‘workers’ in this country respect or care for you faggots in any way. Communism is a joke

lol no

Third world socialism is the future of American politics because of demographics. Latinos don't want WASP social democrat faggotry, they want some Chavezist third world anti-imperalist socialism. Dumb democrats thought they were clever by opening the floodgates because "hurr they'll totally vote for us forever" when really the latinos will bury them.

Our healthcare costs are what they are because our people are too fat. You think 100 billion dollars of corporate profit is going to be enough to make a dent in the cost? You’re an idiot.

Its an incumbent primary, idiot. Obviously less people will be voting.

Women are incapable of leadership. Especially those women.

Boomers plus cynicism.

>raped native Americans taking America back
Based as fuck.

It's mostly bureaucracy due the insurance companies actually. Bongs are almost as fat as Burgers but don't have the price problem.

Ask a cuban American how they feel about that shit. You cant just throw all the Spanish in a bucket on how theyd vote you dumb pole. Trumpo got like 35% of Hispanics in 2016

demographics are important, but not in the way you think. Every young hispanic becomes a faggot lefty, its their parents who are based and fled the old socialist shithole. The problem comes when theyre 3 gens in.

If you lack an industrial policy I don't give a fuck what gender you identify as; I ain't gonna support you.
Trans-youth and Muslim immigrants are just as much workers as rural whites in blighted rustbelt towns are. Hell, in my case are multiple instances of the former in the latter.

Slampig confirmed

Not likely. Bernie was the last stand for socialism. The oligarchs just need to pick someone different than Buttjet next time. They didn’t realize that minorities hate gays. If they pick a Mexican Catholic candidate next time he’ll win the Dem primary. They just haven’t figured out how to do Hispanic identity politics yet but they will.

Just woke up. Did the bernie bros get BTFO'd?

>bureaucracy doesn’t exist in the US federal government
You’re dumber than I thought. If you think Bongs are fat you have absolutely no idea how far Americans are. No idea.

Can you elaborate on why the climate crisis will become unfixable friend?

Your support doesn’t matter to anyone.

Same situation as last night.

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Big waves and extra wind bro, haven’t you been paying attention!?


she hates Bernie, has gone after him, and publicly says she is not a democratic socialist.

you have to be a complete fucking retard to think she will endorse Bernie.

Night of the living dead

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The loudest Cuban-Americans unsurprisingly tend to be descendants of wealthy businessmen who got their property expropriated generations ago. Their tears are delicious.

How dare you respond to me

Yes, unfortunately.

Knowing that this garbage ideology you love so much will be a forgotten remnant of the past within our lifetimes makes me giddy

It's not Cubans who've been pouring into the USA by tens of millions over the last few decades. Cubans are irrelevant. And conservative-voting latinos aren't relevant either, the point of what I said is that latinos are only going to vote for WASP democrats as long as they can't vote for brown socialists, as soon as they can vote for brown socialists people like Biden will never get any of the latino vote again and they'll get replaced in their own party.

bros can you imagine trump against biden? this Dementia old fuck will get ripped apart they might dont even show this on television


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Liberalism has lasted just slightly longer; I wouldn't count on it.

How fast does dementia act? Will Biden go full retard by november?

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Does extra wind=extra wind power?
Or is the wind to fast or some shit?

>shiggidy wasted trips

Why is Maine still counting only 25 people live in the entire state...DNC bullshit again for Biden...I WANT MY REFUND BACK OR ELSE

>in 2014 62% of adults in England were classified as overweight or obese
By now they are probably closer to the 70% of Burgerland.

Also obviously your guberment bureaucracy is a problem but things are bound to ease up when a profit motivated insurance company isn't looking for autistic details not to pay.


inb4 muh magic technology gets invented in the last second

Yas Forums NEED TO STOP posting joe touching people pics or else

Writings on the wall. The problem with communists is they live so deep in their ideological bubbles they believe things should play out all according to plan.

Tech makes a communist state pointless. Globalized trade makes it pointless. Masses of people too many to count let alone provide for. Pointless.

Don’t worry, there will be despotic systems for you to lmwork un pretending you care about the common man, but they won’t be communist.

thank you mod for keep this sticky up for me

Do you believe Bernie still got it in the bag?

By the way, how is this gonna keep going?

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I think for climate alarmists it means we’re all going to be blown off the planet.

But technically more win means more turbines


just woke up bros, can i have a quick rundown? is bernie done for? any salt screen caps?

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Wtf is this real?

next tuesday is when Joe takes a huge command and bloomberg gets out of the ran...all sees are on next tuesday

Bernie can still win if Biden say something very crazy or stupid again

>Eliminating the gold standard was a Marxist idea. Nixon was about to restore the gold standard after creating tariffs, but was suddenly impeached.

Nixon was forced off the gold standard because the United States literally did not have enough gold to back its convertibility. Why is this always fucking forgotten by the morons here? YOU HAVE TO HAVE GOLD TO CONVERT THE MONEY TO. There is no fucking way on earth for an economy the size of the US to store that much gold in the event of a panic or coordinated strike like what De gaulle orchestrated with other European powers against Nixon.

Yeah, AOC craves orange cock.

next tuesday will tell if you commies still have a change at the presidency

62 is far different from 70 retard and that doesn’t take into account the dramatic extent to which people who are overweight are really really overweight. It’s extremely expensive.

Both private and state run institutions have profit motives and costs due to bureaucracy. There’s functionally no difference between the two.

Found the kike.

As a nihilist that just wants to watch the world burn for his entertainment, I wanted Bernie to win. Trump was fun for 4 years, but now it's getting old and nothing drastic is happening. Bernie would've fucked so much up that I would've been entertained for life. But Biden is unbelievably boring.

Who the fuck types out a sigh?
*unsheathes katana*

Not really. There's a little in Seattle but mainly Hispanic and Asian.

Oh yeah, all of Europe is communist because they take care of their people right? Keep sucking that boot.

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Double digit iq kicking in

Keys dates March 10 and March 17...by then Biden should have over 1200 delegates and Bernie should walk away with his tail between his legs....NO REFUND FOR YOU COMMIES

>state run institutions have profit motives
Sorry for taking you seriously for a second.

>I am sure that there is nothing out there that could be considered God.
Can you say that with peer reviewed facts? if not then that's faith.

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>you commies

this nigga...

both are weak against trump, but at least with sanders the final election will be more interesting, biden is fucking boring.

You’re an idiot.

There is nothing more satisfiying than delicious bernie fuck tears.

Bidenbros.. we will avenge jeb once and for all

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>Tech makes a communist state pointless. Globalized trade makes it pointless. Masses of people too many to count let alone provide for. Pointless.
So long as tech continues to alienate workers, the specter of communism will always haunt the professional-managerial class. Globalized trade has merely intensified class conflict, and made us keenly aware of it across borders.
>Don’t worry, there will be despotic systems for you to lmwork un pretending you care about the common man, but they won’t be communist.
I agree to some extent; communism emerged to make up for the failures of liberalism. We don't know what exactly will emerge to make up for the failures of communism, but you'd be incredibly naive to think that it won't have an influence.

Get that crybaby faggot out of that Ron Paul meme.

This isn't fascism read about mussolini you retard.

1079 delegates are up for grab on March 10 and March 17...Biden so far has 475 and still counting delegates...of the 1079 delegates Biden is expected to receives all 1079

based mods sticking this bloomblessed thread

Enjoy the salt

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Sure, pay my price tag of 21.4 trillion dollars worth of gold and 10-20% beyond that for any unforeseen events like wars. When I demand to convert to gold you better not stiff me.

>Because systematic rape and misogyny is what our entire civilization is built on

wtf, I thought Bernie was supposed to do well in urban areas. Why did he lose in the cities but win so many precincts in NC Appalachia?

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Remember....no refunds.

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based aryan joe triggering the commies

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Well I have first hand knowledge of what it’s like growing up in a communist state. Something I imagine you don’t have.

Those are all great theories and what not but again, as a communist you are too easily predictable. You cling to your ideological tenets and can never let yourself sway from “how it’s supposed to go”. Communism will be dead very soon and nothing more than a larp. It’s basically a larp now actually. Anyone who actually calls themselves communists in the industrialized or even second world at this point is a well to do upper middle and above class. Armchairs first all of you.


Also gotta love the implied malthusianism; get outta here with that weak shit.


My favourite quote is how the "far left are the real moderates"

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>it's sheer projection. They no full well they have no conviction, an inability to compromise, and hate for anyone who disagrees with them.

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we're the most advanced civilized country on earth. get fucked

Bernie 60 minutes interview told a very disturbing story about how he hate america but love commies bullshit...NO fukken way was he getting the CODES


the subreddit is satire and is filled with communists

A dumb cunt

he hit that dab

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Bernie should honestly run independent if he doesn't get the nomination.
I'm pretty confident Trump's going to win regardless, but he might as well do the spite move and split the democrat vote (he should have done that in 2016 as well but oh well)

imagine being this stupid lmao

If it is satire then they are bloody good at it because the comments are of a similar vein.

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I still believe in Tulsi


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Holy fucking shit this election is almost as lulzy as the last.

That would be political suicide.



Anyone who is an open conservative has likely been banned or heckled off Twitter.

I think something like 2% of the US population actively uses it.

He doesn't have the balls. If I was him I'd just register as a member of the Progressive Party and run prog upstarts in all the liberal districts.

I want to believe

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As opposed to his thriving political career now? Bending the knee to Hillary was already political suicide, he just didn't find out until last night.
The man's been dead for four years and didn't know it.

He’ll have a heart attack

>Well I have first hand knowledge of what it’s like growing up in a communist state.
This doesn't invalidate the underlying Marxian critique, which is still very much valid.
>t’s basically a larp now actually.
I'm skeptical that an actual socialist state can ever be established in the imperial core because yeah, it does tend to feel like a larp. I've gotten into spats with Red Guards and DSA chapters in nearby cities for not caring about American labor history, much less learning from their mistakes. In terms of theory, it feels like we haven't moved much since the late 70s/early 80s. It is frustrating, but I do think we're on the cusp of a breakthrough, and it's not explicitly because of the social democratic ascendant.

