Black Clover

Is this popular just because people got sick of fairy tail? When does it get good? I got to episode 30 and I can't even imagine this getting good at all, it is just another flavor of fairy tail with random power level/bad fights and non-stop unfunny goofy comedy.

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It’s basically a ripoff of Naruto. If you don’t like Naruto, you probably won’t like a lesser version of it.

it is nothing like naruto, naruto at least had clear rules to fights at the beginning like the zabuza fight while it was serious most of the time with goofy moment only when appropriate.
This feels exactly like fairy tail but with less fanservice.

>it is just another flavor of fairy tail

Attached: Black Clover and Fairy Tail.jpg (1530x2537, 1.1M)

>it is nothing like naruto,

Attached: Black Clover and Naurto.jpg (1440x900, 279.19K)

But where are the slutty girls with skimpy clothes? That was the best part about fairy tail.

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>implying those are the same
Just look how black clover jumped straight to unfunny uninspired comedy while naruto at least understands the tone of the scene.
Just because the creator is recyclin ideas doesn't mean they're anything alike.

so anyway, who's your favourite HxH character and why


I didn't say it was a good copy

would you say its better than boruto?

Boruto is shit but at least it isn't bland clover

>Black Clover = Spiritual successor to HxH, One Piece, Jojo: huge focus on worldbuilding, creativity, team fights, unorthodox solutions, grey morals, villains with reasonable motivations, and a touch of politics
>Nardo and its successors = Punch harder/or have ayylmao asspull genetics to win, completely jobbed out the initially promising cast of side characters to go all in on pandering to the fujo and edgelord audience with saucegay obsession, preachy nonsense and melodrama constantly forced to the detriment of every other aspect of the story.

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>Black Clover = Spiritual successor to HxH, One Piece, Jojo


Yeah OP, its complete shit. Keep watching if you like fairy tail tier fight/story but dislike fanservice.

You can't point out a contradiction as you're objectively wrong. All you can do is samefag, post lies, and false-flag. Take your meds, schizo.
>IP count doesn't move
Yeah you're really fooling people


Clean your toilet, Jimbo

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First. Read the manga, the anime is garbage
Second. It's not like fairy tail, even if there are some minor similarities
Third. The beginning is utter garbage, everybody agree on this
Fourth. The fights are good, you can not like them, but they are good.
Fifth. The power level are actually consistent and the power ups aren't random
It's a good shonen, if you don't like it just stop watching/reading it

Still no attempt at refuting anything.

So you concede. Chad clover lives rent free; stay shook worse than nash in a scorching hot summer mensroom in '92

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But black clover is a nardo succesor

Jesus Christ, I having spasms of cringe while
reading your posts and I kinda like Black Clover

Sorry user, that spot was taken by another serie

which one?

>The beginning is utter garbage, everybody agree on this
Beginning is my favorite part, I loved how strong it was

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It's the antithesis. At every crossroads, it takes the exact opposite approach kishimoto did. Coincidentally, it's also good while naruto is a trainwreck and poorly thrown together mess. Go figure.

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Almost everybody agree on this

Don't rly care abt u but I love this show

>It's a good shonen

>First. Read the manga, the anime is garbage
they both have the same problems
>Second. It's not like fairy tail, even if there are some minor similarities
They're the almost the exact same anime, the tone and story telling are exactly the same, the difference is less fanservice like OP pointed out
>Third. The beginning is utter garbage, everybody agree on this
What is the beginning? The first 300 chapters? the first 150 episodes?
>Fourth. The fights are good, you can not like them, but they are good.
They're utter garbage, what exactly makes them good? They've 0 thought put into them and look really bad taking no advantage of the anime medium
>Fifth. The power level are actually consistent and the power ups aren't random
"I'm the anti-magic! Only when its convenient/to a degree the plot allows me to" Power levels are shit and make 0 sense.
It's a horrible shonen, easily the worst one still being published.

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