Watashi no Shounen

>Childhood friend BTFO again

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Lol old hag fanboys still thinking she has a chance

Shut up puke-chan

Is he like a young adult yet or are we still in the same time skip?

welp time to pick this manga back up

>create 10/10 cute boy
>he's into old hag
WTF Japan?

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I want to know what's going on.
Someone please pick this up already.

Puke cope

They fugg?

What is even going on anymore

Let's hope she doesn't end up pining forever at least. Or that she finds her own shota to groom

You guys are still reading this after the author said no romance between the woman and the boy?

Boy has good taste

>Believing mangaka

Translate pls

She said no romance between a child and an adult.
That's not the case anymore.

She said there would be no romance while he's still a boy, right? If the cake still won't take him even after he's grown up, this whole manga will end up being just a massive waste of everyone's time.

The whole fucking point of these timeskips is that eventually they're going to get together. Get it through your skulls fuckers.

Any update regarding the story? How is it progressing?

>She said there would be no romance while he's still a boy, right? If the cake still won't take him even after he's grown up, this whole manga will end up being just a massive waste of everyone's time.
is still a good story

But that's boring, I wanted /ss/.

You wouldn't know a good story if it pushed you onto a bed and ara-ara'd until morning.

He's like 17/18 I think.

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Well Satoko just said she loves Mashuu and left what's her name crying.

Go read doujinshi written by degenerates instead

>I read manga to satisfy my fetish!
An hero

>You wouldn't know a good story if it pushed you onto a bed and ara-ara'd until morning.
user calm down

They're getting together huh? I would prefer it better when Mashu is still a kid but I guess this series wants to take a serious and realistic approach for age gap love between a cake and a young boy.

>left what's her name crying.
why does the Author hates her so much?

>I guess this series wants to take a serious and realistic
the realistic part always gets me (who decides what is realistic and what not?)

Did translator guy drop it for good?

>I wanted

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>Did translator guy drop it for good?
aren't we waiting for volumes?

Yeah. Probably because of everyone's reaction to the interview.

Age gap marriages are actually not rare. Don't know why people make a big deal of it.

What interview

So the cake winning is pretty much confirmed?


Wew ask around scanlation thread to see if someone picks it up, I'd totally do the TS.

With common senses. Realistically speaking, even if the boy likes you, it's just disgusting and wrong if you engage him into sexual acts. Hence why the author didn't let Makoto accept Mashu till he can think on his own as a young adult.

>people still complaining about author saying it wouldn't be /ss/
Did you people even read this manga? Satoko has a very negative opinion of herself. She's made it abundantly clear that cradle robbing an underage boy would obliterate whatever is left of her self-esteem. One of the reasons the manga is interesting is because of that internal conflict she has about mashuu.

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So whats wrong with it

Why were the translations dropped

This kid is smooth as fuck

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So realistic = what your moralfag ass considers proper?

Mashuu is cute as fuck

>Last chapter translated 10 months ago

Well you can say those are standards for our society. If you want to go against it, like incest for example, go ahead, no one is gonna stop you but can you and your partner stay in peace with people knowing the truth about your uncommon act that goes against the 'moral' of the society?
At least in this series, Makoto can't. And she doesn't want to drag Mashuu in such situation either hence why she stopped seeing him when his father found out about her.