We haven't even seen anything yet. Trump vs Biden is gonna be a shitshow, they're both so unhinged it'll be more like 19th century animal baiting than anything else.

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lol that has to be a fake, I disbelieve a marine corp group would post that. content is spot on though

>Half a Billion spent and drops out without winning any states

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ahahahahhaa ahh.. truth and freedom will always win.


>Soon all of the loli's will be mine

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wtf is this shit
Biden a legit pedophile and people voting for him. This is beyond disturbing.

You seem like a well thought out and reasoned guy. And while I don’t know you personally I would gamble that you have little experience in the real world. Working that is. Get a few jobs under your belt. And a mix of them. From mom and pop shops, working in your own and mega corps. I’ve done all of them and I’m not at mega Corp. once you do that you gain uncomfortable insight into how people actually behave and what their goals are.

Even as a teenager when I thought long and hard about the theories and what ifs of communism it didn’t take long through actually busting my ass with myriads if different people to realize this notion of class warfare and the “people” rising up is retarded.
Communism flies in the face of reality, always thinking it can usurp nature.

As for class divides. Sure it here in the west too. The difference being however that the lower classes aren’t removed from food, shelter and entertainment.

Which makes arguments about class pretty silly when you have more than your basic needs met. It’s just envy.

This image is cursed.

>bloomberg endorses Mr Dementia
they really pulled a fucking number on Bernie
fuck you Dems, rot in fucking hell


lol this pic

B-but Yas Forums told me Jews stick together.


you commies along with Bernie need to GO TO HELL


>the far left splinters itself a hundred times over minor ideological differences, you know why?
because it's the far left

a man of culture

fuck commie bernie and fuck you for like commie bullshit ...just look to russia to see socialist dont fukken work

stay the fuck off twitter with your rigged primary nonsense conspiracy

>all of those berniebuds that are about to vote for Biden, aka the Chad that cucked them, because it's "so important they beat Trump"

How pathetic.

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Bernie couldnt get blacks to vote for him...why

The black lines look like pubic hair.

cry more you little commy


Just a little spin of the Dreidel and all this goes away...



Damn I love been Jewish

>Glenn Beck Presents: Ukraine: The Final Piece


GO TRUMP/BIDEN 20/20!!!!

they're putting up a literal stuff
better a commie Bernie than fucking Weekend at Bernies (featuring dear departed Uncle Joe)
This is a fucking farce. They cannot get away with this. Bidens not gonna make it to November without being fucking certified

The guy is rotting in shekels, he could burn them for the rest of his life and will have lots left.

>they're hateful extremists!
>and they have no conviction

Bro, you're based, maybe we should start a salt thread, bring back the entire kegs of free salt, we can cook soup for a century with all of this salt, even trumps victory didn't generate this much salt

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Hate seeing the country torn apart like this.

What if Trump announced Biden as VP?

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Those are some yellow fucking gooks.

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This thread is moving so slow everyone will notice that the only people left in it are cringe boomers whining about socialism.

For the groups he runs with, its a fun talking point

Pinned all night and only 1000 replies
Yas Forums is fucking dead

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His pocketbook is still open and probably wants a cabinet position

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making him trumps VP at least save Joe having to learn a new title. And having to debate.
poor cunt. I wonder if Trump is going to destroy him, just for the fuck of it


Tulsi should be the VP of Trump. Biggest fuck you to the DNC and russiagating

I just want a happening who should I vote for

Starting to suspect it'll be brokered convention and Sanders will demand some appeasing by Biden in exchange for support. So it'll be the worst of both worlds - sanders fans are pissed but Biden is pilloried with a far left looney. Hell, hell yes we'll grab em beto is already going to hurt Biden in the rust belt.

Biden last year is on record saying barely anything would change under him and that when you get financial income inequality is when you get unrest and populism like Trump.

They keep thinking it's the 90s and 2000s and they can do little margin edits.

They went on to worse jobs in the short (as in, decades) term. Factory jobs paid less, worse conditions, more liable to throw you out on your ass. Not to mention the industrial revolution to the AI revolution are apples and oranges. There is less and less jobs that AI will not be able to do.

well look at you go

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Why is this thread still up?

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Bet DNC would be fine with it and most Dem voters could come around.

seriously guys am i crazy?
bloomberg, a jew, entered a race in which he would almost certainly only peel away the most moderate democrats, splitting joe's (a goy) vote, helping bernie (a jew)

warren, (a goy), stays in the race splitting the vote for sanders (a jew), and in effect helps biden (a goy)

You also see that blacks nearly entirely voted for the goy candidate, and spics nearly entirely the jewish one

Was this nomination race a small scale race war between goys and jews?

>Now it's time to let the Trump out to fucking play
God I wish

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Most dem senators should be fighting over the vp spot. They'd be a heart attack to an 80 year old guy away from the presidency

>this notion of class warfare and the “people” rising up is retarded.
Class conflict is happening everywhere, all the time. Ignoring this unequivocal fact is what's actually retarded.
>Communism flies in the face of reality, always thinking it can usurp nature.
If nature is unjust, then change nature. Hell, it's not like we haven't done a lot to already and not for the better.
>The difference being however that the lower classes aren’t removed from food, shelter and entertainment.
This is akin to complaining about homeless people having iPhones, or protestors sipping on Starbucks coffee.
>Which makes arguments about class pretty silly when you have more than your basic needs met. It’s just envy.
The Marxian critique of capitalism can be reduced to "it's bad because it doesn't go far enough in meeting the basic needs of people" because if it did, class (and the endless antagonisms that result from it) wouldn't exist. That's all communism is: free time. The longer I've been a wage laborer the more I wish I actually had the time to enjoy my basic needs. This point isn't invalidated because we live in the richest country in the world.

Holy fuck, the level of delusion is truly staggering

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based Venezuelan commie foresight

Hey you did it to!

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>the virgin Berniebro vs the BLACK BVLL
>expecting them to vote for anyone but the alpha Biden, king of the niggers, sniffer of lolis
they really got too cocky

Same. The governorship was almost won by a fat black gaptoothed bitch this past election (by like 40k votes... unbelievealbe). Georgia is a hotbed for Democrat activity since hollywood has been pouring california tax refugees in and people don't even realize it. I say we have 8 years max before we're blue. The only interesting thing about GA is it has less than 10 counties who are strong democrat the rest are civilwar starting red counties. That's enough to flip a state though since they're large metro areas. This just means though that the state house-senate will be tough fights for bills and stuff but gov will be a dem and presidential preference will be dem.

He should have just bought the island

Bloomberg dropped out

Class conflict is hardly happening all the time. Which is why o prefaced by post but my guess that you have a lack of real world experience.

You can’t change nature. That’s the point. You can pretend, you can manipulate, but you can’t change it. You aren’t a unviversal force. You’re a cog in nature’s machine.

Hang out with some homeless people. They aren’t on the streets because capitalism are class warfare. More often than not they choose to be there out of convenience. No one to tell them what to do, no responsibilities, and still, most basic needs met. I know a couple homeless drunks and drug addicted from growing up making more than me and I have to go into work in a suit.

Warren will back whoever has the best shot at the nomination, which is Biden. That bitch has been angling for a VP since Iowa.

>Bernie impoverishes another generation of youths for nothing

Damn it's like 2016 all over again

>millennials too lazy to actually go and vote
this is fucking hilarious

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To all the Berniebros I know you all care about important proposals on the green new deal, medicare for all, racial justice, income inequality, lgbt rights, women's rights, taxing billionaires, wall street and banking reform but if he gets screwed over by the establishment again I'm voting Trump who will do absolutely fucking NOTHING or the complete polar opposite of Bernie on the above issues maga

Nice, you Americans are either going to elect a Commie or a Orange Idiot Cheese-Puff.
But at least a Cheese Puff at least can feed someone though.

>”people want to be homeless!”
be honest, how much do you get paid to post on here?

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>Not taking money from Drug dealers and human traffickers who are the real 1%

Are you suggesting he hasn't already gone full retard?
The man is a gaff machine.


They don’t want to be homeless. But it’s convenient for them. They’d be just as happy under a roof if it didn’t mean they would have to pay for utilities or deal with neighbors etc.

You combine drug addiction with mental illness (one often supplemented by the other) and you have a person who doesn’t give a shit about anything and hates having to deal with people beyond their most basic animalistic needs, in this case their addictions.

Despite making up just 13% of the Super Tuesday vote, Millennials are responsible for 100% of Bernie Sanders's losses

I’ll also add there’s already tons of housing for the homeless in California, NY etc. but it means you have to check in, it means you have to hide your drugs or use of them, it means you have to deal with other crazy homeless people, it means cops, annoying counselors and the likes. Why bother if all your looking for is your next fix?


there is some AMAZING poetry with the fact that all the young voters pushing for the socialist candidate can't actually motivate themselves to vote

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Can confirm. My brothers friend from when i was a kid is apparently homeless now just cause he wants to be. He had no history of mental illness or anything he just chose one day he wanted to be homeless. He has a well off brother that could put him up and help him out at any time but he doesn't want it. I have no idea if drugs are and issue with him but they weren't before.

who the fuck are these shadow people voting for the boring ass corporate puppet? the corporations themselves? I'm convinced bidens only demographic is 'left' faggots that pride themselves by being better than the american right and then voting for someone like biden who ain't gonna change shit

>who are the other 350 million people in this country who don’t share my view points and live in my bubble!?

Grow up

so Biden won after all? your voting system is fucking obnoxious btw, no wonder ppl can't be bothered to vote

That's joe's wife? Since he has dementia, if he were to win, would she be running the show? Like Elenore and FDR?

>Boomerberg quits.
>620 million down the drain.

The most expensive ego trip ever?

At least is his own money. Not some poor fuck's contributing to elect some rich carrer politician.

Its his 0.01%.

He's a dual citizen. He's literally a foreigner running for president. And a socialists on top of that.

Despite everything Obama/Biden still have a very good legacy, current Biden support is fumes from that.

