Latest installment of overhyped garbage anime...

Latest installment of overhyped garbage anime, receiving hype from a bunch of moronic anons who are too stupid to know what quality is.

And what makes this particular series even more pathetic than usual is it isn't even a real manga but a manhwa, it's a webtoon. Why are we giving them anime? Are we that desperate for the next hit we're looking for just anything? Any bottom-of-the-barrel series? I knew the anime industry was in peril, on the brink of destruction but I didn't know it was this bad. Basically just taking any poop, throwing it against the wall and hoping it sticks.

The premise sucks, it's unoriginal, uninspiring, does absolutely nothing new or unique. The story was so boring I fell asleep multiple times while watching. The characters suck, the art style is terrible, it lacks any creativity, animation is poor, soundtrack is complete garbage. And even though the anime is literally only been out for a quick second it already has fanboys.
>but how can you judge it by only 4 episodes?! I can run around saying it's AOTY already but if you say it sucks that's a problem!
You can hype up this garbage and say it's amazing, a masterpiece after one episode? But let somebody else come out and say it's trash then NO! Aren't you doing the same thing? Aren't you judging it by one episode by calling it a masterpiece, calling it amazing? But what I do is wrong? No, you hypocrites.

For people to actually watch this show and think it's enjoyable truly shows how low someone's IQ can truly be. You can tell people that like this have such low IQ, there's no way a high IQ likes Tower of God, it's impossible.

There is just nothing good about this anime. Yet the casual moronic Yas Forumsnons with bad taste will say AOTY. These losers just wake up and wait for the next anime they can overhype and overrate. Anyone who likes this garbage isn't a real anime fan, you're a casual fraud that doesn't deserve to watch anime at all.

Get this garbage outta here. I'm tired of you frauds.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Who's the black hair girl?

nobody likes this show

The real kicker is This got animated instead of Unbalance X2

Calm the fuck down, faggot. The most vocal ToG supporters are just the Androssi and Anak waifufags. No need to write an assmad blog about it.

>calls OP a faggot
A quick google search shows that the characters that you're naming are from the show. I guess it takes one to know one.

What hype? There's maybe one or two gooks shilling it hard (and very badly).

These studios don't care about releasing high quality products because they know no matter what they put out you gullible idiots will eat it all up because you don't care about quality.

All you care about is pretty colors, waifus and edginess. As long as it's remotely edgy, has a little blood and gore in it, has long as it has WAIFUS that you losers can fight over talking about who's best girl, as long it has pretty colors to keep you morons glued to the screen, you're sold.

I don't know what it is about pretty colors and stuff but it's like, you know, there's a flame and see a bunch of bugs flying around the flame? It's like when you put pretty colors in anime, put a bunch of pretty colors and you casual, moronic anime fans can't avoid it, your eyes are just glued to the screen, wide up open.

>Falseflag thread to gain sympathy for TOG
Just give up, nobody cares about this series

>Latest installment of overhyped garbage anime
>The premise sucks, it's unoriginal, uninspiring, does absolutely nothing new or unique. The story was so boring I fell asleep multiple times while watching. The characters suck, the art style is terrible, it lacks any creativity, animation is poor, soundtrack is complete garbage. And even though the anime is literally only been out for a quick second it already has fanboys.
>For people to actually watch this show and think it's enjoyable truly shows how low someone's IQ can truly be.
>There is just nothing good about this anime. Yet the casual moronic Yas Forumsnons with bad taste will say AOTY. These losers just wake up and wait for the next anime they can overhype and overrate. >Anyone who likes this garbage isn't a real anime fan, you're a casual fraud that doesn't deserve to watch anime at all.
My exact thoughts about pic related

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Fuck off
Tower of god is a /lit/ masterpiece with the best girl ever made
Androssi Zahard

Attached: IMG_20200428_030206_958.jpg (865x1280, 107.2K)

>overhyped garbage anime, receiving hype from a bunch of moronic anons who are too stupid to know what quality is

No offence user, but my last 13 years on Yas Forums that sentence has been repeated often during airing seasons by various anons. This is not some eye widening unique statement.

The first season of Tog is fucking dark,full of men with only 3 girls
U mad because redditguya is losing

>watches anime he likes


> blatant koreaphobia

>tower of fags

Well yeah. Kind of what keeps Yas Forums as Yas Forums besides the utter phobia of crossboarders.

Ok femdom cuck
Tower of Chads is full of 5000D chess masterminds

Attached: IMG_20200409_213604_147.jpg (1032x1280, 91.09K)

I got to see lizard pussy in episode 4. Can you say that about your favorite anime?

here user

>Towerchads live rent free in OP's head

Don't (you) at me. Leave me out of your tard ramblings.
It doesn't take a genius to see that for the past few weeks, the biggest ToG shills on Yas Forums have been the waifufags. But I don't let that fact set me off on making angry emotional posts.

Anime's fine. But fuck that one faggot spamming the EPISODE X IS OUT!! thread.

How do i lower my standards far enough to stomach this.
There is not a single redeeming quality in the art, and why does the dumb cunt bother adding colour.

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moe-isekay shit burn your taste

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>gook ''art''


Attached: Coolaass.jpg (906x675, 133.11K)

He's utterly incapable of drawing the same face twice.
This is deviant art tier, it's obvious to even the untrained that this person doesn't know what they're doing.
Oh jesus it gets worse.

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>You can hype up this garbage and say it's amazing, a masterpiece after one episode? But let somebody else come out and say it's trash then NO! Aren't you doing the same thing? Aren't you judging it by one episode by calling it a masterpiece, calling it amazing? But what I do is wrong?
Try using your high IQ brain to figure this one out

>He's utterly incapable of drawing the same face twice
people have different emotion arent souless robot with only an archotype personality like in moeshit.

Tower of God art is KINO

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Stay mad.

>yes, all the bones in my face do morph with my emotions, how could you tell?

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Template saved

Based TowerChad

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>Obvious bait thread by OP so people would sympathize with TOG
Sadly a lot of people would eat it.

Decent copypasta, I'll give it a 4/10.
