I just finished this movie and damn Sakura is literally the perfect wife...

I just finished this movie and damn Sakura is literally the perfect wife. A loyal emotionally needy girl confined inside the body of a huge slut. Why do some anons hate her so much? And don't give me that "used goods" shit. We all know rape doesn't count

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Rape counts double.

The used goods shit doesn't work as an argument even if she wasn't raped. Most girls in the western world are used goods.

If you're worried about used goods it shows you're a Yas Forumsirgin and need to go outside for a dose of reality

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>most girls in the western world are used goods
That doesn't make it desirable or good though

Do you like to eat apples with or without Worms?

No one ever read the VN, so one user said she was a wormslut and everybody just kept parroting the same shit for more than a decade.

Now that we got a decent adaptation, people are finally seeing how she actually is and she's getting the popularity she always deserved.

>perfect wife

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>applying real world logic to fictional characters
Fictional waifus are desirable because unlike 3DPD, they can remain pure. So in that context, there are definitely some that can be considered "used goods".

Doesn't make it bad either. What does it really mean?
>"I had sex with my boyfriend of five years but we eventually broke up because we just changed and amicably broke up"

This stuff happens all the time but apparently not being a pure virgin is worth insulting someone over but paradoxically being a virgin is an insult for men.

its like you guys just enjoy hitting yourself upside your head and give yourself unrealistic standards and expectations.Criticizing for being a slut and taken dozens of dicks is one thing but criticizing a girl for merely having sex once? it just shows naivety on your part.

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What are you on about everyone saw the same anime, sakura is definitely a wormslut

Zerochads don't need to read the VN.

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>The used goods shit doesn't work as an argument even if she wasn't raped.
It works even though she was raped
>Most girls in the western world are used goods.
Who cares?
>If you're worried about used goods it shows you're a Yas Forumsirgin and need to go outside for a dose of reality
If you acre about people being virgins and not going out enough you are surely misunderstanding the whole meaning of anime discussion,specially when it comes to anime girls.

>I didn't read the VN either!!!

>Zerochads don't need to read
retards, the lot of you

>used goods
>best girl

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>this stuff happens all the time
Why do you keep using the same arguments. Everyone already knows most western women are sluts. No one denies that. That doesn't mean you're gonna automatically enjoy it. If she abandoned her last partner, why wouldn't she abandon you? It's not a desirable trait if you want loyalty and a happy marriage.

>If she abandoned her last partner, why wouldn't she abandon you?
This is why you chain your OL whores in your basement.

>most western women are sluts

Okay, virgin.

>reddit spacing
Makes sense

>being virgin is bad
I don't want to become used goods

Spring Song will become Summer Song or Fall Song at this rate

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What a massive level of a cope, wormcuck.

which ending will they choose though?

>girl rides the carousel
>shiit how do I convince the beta male that me fucking chad before marriage or any significant investment in the relationship with no restraint is actually a good thing
>oh right muh human rights muh freedum
>it's all he deserves anyway
One of the greatest benefits of being a man is that you aren't beholden to the opposite sex. The way you look and the way you act or even the cliques you hang out with don't all revolve around attracting mates. There's no maternal instinct that forces you to settle down or have kids when the time comes. Historically men have turned to hookers to satisfy their primal needs, can women do the same to the same effect?

Even if she ain't used goods she'd till be trash

Hopefully the true end. We have seen Illya with her Heaven's Feel dress in some of the illustrations

It's always secondaries.

>emotionally needy girl
I've been in long-term relationships with emotionally needy women before, user. It sounds great, they love you unconditionally and couldn't dream of being without you and are utterly dependent on you, but you also forget in this that they are utterly dependent on you. It's frankly exhausting and puts serious stress on any relationship. I lasted for about three years, and most of that third year was me worrying that if I left she'd fall apart.

The only reason it works in the case of HF is because Shirou is a fucked up broken individual who LIKES that because he sees himself as having no purpose except to be Sakura's ambulatory sword/cock. And even then remember that Rider is also there to carry even more of the weight, so HF True ends with a crippling dependency situation where you have two people whose reason for existing is to make sure Sakura doesn't go into a tailspin and lose contact with the world entirely (see: HF Normal), which is what would normally happen. The sheer amount of emotional damage is frankly not healthy, nor should it be whitewashed.