Also some people think a more lucid Biden could have really took it to Trump and might still be able to when it's time.

>being a corporate bootlicker

Grow up

Thats rektness

Bernie is literally a boomer.

I'm convinced bernies only demographic is 'left' faggots that pride themselves by being better than the american right and then not even voting for someone like bernie who ain't gonna change shit (because he's not getting the nomination)

Hillary ran on Obama’s legacy and look where we are at now

CA and ME aren't confirmed yet

That’s literally what I did. I grew up. I’m in my mid upper 30s. From a communist shithole as a child, to an American ghetto, through every job imaginable this country has to offer, from abject poverty to a house and thousands of books via my own studies and college. I grew up. You do the same bud.

How much of a clusterfuck is the Democratic Convention going to be bros.

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>Tulsi: Horseman for War because she’s obsessed with regime change wars (non-interventionist)
>Warren: Horsemen for Pestilence because of that mouth of hers. I picture thousands of locusts coming out like she’s a demon.
>Sanders: Horseman for Famine because his communism causes gulags to be built and tens of millions of people die of hunger
>Biden: Horseman for Death because he had a brain aneurysm in the 80s, his eyes bleed regularly, he’s slurring his words, he’s 77, and likely about to die soon. He’s less healthy than even the candidate who had a heart attack.

Make a meme of the last 4 candidates left in the race. The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse. And Trump is The messiah ...or maybe the Antichrist. I dunno. Up to you.

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"Jews may use lies to circumvent a goyim.” – Jewish Talmud, Baba Kamma 113a

Fuck jews and their nigger pets. Go back to Israel so we can drop a fucking nuke on you pedo faggots

Take your boy Epstein and Weinstein with you kike!

I wouldn't be shocked if a Bernie bro committed a homicidal act there. Or before even. It's coming.

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>monkeys will just spend it on shit
Yes. That's what happens with every welfare system. Then they demand more, get it, and waste that. That's what UBI is. A new nigger giveout.

I voted for Bernie, but if Biden gets the nod I'm going to vote for Trump this November. The DNC can suck my cock and balls.

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Depends on who is leading the delegate race at the time and who is still in the race. Best case scenario for maximum chaos and salt is Bernie leading the delegate race into convention, Warren still in the race, and then the DNC gives it to Joe. That's best case scenario.

Mommy tulsi gib
Tits milky, juicy, sweet
Soma for polacks

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The ruling class has a vested interesting in hiding the fact that class conflict is always happening. They want us to believe things can't be changed; that it's just how it is. I could sing these platitudes to you but that'd be a waste of time.
>Hang out with some homeless people.
I have years of job experience, and occasionally volunteer at my local food bank. So I know plenty of homeless people; even been homeless myself and it sure it as hell wasn't because of addiction, that's just a way to cope with alienation, which at the end of the day is deeply rooted in class conflict.

>Trump passes anti-semitism law
>all recent attacks against Jews were by black people
>trump uses anti-semitism law to arrest black people

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digits and Bernie gets a heart attack

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Nice false flag, about 40% of these are actually true, which is also the likelihood of you attempting to commit suicide.

Make us

Do it yourself that's retarded

gay and blue pilled

It’s Biden’s to lose. Trump better consult Corn Pop and get out while Joe still lets him go.

did the dnc make warren bully mike into paying for joe's campaign?

But it still got her the nomination and she won the pop vote. Maybe she wouldn't have gotten even that if she branded herself different.

you do realize that 90% of bernie's ideas are going to be filtered by congress right? most of his 'radical policies' will be toned down. any change is better then no change. if his ideas destroy the economy, there will be change to counteract it and shut socialist faggots up about socialism in the US. if his ideas actually are good, then that's another win. however if you have some boring ass candidate, then nothing happens and the status of the economy and wealthy disparity will slowly deterioate.

We’ll agree to disagree then. Ok certainly not painting every homeless person with a broad stroke. I lived in my car for a month. I also had nothing to do with drugs. But I met plenty of homeless people through that affair, as well as having a father who got addicted to pain meds and lost his mind. He isolated himself and wanted Roche in the streets. Of course we can go back and forth all day on anecdotes but that’s beyond the point. The ruling classes don’t give a shit about us, just as much as we don’t give a shit about them. The only class struggle I would agree with is the fact that the ruling class has made cheap labor so widely available via open borders programs that were fighting eschother, not them. As far as the wealth they hold goes it makes no difference in today’s economy if they hold 1m or 1 trillion in assets. Quantitative easing made the dollar worth whatever the duck they want it to be worth

How long until then start rioting and we can start shoot commies Yas Forums?

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Fuck socialism. It is DOA before Congress.

As other replies have stated, this was Sanders' big chance to take the lead. With most of the Rust Belt and Deep South still to vote, and with Warren still in keeping Sanders down in New England, he had to blow the doors off high population states like California and Texas to keep the popular vote close and maybe take a delegate lead. He failed to do it. And now the map favors Biden. The bigger states like New York and Florida will vote Biden. The small states out west will vote Sanders. In new England, as long as Warren stays in, Sanders will keep losing to Biden as the progressive vote gets split up. Sanders now can only hope to get a brokered convention and hope that Biden commits some major gaffe(s) that render him unelectable. Like if Biden leads but in may be gets #MeTooed or something. That is Bernie's only chance now.


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digits and Bernie heart attack



Before I went to sleep, Maine was STILL not done, WTF IS WRONG WITH MAINE?!?!?!?!?

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Biden will live to 95 so long as he can find a new adrenochrome supplier after Epstein didn;t kill himself.

I'm out.

It's been a good 3 and a half years with you. I learned a lot about the world and how things work, but I just can't do it anymore. Yas Forums is a death cult. It's made me a more bitter, angry, and cynical person and for the sake of my own mental health, I need to bow out because the alternative is painting my bedroom wall with my brains. I don't wanna be Moon Man trying to curb stomp a nigger down the road. I need to bow out. This shit is driving me insane.
Thanks for everything. I love you all

What changes are you referring to? again you seem to think the entire country is your ideas and life experience.
Most of this country is employed. Most of this countries wages are going up. Slowly but surely. Most of this country now has some sort of medical coverage. As for school that’s literally a choice. The only good thing Bernie can do which he hasn’t talked about is removing the incentive to receive reimbursement from the fed in guaranteed loans. This would massively De-sentivize schools of offering retarded programs at exorbitant costs.

Green new deal? America is already at the forefront of massive industrialized nations trying to make things clean.

good fuck off newfag

Is... is somebody gonna tell him that the Democratic party is the party of lynching BLACK FOLK?

Im ouga booga nigger. Africa still has nigger slaves yet I'm told by my jew operators to still blame America for racism... the country of whites who took me in and ended slavery. Dang crackas!

Ouga booga pride himself on big peepee and catch football. Too bad ouga booga can't compute simple thought process.

Don't you white ppl still feel bad for me and holohoax?


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You're just really blackpilled. Take a break. Give it time. Get some fresh air in your lungs. You'll come back stronger. But when shit really goes down, you'll be thankful for things like this that hardened you up.


>capping his own pots
cringe and fuck off


if you are already this entrenched in this idea that corporate and government puppet candidates are your friends, there's nothing i can do to convince you except to say to go your own research. we'll just have to agree to disagree.

why is this fucking thread still here?

I would like to see Bernie win just so we could see how much of his ideas could he really make into reality. I was rooting for Trump for the same reason four years ago and I was hoping to see the wall built, but the liberal crying all over American media made during the last four years wasn't worth it, not to mention he did fuck all. Also the constant articles about him got tiring real fucking quick.



>roastie bantz are about their numerous sexual experiences
makes sense


Nigga,you ain't even an American. You have no dog in this fight.

Good old Rockford

It drew your attention, didn’t it? Got more (you)s, sweetie.

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>too much liquor


Again I’m 37, 38,in a few months. I’ve been on every spectrum of the financial ladder from complete abject poverty on food stamps to now owning a house and making a good wage. I could care less about your interpretations of the corporate oligarchs.

Guess what they’ve always existed and they always will and they were far worse in the past.
What do I have to content with? Some asshole gives me a pamphlet to read once a month about changing corporate policy? Or do I give up my healthcare, 401k, pie tile off and the likes I worked 25 years to get too because some other funnies can’t figure out cv is this world works?

Whats my incentive? You’re student loan debt? Or is it you’re lack of resourcefulness. I got medical benefits from the state when I was living in my car. This system divides you everything if you bother walking out the door and asking some questions.

A democratic primary was the straw that broke the camels back?

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Digits and Tulsi surges past Bernie and Biden

>Putin mad because Bernie got btfo
Calm down Vlad.

See you in a couple weeks

Bosnia and Herzegovina says what?

Daily reminder that most Sanders voters will rage vote for Trump. They will rather see another 4 years of him than seeimg the rotten branch of the democrats back to power.

P.S. i'm not larping.

LMAO, cornpop is dabbing on this old commie fuck

American elections and politics are a form of entertainment better than most of the dedicated comedy shows you guys make, from my point of view it's just humorous Doctor Who and the Doctor's actor is being replaced again, I'd rather see a new one since the current one got boring.

>fascists have a tendency to fall in line

>christians have a tendency to believe in jesus


>I was merely pretending to be a cringey cunt who requests cringey shoops
master trole 2020

Bloomberg just dropped out and endorsed Biden. He has 44 delegates. (Paid half a billion for them, too!) If he was dragging anybody down, it was Biden.

So now Warren is still in. If this doesn't change, all she is going to do is cost Bernie delegates, lol. If this thing goes brokered, everybody's delegates are going to be given to Biden, because they endorsed him, and Warren's will likely be split between the two unless she outright throws her support behind one of them.

