How much femdom is too much femdom?

How much femdom is too much femdom?

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Femdom is gay

Not up the butt, pls

as long as it involves a qt in pantyhose, i'm probably game

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That's an official poster?

Yes. I wonder what did Ufotable mean by this

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Any amount of femdom is too much if it’s combined with disgusting footfaggery.

>too much femdom?

Is there such a thing?

Femdom ruins the point of having an effeminate role at all.
You might as well be gay.

holy macaroni

I prefer my snakes hissing, but really to hide their lovey dovey.

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You totally don't get the character and what these are portraying. She was never a dom. She was broken dragon - imploding.
Like a soft yandere, though far more crumbly.

It makes my dick hard so I don't give a fuck.

What do you even mean, user. Everyone knows Dark Sakura is the embodiment of her hidden rage and jealousy . That doesn't change the fact that she's indeed femdom material. You can't tell me the person who made the illustration wasn't thinking "I want her to make me lick her feet" while drawing that

You modify a character's reality to your fetishes?
Ok then.

This. Screw anal if you're on the receiving end.

>Dark Sakura is the embodiment of her hidden rage and jealousy
And she's a balloon.
That's what I like the most.


>she was never a dom
kek, reminder that these are Sakura's "secret feelings" according to Rider

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>Dark Sakura is the embodiment of her hidden rage and jealousy.
Dark Sakura is Sakura manipulated by a grail corrupted by Angry Man Jew, nothing more, nothing less.

It's fine if she's hot enough. Really it's the who that matters, not the what.

Scat, piss, and NTR are however off limits in all cases.


I'm not judging, user. I know it's not her fault her ugly emotions are being amplified and forced to come to the surface. But they're still her own feelings

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Dont even know what's the issue with characters having flaws. Do people think their ideals have to be perfect with not a single problem about their thoughts or personality? That's shit writing.

>off limit
weak af

No such thing

Inserting shit into your penis.

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This. You can do whatever you want with my ass, but don't go there. I feel like it could split in half or something

Enlightened taste

No such thing as too much femdom. All men want cock and ball torture. Even the ones that resist are prime material for being forced against their will and mindbroken.

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Everyone loves Mami

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Damn that's hot.

especially her boobies

plebs, the lot of you
I use an 8mm thick, 25cm long silicone sound while masturbating all the time. Adequate lube and practice is what's needed to really make it work.

I don't really want a full femdom gf, I just want a gf who's as "aggressive" (I can't think of a better word) as guys are expected to be towards their gfs.

Just how big is your dick, user-kun?

18cm, but you can reach the prostate with a long enough sound. Way better than anal prostate stimulation.

>you can reach the prostate

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>you can reach the prostate with a long enough sound

Now I know you gotta be memeing