That's your Hokage team, Yas Forums

That's your Hokage team, Yas Forums
>a guy who built a children-killing machine in order to prevent children from dying
>Yas Forums icon and the only at least somewhat mostly competent one
>the greatest caretaker to ever live
>fatherhood duties escapee
>a 24/7 drunk gambling legendary sucker
>idk why is he even here, i'm sure he is just as lost as I am
>grand world dictator that is too nice and stupid to even realise he is a grand world dictator

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Reminder that this is still the best opening

Kill yourself, narutard.

Where's Danzo?

>children-killing machine
When did Hashirama ever do that?

He's one of those morons who thinks the times of constant clan on clan genocide was better than the village system.

>>a guy who built a children-killing machine in order to prevent children from dying
Nothing wrong on training super human children to defend regular children, the strong should always protect and aid the weak.
>>Yas Forums icon and the only at least somewhat mostly competent one
Based and leafpilled
>>the greatest caretaker to ever live
It wasn't his duty to raise Naruto, look how he raised Asuma. Asuma took his own path and ended up well. His problem was to not allow Kakashi to help raise Naruto.
>>fatherhood duties escapee
He died for the Leaf and since he was a killing machine, he thought giving his son a ultra-human power would be nice so he could keep the hokage royal lineage in the future
>>a 24/7 drunk gambling legendary sucker
Yeah, she sucks at being a hokage, but because she is a woman.
>>idk why is he even here, i'm sure he is just as lost as I am
Kakashi is one of the few in the whole leaf history to be deserving of a kage spot. he is famous in the whole world and he is a war hero. Remember his government was a transition until Nardo was ready to assume. Both their governments brought immense development and prosperity never seen before in the country.
>>grand world dictator that is too nice and stupid to even realise he is a grand world dictator
Based, even tho he knows he is a grand world dictatior, he just doesn't care because he can stomp the rest on a ease.

The Leaf village isn't the government.

>>Yas Forums icon and the only at least somewhat mostly competent one
It's his fault the Uchiha situation became what it is. He's hilariously the most incompetent one.

Hashirama is easily the worst Hokage a long with Minato the shitter

He is the leader of the village. Almost everything that happens inside of it is under his jurisdiction. The leaf being under the rule of the Lord of the Fire doesn't take aff the regional political power the Hokage has.

>times of constant clan on clan genocide was better than the village system.
List of genocided clans we are aware of during warring states period: 0
List of genocided clans we are aware of during villages period: at least 2

So who will be the 8th Kage? Will it be Sasuke after all? Or will it be Sakura? Sarada/Boruto are competing for the spot of 9th, because of how short the Hokage's tend to reign.

Would be funny if Sakura shandaro'd Sasuke.

was meant to

Imagine having Tsunade as president of your country.

>Nothing wrong on training super human children to defend regular children, the strong should always protect and aid the weak.
Literally everything wrong with raising child soldiers. Go train yourself to become stronger instead of making your 12 year olds kill people for you. And don't tell me the times required that, Hashirama could off anyone coming at his village with ease
>It wasn't his duty to raise Naruto
It WAS his duty to make sure the nuke doesn't go insane over bullying, and the fact that the nuke didn't was pure luck. Besides, he made a promise
>he thought giving his son a ultra-human power would be nice
Yeah, the power that was definitely killing him if not for pure luck
>she is a woman.
Not an excuse

>>Yas Forums icon and the only at least somewhat mostly competent one
He is single handly responsible for 50% of the issues just because he is the guy who invented edo tensei. And let's not talk about the fact he has created a scroll full of techniques like that.
>tfw even Orochimaru tells you that your jutsu is fucked up.
Look up the president of Coratia.

Hashirama was probably the best one, to be honest. He gave this village an ideology that was enough to zombify people to give their lives for its prosperity for decades

Now compare the numbers of chuunin exam pre and post villages

The optionsin order are:
1. Sakura
2. Shikamaru (short term)
3. Sasuke
4. Shikamaru (long term)
5. Kakashi back
6. Konohamaru
>Sarada/Boruto are competing for the spot of 9th
Sarada will be the 10th, her sensei will be the 9th

Who's Danzo?

That's why i wrote "mostly". Uchiha situation was his only fuck-up, and even then it was arguable. The other fuck up was appointing his retarded students, but i blame them themselves for that more.
Other than that, he made the village what it is and organized this mess into something. There is nothing wrong with developing powerful jutsu,only with their usage by bad people. Is Edo Tensei fucked? Indeed. Is it helpful and did it save the alliance from Ten Tails? Yes

Why the fuck are Sakura and Konohamaru even there.
It is obviously Tsunade, Kakashi or Shikamaru.
Sasuke is not Hokage material too

Never mind He was just a candidate I thought he actually got the job.

Time for a change in leadership.

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On the same spot of the rock where his face is engraved together with other Hokage

I thought he died before they could make his face and no one cared enough to follow through with it.

Edo tensei saved the alliance but edo tensei was the reason Madara came back and was wrecking everyone's shit during the war.
Also stop trying to use the "it's the user's fault" yes it is, but it doesn't take way the fault from the guy who allowed those bad guys to use his invincible jutsu.
If the jutsu was never created then it would have never been abused to begin with and this jutsu did more harm than good. Hence why Tobirama should have never created it.

Madara might be the most loved bad guy in manga history, how much fucking fanart is there of the guy

Attached: Madara holiday.jpg (564x566, 43.37K)

>If the jutsu was never created then it would have never been abused to begin with
You can say that about basically any jutsu.

>Literally everything wrong with raising child soldiers. Go train yourself to become stronger instead of making your 12 year olds kill people for you. And don't tell me the times required that, Hashirama could off anyone coming at his village with ease
To have strong adults you must raise them in your magic arts since a kid, it's not that hard to understand, user.
>It WAS his duty to make sure the nuke doesn't go insane over bullying, and the fact that the nuke didn't was pure luck. Besides, he made a promise
That would imply he wasn't with an eye on Naruto most of the times (Shippuden and The Last retconned most of the "bullying" and alone moments of Naruto)
>Yeah, the power that was definitely killing him if not for pure luck
It wasn't pure luck, he had the same genes as every other leaf Jinchuriki, it was just bad luck Kushina died.
>Not an excuse
Women can't rule


Why did you say 0 instead of at least 0


There is a huge difference between training your children and making them go to the wars or participate in murder exams
>Shippuden and The Last retconned most of the "bullying" and alone moments of Naruto
Manga is the only things that counts. Get out with your fillers
>It wasn't pure luck
If he chimped out once again, he would die and the fox would be out.

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>Would be funny if Sakura shandaro'd Sasuke.
Sasuke would stab her through the chest like he did in the finale of Naruto, so that she wouldn't bother him while he was having fun with his one true lover.

Naruto really hated Kakashi, didn't he

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>The next Hokage is gonna mek Tobifags seethe.
Make way for best girl.

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Konohamaru will be a Hokage in the future. It's really predictable.
Sakura is a former student of the last 2 Hokage and a close friend of the current.
Sasuke is one of the most important shinobi in the current regime, and one of the most in the whole world.

>while he was having fun with his one true lover
...his hawk?

Was Hinata supposed to be Kiba's wife before Kishimoto sold out with the movie and did a 180 retcon?

Being powerful doesn't mean you can be a Hokage. Sasuke is not the type, neither would he be allowed, neither would he himself want that. He is not a ruler or a public face
Sakura can only be used as a last resort, and right now we clearly have candidates better
Konohamaru - in future maybe, but not now