They're TOTALLY screwing Bernie over. AGAIN. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Back when milk shakes were milk. I remember corn pop. After that day is how all this behind me you see happened. huh? No, niggers have to ride buses also. So you see. What? Hey let me say hi to your daughter

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Also in phone posting from work because I’m done with today’s shit so my apologies in poor spelling

First TV debate between Trump and Joe
>Joe looking confused and sleepy
>Trump smirking and confident
>"Hey Joe...Joe. I saw you checking out Ivanka and Barron back stage. Keep your nose off my kids, Joe. If you want something to sniff, try some cocaine Joe. It might wake you p."
>*Joe slowly charges towards Trump with old man arms extended slightly. He clutches his heart in agony.*
>*Trump shoves him to the ground in self defense as the secret service step in and finish the job*
>"Take a nap, Sleepy Joe*
>Crowd erupts in laughter.
>Election cancelled because Joe is dead
>The End

that's because you suck at politics

Moderate Democrats that fear communism would be more likely to vote for Trump over Bernie than Bernie voters doing the same if Biden wins.

the complacency of the immediate reality is the downfall of a nation.
>other places and historical nations had it worse, so who cares?
right, guess we should all just twiddle our thumbs until someone has it better off then.

i don't get it

>I'm not larping.

No, but you are profoundly ignorant.

You are undoubtedly correct that some number of them will do that. Most? No.

Bernie's supporters are at the left-most fringe of American politics. Many of them are also motivated by extreme anti-Trumpism, and see an extreme response (supporting the most extreme candidate on the other side) as the best way to defeat him.

Biden has no need to particularly worry about Berniebros voting FOR Trump. His concern needs to be that they stay home in a huff, and he and his campaign have months to gentle them back into the fold.

>Bernie loses the nomination
is Milwaukee gonna burn now?

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The virgin bernie sanders

-probably listens to rap or some other shit music
-looks like a weird shrivelled old mole

the chad joe biden

-no malarkey
-has the record player on at night
-has got hairy legs that turn blond in the sun

The thread goes on forever.
But not bernie. That crazy commie died and with him died socialism in America.

Get fucked progressive collectivist leeches on society! It’s over.


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Or you can get a job and stop trying to push your responsibilities on “the state”. You can figure out how the system works and use it to your advantage. Instead of waiting for a figurative mommy to take care of your needs.
Endless possibilities out there, your move on how you get them.

any states still counting?

Cornpop was a bad dude.

So, the big states left are rust belt, florida, and new york, right?
Pacific NW is bernie territory, but do they have all that many delegates?

No nothing's going to happen, everybody understands that he was never going to win because not enough people want him.

But that's literally what happened in 2016

not true at all, you don't understand whatsoever how most bernie voters think

if anything, they understand that 4 more years of trump will actually prepare the country for socialism than Biden ever would

>Republicans and fellow Biden-fags think the Democratic primary is over already
Lmfao. I've voting for the well-being and prosperity of your great grandchildren. Fortunately for you Biden will win.

>class cuck who loves sucking his bosses cock after he fucks his wife

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>implying you can leave

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Then explain why trump supporters are supporting biden.

Who do you guys think Warren will endorse?

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Ah cute Ivan's being tsundere

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>will wrap a chain he got from bill rightmouse around your head

Sorry babe I only cum in aryan boipucci

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They've basically all been called, but some are getting that last 5 to 10% in.

Bernie won:

Biden won:
North Carolina

American Samoa LMFAO


I think the CIA is monitoring and deleting comments in this thread. All of the top posts are now DELETED! Those CIA niggers are probably getting our IPs as we speak.

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>trump supporters
>supporting biden
Honestly, Biden.

Imagine a life where you're sleeping, eating, fucking, and smoking weed, every single day. That one meme quote was right, about the Native American telling an early American settler that NAs had it all figured out before others complicated things. We now all strive for the same peace, and NAs had it figured out from the start.

The thing that always surprises me about leddit is they're about 50% redpilled on the malfeasance of the government and that politics is a puppet show, but they never get to the point of realizing (((who))) is pulling the strings. Why is that?

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Nothing will happen because berniebros are all talk, no action.

>colt 45
It's a fucking sig 380 I know colt 45 is the malt liquor but if you're putting in the effort why wouldn't you use a 1911

man get some better hobbies

More reddit salt please

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so who won ?

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Listen here Jack
When Corn pop was around I really walloped him
People were in shock after the change
Its on a dollar bill I passed for a house vote
Wait, I cant hear you
Sonny, you messed with the wrong dude
Any ways Corn Pop got drafted and napalmed
Vote for me this coming Thursday
Hey, nice looking child Come here
Shuffles away with a visible erection

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Joe30330 she fucking hates Bernie

its like the jews say in ther torah, never use the name of "god", or the one who watches the goyim

Pinned for 19 hours and only 1000 posts? Yas Forums is truly dead...


sorry but im a regular on /ptg/ I always spam screencaps for an hour or so, im doing now. cheers. just wanted to post a bit here.

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Retard moment

So the next debate is gonna be Biden, Bernie, Pocahontas, and Tulsi

im only pretending to be this stupid guiz!!!!!

again you are acting complacent about corporate corruption just because you live in a comfier life than you did previously. you need to realize how the system is rigged to only keep the wealthy in power, and how fucked america really is. greater economy != greater people.


What? The Old Testament gives multiple names for the Lord.

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That crazy commie died and with him died socialism in America. Get fucked progressive collectivist leeches on society! It’s over.

you could probably buy american samoa itself for half a billion dollars

My bad its a hipoint way worse

Toppest of keks, I can't tell if this is an actual Biden speech of not

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Sometimes you have to turn a can for the change

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Do you autists even realize what this means??? Biden running means we have literally entered the easiest meme war (Biden gaffes + Biden sniffs) of the decade and /pol is ACTUALLY capable of causing the demise of the current Democratic Party. Speaking as a woman, simply seeing the pics/videos of him with the blonde and Asian little girls tells me he is without a doubt a disgusting pervert. You feel it in your gut. Trust will NEVER be restored to the DNC from women for sure, and probably a fair amount of men once they realize DNC literally elevated an OBVIOUS pedo.

See you on the battlefield, brave Kekistans.

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And here you are living the dream in tepee freezing cold? The NA never produced anything, living.hand to mouth.

There's a video of this as these flash up on the TV. Anybody by chance have it?

>death nail

Yang beating Tulsi makes me question why Tulsi is even in this anymore. Whatever statement she was making doesn't make sense anymore.

I belive in America for a future that ..
No the chips have no bag
Listen joker, this isnt funny stuff
When you vote I vote, it's simple
Turn his microphone up.. huh?
Any ways corn pop went home
[Shuffles away with visible erection]

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I almost fell for it, i r8 7/8

Let's add to this, I want someone to make a virgin bernie/chad biden meme. I'm not good enough with photoshop

The Dems/DNC are committing political suicide yet again by pushing for a non-charismatic shill with no convictions, and they'll only have themselves to blame when they lose to Trump (again).

I don't like any of these candidates, but at least Bernie's got some balls. Plus the memes would be great if it was Bernie vs Trump, and even better if Bernie won.

>Bloombux dropped out

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She needs to pull out and endorse Sanders, so she can give him whatever few supporters she has.

Some did that in 2016, because back then people cared more about electing an outsider than anything, but the only Bernie supporters left in 2020 are hardcore socialists. I hope some will still rebel, but they'll probably just fall for "Trump is too dangerous, vote blue no matter who".

>you're spreading your elemental word using modern nuanced technology
>lmao hypocrite!!!

because they already get free housing, healthcare, ebt, etc

they don't want a bigger chunk of the population shitting up their pot

>only a thousand posts for Bernie, Bloomberg and Sanders getting BTFO
What happened to Yas Forums? I remember 2016 this place was wild back then

Tulsi ain’t a commie. She served Army.

Most of the black population still praises Obama as some sort of god-hero. Biden was Obama's VP, so blacks will vote for Biden just because of that.

Lurk more newfag. 1K is the cap.

I want my frees stuff. jews always share. Sharing comes naturally to jews.

Life isn't about having a good time, life is about both building and making your genes pass the tests that life throws at it so that they might get passed on. That's how we became more than whatever our distant ancestors were and how we'll go yet even further.

The niggers make up 13% of the population. 1/3 of them are not old enough to vote, 1/3 are in prison or convicted felons and a majority of the final 1/3 are too lazy to vote

The DNC will blame Russia they will never blame they're own decisions.

Humanity doesn't have to be a fucking episode of nation geographics
>pass the test to pass on your genes
>imagine being a slave to the idea that all of life is just to have children. What if your offspring turn out to be idiots of murders, what is the point of your life then user?

So did chelsea manning. KYS, faggotnigger.

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I came here in 2016
>1K is the cap.

Tulsi has spoken highly of Bernie Sanders before. Also, Yas Forums doesn't want to hear this, but Bernie isn't a communist either. If there's no seizure of private industry by the state, it isn't communism. As for socialism, we have literally lived in a socialist state for like a hundred years. We have all kinds of redistribution programs and social welfare programs. Bernie's policies are still stupid, but I'm not worried about DA EBUL GOMMUNISM, especially since he's been in Congress for 3 decades and hasn't accomplished anything. I would honestly just like to see Trump lose because so many of his supporters are delusional fools who say stuff like "He epitomizes my Christian values!" which as an actual Christian is beyond fucking infuriating to hear.

the butthurt jew will not pay off his staff, just you watch.

Those who don't want to breed have genes who don't pass the test. Those whose genes enables them to be criminals are hopefully removed from the gene pool by civilisation. You sound like someone whose genes are gonna fail hard.

Biden/Trump, lol nice pic

>life is about both building and making your genes pass the tests that life throws at it so that they might get passed on
You describe the behavior and instinct of a common animal. I'm enlightened enough not to the share the same mindless instincts. Good DAY sir.

(I unironically mean everything I said, I just didn't know how to answer your intentionally(?) dumb question.)

>lets protestors take over his event

>has personal linebacker Simone Sanders tackle protestors off the stage

(You) don't want an angry jew for potus? WTF is wrong with you?

>I share the values of my fellow mindlessly horny animals
>This is something to brag about
>Yes I know how existence ends

Natives still had to hunt, and sometimes war with other tribes. They had harder tests than us, but they also got to spend a lot of time eating, sleeping, fucking, living the good life. Meanwhile people today slave away in soulless office work before going home to consoom the TV. Zoomers and millennials aren't even having sex or having children.


