ITT: 10/10 confessions
ITT: 10/10 confessions
Psuedo Harem is genuinely the fluffiest thing I've ever read
They should’ve kissed back then.
I still don't get why he does stuff like this. He's so incompetent it's crazy
woah, this is way cooler in manga form
Ardent pugilist
Blazing Strike
Water kick
>back when SnK was good
dear god what went wrong
Combustion slam
Burning Jab
Would you user?
Hot Hi-yah
Incendiary Uppercut
Hot Fist
Flame strike
I think we both know the answer to that
Poing Ardent
Pico to Boku
These two are absolutely adorable.
Infernal knuckles
This was probably the most satisfying confession I've ever seen in a manga.
They decided to stop Eren from securing the existence of his people and a future for Eldian children.