Literally Kino. What's your excuse for not watching it?

Literally Kino. What's your excuse for not watching it?

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I watched it like 10 years ago dude

I watched it, 2017, the OVAs and movies, and am like 8 volumes into the LN.

Shizu is so lucky

Agreed, Kino. But its the type of series you only watch once in a while when your in the mood for something philosophical, melancholic and lacking action.

Isn't the 2017 version a bit more action-y? Haven't watched it.

Come on Yas Forums, watch Kino.

Someone post goat genocide.

but I am watching it

Sheep. I really want to get to this chapter in the LN. Anyone know which volume it's in?

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20th volume. It really is a great chapter, but I don't think translation will get there anytime soon.

Remember the complete bastardization that was the 2017 remake?

I watched it when I was 15 in 2009.

I remember it being fine and people just not liking it because it wasn't trying to be identical to the 2003 adaptation.

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How disingenuous or ignorant do you have to be to call 2017 adaptation a bastardization?

>How disingenuous or ignorant do you have to be to call 2017 adaptation a bastardization?

How is it disingenuous to correctly state that a Ryutaro Nakamura work cannot be remade by someone other than Nakamura? The dude is fucking dead, there was zero way to remake Kino no Tabi and have it be good.

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It looks prettier though going by the opening

>director worshiper doesn't know that the 2017 version isn't a remake and that Ryutaro Nakamura didn't create Kino
If you kill yourself you can suck Nakamura's cock in hell.

Nakamura's version is a bastardization of Kino and it deserves to be forgotten altogether.
Read a book nigger.

I did not care for it because they ruined my hot boywife's design.

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>director worshiper doesn't know that the 2017 version isn't a remake

What do you call it when a show is revisited and some of the central arcs from the original are revisited? That's literally the definition of a remake, you fucking retard.

>>Ryutaro Nakamura didn't create Kino

Yeah, no shit, Nakamura didn't write the fucking light novel, big brain take anybody could have made. But he fucking directed the 2003 adaptation, therefore Kino no Tabi 2003 is a Nakamura work.

I think I can agree with you there. The opening is nice, but the actual directing of the show lacks the experimental nature that is present in all of Nakamura's previous works. I guess I just hoped for something more, but I also didn't go in with very high hopes to begin with.

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absolute garbage. the allegories are completely absurd

>a work that's 75% newly adapted content is a remake because it readapts some previously adapted content and makes my ass hurt because it didn't directly copy my dead director husbando
There's no reason for a new adaptation of a work to copy a dead hack or for anyone to care that said dead hack had partially adapted the same series before.

I already have. It's one of my favorite series.

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I think the design looks fine
2003, 2007 and 2017 Kino are all very cute

Kino has never been sexier

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Are you aware the chapters to be animated were chosen by fan vote?

Too curvy


It didn't involve Nakamura so obviously not.

>There's no reason for a new adaptation of a work to copy a dead hack

I literally never said it has to. I pointed out that, as it stands, the 2003 Kino is better than the 2017 because the fucking directing is better. The 2017 version takes some of the arcs in the 2003 version and makes them worse, therefore making it a bastardization.

>or for anyone to care that said dead hack had partially adapted the same series before.

I mean if you're a normie ass seasonalfag then sure, but I literally got into Kino because Nakamura worked on Lain. Why are you trying to pretend that studying a directors work has no value?

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A journey through Kino's titties

>but I literally got into Kino because Nakamura worked on Lain
Not everyone is like you and sucks director cock. I even like the 2003 version quite a bit but the fact that people like you treat it like the only thing worthwhile in the series just because it has someone's name on it and nobody else should be allowed to touch it because of that makes me mad. I don't have a problem with studying a director's work but treating them like an untouchable god is what I have a problem with.