>I'm enlightened enough to take my faggy genes out of the gene pool so that there will be less faggots like me in the future
Good. I didn't ask you any question.

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I can't believe Biden is going to be the nominee. Fuck this shit. I'm voting for Trump.

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You want to replave a poor excuse of a christian with a literal jude?
Also corona chan is fucking shit up, even if President Trump is incubent, the economy is taking a hit and i dont think it's bouncing back, it's only down from here

You don't need to ask, I'm here to teach.

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Yes but stagnation isn't to be envied. They stagnated and when they encounter more competitive people they got BTFO. We are further along, for better or worse as far as our individual experiences go, and we will continue to go on.

>Boomerburg dropped out

>Warren obviously only staying in to siphon off progressive votes

Watch as Berniebros flock away from their succdem overlord to actual socialist and anarchist spaces.

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I wish I had duel citizenship just to vote for Trump when Biden gets the nominee. The DNC are children who were burned by touching the stove and think it's a good idea to do it again

When I am mayor I promise legislation to get it not lost.
Some times the Malarky is too high
No, No, I promise
Any ways she was really dark looking
So to some up my policies you need.. stuff
Okay vote for him is a vote for me

Attached: depressedjoebiden.jpg (675x497, 68.37K)

>I came here in 2016
So you're a newfag.

>caring about a kike on a stick
We don't live in a socialist state precisely because the government hasn't seized private property. Communism is a delusional, endstate stage that will never actually exist. All socialist governments turn into authoritarian rule pretty quickly.


Nah nigga, that shit's how he won last time. Vote Biden in for the one and only reason that matters: Think of how many people his win would piss off.


so you're a faggot tourist from r*ddit, great

No, I'm not voting for a fucking AmazonFacebookGoogle bootlicker.

That's the best part, someone might kill him if we piss enough people off.

Then we get everyone pissed off and no Biden.

Oh yeah. Like somehow Trump is going to be assassinated. Get real, glownigger.

>t. /sg/

>we splinter into a million movements
>but diversity is our strength
The right wing is a more masculine movement. We can have fights and bloody each other but at the end we'll band together. The feminized left are all about petty cat fights that never end.

Some times we have to fight for a sign that looks not so bright. We bring our immigrants with a pool in Corn Pop was a bad dude.

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Just kidding. I love you faggots.

Don't listen to them. There is no 1,000 message cap. This board is completely controlled by deep state bad actors in multiple international intelligence communities. If you see that a message has been deleted on a pinned post, press F, because an user just got a visit from the men in black.

Nah, Trump was smart enough to get the retarded shootyniggers on his team. Giving his title to a kid-sniffing liberal will piss them off enough to go full chimp.

Biden is going to become a superspreader

Donald Trump is more Jewish than Bernie Sanders could ever hope to be.

And you support Mr. Bump-Stock-Ban, Mr. Red-Flag-Laws, Mr. Take-Their-Guns-And-Ignore-Due-Process?

I'm more libertarian than anything, but I also understand the value of the state intervening to correct market externalities and address areas of society that aren't addressed well by the private sector. What I'd really like from a candidate is someone who cares about personal liberties. Trump is the least pro-2A president in my lifetime, and he's also a presenting a huge obstacle to cannabis legalization.

But, I really want to change
A change when a nickel bought a burger
The food was great but it was always great
Do not tell me no. Huh?
Well, I think Bernie had a good run
So thank you for your support and bless God America well you know the rest.

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>I'm more libertarian
Oh no. It's retarded.

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Eyyyyyyyy this guy!

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“I'm more libertarian than anything, but“
I’m not gay, but!

Just stop it, your point was already invalid when you used the word but.



I copied a post from r/TrapoChapHouse


congrats black people for turning away from the guy who's been fighting for you his whole life for a man who doesn't give a fuck about you, can't wait for Biden or Trump to take away your welfare. God this election is actually making me racist.

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maybe you should consider making america great again

Some times Ice cream is as flat as a diced can of tomatoes.

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Yeah because voting for a jew that wants open borders which will allow for a large population of foreigners to move in and vote for socialism will totally preserve freedom.

just heard Bloomberg has cucked out for biden.

welcome aboard

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Attached: SEETHE OF THE CENTURY FINAL.jpg (524x524, 135.3K)

Get it through you drug addled skull
Welfare is bad for you. You're not helping people by putting more of them on it. Get fucked.

Can’t wait to see Berniebros riot at the DNC convention.

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I liked this one, plebbit is a salt mine today I haven't laugh this much in a long long time


When Blacks had it rough the times were at a Mariners game in Seattle. You got that Jack?

Attached: 8jbxpmpcdbp21.jpg (640x839, 56.17K)

Looks like the greaseball in the back is photoshopped in

This simplifies the tactical voter's game plan
>vote bernie for a contested convention
>vote far left down ballot for easy general election
And to those with false flag bernie bro social media larping accounts
>sow division
>bernie or bust
>rigged dnc
>leave the dnc
>stay home on election day
>vote trump out of spite
>spics for bernie, niggers for biden
I think the last point is by far the most under rated in terms of potential. The niggers already have their gibs, and the illegal spics want more, and we can exploit this.

No they won't. Your retarded country is content enough as it is making a full blown MTV reality show out of your elections, and then y'all want to complain how nobody listens to you. Ofcourse they don't fucking listen, you voted on fucking Ronnie from Jersey Shore

Wtf how is this still stickied?


pacifists are like the left wing version of anti abortion Jesus freak Republicans

LOL black people aren't going to vote for Welfare for white people. Sorry Bernie cucks. Even the most low IQ Welfare whore knows that the less there is for everybody else, the more there is for her. And also, fuck paying for college for whitey. They're not going to vote for him, lul.


It will be entertaining. Gonna get my Publix chicken and watch it all burn down.

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Forgot cap

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Oh look black people are retarded. Welfare is for them too. College is for them too. Isn't that what they've been screaming about "Muh gentrification muh education chances muh job chances"
Fucking absolute retards

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Berine niggers are still seeing thing aren't they?

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Biden should have ran 4 years ago, not now.
The dementia is kicking in stronger than ever.
This fucker will be a vegetable by the end of his first term.

Don't forget. You're here forever.


Corona was a beer that shelves were dusty from a days work.
You threw ice in it
No... no... Huh?
What is this Jokster saying?
Ah, Chips were a vote but beer was good too.

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Is Bernie actually toast? The Bernie subreddits are still motivated

pol is RIDIN with Biden now

It's not over yet, is it?

You darn Tooting

Attached: youfeellikemydaughter.jpg (678x381, 45.93K)

Mods are
>paid off
>on the deepstates side
Take your pick

bernie subreddit rn

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All the running candidates are so old. It's like the USSR '82

He's doing worse than in 2016. Anyone that's not delusional knows he finished. Bernie will not get the majority of delegates and probably not even a plurality. He will get 0 super delegates and plus Bloomberg dropping out means most of his voters go to Biden.

he's gonna take another dive
no refunds

They're pretending they can still win

it's all donatedonatedonatedonatedonatedonatedonatedonatedonatedonate

I fucking hate NEETs so much. I am so glad that the Democratic establishment will prevent UBI from becoming a thing in our lifetime. They deserve to rot in their self pity. I hope most of them become homeless when their parents die.

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What if Warren drops out and gives her delegates to Bernie? That'll put him pretty close behind Biden.

That's the oyster right there chicken wing.

Group delusion can be a powerful thing, especially when you permaban all dissenters

> Bernie bros are continuing to get violent with people that aren't voting Bernie

Bernie not reigning in his retards is what will cost him the race. Makr my words.

>thinking Warren will support Bernie
Kek no. She already stabbed him in the backs. She'll endorse Biden just like she endorsed Hillary in 2016.

Tell them thank you for donating

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Kek I love seeing salt

>paid off
Honestly wouldn't surprise me if some Bloomberg money found its way to the mod team.
Would actually be a smart investment after 2016.

She's going to stick with Biden, make some kind of deal maybe. Bernie is too far into the unconventional for the US for Dems to actually support him.
He was used last time, this time it's the same.

See you tomorrow bro

Who thought the race war would actually be humans versus robots.

Try FBI/CIA/MOSSAD friend.

Fuck, Bernie needs to win the plurality so that when super skelegates elect biden it causes the DNC to implode and rip itself apart forever.


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Hey buckaroo. Get in line

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Ah, a state of Emergency. How nice ..... /grin/

That means the constitution is suspended for the duration.
>Schools and public transport will be closed
>Stop and frisk will be enacted to take temperatures (and remove weapons)
>Quarantine runners will be shot.
>Looters will be shot.
>Hoarders will be shot.
>Groups of 4 people or more will be shot.

He was in the position to force a split last time. He didn't. This time it's even less likely. Bernie's not enough of a fighter to antagonize the party.

LOL Democrats have built their careers on claiming black people are too goddamn stupid to learn how to drive, so voter ID is "racist." They claim black people are like violent children, and that rioting is "their only way of expressing themselves." The list goes on. Democrats have never done anything to "sell" a college education or any measure of hope to black people.

Bernie Sanders has a message that is completely foreign to them. "Pay for other peoples' college? Why should anybody do that? Nobody I know goes to college. (OR) Well my college was paid for just fine. Are people stupid or something?" Also, "Pay for health care? But mine is already paid for. I never have to pay for anything. Why should I pay for that?"



The absolute SALT I've seen from the Bernie Bros about Elizabeth Warren. I hope she has good security. Those people are insane.


This only applies to whites sunney

Attached: joe_biden-smoosmoo.jpg (800x480, 62.56K)

Milwaukee is fucked regardless.

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TFW you didn't give all your money to an elderly autistic Jew who never had a snowball's chance of winning anything.

Insurance is not healthcare and jewish hellcare is toxic and genocidal and greedily exploitative you ignore the kike conspiracy at your own risk retard bernie kike trump a jew and biden the sephardic kike gabbard mossady pod person wiyh a false ledger and etc.

