The information regarding the release of future Kimetsu no Yaiba volumes will be postponed and decided in the future...

>The information regarding the release of future Kimetsu no Yaiba volumes will be postponed and decided in the future. Volume 21 will be released in July. Meanwhile, 22 and 23 won't be announced for now.
Just put it out of its misery already

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>Just put it out of its misery already
I mean
It's ending, soooo

If there are future volumes planned then no

Those volumes cover already published chapters you mong.

It's not ending, give up


It’s NOT ending, they would have said it if it was.

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All we can do is waiting. But I find the fact that it get LCP in golden week issue more surprising and could be another evidence of it's ending. normally it's one piece that get golden week issue LCP


I unironically want to know why there is One Piece wank still. The manga has been shit for over 10 years since the end of Enies Lobby.
Are OPfans just cucks now?


You sound salty

Fuck this manga, and fuck the cunts who say it's good

This is turning into garbage faster than MHA did.

>implying MHA was ever not garbage

How is that possible if mha has been shit since the very beginning?

If volumes 22 and 23 aren't announced within like 2 weeks then it should end by chapter 205 cos that's when volume 21 should finish

I guess you haven't read TPN

Sup hatefag

Chapter 205 is when volume 23 should finish, but it doesn't matter. 8 chapters is perfectly fine for a final volume.

When was it good tho?

Not him, but I think it had potential in the beginning. Cool concept in general, could be used well.
Personally I dropped it after it shit the bed with "O MY SEVEN QUIRKS" but you could argue that things started to go downhill with the Overhaul arc. From what I've read it's all still the same "training arc, LEAGUE OF VILLAINS OH NO! training arc, LEAGUE OF VILLAINS! training arc, LEAGUE OF VILLAINS!" ad infinitum, and it's all just the same shit rehashed over and over.

It would be good if Deku wasn’t the MC

Out of its misery?

I don't understand what even fuels this MHA/KnY war outside of one shitposter, those two series aren't even in the same universe of success. Atleast with OP there is some genuine material for some kind of rivalry (although a pretty shortlived one with KnY ending so soon), but what is even the point of doing one with MHA?

Yes, it's shit now. Just end it.

People like this exist

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But why do you even take such a fucking subhuman so seriously? It's clear he has a mental illness. Just let him be. It's not even hard to tell when it's him writing.

I don't. But him and people who provoke him are annoying sometime.

are you seriously retarded or just shitposting for (You)s?

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