Tearmoon empire story

>Mia is essentially a literal golden-hearted saintess without sin
>Her real life inspiration is Marie Antoinette
What does author mean by this? Is he trying to justify the French royalties' hideous crimes against their own people? If he wanted to write an otome isekai about second change, why didn't write one about pic related instead?

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She based on Marie Antoinette, but as the story goes, she starting to become Queen Victoria

she was based on Rose of Versailles's Marie Antoinette

Marie Antoinette was mostly a victim, really.
Queens were a decoration and little else when kings were alive.

Eat the monarchs.

What is this manga about? Does it contain the best girl Madame Guillotine ?

>sold out her country

I read somewhere that Marie Antoinette was genuinely kind, but sheltered and dumb.

>Princess gets guillotine'd
>Gets sent back in time as her 13 yo self along with a bloody journal of hers
>She has to essentially rewrite history and not be a lazy, smug gremlin in order to avoid bad end
>She always looks out for numero uno while being a sweets craving, lazy gremlin
>Eventually she pops out 8 kids because her future husband is a chad that has a dick that rightfully belongs on a horse

French revolution was a mistake yeah

The only problem with the french revolution was that it unfairly affect the royalty of the nation. If you had a similar percentage of the other populations of the nations being killed off it would have been a wonderful thing for the french to do, and I believe that the british, among others would, have greatly appreciated their efforts.

you just created worse tyrants

Travail, Famille, Patrie

>t. history revisionist

She tried to get a foreign army to invade and slaughter the "rabble."

>Mia is essentially a literal golden-hearted saintess without sin
She's a lazy, self absorbed brat, but that's not really enough to deserve a beheading

She was never a saint. She thinks about her ass mostly. She bullied people. She kicked her maids (even if it didn't really hurt).

She's not a bad person but she's not a saint at all.

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Bullshit. Queens had a lot of influence on kings. Hell, even in muslim Ottoman Empire there was a long period called the sultanate of women when sultan's mother/wife basically ruled the country.

She is a royalty. She lives at the expense of commoner's lives, each expensive meal of her costs many malnourished children's lives, she is the embodiment of the regime's oppression over the people for the benefit of the few privileged. She has to pay for her crimes.

She did, she was beheaded. Now she is redoing everything so she won't be beheaded again...

even if you manage to remove monarchy the slums will still be slums for most of the people to die witout money or food because you replaced the nobles for politicians who only think for themselves.

Okay, so let's execute every rich person and have true communism! Nothing bad ever happened because people did this.

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>Now she is redoing everything so she won't be beheaded again...
But she is still living a super sumptuous life as a princess in this redo, no? It means she is still committing new crimes this time.

Female rulers tended to be more brutal than male rulers because every fuccboi think the queen is a pushover just because she has a vagina. One Tang Empress went so far as to declare her own separate dynasty, which became an interregnum period for the Tang. This was during the last years of her her near 50 year reign over the empire, part of that time being through her weak son. Likewise Catherine of Russia murdered her husband and many more to solidify her grip.

Ironically while democratic government communalizes rule and is this effeminate, democratic societies are more likely to elect men than women, possibly attesting to female distrust of other women. Though we note, again, democratic systems such as parliamentarianism (where a woman must brutally crush her opposition and rise through the ranks) tends to produce more ruthless female leaders like Margaret Thatcher that are willing to strongarm to get their way.

Also Mia is retarded and I'd like to tear her moon with a horsecock and make her produce 8 satellites if you know what I'm saying.

Bad things still happened because after removing the monarchy, they created a new ruling class instead. To pursuit an actual ideal society, you need to remove the very idea of class itself and make a true classless society.

she's improving the lifestyle of the poor building hospitals and making the church and the nobles give ways to help the population.

But she's taking lengths to not be so disingenuous(self-preservation doesn't count), wasteful, or arrogant as she was before. She is trying to survive without doing the damage she did before.
And you can't expect royalty or nobility to eat or live the same as commoners. Class separation will always be in society whether a caste system, monarchy, or republic.

Racist frogs were just mad that she was Austrian

>democratic systems such as parliamentarianism (where a woman must brutally crush her opposition and rise through the ranks) tends to produce more ruthless female leaders like Margaret Thatcher that are willing to strongarm to get their way.
Can't they just simply sleep their way to the top?


Doesn't change the fact that she is still eating expensive cakes everyday. If she truly cares for the poor, she needs to use all of that money to buy food for them instead and only eats humble meals.

>Can't they just simply sleep their way to the top?
Ok you are at the top now what? theres an enemy invasion on the south, border friction to the east, an insurgency oof the lower caste on the center and the capital is target of terrorism, what now slut?

>Class separation will always be in society whether a caste system, monarchy, or republic.
That's why you don't need classes if you want a good system...


>to die witout money or food because you replaced the nobles for politicians who only think for themselves.
oh yes the philanthropic nobles who loved their people so much they forced them to die working on their fields, conscripted them into their wars and taxed them to death so they could live their lavish lifestyle. most of them didn't even seen them as human beings
royals unironically deserved to die, because they were obstructing the progression towards a meritocratic capitalistic society.

>Going again the rule of nature
Why not pursuit pure meritocracy instead