I just went through 134.5 chapter of web novel, this is the one with conversation between Sion and Ludwig. I think it will be a part of second volume of LN that will come out soon. This is low quality translation.
ミーアの処刑の二日前にあったルードヴィッヒとシオンのやり取りです。 This is the exchange between Ludwig and Sion that took place two days before the execution of Mia. ティアムーン帝国、白月宮殿。 Tearmoon Empire, white moon palace. 歴代のティアムーン帝国皇帝が住まう美しき城は、帝国全土が革命の炎に焼かれても、その美しさを失うことはなかった。 The beautiful castle where the successive generations of Tearmoon Emperors resided, did not lose its beauty, even if the entire empire was burned by the flames of the revolution. 革命軍は、その城に首脳部の指揮所を置いた。 The Revolutionary Army has set up a command post of the governing body in this castle. 各地の戦が終わり、この国を腐らせた大貴族どもを滅ぼし尽くせば、またここが、この国の中枢となるはずだった。 It would have become the center of this country, once the fighting in various regions had ended and the great nobles who had corrupted this country were destroyed. その謁見の間に呼び出されたルードヴィッヒは、目の前の玉座に座る青年に片膝をついて、頭を垂れた。 Ludwig, who was called for audience, kneeled and bowed his head before young man sitting on throne. 「此度のお申し付け、大変うれしく思います。私はもともと帝国の官吏です。この国の民のために働くのは望むところです。ただ……、そのために、殿下に一つ頼みがあります」 "I am very pleased to hear from you. I am an imperial official. My desire is to work for the people of this country. But ... for that reason, I have one request to your Highness." そうして、ルードヴィッヒは顔を上げた。 Then Ludwig looked up. その視線の先、美しい白銀の髪を持つ青年は、興味深げにルードヴィッヒに目を向けた。 At the end of the line of sight, young man with beautiful silver hair turned his eyes to Ludwig with growing interest. 「なんだろう? この私にできることであれば、 できる限りは聞こうと思うが……」 "I wonder what? If this is something I can do, if it is possible to do, I think I'll listen to it.
「私が願うのは一つだけです。シオン殿下。ミーア姫殿下の助命を……」 "My wish is only one. Your Highness Sion. Princess Mia, please spare her life." 「残念だが、ミーア姫の処刑を取りやめることはできない」 "Regrettably, the execution of Princess Mia can't be stopped." 最後まで、ルードヴィッヒの言葉を聞かずに、シオンは重々しく首を振った。 Not listening to whole Ludwig's speech (not allowing him to finish), Sion shook his head heavily. 「血が流れすぎたのだ。大貴族や帝室の横暴に対しての民の怒りはあまりに大きい。処刑を取りやめれば、革命軍の首脳部に対する非難は大きくなる」 "It is because too much blood was spilled. The people's anger at the oppression from great nobles and the imperial family is too great. If the execution is stopped, leaders of the Revolutionary Army will face increasing criticism." サンクランド王国の軍事力を持ってすれば民を抑えつけることはできる。されど、それでは混乱は長引き、国は一層疲弊する。多くの民が苦しむことになる。 "If you hold the military power of the Kingdom of Sankland, you can suppress the people. But then the chaos lasts longer and the country becomes more exhausted. Many people will suffer." 「一刻も早く混乱を収める必要がある。そのためには、革命軍には腐敗した権力を是正する正義の使徒として、民の信頼を集めてもらわねばならないのだ」 "We need to end disorder as soon as possible. To do so, we must have the Revolutionary Army earn the trust of the people as an apostle of justice that corrects corrupted power."
