User, I don't know what betrayed you in the past...

user, I don't know what betrayed you in the past, but your rage and sorrow are only found on those who once sought justice. Being evil because you hate evilness will only cause you more pain. Deep down you must have wanted to be a hero more than anyone, am i wrong?

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I'm uninterested in hearing these notions from a gender-confused half-Faerie whose kingdom was undone by a vassal you refused to punish and a child you refused to acknowledge.

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My hero is Lina Inverse so uh depends on your definition of hero. Miki Sayaka is pretty cool too

shut the fuck up saber, acting like you fucking know me get out of here

>am i wrong?
Yes, entirely.

Wrong, I only want the suffering to end, this world is nothing more then a prison. Solomon was right, the Buddha was right, The cycle of Life and Death most be broken, existence is a prison, the Human Order must fall.

Fuck off this is a BEAST free zone.

I am not a Beast, just an emotionally damaged user.

ok beast. kiara was a normal human too once.

Didn't she literally achieve enlightenment?

Yes, you're wrong, the only thing I have ever wanted was to have sex, but society didn't let me.

Fuck off, you pretentious whore.

Fuck that, user! Let's go rape Sakura! Bet you wish Wakame Paradise was real now, don't you?

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Pathetic, run away if you must coward. But for myself I embrace suffering as the ink with which the endless story is written, and I intend to see that the endless story continues.

I have a chance to prevent all those yet to be born a life of suffering. I have a moral duty to free everyone. You have just become drunk on your suffering.

Why is King Arthur a girl?

It make my peepee big :)

Do not delude yourself, you do not seek the end of the cycle to free others, you only look to free yourself but cannot admit that it is you who is broken not the cycle itself. So you lump all of us in with you. But I shan't let you force us to follow you, I will make it so we can continue along the cycles path.

>But for myself I embrace suffering
That just makes you an idiotic masochist

Thinking of it, can some explain how Arthurian mythology works if he's a girl? One of the big parts of the story is his wife cheating on him, and him having a child with his half sister. This leads to a war, and ultimately his death from his own son. How would any of that work if Arthur was a girl?

>Do not delude yourself, you do not seek the end of the cycle to free others, you only look to free yourself
Spoken truly like someone who's never truly suffered

What is the best book about Arthurian legend? L'morte de Arthur, The Once and Future King?

Wrong, if I only enjoyed suffering I would be a masochist, but I enjoy the good as well. To fear and reject suffering is to be the artist who fears to make an error in his drawings, leading him to ever stagnate and never learn.

If it was just me suffering, I would just move on. I have studied history, have seen the world. This is NOT worth it. The few that have things great are but a drop in the bucket, Nature itself is evil, sadistic and cruel. It must end.

Not everyone breaks when tested like you, some of us adapt and grow. Do not pretend that our test was not "real" because we managed to pass.

>To fear and reject suffering is to be the artist who fears to make an error in his drawings, leading him to ever stagnate and never learn.
What a pretentious comparison making some errors in his drawings isn't really suffering and who gives a shit if he stagnates as long as his work is good. There is nothing worse than change for the sake of change.

merlin gave arthur a penis and it was a well kept secret Arthur was a girl


>Not everyone breaks when tested like you,
Like you ever been tested and one can adapt and grow without suffering. Your just patting yourself on the back for your perceived hardships.

Mordred is also a girl! Genius!

You have become blind to the joy of the world. Can you even fathom how much happiness occurs every day?
Thus my point is made. You are not fit for the role. You're a non-artist in an artist's cycle.
What example of adaption and growth have you seen that occurred without suffering?

>You have become blind to the joy of the world. Can you even fathom how much happiness occurs every day?
Of course there is plenty of happiness but there is way more suffering and that is the unnecessary part.
>Thus my point is made. You are not fit for the role.
Only according to you and no one cares what you think.
>What example of adaption and growth have you seen that occurred without suffering?
You seriously don't think people grow and change all the time you don't need suffering for that positive experiences can have just as much of an effect as negative ones. Of course I don't have a specific example off the top of my head you think I write this stuff down or something?