Can someone explain to me the "lucky" meme?

Can someone explain to me the "lucky" meme?

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Yuta is very lucky for having a wife as hot as Rikka.

What's to explain? Rikka's a very beautiful young woman. Any guy would be lucky to be in a normal heterosexual relationship with her.

Please explain

Rikka was made for Akane

Attached: Akane.png (1920x1080, 2.39M)

Imagine sticking your dick between those legs. Oof...

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Have you seen her already? Rikka, lucky Yuta's wife? Damn. I mean. Damn, son. Holy damn.

Trigger goes out of their way to yuri bait Rikka and Akane. Lots of official art like pic related and lots of subtext in the show that they were more than friends.
Some anons post about them being lesbians because it's clearly how it's baited in the show, while a certain sperg throws a tantrum over it.
It's revealed that Rikka and Akane were more than friends; they were the same person. A twist that M. Night Shayamalan couldn't pull off.
People still post about Rikka x Akane despite canonical het ending because "lol lesbians r hot"
Sperg spergs harder, ruins any and all threads about Gridman. Gets banned, comes back, spegs out again. Now anons just post them as lesbians to egg on the sperg.

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Is there a mod involved in all this trolling? I got banned for asking why one time.

Why would I want to stop you?
Moderation overall since gookmoot took over has been really erratic. Hard to pin down where any line is or what they're thinking.

I miss modcat.

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High IQ post.

Self inserters pretending they're Yuta like this fag

So was Yuta.

You see, it's all started 7 years ago or so...


To summarize in an image.

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Rikka is very luck for having Akane as a koibito.

>only few (You)s
kek, can relate

Unchecked mental illness.

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Scans when?

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Official pic or doujin crop?

>Built for NTR.

>People still post about Rikka x Akane despite canonical het
You were doing fine until this bullshit that never happened.


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Sperg status: out of hiding.

you forgot the part where the retarded shitposter started leaking into threads about literally every series with yuribait but heterosexual characters, but otherwise this is about right

Oh hell, there's more than one sperg about yuri. To the point that at least one of them would go into threads about actual yuri shows and scream and shout about degeneracy or that they're not really yuri and anyone who says so is deluded.
Even Yagate Kimi ni Naru. Which has the girls making out and the manga ends up with them having sex. But nope. Totally just bait. Not real. Noooope. At least according to the shitposter(s).
The Sperg would rail against someone named Austin. No idea who this Austin is, but anyone who disagreed with the Sperg would get called Austin.

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what is this from?

that's so fucking hot

To this day I want to know who Austin is.
That, to me, is the true mystery that'll unravel this entire tragic plot of the most intense shitposting I've EVER seen for a show from one single user.

>It's revealed that Rikka and Akane were more than friends; they were the same person.

Sasuga speed-watcher

Now that I have your attention. Let me lay down some real yuri bait

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a nuts' manifesto

>the most intense shitposting I've EVER seen for a show from one single user.
>he doesn't know about barneyfag