This series was total garbage. It butchered Ichikawa's artstyle. Sad "adaptation" for such a great manga. Also don't post off topic shit here. 3DCG is not anime styled and that OP wasn't even made in japan for fucks sake.
OP has the better music but either way both are great sound wise. ED has better visuals since the the OP is a 3DPD abomination.
the manga is garbage too
>Filtered by innovation
Sad, really
but the manga is hideous and the anime is a 100 times better
Anime style doesn't exist. Anime and manga have a very wide range of styles. If your only idea of anime style is 2D though then I guess we can post 2D western animation here too. Most anime are also outsourced to other countries too so there goes another reason that would filter out most anime if you want to be autistic about that kind of shit.
>Anime style doesn't exist.
It obviously does.
Saying all anime looks the same is something your 50 year old parents would say after only seeing what DBZ looks like.
>Filtered by innovation
Lol no, don't be autistic. Some innovations benefitted anime like widescreen resolution or digital colouring for better colour mixing. This 3dcg is incapable of doing justice to Ichikawa's art and is a cancer to the medium.
I stopped giving a fuck when the protag went from a happy go lucky girl stuck in a dire and dangerous world as her race was being hunted to a callous scheming bitch. Also known as haircut "character development". It was really good, up until that exact point.
>Anime and manga have a very wide range of styles
Yes, there are plenty of styles in Japanese animation. I'm not denying this at all. I know because i've seen over a 1000 Japanese animation series.
>If your only idea of anime style is 2D though then I guess we can post 2D western animation here too.
I obviously mean the iconic style associated with japan and what the English definition of the word refers to. I.e. attached image
That poster is a troll. Anybody who's seen 10 jap animations knows what the anime style is.
Fuck you.
Kill yourself.
But there's tons of anime that don't look like that. To what degree varies but it's stupid to say there's a single style that anime adheres to and regardless of something being made in Japan/by Japanese people excluding it because of that. Not to mention that Houseki no Kuni's anime has the kinds of stuff you're saying is "anime style". If anything I'd say the manga strays more from a generic anime style than the anime does even taking into account the CGI.
>To what degree varies
This is the thing though. You have stylized variants but to an extent, some fundamental things remain much unchanged.
>Not to mention that Houseki no Kuni's anime has the kinds of stuff you're saying is "anime style".
Some parts yes but but some parts no. It's got that sharp grading for the characters bodies but then they're not 2d and look noticeably off.
>but it's stupid to say there's a single style that anime adheres to
You're somewhat misunderstanding. By "style" i didn't mean an extremely specific thing but that anime do share some fundamental characteristics that make it feel like anime. E.g. having generally anatomically correct characters, being 2d and having sharp blocky grading unlike the realistic gradients 3dcg/live action has. Other non fundamental characteristics being large eyes, colourful hair, shiny hair rings etc.. These things make anime look very distinct and recognizable especially when compared to western media.
Both anime in attached image are stylized variants of the anime style. They look vastly different but still manage to feel like anime and recognisably so.
>If anything I'd say the manga strays more from a generic anime style than the anime does even taking into account the CGI.
You are right but that's a bit of an unfair comparison because Houseki no Kuni lacks human character's.
Good post.
It doesn't have to do justice to the original artwork, the manga stands on its own since it is a different medium. An adaptation is not a literal translation and the director saw a way in which 3dcg would fit another stylistic point for the story. Imagine if the anime were a 1-1 adaptation of the manga, I assure you the beautiful symmetry of each chapter wouldn't translate as well and you'd be whining the same.
Are you sure you watched the show?
So is Castlevania anime?
>It doesn't have to do justice to the original artwork
It does in order to be a good "adaptation". The 3dcg series while not too shabby altogether is more of it's own interpretation. There is a much greater difference here between going from comic to animation than what you usually see going from manga to traditional anime.
>and the director saw a way in which 3dcg would fit another stylistic point for the story
It was just realism with the gem hair user, nothing noteworthy.
>Imagine if the anime were a 1-1 adaptation of the manga, I assure you the beautiful symmetry of each chapter wouldn't translate as well and you'd be whining the same.
That's clearly not what i meant. We have had a standard in the industry for decades and 3dcg falls below it. Things that normally change are going from manga black and white style to anime's coloured style and going from hatching to blocky shading. You don't normally go to realistic grading or to being geometrically 3d.
Is this anime?
In terms of visual style of the characters specifically? Yea, anime can be drawn. You see fanart all the time, like attached. But being voiced in Japanese is important too. Japanese sounds better compared to English because Japanese words tend to have a 50/50 ratio of vowels to constantans.
You could say it's very, very stylized. The grading isn't sharp like anime but's not entirely soft/realistic either, it's in-between. There will always be things like this right on the border between what is and what isn't. Like with stuff being only partly produced in japan.
>3dcg falls bellow it
I must say this is pretty amusing. I'd advise you to not try and push what is your opinion as fact, for one.
The english defintion is animation originating to or associated with Japan. Thus, Houseki no Kuni is most definitely anime. I don't see why you'tr trying to go full retard with this. Outsourcing work to gooks and chinks does not suddenly mean you lose the anime title
I meant it fugitively, not literally.
Yes, how things have traditionally been done in the industry for decades.
>3dcg falls bellow it
Yes. It doesn't adapt manga as closely as traditional anime does.
>The english defintion is A STYLE OF animation originating to or associated with Japan.
There, i fixed it for you, autistic gemshitter.