Boku no hero academia

dear Hori
please use your brain and give us vigilant endeavor.

>why Vigilante shit happens in a Jap manga anyway??
>What would Endeavor becoming a vigilante?

the fucking spinoff this manga literally called vigilant "unlicensed illegal heroes"

and it would be a kino development to his character like Mustang
>literal dog of the government
>understand that the government is shit and starts working to overthrow/change it
>gets handcuffed and leashed by said government that threatens a loved one
>still secretly works for his objective while keeping up a facade
>ends up being the leader of the new government

the government don't have leverage against hawks he can just flip them off and fly away, endeavor on the other hand have
>newly heald wife
>two sons with a promising careers
>a daughter with a safe and good job

so what could drive him to vigilantism
>being framed
>learn about the corrupted system of heroes
>Hero Public Safety Commission manipulation/betray
>learning about Dabi "if he really Toya which I hope not" and take responsibility and stepping down
>some new threat risking his family safety and peacefulness

Besides, it would be like phase 2 of his character development, questioning your position/self what heroes are supposed to do and whether they should be Restricted, Hawks already knew that, Endeavor will be next. It better than a cliché "redeem by death" or end up like All Might bad mentor/corpse with no purpose "come on man, Bakugou insulted dead heroes in front of you at least say something". and it would change the dynamic with his son and hero society "big to shake the heroes but not that big to threaten the civil society"

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>questioning your position/self what heroes are
questioning the thing you worked your ass off to, breaking your family and scarcely achieved will be devastating and soul-crushing

by the power of the mighty lord "and wishing energy" I really hope it happens.

Now that is starting a thread with some good shitposting

Hori said he liked spiderman "vigilant hero" and star wars "rebellions against bigger power" so I think there's a chance of this happening

Leaks when ?

next week

why did Hori draw all of them as knights and Nobles except endeavor? he looks like a hermit or pauper!

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And today, OP was yet again, a flagrant homosexual faggot

Read the manga sometime, you'll quickly find that Endy is the most lawfag by-the-book hero in the entire fucking comission to the point he eugenically bred his own kids for the instituton and tried to take in High End alive, while All Might and Miruko instantly went for blood.
He is, quite literally, the least likely hero in the entire narrative, ever, to ever go vigilante. Ever.
Sorry to inform you that the canon goes against your fanficshit, but that's reality for you. If you don't like the series drop it, and don't come back to pollute the threads with your presence like *other* posters.

Fuck off tumblr.

Attached: endy_quirks.png (959x1400, 1.07M)

because he's a rapist

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>But Mirio gave a definition, one that includes romantic feelings and physical intimacy that she has access to now.
Mirio gave a definition of what kind of date they would have. The joke was that he was saying it was going to be a romantic date. Sort of implying they would go to a love hotel
They went to the festival and he behaved like it wasn't romantic.
>You honestly think when she becomes aware of what that is, she won't ask Mirio to give it to her since he already offered it?
I honestly don't think she will think back to a joke no
>Mirio meant it
No he was joking about the date.

Endeavor acts dumb as a rock in vigilantes and he's stuck in his pre-development character

>lawfag by-the-book hero in the entire fucking commission
that what would make it interesting. and like I said "literal dog of the government" it would be a 180 turning point for his character.

and please if you intend to insult me In the future don't use Dumbler, I pray in my every waking moment that the site crash and the users die in agony

>date they would have. The joke was that he was saying it was going to be a romantic date. Sort of implying they would go to a love hotel
Date is always romantic in Japanese you jackass. The word he used can also mean "intimate relationship", that is why the subs translated it like that.
>behaved like it wasn't romantic.
Of course, eri didn't get it and mirio wants to make her happy with things she can get.
>I honestly don't think she will think back to a joke no
You keep saying it is a joke but you can't prove it.
>No he was joking about the date.
No, he wouldn't risk to toy with Eri's heart of make her uncomfortable.

Man Vigilantes Endeavor sure is out of character
glad that isn't canon.

That's why it would be interesting

You do realize that if you interact with any mhafag they are more than likely tumblr/twitter or reddit users, right?

no one expected Endeavor to change or even develop as a character, yet here we are
>best written character
>best development "slow and steady"
>best redemption

>The word he used can also mean "intimate relationship", that is why the subs translated it like that.
His clarification itself is the joke
>Of course, eri didn't get it and mirio wants to make her happy with things she can get.
>You keep saying it is a joke but you can't prove it.
Its obviously a joke. Delivery and tone prove that
>No, he wouldn't risk to toy with Eri's heart of make her uncomfortable.
It wasn't toying with Eri's heart. That implies she already is aware of romance and already in love with Mirio.

the obnoxious and retarded ones!! yes.

rumi is actually white but has brown bunny genes

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And yet he's broken the law in actual canon, not a spin off, to protect his son already. When he agreed with the police dog to take the credit fro Stain and hide the fact that Iida/Deku/Todo fought him.

his character in vigilant is a total douchebag

>His clarification itself is the joke
No, since he's basically giving her a description of what a date is. An outing between an intimate couple.
So we agree that he wants to make her happy no matter what with things she can get. That is why he tried to explain.
>Its obviously a joke. Delivery and tone prove that
>It wasn't toying with Eri's heart. That implies she already is aware of romance and already in love with Mirio.
Mirio thinks it is something she may want. Why wouldn't she? She said she wanted to know more about him and Mirio is basically giving her that and more by becoming intimate

When it becomes canon exactly for that date comment I'll spit in your face.

>No, since he's basically giving her a description of what a date is. An outing between an intimate couple.
If they fucked he wouldn't have been joking
>Mirio thinks it is something she may want.
Also wrong.
>When it becomes canon exactly for that date comment I'll spit in your face.
When it becomes canon and there is a real confession I want to hear a full apology.
When it doesn't become canon I want to be mentioned in your suicide note

fuck off dabifag

dekufag apparently

Mirio only offers Eri things she may want, that is why he said candy apple when he wasn't even sure if she liked sweet things.
Same with date. He wants to make her feel loved.
>real confession
You won't have one, they will show up with a baby and that's it.
If you can't see it coming then you're literally too retarded to understand a comic aimed at young boys.

And I'll keep spitting in your face for years to come, swine.

Dekuchads love Endeavor

>You won't have one, they will show up with a baby and that's it.
And yet you think that confession will be brought up
You claim we already had a real confession
Even if they end up together I will still not believe he wasn't joking there

The fact that you now move the goalpost to "They will end up together" is already a small victory
It proves deep down you know this was a joke.

>lawfag by-the-book hero
that what the manga need to break the cycle!
instead of training >fight bad guys > some student drama >repeat
we could use some spice up in the dynamic of the manga

How? I've always said that is proof of Mirio's feelings for Eri. Not a joke.
You don't need a confession for that, he became her husband the moment he told her he'd be her hero and you're literally too retarded to see it.

then probably miriofag since they won't stop posting the same shitty argument

If he wasn't joking that was a confession

Does that mean Deku is Kota's husband and Endeavor is Shoto's husband?

can Mirio toxic fag leave?