Come the fuck on Cali, still 87% reporting? Get yer shit together.


Attached: too white.png (1838x1232, 2.14M)

How is the Crime in Milwaukee?

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I'd say there's a 50% chance of this actually happening.

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Ingles has better fried chix than Pubix.

t. South Carolinian

one tough gumby

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Poop plague confirmed

So Sanders is going to pull ahead when Cali is counted but marginally, do I understand correctly?
And that's not even counting Warren and Buttiggieg who will probably throw their lot with Biden pushing him to the first place?


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You okay, fren? :v

You know, this virus that is going around is Trump
Diversity was how this happened with the borders
I tried a stage coach at the time of the flapper
No no he was me?
Wait, how did I get here?
Any ways soup is better hot

Attached: WhydidIreplaceallthewhitefolks.jpg (1200x630, 75.25K)

Èxplain to me how you are free in the US right now?

I love you.

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>he doesn't realize fascism is the only way to achieve his goals
come home, white man

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who is the leader of the (((alt-right)))?



As bad as you'd expect for a majority black/non-white shithole.

>let’s split the country if Bernie doesn’t win...Because Climate Change lol

Shit I love when trannies are mad

Fuck you. You don't know shit about fucking economics and real estate prices.

He actually did it!!!

Literally what I was thinking too

>I'm not LGBT.
Okay, gay.

No because you faggots all say you want change but then someone comes along that actually works towards that and you call him all kinds of political buzzwords kek. Tell me, how is it evil to want people to be safe, healthy and educated?

Corn pop and he was a bad dude.
Let me tell you a story
Back when onions were fashionable is how
So then I voted for the bill of rights
Ya, I think KeK is a leader or a gay frog
Vote for me to be Sunday night
Night Yall

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Holy shit, Bernie is winning California. I called it! Didn't think the DNC would allow such a thing to happen though. I wonder what this means for Trump..

will there every be a president this good again? it's like the fucking nixon tapes but he's just putting shit right on twitter.

> Click here to donate to Bernie Sanders!

Attached: Untitled.png (1277x427, 126.55K)

I bet minimikes going to get his millions back in two years with all the contracts the dnc will give him.....trump4life

I’m voting trump to send the DNC a message! Wake up

Sweet Jesus. 6 out of 100 and 100 is the safest. Thank god niggers barely vote

Attached: letswashourcarstogetherson.jpg (310x163, 6.89K)

What's the message? That you suck kike cock?

This has been pinned for 98 hours and only 1000 replies.
Yas Forums is fucking dead

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From what I understand
Sanders is fucked now
If no one has over 50% by the convention, the super pacs gets to pick whomever they want.
They are party lackies and it is obvious the party is "anyone but Bernie" at this point

Bernie NEEDS to get that 50%, and it appears he won't

Attached: dam [our careers and families] - Water [right wing death squads] - Kid with sledge hammer [the left].jpg (750x750, 100.36K)

>>only 1000

quick rundown?

i'm illiterate in burger politics

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Probably because we knew Bernard would get cucked again. Its really not a big deal unless your a Sanders delusional faggot. I am not calling you a faggot good sir unless you are a faggot ;)

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You fell for it retard

How do I up vote this

Trump is getting a second term.

>Biden and Bernie are tied up at best and have over 1,500 more delegates to win.
Delusion at its finest. Guess what, Biden already owns ever single super delegate. They're not going to give it over to Comrade Sanders.

>Tell me, how is it evil to want people to be safe, healthy and educated?
News flash Americans are safe healthy and educated for the most part. It’s how you go about helping the margins.
Bernie is a Marxist, his message only resonates with youth who don’t understand that Congress controls the purse and Bernie’s plans won’t get any funding.

American anons, is it still likely that Bernie will get the nomination? I don't know much about US politics, but for a while I thought Bernie would dominate the Democratic race. I didn't think people would actually vote for someone like Biden in such large numbers. Plus I was looking forward to Sanders v Trump because of the meme potential

Biden 75%, Bernie 25%, Bloomburg out, Steyer out, Warren and Kamala still delusional. Butigeg still a prancing glowpony. Trump beats Biden by a lot in the general (potential landslide). Game over.

I am not a faggot, but if I were I would understand being called a faggot.

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>implying sleepy joe won't meme it up in the coming months
Sanders isn't winning because Democrats want compete this time around.

you got a country thats national debt is through the roof that leads to corrupt politicians who will sell weapons and conquer third world countries for assets to control and launder cost through corrupt corporations....Biden co Obama Co Bush llc Trump llc ....LLC OR CO THAT IS AMERICA...it was lost when martin luther and jfk got merked

Attached: berniezone.png (1009x665, 1.15M)

*Unless it's a contested convention- then the DNC can pick anyone they want. But Bernie isn't flying so good. .

Why do you think Trump is going to beat Biden?
Last time it was a close call and Biden is generic enough for burgers to flock to him.

The Trump v Biden debates are going to be the best TV I've seen in years. That's if the dems don't sneak in a new candidate.

aka the cuckshed

How long before the pro biden memes appear? Honestly this guy is just relying on old DNC and MSM trickery since young people barely vote.

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>election tourist who overstayed his visa
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, queer.

You might be one of them but at least you have taste.

Keep up the good work, user

because they couldnt vote at all LOL

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Biden staked his campaign on winning South Carolina and he did, convincingly.

The establishment Dems made their power play over the last week to coalesce around Joe.
Bernie underperformed last night and likely will fall short of a clear majority now.
Moderate Dems will line up for the centrist Biden.

enjoy your break, see you in a week or two

The dude can barely talk. Very few of the democrats had a chance against him. None of the guys DNC want have a chance.

good riddance (((Bloomberg)))! money cant buy the presidency

Just remember to never relax

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No progress with Trump no Progress with Biden
Get Educated folks or die trying Politics is dead in America look at Biden...The Leaders of the DNC and GOP look like a bunch if dick tracy villians lol

bernie fags wont even go out and vote, they sure as hell wont do anything like this.

Just when you think the JUSTing was over.

California has been uncalled for Bernie

Remember there are still a lot of other states that vote later in the year but the front runner in this first major contest will have a big advantage. Americans tend to want to vote for the 'correct' candidate and don't want to say they voted for the loser. So if Biden wins now he's more likely to win again later.

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>people are dumb: the campaign

Glorious. Trick them into destroying whatever chance they have for a future

Niggers will always look for an excuse to loot. Never underestimate their niggery

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Incumbent advantages are too much to overcome unless a wildcard event occurs. See US history.

He may have shifted votes away from other candidates though. Steyer might have done better if Butigeg and Bloomburg had not been alternatives. Some people are voting for anyone but Bernie or Biden- and that contest was split three ways. Should we thank him?

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You do know Biden is going to pick this hideous nigger to be his vice president

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well niggers and bernie supporters arent the same thing apparently
nigs gonna nig
but bernie bros wont do shit but cry and get in line.


have you been living under a rock for the last week?


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>You could have stopped this
he's (unarguably) right enuff tho
There is literally no discernible reason whatso-fucking-ever for voting Biden, none, other than he's NotBernie. Nominating a candidate who makes Trump look the sane choice, way to go

Whys this still stuckied?

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Is that actually her on the upper left?

>Super Tuesday
It's Wednesday and Bloomberg's dropped out.

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Trumps already clowning on Sleepy Joe LOL Biden couldnt even introduce his wife and sister to the sheeple properly lol The dems want to lose

I'm actually super happy to see Bernie subs still motivated to win. I thought the absolute spanking they received yesterday would have meant they would stop posting rants, but nope! We got more meltdowns heading our way

Technically all the results aren't in yet. Still waiting on Maine and California. It's also a containment thread that really isn't working too well.

>this is now the 69th largest thread ever on Yas Forums

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With BIden and Sanders being the only candidates a second term isn't looking unlikely at all for /ourpresident/

since buttygay dropped out, does it mean that Sanders won Iowa caucus?

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>The next refugee crisis will be your fault.
I guess it wouldn't be a refugee crisis if Bernie just made them all citizens immediately on entry.

turkroach cenk? crushed
berniebros? bernin out
biden? cant string a sentence together

if there is a silver lining, its that we are halfway through the trump presidency.

>implying this isn't a ploy by the elites to convince the plebs you can't buy elections

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Tulsi Kamala, whatever- they are equally irrelevant.

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Not Bernie is a good selling point, retard

How you know

This is an astroturfing thread.

I wonder if people knew that thier canindates were going to back Biden if they lost and if they would still vote for them? ....talk about a circle jerk.

4plebs > stats

All I see are kid sniffing memes.

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>Americans tend to want to vote for the 'correct' candidate and don't want to say they voted for the loser. So if Biden wins now he's more likely to win again later.
do americans really think like this?
That's fucking retarded. Why don't they just lie if they're so worried about being associated with the loser?

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It's like any other conspiracy, they usually have no proof of pay offs.
Where are all the autists finding legit connections to prove these theories?
Yas Forums has never doxxed the so-called Feds that infiltrate the KKK and other groups.

well lets make it even bigger then

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Where can i place a bet that whoever wins in 2020 will increase support for Israel?

Isn't this mainly a Democrat primary?
Are they blaming Republicans for two to four hour wait times, especially in places like California?
They probably can't even name who is in charge in each state and who decides voting locations.

They're unironically blaming Republicans for the long lines in California.

No. Are you blind?

We specifications nao?
>containment thread that really isn't working too well.

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Not big enough

>billionaire who thinks he can actually buy the presidency with a small sum of 500M$
>commie kike trying to e-begging money from millenials by promising them everything they ever wanted and more
>senile old man who cant even complete a coherent sentence

god i love american poltiics

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2/3 delegates left. Everyone has started shitting on Biden now that he leads.

Bidens past is fucking horrible

Get your yarmulkes ready!


Bloomberge spent a literal fortune to run for Prezzie and just got humiliated, all this hype over Bernie was just deflated (for the second time) as we had a BIDEN OUTTA NOWHERE result to Super Tuesday primaries. Basically, get the popcorn, Dems have fucked this all up and Trump is probably having hysterical laughing fits.

your country sucks, sorry bucko, enjoy the Muslims

Because they are braindead NPC's. A sizable portion of the electorate votes for whom they think will win.

