This show is so much fun. Please tell me Saitama receives the recognition he deserves at some point

This show is so much fun. Please tell me Saitama receives the recognition he deserves at some point.

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He's A Class in the webcomic if that makes you feel better

That wont happen until ONE is coming up to the end of the webcomic

Saitama does not really care about recognition. He just wanted to have fun.
If he was recognized, he would get even more lonely at the company of admirers he do not like

I wish Mumen rider got the respect he deserves by training harder than Garou

>Saitama does not really care about recognition. He just wanted to have fun.
He clearly got pissed about nobody knowing who he is, despite doing all the work.

How strong would you get if you followed his training regime EVERY single day for 3 years?

Not very. That's the joke

Strong enough to punch the sun out

He actually does. The nice thing about OPM is that the status quo changes. Currently in the webcomic Saitama is an A-class hero respected by much of the S-class including Tatsumaki. Even rival organizations recognize him now.

>including tatsumaki
The only thing she did was say he was kinda strong, before going "I would have crushed you in five seconds if i wasn't hurt"

Not total recognition but s class and other heroes are starting to notice him more. He already has been ranking faster than anyone in the association within 2 month time span.

God I want to fuck that lewd little minx

Tatsumaki says that to everyone, even when they're clearly stronger than her like Garou. The only person whose strength she respects is Blast. Her calling someone strong is the highest award she can give.

>He already has been ranking faster than anyone in the association within 2 month time span.
Well by rights he should have been #1 right from the start, fucking bureaucracy I'm telling you

To be fair he was a nobody and his reputation started off sour from the get go. The fact he still got to rank up in any capacity is a miracle.

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Didn't she pass out before Garou even did anything?

The point is, she doesn't actually respect him or anything. Because just like you said, the only person she actually respects is Blast, and maybe King.

she did. She threw a giant rock, he destroyed it and before he could do anything she passes out.

Yeah, so there wasn't really a fight. She was on her last legs, threw a rock and passed out

some S class heros start noticing his power

Throwing rocks? Anyone can do that.

lmao just wait for the 2nd season


A person wouldn't become that strong. Endurance would be good but the training is pretty generalized and nonspecific for performance. Most D1 athletes train harder. You would also develop chronic injuries never taking rest days.

What do you mean, I have just started watching it. That final episode of season 1 was great.

Its made by different people so your not getting s1 quality plus anything good in the manga like many fights are ruined in s2.

>Its made by different people so your not getting s1 quality
For fucks sake why

Old director was busy and they wanted to get it out so they hired a literal-who, from what I've heard.

The original team at the time were doing other works plus pre production and production was in limbo until jc staff picked it up and they arent known for stellar work and the staff chosen were not talented nor really experience. It was rushed.

The director was only an assistant and animation director for shippuden and other known works. He never had experience as a MAIN director. He did for one anime and it was forgettable.

Yeah, it was abit contradictory at when he once got jealous at Geno having fans. Nevertheless, it is clear that he enjoys his solemn quiet life as the sole citizen in City Z

the webcomic

S2 was not on S1 quality but it remained faithful to the manga at near page-by-page
Manga is better but you fucks are over reacting

Considering he's now being scouted by the new big thing, yeah

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It barely remained faithful. Art was hedieous and inconsistent, cut scenes and rushed pacing. Also I dont count butchering of fights and certain events being faithful.

Without taking a rest day, your body would eventually stop developing and start trying to force you to rest, so you'd literally faint at random points because your body needs time to recover. Even if you managed to keep yourself hopped up on stimulants to prevent that, you'd eventually just get so exhausted from the perpetual exercise that you would not be able to go on, as your limbs would turn into jelly.

Now, presuming you did this with reasonable rest days, a good diet, and genuine focus, you'd probably be around the fitness of a common US Army soldier, maybe a fair bit stronger depending on how your muscles develop. But you would eventually see diminishing returns if you don't intensify the workout, and even when you do, you're not going to see yourself becoming a superhuman if you do. You have to increase your intake of certain nutrients for whatever goal you intend to reach, and several elements of your physique will make different exercises harder even if they make certain ones easier. Not only that, but if you're talking about raw strength, pushups and a 10KM are not going to do all that much for you. There's significantly better ways to boost both lifting and striking strength.

Not very strong but you'd be in decent shape. With a proper diet, dare I say you'd look pretty fuckin good.

Probably worth reading the webcomic if you really want to know but he's definitely recognized by more of the s-ranks later on as shit goes down

Season 1 finale is absolute kino

I work at a warehouse lifting sacks of rice, flour and sugar and strong as my peers (still no abs because I eat heavy)
I doubt I could last against a dedicated martial artist

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Saitama doesn't know what he wants, he's just winging it.