Are you seriously telling me....THAT NAGATORO ISN’T BLACK!?!?!?!

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>Nagatoro’s brother was replaced by a sister
If this is the case og fags will be seething

I hope her bro is still here for some sweet ntrbait

Mebbe he's crossdressing.

Nagatorres is clearly a latina.

this but the ntr is actually senpai getting pissed at being japed and ends up with one of Nagatoro's friends

Nemutoro is cute

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God, her hair is a mess.

a CUTE mess

He has been mentioned at least twice in the series. I dont think Nanashi is that much a hack to retcon that shit

She mention him in ch18, so her brother still exists

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La creatura

Maybe that is trap?

He's obviously a trap. Use your brain.

That "sisters" a trap you idiot.


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If that was the case then Naga-imouto would've said 'Onii-chan'

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Why are manga like this so afraid of introducing other male characters? It's so fucking weird that the MC basically has a pseudo-harem now.
The only guys that hung out with girls this much back in high school were guys that eventually came out as gay.

Maybe she plays into her brother's delusions to avoid conflict.

>Why are manga like this so afraid of introducing other male characters?
You should ask the audience not the author. The authors write to cater to their braindead fans.
Self inserting male readers are intimidated by other male characters.

I guess that makes sense. I'm just tired of enjoying a nice romcom and then the author dumps in like 10 more cute girls that are there for no reason other than to be more eyecandy and to keep the reader's attention.
The same thing happened with that one manga with the mute girl who communicates through haiku or whatever.

>I'm just tired of enjoying a nice romcom and then the author dumps in like 10 more cute girls that are there for no reason other than to be more eyecandy and to keep the reader's attention.
The worst part of it is that because of these new fan service-y female characters the screen time is robbed from the main two MCs and their character developments are stunted because of it.

>It's so fucking weird that the MC basically has a pseudo-harem now.

Does he really tho?

I support Nagatoro's cute trans sister

Anyone else surprised by how stone cold the sister was though?

She straight took pictures for proof before casually threatening to call the cops. You could see it in her eyes too; she was kinda pissed.

He's not supposed to see her like that until the morning after!

Nope not surprised.
Nagatoro teases people because she needs attention and cannot properly express her emotions
So it makes sense that her family would have had some part in creating her current personality

about fucking time they showed her house and part of family
as usual the parents work abroad as consultants or something

Behold, power that goes beyond El Presidente.

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Cute Hayase!

They're not part of his harem though? What this manga does better than other male romcoms is that the main female actually has a decent sized close friend group that gets screentime and interacts with the mc. In other series like Takagi, it's immersion breaking that a cute girl wouldn't have many friends who'd make fun of her for going after a loser and remind her she can probably find a better guy. The fact that Naga's friend group seems to approve of her hanging out with senpai means that he's not that much of a loser, and it legitimizes their relationship to me.

I agree that other male characters would be an improvement. But for this series I don't find that as much of an issue. Like you said, it's not uncommon, especially for art-fags, to be the only guy in their friend circle. That's plausible enough for me.