Nekojiru Senbei

I managed to finish translating Nekojiru Senbei so it's time for a dump again. This one contains many of the short stories featured in the Nekojiru Gekijou anime as well as unseen ones. I hope you enjoy!

Also, if you have the raws of Udon3 or Manju or any other Nekojiru stuff I'm not aware of, please let me know! I will translate everything I can find, sooner or later. After this I still have raws for the India travel diary and Nekokamisama 1 and 2.

It also seems that Nekojiru Udon2 is finally being cleaned and typeset! Thank you so much for your hard work, Anons!

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Nekojiru Senbei contents

3 Story of hide and seek
6 Story of the jam bun geezer
8 Story of the chicken
10 Story of the geezer’s wish
12 Story of paradise
14 Story of the haunted house
16 Story of the dropped item
18 Story of the quarrel
20 Story of an errand
22 Story of the fridge
25 Story of the red light
28 Story of Nata de coco
31 Story of school
34 Story of tanka
37 Cat-Monkey wars part 1
41 Cat-Monkey wars part 2
45 Cat-Monkey wars part 3
49 Cat-Monkey wars part 4
53 Story of shoplifting
56 Story of a thief
59 Story of 100
62 Story of paper roll caps
65 Story of the festival
68 Story of intestines
71 Story of persimmons
74 Story of the granny next door
77 Story of an alligator
80 Story of concrete
83 Story of gasoline
86 Story of a paranormal phenomenon
89 Story of idiot
92 Story of the slide
95 Story of the old well
98 Story of the moles
101 Story of the bottle cap
104 Story of the fox
107 Story of the pit viper
110 Story of the car
113 Story of the super market
116 Story of Sacchan
119 Story of the rocket
122 Story of the gunman
125 Story of the leftovers
128 Nyako’s and Nyatta’s summer holiday (first part)
132 Nyako’s and Nyatta’s summer holiday (second part)
136 Afterwords – Violent relaxation by Yamano Hajime

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Nekojiru Senbei
Story of hide and seek
>Rock, paper, scissors!
>You are “it”, Nyako-chan!
>1… 2… 3…
>Ummm, ummm
>Ah! That place will do!
>Ah, Nyasuo found!
>Nyatta found too!

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>Heey! Butarou!
>Where are you!?
>Fufufu, they will never find me…
>Aah, it’s so warm and comfortable here…
*Nod nod
>Jeez, I’ve gotten fed up with searching.
>Ah! Potatoes!
>Let’s burn those fallen leaves and cook them!
*Snap snap
*Whoosh whoosh

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Nekojiru Senbei
*Whoosh whoosh
>What, you were hiding in a place like this?
>Nyahaha! He’s on fire, he’s on fire!
>He’s been burned pitch black.
*Sizzle sizzle
>Hmm, for some reason…
>He smells kind of nice.
>Ah! He started eating.
The end

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Story of the jam bun geezer
>Hey, can we go to the next car?
*Rattle rattle
>You can, but you must behave.
*Rattle rattle
>Gyahaha! And then…
>Hey, aren’t you drinking a bit too much?
>At least stop eating jam buns while you drink.
>But why, it’s fine! Gyahahahaha!
*Tap tap tap

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Nekojiru Senbei
>Hey, he was eating jam buns while drinking.
*Tap tap tap
>Uhh, I’m feeling sick…
>Hey hey, I told you so!
*Tap tap tap
>Hey hey, he vomited…
*Rattle rattle
The End

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The story of the chicken
*Chew chew chew chew
*Peep peep peep
>Aaah! Piyoko and Piyokichi!
>You brats!
>My children aren’t snacks for you!

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Nekojiru Senbei
>They were looking forward going to elementary school next year too! Hey, hey, hey!
>Hey, you were eating chicks again weren’t you!
>But mom…
>That’s not going to cut it, ma’am! How are you going to take responsibility of this!
>You have to cook chicken meat properly before eating! There could be worms and stuff there!
The End

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Story of the geezer’s wish
>What’s wrong?
>Ple… Please, take this money and buy me alcohol!
>Wait a sec, we’ll go.
>Please, hurry!
*Thud thud
>Aah… Before I die…
>I just want one more mouthful…

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Nekojiru Senbei
*Caw caw
*Thud thud
>Old man!
>We bought it… Ah!
>Sorry… We’ll buy you another one.
>But all I have left is this 5 yen coin…
>5 yen? Give it here.
>Let this man drink lots of alcohol from now on.
The End

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Story of paradise
>Hey, are you going somewhere during holidays?
>I am, to paradise.
>Paradise? Is it a place like Hawaii?
>I don’t really know.
>But dad said it’s a nice place.
>Hey, Rie-chan said she’s going to some nice place.
>She said it’s like Hawaii.
>Well, people are people.

