Volume 6: Fucked up the other thread's OP. Gonna try something a little different with this thread. In addition to starting earlier, I'll do a little break inbetween each chapter to allow people to catch up. As the volume goes on I might lengthen post time as well. Hopefully this improves IP count some. Last time Armin, Reiner, and Jean failed a coordinated attack on the Female titan. The middle section of the formation entered a forest of giant trees, with the the left and right sides riding around the forest. After a climatic chase from the female titan, Levi Squad + Eren narrowly escaped her and the female titan was ensared by a fuckhuge trap that Erwin had set up. Lot of shit goes down this volume.
Remember to tag any spoilers and to spoiler any images that look like manga pages.
I haven't seen much pure dislike for it since Season 1 finished. A lot of people felt that these first two arcs of SnK were overhyped. Most manga readers agree that the story quality and character development only increase as the story goes on (debatable for this current arc), and that's because these first two arcs are mostly action.
I wonder if Manlet will reflect on his reliance on violence in the coming chapters. It wouldn't be the first time he fucks up because he acted like a sadistic little shit.
God I love Erwin and this whole arc. There's something about desperately opposing an unstoppable force in many different ways that's great if done well. Plus the mechanic of the human radar is a really nice detail.
Xavier Ramirez
I wonder if this is related to Eren's titan scream in 117 / 118