Parker Morris
民の信認によって立つ新たな指導者。その下で帝国は新しく生まれ変わる。 "A new leader who stands by the confidence of the people. Under that, the empire will be reborn." それが最もスムーズで、無理のない復興への道。 It's the smoothest and most natural way to recover. まごうことなき正論で、公正極まる判断だった。 Undoubtedly it was a just reasoning, decision reaching extreme justice. そのことはルードヴィッヒとてわかっていて……、だから、彼はため息を吐いて立ち上がった。 Ludwig knew even this ... that's why he took a breath and stood up. 「そうですか……」
"Is that so……" 小さく肩をすくめて、踵を返す。 Slightly shrugged his shoulders and turned on his heel. それは、一国の王族を前にして取るには、いささか以上に無礼な態度だった。 This attitude, in front of a royal, was more than only a little rude. シオンの傍らに控えた兵士が思わず剣に手をかけるが、シオンはそれを片手で制した。 A soldier who stood next to Sion unconsciously put his hand on the sword, but Sion stopped him with one hand. 「力を貸してはもらえないだろうか? 帝国を立て直すためだ」 "Will you lend me your power? To revive this empire?" 「シオン王子……、あなたは理想の主君だ。聡明で、公正で、きっと優秀な方なのだろう」
Noah Walker
"Prince Sion ... you are the ideal lord. You must be wise, fair, and surely excellent." あのバカ姫殿下とは違って……。そう心の中で、ルードヴィッヒは付け加える。 Unlike that stupid Princess ... Ludwig added in his mind. セントノエル学園に通いつつ、その意味を全く理解しておらず、外交的配慮など一切なく好き勝手に付き合いを続けた結果……、一切の好意を受けられなかった彼女。 While attending St. Noel's academy, she never comprehended the meaning of it, without any consideration for diplomacy and things like that, she kept doing whatever she pleased... as a result she didn't earn even slightest kindness/friendship. もしかしたら、支援をしてくれるかもしれなかった国の姫君と同級生だったにも関わらず、名前を忘れて……、 Even though she was a classmate of a princess who could have aided her, she forgot her name... 「えーっと、どなただったかしら?」 "Well, who was that, I wonder?" などと本人の前で言ってしまう体たらく……。 And she said it in front of person in question... ――せめて、クラスにいた有力者の名前とか、国ぐらいは覚えておけ! At least remember the names of the influential people in the class and their country!
という悪態を、何とか飲み干し、諫言したことが幾度あったことか……。 He somehow swallowed curses, how many times he admonished her...
Jace Reyes
けれど、ルードヴィッヒが怒り切れなかったのは、そう指摘して以来、彼女が相手の名前と国の書かれたメモを片手に、何とか記憶しようと努力していたからだ。 But Ludwig could not get angry at her, because, after he pointed this out, she had been trying to remember name and country of people she dealt with written notes in one hand. そう、努力していたのだ……彼女は、ミーア姫殿下は……。 Yes, she was making efforts, that girl, that princess Mia. 改めて、眼前のシオン王子を見る。 Once again, he looked at Prince Sion in front of him. 敵であるミーアに仕えていた自分にすら声をかける懐の深さ、聡明なる判断と適切な政治手腕。仕えるのに、眼前の人物ほど相応しい人物はいないとわかっているのに……。 With broad mind, the intelligent judgment and appropriate political skill to even call out to me who served his enemy, Mia. I know that no person is more suitable to be served than the one in front of me ... ルードヴィッヒは寂しげな笑みを浮かべた。 Ludwig let out a lonely smile. 「きっと、あなたは間違ったことなどないのだろうな。ただの一度も……だから……」 I'm sure you've never made a mistake. Even once...so... わからなかったのだろう、あの方の気持ちも、頑張りも……。 You could not understand, her feelings, her hard work... その言葉を飲み込んで、首を振る。 Swallowing these words, he shook his head.
Jacob Adams
Lucas Bailey
正しいことができる時に正しいことを行うこと。 Do the right thing when you can do the right thing. それは、統治者の立派な資質だ。 It is a fine quality of the ruler. 手元に自由に使える金があったとして、それを正しきことのために使える者が果たしてどれほどいるだろうか。 How many of those, who have money to freely use at their hands, can use it for the right thing? 目の前の、シオン・ソール・サンクランドは、間違いなくその金を正しいことに使える、そのような人間だ。 Sion Saul Sankland, one in front of me is definitely such a person who can use the money for the right thing. けれど……、同時に、それは幸運なことでもあるのだ。 正しいことを行うことができない状況に追い込まれることだって、世の中にはいくらだってある。 But...At the same time, it is also but a good luck. There are many people in the world who are forced into situations where they cannot do the right thing. 困窮した国民に食べ物を与えたくとも、それが手元にないことだってある。 民を豊かにするべく、正しく治めようとした時に、その能力も、国力もない場合だってある。 それでも……、その最悪な状況であがいたのが、自らの主君であったのだ。 Even if you want to give food to a poor people, you may not have it at hand. There are cases where, in order to make people wealthy, they seek to rule the country properly, and there are cases where they have no ability or national power. But...It was his master princess Mia, who was in the worst situation.
