it's not about the story and lore, it's about the characters and psychology! You're missing the point!

> it's not about the story and lore, it's about the characters and psychology! You're missing the point!

Yeah, but kabbalistic illuminati vs. surreal ancient aliens are pretty cool though.

Attached: Lilith_with_Lance.png (333x480, 152.83K)

>it's another NGE 2deep4ubait thread

Look, the show is what it is. Some people find in it something really valueable to them or simply appretiate the mecha component or even just the waifus. Some don't see it and find all the stuff surrounding it to be very mediocre and overhyped. Neither are wrong and neither is smarter than the other. It's like a religion in that aspect (which is not an accident). Neither part will convince the other and whatever of value the show has is not transferable, so this endless discussion is pointless and will just degenerate into shitposting.

If you didn't like it I feel sorry for you because I found great meaning in it and I think it's a shame that you didn't get to have that. I'm sure you'll find it somewhere else and there's nothing wrong with you.

Now can we please agree that Asuka is best girl?

Don't do this, not again. I don't want another 500 post asuka thread.


Life is not about what you want

OP stop paying attentio to plebeians, what Anno said about religious references just here to be cool concerns only the show actually. however The End of Evangelion is gnostic as fucks, that movie just improved this aspect of the show actually.

the problem is most people are plebs unaware about gnosticism and kabbalism, so they don't get the references and the gnostic lecture.

Attached: 1546206468239.jpg (918x1260, 347.81K)

>the problem is most people are plebs unaware about gnosticism and kabbalism

Pretty much everybody in these parts of the internet are aware of gnosticism and kabbalism. You are just embarrassing yourself.


>If you didn't like it I feel sorry for you because I found great meaning in it and I think it's a shame that you didn't get to have that. I'm sure you'll find it somewhere else and there's nothing wrong with you.
OP here and I don't exactly get where you're coming from, I mean I do but I don't see how it relates to my post. NGE is my favorite anime ever made, I just don't like how people will put down whoever enjoyed the world-building, setting and lore of the show.

Also, Misato is obviously best girl.
>what Anno said about religious references just here to be cool concerns only the show actually
Anno never even said that.

Aware of their existence sure, but I doubt a random person with know what the Chamber of Guf is.

How do they connect to each other?

And I doubt that knowledge about the Chamber of Guf does much to help understand or enrich the experience of watching NGE.

You'd be wrong then.

>the symbolism is just there too look cool
>there isn't any thought put into it
Reminder that Tsurumaki (not Anno) only said that there was no christian meaning behind the symbolism, ie. they weren't making a commentary about the christian religion. That doesn't mean there was zero thought put into the symbols in the show.

Attached: [Sephirotic] Neon Genesis Evangelion - 21' [MULTI][BD 1080p 8bits 5.1 AAC][D128B2D3].mkv_snapshot_19.27_[2018.04.01_20.45.40].jpg (1212x909, 127.53K)

Actually it's godzilla x mecha x matrix.
That simple.

There's nothing but esoteric symbolism in it. To Japanese that sort of thing is normal. Westerners are blindish nowadays.

the plot is retarded, and anyone who likes Eva for the plot is also retarded

Who the fuck cares about the symbolism. The story fucking sucked. God you EVA fags cannot take your head out of your asses for one moment to see past the pretentious bullshit surrounding this "plot" of a half baked mecha.

LOL no, most people in this board are ignorants consumers and underage. Nobody has a serious knowledge of esoterism here.
You are the same kind of people who pretend Evangelion is popular among normies because you are unable to get out of weaboo sphere.

Attached: asuka hoes mad.jpg (750x562, 48.64K)

What anime has a better plot?


The entire story is literally about Lovecraftian space gods having sex.

Attached: PO9o5nc.png (712x474, 391.7K)

As opposed to you, I'm sure. You are obviously a very intelligent and educated in the secretive ways of esotericism and just happened to come across an image board reserved for degenerate shut-ins and decided to post, of course , with every word written imparting endless knowledge that will no doubt shame the rest of the peasents who share your presence here.

>The End of Evangelion is gnostic as fucks

Well they literally kill the god so they could be free of her fuckery and finally bee at peace.

If that's gnostic, then ok.

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>Well they literally kill the god so they could be free of her fuckery and finally bee at peace.
Well. That is not what happens.

Gendo is a selfish dick. He's an antithesis of a hero, he's neglecting his children for a plan to hijack the apocallipse, not stop it, but hijackit for a selfish wish. What does slapping a cross on him mean?
>there was no christian meaning behind the symbolism,
FUCKING YEAH, anybody can see that there are crosses where they clearly don't belong. Probably because the Japanese aren't christian, and that is some cool looking cultural appropriation before it was considered bad.

Attached: offensive-cultural-appropriation.jpg (1920x1080, 845.22K)

I was on board till you said
>It's like a religion in that aspect (which is not an accident)
Spare me the bs. Any sort of show that has a split fanbase can fit that tagline. You're literally part of the faggots that make unnecessary points.
Where are the evangelion fans that have a clear fucking head.

The point is literally to make fun of religion and the occult. The whole point with SELEE is that they're on their high horse preaching kabbalistic bullshit but what it comes down to is that they're old farts who having conquered the world are still afraid of the one of thing they couldn't escape - death. The occultism is just a justification for the fact that they're so petty. Even when they change into soup the camera focuses on all the cybernetic implants left behind by the SELEE leader, he was doing everything he could so that he wouldn't die.

This is exactly what I mean, Eva-fags see NGE on the same level as religion, pretty much, and everyone else thinks they are enormous faggots who are full of it and believe all their explanations and interpretations of the show are nonsensical drivel. It's exactly like a religion at this point. And the not an accident part, I mean, it's literally called "the New Gospel of Creation". I think it's pretty clear what they were going for.

You don't have to be a hero or to be selfless to have any connection to a cross. And Gendo isn't really selfless because he is doing it for his wife.
There are Japaneses christians but even if it weren't, a big part of chritianity is to spread the gospel so cultural appropriation doesn't make sense in this context because that is what christians want to happen.