Sound threads are back faggot!

>What's a soundthread?
A few years ago anons figured out how to embed sounds into images and you could hear the sounds using an extension. But embedding files into images is against the rules so moot banned them
>So why are you making a thread about it then?
A few anons figured out how to cause images and webms to play sounds without embedding them that means THEY ARE NOT AGAINST THE RULES ANY MORE MODS AND ARE JUST AS ON TOPIC AS WEBM THREADS
>Ok, how do I play the sounds?
Download this small Yas Forums x extension Forums-external-sounds
Requires Yas Forums x and Greasemonkey but you faggots have that installed anyways if you aren't a newfag.
I'll be posting a few sounds to get you faggots started and a few others anons made from last thread.

Attached: [].jpg (692x659, 57.57K)

Attached: [].jpg (1920x1080, 183.09K)

Here is a quick Webm I made last night. As you can see (once you install the extension) the audio synches up with the video timestamp so you can pause and rewind while still having the sound. This is also a lot faster than the old method of embedding the soundfiles into image.

Attached: [].webm (426x240, 2.42M)

Attached: [].gif (640x360, 1.85M)

Attached: [].jpg (640x473, 46.07K)

Attached: [].gif (209x193, 158K)

Attached: [].png (972x768, 1.45M)

Bump and based

Ok but how can I do this if I post on my kindle fire hd?

i hear it

Attached: [].jpg (720x480, 64.08K)

Onegai Muscle!

Attached: [].gif (350x200, 340.12K)

Attached: [].jpg (724x965, 401.89K)

I can hear it

Attached: [].jpg (1024x768, 180.46K)

based thank you

This has a lot of potential.

>A few years ago anons figured out how to embed sounds into images
Didn't they used to do the same with CP even further back?

steph's theme song

Attached: [].jpg (474x266, 17.84K)


and other shit, yeah. no extra embedded info is a generally good rule

Well I heard something

Attached: [].png (418x386, 149.65K)

neat. give me an arakidonut.jpg for old times sake.

Attached: [].jpg (704x396, 49.57K)

Attached: [].jpg (1920x1080, 135.63K)

Messed up. Here is the full OP

Attached: [] (2).webm (426x240, 2.41M)

Attached: [].jpg (630x1200, 50.85K)

It's not working for me. Do you click on the image or hover over it? I tried both and I don't hear a thing


I just hover

Either works. Do you have Tampermonkey and Yas Forums x along with this plugin?

Be honest, how many of you still kept you old sound folder? I'm in the processes of trying to convert all of mine right now.

it's working, I had to install the plugin

This just makes me wish webms with sounds were allowed on Yas Forums.

I didn't know what I expected

I want a board with no images, only sounds. Build in a vocaroo-type recorder in the reply box.

But with this plugin they are. See Sure it requires a plugin but that didn't stop the old soundthread of the past.

Just dropping in to say Bless you.
This is truly good news.

Attached: [sound={}].jpg (480x360, 14.21K)