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Nekojiru Senbei
The next day…
*Chatter chatter
>Ah, it’s Rie-chan’s house!
*Squeak squeak
>It looks like his factory went under so he drove to his death.
>It really is a pity.
*Squeak squeak
>Looks like he hung his kid first.
>How gruesome.
>Are they taking them to crematorium now…
>Nah, won’t they take them to the hospital first?
>You’re wrong!
>They went to paradise.
*Wee-woo wee-woo
Fire brigade
The End

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Story of the haunted house
>Hey, it looks like there are ghosts in that empty house.
>Eh, ghosts?
>They said that many children have already been eaten by them.
>You’re lying!
>Let’s go explore!
>Huh? Are you going in?
>What, in the end there was nothing here.
>Uhh, I kinda have to poop…
>Ah! A toilet!

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Nekojiru Senbei
>Huh? Nyansuke-chan is gone!
>Nyaa! Nyaa!
*Crawl crawl
>It’s a ghost!
>Take this!
*Stab stab
>Was Nyansuke-chan eaten by it!?
The End

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Story of the dropped item
*Rattle rattle
>You dropped this.
>Ah! Thank you so much!
*Rattle rattle
>Haah haah
>Wah! That’s gross!

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Nekojiru Senbei
*Rattle rattle
>Uhhh uhhh
>Jeez, that stinks!
>Uwah, don’t pick it up!
The End

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Story of the quarrel
>No! I’m going to ride this first!
>Ah! Now you’ve done it!
*Pow pow
>Aah! Hey, hey, stop that!
>In quarrels both are guilty!
>What do you mean both are guilty?
>Hm hm, it means that at a fight both sides are at fault! Ho ho ho!

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Nekojiru Senbei
>You’re wrong!
>Nyatta is the one at fault!
*Scratch scratch
>O wow o wow!
>Then, you… You were at fault!
>Nyako, Nyatta, we are going home.
Water storage
The End

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Story of an errand
>Go buy some tofu, onions and dango.
>Let’s see, onions and tofu and…
>Here you go.
>What’s this?
Cheap computers
>What are computers?
>Ah, now I’ve forgotten what we came to buy.

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Nekojiru Senbei
>Let’s see, tofu and onions and…
Cheap computers
>Tofu and onions and…
>Ah! This is terrible!
>He’s dead!
>Ah, that’s right! Dango!
*Bark bark
The End

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Story of the fridge
*Bam bam
>Uwaah! I can’t take it any longer! Open it, open it!
>Aah! That was scary! Phew!
>Nyako-chan, you lasted 5 minutes and 10 seconds.
>It’s pitch black and hard to breathe inside!
>I can do it just fine.
>I love being locked up in narrow and dark places.
*Rustle rustle
*Tick tock
>It has been 10 minutes already. Is Miyuki-chan really okay?
*Pok pok

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Nekojiru Senbei
>Ah! A chicken!
>A chicken! A chicken!
*Pow pow
*Stab stab
>Nyaa! Nyaa!
>Cluck cluck!
>Mom is going to praise us for sure!
*Drag drag
>Aah, I can’t do this any longer!
*Bam bam
>Let me out! Let me out, Nyako-chan, let me out!
>This fried chicken is so delicious!
>Hey, kids, you don’t know about Yamamoto’s Miyuki-chan, do you?
>Eh, Miyuki-chan? No I don’t.
>Her mother was looking for her because she hasn’t come home even though it’s evening.
*Tick tock
>Hmm, maybe she has been kidnapped or something?
*Munch munch munch munch

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One day…
>Wait, wait!
>Nyaa! Nyaa!
>Huh? Something stinks!
>It stinks like rotten meat!
*Tick tock
>Nyaa! Nyaa!
>Eh? Fireworks?
>Ah, you’re right! Fireworks, fireworks!
>Nyaa! Nyaa!
*Bzzzz bzzzz
The End

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Nekojiru Senbei
Story of the red light
>Itakichi-chan, how much do you have?
>10 yen!
>Eh, so little?
>But it’s fine cause we have 50 yen.
>We can buy six 10 yen tickets and there’s still one figurine left!
>I’m sure we’ll get it!
Candy store
>What’s wrong? Come quickly!
>But the light is red!

