>Fujiko wins by making the monster assassin horny
Fujiko wins by making the monster assassin horny
that's fujiko's main weapon - her disarming looks
you know it's a trap but the bait is just too good to pass up
really the only way it could be better is if she was fighting two assassins at once and tricked them into killing each other
I liked it. That's what Fujiko's character is all about.
Lupin is the only one who willingly falls for it everytime but is good enough to keep up.
>Lupin is trash
More news at 11
Tactical bait bump
Literally the only piece of Lupin media where she actually uses her sex appeal as weapon. Most of the time it's no more than a running gag.
Does Yas Forums not like Fujiko Mine? I see notable iconic waifus mentioned here and there but no one ever seems to like Fujiko, or remember her. Maybe it has something to do with Lupin's minimal popularity in America, I've seen a lot of waifus crop up on Yas Forums from mainstream anime.
Considering how the only time I ever saw an American article mention her it was about how she's Japan's feminist icon you'd think more people would like her here (if for the wrong reasons).
That and she so has a tickling fetish
Way better use of the character than the entirety of The Woman Called Fujiko Mine.
Why would they try to destroy a character so hard like that? That reveal was the dumbest shit ever and worked against the entire character. It'd work against literally any character specifically because the reveal is that they're just a mind clone.
What are you even talking about?
Fujiko as a loli was brainwashed to be some other woman. The end of that series she breaks free from the puppet strings or whatever.
The mystery and flashbacks were about a completely different girl altogether. Fujiko infiltrated her house as an adult maid to steal some shit. Got caught, hypnotized, then broke free. Went to steal some shit like nothing happened.
You might be slightly retarded to miss that.
No, that was all fake. The false backstory thing was the only thing that shitshow got right, too bad it had already been done better in a special, Episode 0: the First Contact.
That's pretty in line with how Fujiko is though. Her sex appeal is pretty much her main weapon.
Any iteration of Fujiko is better than that trash. That entire show was just Okada's fetish fuel since that hack doesn't know how to write anything else.
>Episode 0: the First Contact.
Why can't I find this anywhere properly.
Episode 0 was a mix of boring ideas and orignal characters that had nothing to do in a Lupin story. My least favorite version of the meeting.
Yas Forums unironically can't handle a proper strong female character
Did you even watch it? She had nothing to do with that stuff
Yas Forums loves strong female characters for femdom appeal
Yas Forums liked fucking Rebecca better than Fujiko. It can't get worse than that
It was actually a mix of elements taken from old installments of the franchise, like for example the meeting with Goemon referencing the first series and the Babylon movie, in an unusually gritty hard boiled set-up. Which makes sense, since Lupin was making up the story by mixing his memories with pure fabrication, and the more meta point of the special being that these characters don't need "canonical" backstories anymore. And it was shot gorgeously, fantastic backgrounds and photography.
>you know it's a trap but the bait is just too good to pass up
Aside from one of the few versions where she isn't incredibly attractive, yea. I mean who wouldn't give up anything for a chance with Fujiko? You might manage to get a little ways towards something happening before she backstabs you, or you willingly make a deal for it. I seem to recall her letting some people get somewhere first, although I'm not sure she ever explicitly had sex with people, my memory of Lupin is fuzzy.
Rebecca was ok but there's no way I'd agree with her being more worth it.
Femdom is a male fetish. Fujiko just does what he feels like.
What's that got to do with it? Her core appeal is her body plus her femme fatale nature. That's why she's considered hot in Japan/in-universe and why I'd assume she should logically be grouped into the femdom waifu list. There's far worse characters that do what she does that people get a hard on for. Fujiko is usually classy about it (and arguably more attractive than those others.)
Lupin is just old is probably the reason she only shows up if one of the newer iterations are mentioned. Yas Forums is a seasonal waifu thing and iconic mainstream waifu thing mixed together. Lupin is iconic but not mainstream in some areas.
Lol what? What happens?
Apparently she gets groped.
And the monster dies from getting a boner?
she's kinda lame. This movie and the first episode of Fujiko Mine are the only ones where she seemed somewhat competent by herself and not just a skank that gets away with everything by leeching on Lupin.