Nolan Allen
小さく息を吐き、ルードヴィッヒはシオンの方を見た。 Exhaling a little, Ludwig looked at Sion. 「あなたには、俺の力が必要とは思えない。優秀な部下など、いくらでもいるのでしょう」 "I don't think you need my power. You have as many excellent subordinates, as you wish. 自らが、感傷的になっていることを、ルードヴィッヒは自覚した。 頑張った、努力した、そんなもの言い訳にならない。 Ludwig realized he got emotional. Working hard, giving her best, these are not excuses. 実際、多くの民が帝室の無能で、門閥貴族の横暴で死んだのだ。その遺族の怒りは、どんな言葉によっても癒されることはない。
In fact, many people died from the incompetence of the imperial family and the tyranny of the high nobles. The anger of the bereaved families can't be healed by any words. けれど、それでも……、彼女の努力が報われないことが悲しかった。 But still ... It is sad that her efforts were never rewarded. 「俺は、あなたや、ティオーナ伯爵令嬢に仕える気にはならない。失礼する」 "I don't feel like serving you or Count daughter Tiona. Excuse me." 静かな声。そこにかすかな怒りが含まれていること 驚きつつも、ルードヴィッヒはその場を後にした。 Quiet, slightly angry voice. Surprisingly, Ludwig left the scene. シオンが、そんな彼を罰することはなかった。 Sion never punished him. その二日後、帝都の広場にて。 ミーア・ルーナ・ティアムーンの処刑が行われ……、以降、ルードヴィッヒの姿を見た者はいなかった。 Two days later, at the Imperial Plaza. Execution of Mia Luna Tearmoon took place ... and since then no one has seen Ludwig.
Michael James
And then Sion died a lonely benevolent Tyrant.
Anthony Gonzalez
Cool guy, Ludwig.
Ryder Fisher
>King of Renmo spends decade curating a legion of giant muscle-y warriors >Spends hundreds of gold coins making them the most elite warriors around >Calls them the Diamond Legion >For their first battle, tells the commander to not lose a single soldier >somehow avert revolution
Julian Stewart
how does web novel compare to light novel. Is this 100% conversion?
It appears to mostly be the same with minor additions, I think?
Jack Rodriguez
As I understand, Mia having so little time, being a young, incompetent brat with almost no resources was doing a lot to at least try to help. Was it really her fault, that everyone and their dogs were giving her fuck offs?
What I mean, is that hate she received is almost surreal. There is no way there were no people appreciating anything she did except for Anne and Ludwig. Sion at least should know, having spies everywhere, how much she tried to get foreign help to ease hunger. (even though she was a retard doing it)
Isaac Rodriguez
>There is no way there were no people appreciating anything she did except for Anne and Ludwig Anne and Ludwig would have been the only ones to actually see anything she attempted, besides the people telling her to fuck off. And Sion, as Ludwig pointed out to him, never made any mistakes, so he couldn't understand a normal girl in the position of princess making normal mistakes. There's also how his spy network was compromised.
Cooper Young
what I find disturbing is almost no fanart of Mia. Is there no love for her in Japan?
Kevin Perez
>what an odd name it almost sounds plagiarized Sounds like it to me.
Julian Collins
>Now, the astute among you might have realized this already, but there’s something worth pointing out here. Mia, you see, has simply recounted the events that occured. That’s it. She just told it like it is. No spin, no exaggeration. She just repeated it to him straight. >On Sion’s side, however, this is what he heard: “In the time it took for you to find me, I already managed to pull someone with intimate knowledge of the revolutionaries onto our side.” To his ears, it sounded like Mia was saying she’d extracted a wealth of valuable information. >And the Great Sage does it again. Her wisdom truly knows no bounds. >He even started to wonder if Mia had knowingly let them kidnap her so she could learn more about them. His better judgment told him that couldn’t be true, but some part of him felt like it wasn’t entirely impossible... Alas, his trust in Mia now ran so deep that he was starting to entertain full blown conspiracy theories.
Sion's spy network was the one behind the revolution. All to make Sion play hero of justice.
Austin Campbell
>And the Great Sage does it again. Her wisdom truly knows no bounds. Sasuga, Mia-sama...
Carson Moore
What your not putting into this thought is how everyone was hellbent on this "revolution" for literal generations, shits been put in place for hundreds of years specifically fuck over the tearmoon royalty because their founder is an insane fuckwit. Regardless of how good Mia is or is not, she is completely fucked by asshole politics spanning generations, and peasants are unanimously the dumbest fucking creatures alive across all of history, so they always tread the shortest path to any momentary gain, regardless of how generally retarded it is.
Henry Johnson
Didnt the royal guards and tearmoon district citizen start guerilla warfare in one of the timelines where revolution still started and Mia still died? How did the country end up in the end?
Owen Allen
Still a burning shitpit as far as i can tell.
Michael James
it was in current timeline (mangawise), only fuckup she had was liking a gift from some rural noble.
Asher Fisher
I like how narration shows her as some selfish, self-centered dumb, but lucky brat, when even in original timeline she could be considered a martyr saint.
Hunter Cooper
even in current timeline Mia thinks this was a root of Tina's hate. And she still finds this somehow legit.
I just love this series. I so hope there will be an anime.
Aaron Smith
Mia is actually far more astute than she gives herself credit for.
Thomas Evans
You're at the guillotine when this little Jacobin slaps your ass and tells you that the meadows of Tearmoon must be watered with the blood of the corrupt nobility. What do you do?