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>The light is red? It’s fine, we are animals!
>Five 10 yen tickets.
>That’s 50 yen.
>Oh, so it doesn’t concern animals…
>Maybe I should try crossing on red too…
>Ah, I didn’t get it.
>Ah, another miss!
>Ah, miss again!
>Ah, missed again!
>This is the last one.

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Nekojiru Senbei
Stray pig
Highway moral code
Candy store
>Ah, it’s a miss again!
The End

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Stylish deserts
Nata de coco
Shop Tanaka
Imported straight from Philippines
>What is “Nata de coco”?
Story of Nata de coco
>It’s apparently kind of gel, like agar.
>I want to eat that!
Imported straight from Philippines
>Ah! You aren’t supposed to eat this with onions sauce!
>It’s sort of slimy.
*Munch munch
>And it smells a bit fishy too.
>Ah, shit! I got stung again!
Nata de coco 150 yen
Yakisoba 350 yen

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Nekojiru Senbei
>Ah, he’s peeing on his own hand.
>Ah! It’s a jellyfish!
>Hey! Don’t sneak around, you brats!
>Mom! Mom! That Nata de coco is really jellyfish!
>Nyaa! Nyaa!
>Shh! Stop shouting, it’ll be bad if people hear!
>But it is jellyfish!
>In my dialect we call jellyfish “Nata de coco”.
>You’re lying! The sign says they are imported straight from Philippines!
>Damn, you really are annoying!
>These jellyfish drift here from Philippines.
>You liar!

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>This shop really is horrible, to give out raw jellyfish to customers!
>I’ll contact health department and sue you!
*Fume fume
>Just do whatever you want…
>But don’t call my stuff fishy, you shitty cats!
>Ahh, Nata de…
>I’ve been sliced into Nata de coco…
>Hey, where is that person going to drift?
The End

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Nekojiru Senbei
Story of school
>Well, elementary school is considered mandatory, so…
>Human kids, make sure you attend.
>As for cat and dog kids,
>It doesn’t really matter whether you come or not, but…
>You’d better learn at least to read and write.
>Yes sir!
Now then, let’s start the lesson.

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Thanks user, have a bump.

>Pigs should also attend class regularly, right?
>Well, then, what do you want to be when you grow up, kids?
>Then, Yamamoto-kun.
>Huh, he’s not listening at all!
>Hahaha, Ultra-man!
>Ultra-man might be a bit out of reach.
>Next up, Nyako-chan.
>A candy seller.
>Hahaa! I know, it’s because you’d get to eat lots of candy!
>Teacher, teacher!
>I want to join the overseas youth collaboration troops of Africa and…
>Now then, open your text books at page 1.
>It’s lunchtime, everyone!

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You're welcome, user! Thank you for bumping!
Nekojiru Senbei
>Wow, so delicious! What is this?
*Chomp chomp
>Tonkatsu. (TL-note: Tonkatsu = pork cutlet)
>Hey, Nyako-chan, are you going to school tomorrow?
>Eh? I see.
>I won’t go either then.
>We’re going to catch crayfish tomorrow
>Eh, crayfish? Can I come along too?
>Eh? Why?
>You’re a pig.
The End

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Story of tanka (TL-note: Tanka = a short Japanese poem)
>What does “tanka” mean?
7th annual tanka contest of Subaru town
>Ah! They have prizes!
7th annual tanka contest
Grand prize: One-night trip to Atami
1st runner up: Bicycle
2nd runner up: 10 kilos of rice
Consolation prize: Toilet paper
>Hey, how do you write a tanka?
Subaru town association
>You have to put words together in 5-7-5-7-7 format.
>Pineapple is 6 syllables, right…?
>Umm, it’s not enough to just have the right amount of syllables, you know.
Fried rice Cream puff Kangaroo

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Nekojiru Senbei
>Writing tanka really is difficult…
>This is futile…
*Crumble crumble
>What is even the point of living for a wretched pensioner like me…
*Mumble mumble
>Huh? You don’t need this?
>Can I have it?
*Plod plod
>I’ll go to where he is…
>I will reveal the winner of the grand prize now.
Subaru town association Suba-
>Hooray! I did it, I did it! I won a trip to Atami!