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If only you knew how bad things really are..

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Likely VP

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does this mean bloomberg is into findom and public humiliation?

I can feel it in the air Randers, there's a shitstorm comin'

Why do people vote for Biden?

The Chad Bernie & The Stacy Abrams

Probably, but I don't want to find out.

Its why he won't get it either. They'll start talking about mental health issues and electability. They'll sabotage him too.

10% or so of precincts are still not counted for ME & CA. They're not going to get the final assigned delegate numbers until then.

as are Bernie's supporters apparently

Because people see him as a part of oogaboogas administration thus his continuing legacy if you can call it that

I just want Dementia Joe to be the nominee because it's hilarious to see Berniebros getting BTFO over and over again.

How do these idiots not realize that all trump has to do to beat Bernie is say "socialism"? Biden is a much larger threat than Bernie. Still inept and won't win, but a bigger threat nonetheless.

I'll give you evens

I love it.

What a depressing image lol. Fucking true

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I hate how real this is

get aids retard, Corona isn't just going to kill boomers it's also going to make the entire country dependent on aids medicine and a generation of young people who can't give birth/give birth to Corona babies. it literally melts your fucking testicle by going through ace2 receptors ,even if you don't die of heart attacks at 29 you're gonna be infertile for the rest of ur life and will always have the virus dormant in you.

AP just called Maine for Biden
Bernie loses again

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Most western countries are extremely politically divided along social/class lines. Sweden, the UK and the US are three such examples. Surely you're familiar with the social conflict being pro/anti-Brexit causes in everyday life, or perhaps used to cause, since the referendum up until recently?

In Sweden despite the Sweden Democrats polling as the largest party for the past 2-3 years, coming out publicly as supporting the Sweden Democrats gets you completely socially shunned by everyone immediately, because the social pressure from society at large is so massive that even people who actually support the Sweden Democrats hide the fact that they do so and join in on the bullying of whoever came out publicly in support of them.

Are mods Berniebros?

Attached: 76F45127-84BF-4C2E-BF67-F13120BAD5F8.jpg (1024x575, 103.32K)

A political party in Sweden that has historically polled and gotten around 6-8% of the vote recently got a female nigger party leader, and within 1 months they're polling under 2%, way below 4% required to enter parliament.

My donation will help Bernie win

I've been bullshitting numbers around, someone yell if this sounds right or not
After the March 17th primaries, there's ~1500 delegates left in states from around the country; assuming a Bernie/Biden 2 man race, half and half split of that seems plausible, so 2 weeks from now if neither are withing ~750 delegates, we contested convention
Further more, as ~1080 have already been given out, 2900 remain; following an assumption of half half between Biden and Bernie, Biden's a dozen or so short of the 1991 needed first round
With 105 delegates given out to other contestants, with Warren still in, we're most likely looking at a very close 1st round vote with Biden coming just short of the # needed, with super delegates giving it to him in round 2
Warren's role in the race and Tulsi still technically in it, potentially being in the next debate (March 15), this is subject to change

I dropped 3k

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Tell me how you really feel, user.

Attached: 15641532.png (640x274, 109.06K)

Why is democratic party in sweden gets so much shit? Not lefty enough?

I thought the max legal contribution as an individual was like $2800 or something

>Votes for whoever he thinks will win
This got me


This website is amazing.

Attached: Screenshot_20200304-131256_Chrome.jpg (2061x1021, 719.72K)

That’s a lie

>change the system into something better

The (((Swedish Democratic party))) is not the left wing party in Sweden, despite the name.

Cenk looks and sounds like he's about to cry.

The answer is obvious don't you think? They oppose mass immigration and have recently started raising some noise about starting deporting people aswell, which obviously goes against the jewish controlled Swedish states agenda of white genocide through mass immigration, so all industries, including entertainment and media, have done everything in their power the past 20-30 years to demonize the party and anyone associated with them in the slightest, same story as for everyone other similar party in most of Europe.

>jewish controlled
citation needed

The direction of Swedish society just so happens to go in the direction wished by internationalist jewish banksters and media moguls. And all institutions and industries of influence and power over the population just so happens to all uniformly support said direction and are doing everything in their power to ensure the continuation of this direction.

Seems completely uncoordinated to me.

>they usually have no proof of pay offs
>no proof

Attached: Jews Control Everything.jpg (1651x4679, 2.32M)

He must be out of his fucking mind today now that Bloomberg is backing Biden.

Very generous to give your entire NEETbux check for the month

He probably just could have bought the island

There are a couple of caps about how the swedish politics was steered by jews into open borders cuckery. And a jew was responsible for some change in your law's that stopped reporting race statics with crime.


why is this still stickied?

Goes without saying. We're at a point where we don't need to discuss these things anymore. Subversive activism, both irl and online, should be peoples focus.

Attached: betting odds.png (424x538, 159.29K)

>internationalist jewish banksters
you mean soros? who else? also soros isnt a bankster

Almost like technology made us able to make more goods with less work.

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Well, Jeff, you see?.. There’s these things called faggots.. And they do retarded things. Some anons say mods and jannies belong to this group.

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Yes a jew against undermining jews. jewception is our only hope.

No I was not thinking about Soros, but he is indeed one of the people involved. He's one amongst many. And it's obviously more than just jewish banksters and media moguls, and obviously more than just jews. But the fact that jews are so overwhelmingly overrepresented considering how few they are of the total populations of the West is the reason why we call it "jewish control", even if perhaps a majority of the people driving these agendas are indeed simply white race traitors.
You'd be asking me to name each and every single politician, journalist, artist or bureaucrat ever involved in forwarding this agenda.

that guy is so whiny. the tone of his voice irritates me

thanks (2nd) gay dad!

Its astonishing libs genuinely believe Twitter and leddit reflect reality.

This is probably the most true instance of this meme I've seen, lel

you can just tell he is SEETHING.

why is this gay shit still pinned no one cares
jannies unsticky this shit now

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>God this election is actually making me racist.
You already were, you just thought you weren't.

Have you heard the statistics my friend?

Anyone not racist in this day and age ignores the statics or doesnt know them yet.

Even if you do believe that Castro did something well, why would you ever say that when your main point of contention with voters are fears of communist revolution? It is naive to think it wouldn't be used against him. He should be yelling at Sanders for not concealing his sentiment when it isn't in vogue, whether or not it is justifiable in his eyes. Welcome to politics.

Is this your first day in hugboxes 101?

I hate when this politics crap gets in the way of the kickoff.

Listen, you’re a HUNG ARYAN so I’ll cut you some slack because Trump’s English probably ain’t your first language.

>NEETbux in the USA
>$3000 a month
lol no


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Cant wait for the MAGATARDS salt when Biden wins against all the odds LUL

All the odds already point to him winning if he receives the nomination. Trump winning was a fluke, if Dems really end up with a moderate old white male like Biden Trump is done.

Joe Biden says thanks for the donation

If Bernie becomes president I will literally move to Russia.


Yeah I hear they're right in line with his political beliefs anyways. Good choice user

No problem

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Now imagine if the braindead Warren supports jumped that sinking ship and went for Bernie

The thread goes on forever but Socialism is dead in America. Fuck collectivism leeching.

Have you seen Biden speak? I don't think people will prefer him to Trump, especially since Trump is doing a good job and has the incumbent advantage.

He could win more delegates in CA but since there are only 416 and he's already at 150- Biden is likely to gain there furthering the gap between them. Also I don't think that CA's superb delegates will vote Bernie. That's another 100 for Biden.

Attached: california.png (637x269, 33.5K)

I sent this to a dude I used to hangout with in highschool, along with the list of names/pictures infographic because he morphed into the antifa anti-white type in college. Told him to pick names off the infograph with pics at random to see if it was true. low and behold, every single one of them was. He very quickly changed his tune after his commie friends called him an anti-semite. Been slowly pulling him out of the cave since then. Sadly he's still a capeshit watching faggot, but at least he's learning.

What I mean to say is I think that CA will be split 50/50 after all the results come it. I thought Bernie might win but not by a wide margin.

This has been pinned for a full week and it only has 1000 replies
Yas Forums is fucking dead

Attached: Screenshot_20200303-111128_Omnichan.jpg (1439x1193, 387.19K)

Are you retarded or just a new fag.

It caps at 1000, older post are deleted as new ones are submitted

Wut? I mean G-gary?

Holy shit you are the dumbest nigger in the history of niggers.


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The person controlling Trumps twitter account is definitely /ourguy/ (like, it's literally someone who regularly browses Yas Forums).

Attached: 1531781120616.gif (500x336, 171.8K)

A candidate seems to be more electable as a function of age.
A candidate seems to more likely to die before november as a function of Corona*Age [so does the current resident of the white house].

Hope, come november, all you guys will wote for AOC.

a whole month to the day actually

leaf get off this board forever and never come back

Boomers love him. He promises status quo. Im for Bernie, but I'll vote for him out of spite. Trump delivered on very little that he promised in his book (no cap on college tuition, vouchers for school, bringing jobs back to America, etc ..) so much so im convinced the only people still supporting him are rednecks and shills.

Bloomberg speaking now

> 6600 Reddit Subs
> 4.2m Twitter followers

Attached: 5B942A0A-7AE8-4818-A48C-AC9902644BF8.jpg (1024x800, 91.19K)

Doubtful, as she isn’t real

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>green tie
Reminds me of pic related.

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God I hope so, imagine the optics of bernie bros violently rioting and smashing shit up at the DNC. That far left would be discredited in America forever.

If she's the VP nominee, does that mean she will finally have to conceed the Georgia Gubernatorial election?

>minnesota map

Attached: mndemam1.png (5226x5757, 2.74M)

Seriously if its actually Trump tweeting, he really understands how to troll and manipulate optics on levels ive only ever seen on Yas Forums.