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>Ooh, a kid like that won!
>She really is something!
>I’ll read the poem out loud.
Wandering the Siberian tundra hand in hand with my better half
We confront our mortality together.
>Hooray! Hooray!
>Aah, well written indeed, the style is energetic and fitting for a child. Well done, well done!
>Aah, you’re full of shit!
*Hang hang
>Waah waah!
The End

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Nekojiru Senbei
Cat-Monkey wars part 1
Nekojiru city hall
>Ah! It’s a monkey kid!
Cat-Monkey peace conference
*Lick lick
>What is a monkey doing here?
>For hundreds of years us cats and monkeys…
Peace conference
>Have been in a state of war with each other…
>But now we declare that we have made an agreement of peace.
Cat-Monkey peace conference
*Hooray! Hooray!
*Clap clap
*Gulp gulp

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>Monkeys are not allowed in the city!
>Nyaa! Nyaa!
*Pow pow
>Hey! You brats!
*Bam bam
>How dare you bully my little brother!
>Now you’ve done it!
>How about now? Feel like apologizing!?
>Ahh! It hurts, it hurts!
*Pow pow

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Nekojiru Senbei
>Uaaah! Dad, Saruji has… Saruji has…!
>AAH! Saruji! How could this happen!?
>Those cats killed him!
>You fucking brats, what have you done!?
>It’s in their blood! Cats will always be cats!
>Let’s kill them!
>Ah, dad!

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*Bam bam
>Hey, don’t you get it? Your kids killed our child!
>Hey, you are the elder cat, right? Why aren’t you saying anything!?
>You vulgar animals! You better remember this!
>Nyahaha! Fuck off! Fuck off!
>Nyaa! Nyaa!
To be continued

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Nekojiru Senbei
Cat-Monkey wars part 2
>They said you killed that monkey kid, Nyatta?
>Stop making that triumphant face!
>Mom, you’re wrong!
>I was about to lose so he just tried to help me!
>Either way,
>I really hate fighting.
*Huff huff
>You’re weird.
>Everyone, gather as much weapons as possible!
>Aye, sir!

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>Those vulgar animals, we’ll teach them a lesson!
>That’s for sure!
>Elder, just what are you guys doing?
>Ooh, isn’t it Etekichi!
>Even though you were trying to bring about peace up until yesterday…
>You idiot, we are trying to revenge for your second son!
>That’s right!
>It’s true that I lost my son,
>Revenge only leads to revenge! Are you planning on keeping this war going on for generations to come!?
>If we are going to call them vulgar animals,
>Then we must change our ways first!
>I’m sure that amongst them there are those who want peace as well!

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Nekojiru Senbei
>Idiot! You’re a weakling, dad!
>If adults won’t do anything…
>I’ll do it alone!
>I’ll kill them all!
>Ah! Saruta!
>Peace with those barbarians?
>Just and idiot would believe that’s possible!
>That’s the house of those kids!
*Pant pant
>Young lives are lost in these stupid fights!
>I can’t stand it!

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>That can’t be!
>Those cruel cats are saying things like that…
*Chew chew
>Yeah, yeah, I don’t care…
>But this food really is delicious!
>Ah, what’s that!
*Steamy steamy
>Saruji! That’s Saruji!
>Oh my, you are right! He was just a kid so the meat is very tender.
>Damn it! Damn it!
*Scratch scratch
To be continued

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Nekojiru Senbei
Cat-Monkey wars part 3
>Uwah! It’s a fire!
>Hahaha! Burn! Burn!
>All of you die!
>Ah, dad!
>Just what have you done!?

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>This is awful!
*Flap flap
*Wham wham
>Hey, get a hold of yourself!
*Flap flap

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