Lol that would actually be pretty funny. “Psych guys I actually lost a long time ago but please vote for Biden and me, ms Georgia watermelon mammy”

Who else feeling the hairy legs?

Trump literally broke nearly all his campaign promises on immigration.


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Is there something live to watch? The OP links are dead ends or recorded.

Stick a fork in Bernie, he's done.

He couldn’t do it all by himself. Besides we atleast have enforcement of the “public charge” deportations, the wall is being built in my home town right now, and we now have the MPP (remain in Mexico) express landing refugee refusals.


Rep Omar D Minnesota endorsement of Bernie flops, he lost in her lefty district . Kek

>actually saying the meme

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Name 10

If you combine Bloomberg with Biden that means not many support Bernie at all and he seems really weak compared to 2016. Also combine this with the 40 and under crowd never showing up to vote and it spells disaster for Biden and Bernie.

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the links are from last night so yea

bloomer ending his campaign is the only relevant live shit i can find right now


Where can I buy grenades ?

>Bloomberg out after wasting my time with his bullshit ads
Thanks for nothing you manlet pedo faggot

No wall
No mass deportations
No end to DACA
No end to chain migration
No cuts to legal immigration
No end to H1B or H2B visas
No e-verify
No end to catch and release
No end to birthright citizenship

newfags detected, falling for obvious bait


Attached: AC8B73DA-71AD-4ED9-A543-552910DBCE23.jpg (1920x1251, 877.3K)

If they can reawaken to realize which ethnic group holds the power and it not being whites but the Tribe. Maybe leftists will wake up to it. Especially showing them footage of Isreal and Palestine helps.

Your local police station should accommodate you

Yeah I'm a bit behind the ball and live under a rock. Realized that after I posted. Derp. Thanks.

Not according to the left, his travel ban, his ice raids, the deportations up, illegals down, literally Hitler. The wall wasn’t fully funded by Congress tho

Congrats to the DNC on electing a literal retard

Attached: joementia.png (945x649, 29.37K)

>not understanding how the US government works.

No president can ever fully fulfill any promises as they have to convince congress to ago along with plans, and Trump was battling with never trumpers for the first 2 years straight.

So is Biden pretty much a sure thing? If so you could drop 10k on him and make an easy 2.3k

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1132x314, 162.21K)

You're fucking up my (You)s

>>post 10
>9 disingenuous statements
I’m shocked

Attached: 4C5E34D6-3376-4B58-A8DF-5EE0FB2C5583.png (518x964, 835.42K)

Maybe yes maybe he walks off a cliff

Where's the wall?

There's a decent chance that some Bernie Bro faggots are going to start killing people soon. At the very least there will be violence at the convention. It's starting to dawn on them that they're not going to win a revolution at the ballot box. I sincerely hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.

Attached: convention.jpg (827x867, 104.83K)

A retard is better than a socialist even low IQ niggers know this.

Where’s Congress on funding the wall? Dems won’t give him a win.

Good call, I had not considered that Biden could stroke out at any time

wtf is that subreddit and wtf is this meme

Please those faggots aren’t good to do shit. So fuck off with that.

Huge Bernie-supporting subreddit. And I think the meme speaks for itself.

Trump has only deported about 220K illegals a year, that's lower than any year of Obama's presidency. He's literally weaker than Obama on immigration. And there is no wall.

if this is what it takes for leftist cucks to start buying guns I'm all for it.

They might actually be learning that guns are necessary to cut down corruption

It would have been funnier with a contested convention and blatant DNC cheating but unfortunately Yas Forums is high time preference. Could have had an all-time record high crop of salt had we ironically felt the bern a little longer instead of blowing our load early.

>I literally have never paid taxes and only am a leech on society

Got 2 grand back on my last tax returns and spent 4 grand less. If you could get a job, maybe you'd be paying for the internet for once, instead of your perpetually disappointed parents.

A lot of Bernie's supporters are totally hopeless losers and one of them already shot a congressman. Don't count anything out.

Does Biden even want to win against trump

Trump can use DOD & DHS budgets to fund the wall. Or military, he's commander in chief.

Attached: 3rez9k.jpg (500x737, 68.7K)

Built and being built.
We even designed a section specifically for (You)

Attached: 7EE4E105-DA8B-4C24-93F3-03F11CF09785.jpg (680x645, 78.19K)

Chapo Trap House is an edgy leftist podcast. And after Bernie getting his butt blown out these defective people fancy themselves the next Weather Underground

Pic related it's one of the podcast hosts

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I was just having that thought that the Bernie bros may start to get violent. Guess we will find out.

>be me
>went to college, no debt, got STEM degree etc
>vote for bernie because I want him to help poor people and think itll actually make a difference
>poor people vote for trump or biden who have track records helping the wealthy and others who keep poor people down

Fuck poor people. In the age of information, ignorance is a choice, so if they want to be burdened with medical debt while making less than 30,000 a year then fucking let them.

That's a fence. You can't see through a wall. But good to know Trump shills want to kill people who aren't blinded by his cult of personality.

>wats a Bollard Wall?
Move along simp

Goddamn that is one ugly, onions-filled motherfucker

Obama numbers are fudged , turnaround at the border events are not deportations but Obob counted them to look tough on illegals

They're more radical and cynical now than they were in 2016. I'd say there's a greater than 50% chance.

That's true socialists always seem to be losers in every society and a band of misfits. A lot of them live in their parents basement and have never worked a day in their life. Much like their idol Karl Marx did. What would be funny is to see them hate on Blacks because they refused to vote for a cuck and at the same time do not want to share the welfare around. Blacks are tribal on welfare never forget that.

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Yeah and they make like a million each off of their podcast each year. "Socialism" lmao

so in other words it's nu-somethingawful for sjws who pretend to be totally different from the basic bitch twitter faggots?

ok faggot

seriously how can anyone vote for biden? he looks like he should be in a retirement home

Fuck the dems of course, but fucking kek at retards who support a fatass geriatric boomer who’s daughter married a kike.
>but muh economy
The fact his supporters value economic prosperity over demographics shows their true motives. What it comes down to is Trump supporters are most loyal to capitalist and free market ideas, while i’m most loyal to my race. There’s not reason for me to support him despite many of my views being considered right wing.

What does it mean that the states that Biden won are not states that the Democrats will carry in the general? Wouldn't the relevantly close results imply that if the Democrat party was not a corrupt cabal of neoliberal shitheads, the party should choose Bernie to get as good a result as possible in the general?

There are still a good number of Bernie Bros who could be brought over to our side. A lot of them are just normal people who want to improve society by giving people health care and education. We can get them.


Yeah right Santa I want proofs for Christmas

Captcha ate my pic

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I'd rather they have that money than their retarded fans desu

I want a racially homogenous country that isn't filled to the brim with degeneracy and sloth.

Geographic location is on

I voted for a solid structure you can't see though, you know like Israel's wall? This thing is shit, it looks like shit, and I won't vote for Trump if this is all he's going to build.



Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-04 15-33-27.png (392x158, 16.09K)

boomers are all retired. millenials can't hold a job without breaking down in tears.

Gen X is paying for everyone, you twat.

Trump has ended turnarounds at the border. Hes not even doing that much. I support turnarounds at the border.

Anyone who climbs over is obviously a faggot

This is actually true

t. 38 year old millennial pussy

>I voted for a solid structure you can't see though
Bullshit. You didn’t vote for trump, you retarded, obvious, shill.
I hope you get pinkeye

He has charisma in a blunt, incoherent way

why is this still stickied

$166,840/month from their patreon not counting other ventures

>A lot of them are just normal people who want to improve society by giving people health care and education.
They bought into the free carrot and do not realize they will be hit with a stick. The only thing that would work is if they understood that a homogeneous society would have to happen to get what they want. That's the only way it works in Europe. Bernie wanted to import the Venezuela and USSR standard instead.


Poor Bernie, turns out Hillary was relatively nice to him. He flopped the moment they called him a commie.

And the Bernie crowd wants Scandinavian-style dem socialism with an open borders free-for-all. See the problem

I actually think some of Bernie’s policies would be good, but only in a homogenous white country. We’d have to get rid of a lot of the white trash too.

A fully kitted our AR-15 or some related battle rifle, + Ammo, if that’s not too much to ask please a thrown in a pistol, doesn’t have to be nice, a Hi-Point will do

I laughed harder at this then I should have.

Attached: giphy.gif (245x320, 1.55M)

I'm sure a lot of them are ripe for conversion to socialism of the nationalist variety

You didn't vote for Trump anyway, Schlomo.

Turn location on

Because the mods are both gracious and just

>There's a decent chance that some Bernie Bro faggots are going to start killing people soon. At the very least there will be violence at the convention. It's starting to dawn on them that they're not going to win a revolution at the ballot box.
There is only one way to a Bernie boi victory, and that is for the Berniesoibois to kill all the other democrats.

Attached: antifa army 031.png (540x727, 510.25K)

God that's depressing. How many ways is that split?

Is it over fellow bernie bros?

That is correct and it worked in Hitler's Germany and ironically it also had Capitalism in it to supply welfare. Getting rid of the trash they would have a good plan for it.

When millenials get everything they want, they get "FREE HEALTHCARE" that is 3rd world country-tier, and endless opportunities to spread syphilis/Chlamydia.

"The Reykjavik handshake." A generation of people being raised to care only about themselves.


He is calling for a revolution and Antifa supports him

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One can vote in either primary.
But you can only vote in one.
Not both.
I didn't vote because I didn't give a fuck.
Kikes bought all the candidates anyway.

commie bastard

This thread is still up, why though? Some new events happen?

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Jesus Christ, it’s like Satans Asscheeks

shut up faggotsson

>consumerist garbage/stuff is more important than family, faith, health etc...
eat shit boomer.

literal retard > socialist

am I late guys, what happened?

Thank you.
Most under rated post

>you're a fucking retard

wah wah cry me a river fag

Since muh impeachmens theyve been leaving lefty shit stickied for whole days

FUCK Biden
FUCK Trump
FUCK the establishment

Fuck off and visit a dentist for once. Ours may be expensive, but at least we go to it