ANybody watching the new GiTS?
ANybody watching the new GiTS?
inb4 webms
I feel like i've seen this exact same face somewhere before.
So this show is a meme and nothing else.
>watching anything
Gave it an ep but I can't deal with it, every time they make more GITS garbage since Arise I keep thinking it can't get any worse and it still does.
Good excuse to rewatch SAC s1/2 at least.
stand alone complex isnt good
the only good ghost in the shell is the first movie
and that is quite the departure from the source material which is fine on its own
It's legit sad to watch how the gits franchise is being treated for the last 5-7 years.
>it's not bad if you ignore the CGI!
>it's pretty much regular SAC because there's discussions about politics!
>the CG is the only reason why you don't like it!
>not great, not terrible, I kinda like it!
>there was also cute character designs and comedy in the manga, this isn't different at all!
>hahah Ilya is pretty based, dabbing on the haters like that!
>I love it when they show the major's ass lol!
>There's cute girls!
>you're just hating it because you're a contrarianfag!
>you're just hating it because you're a mindless drone!
>You fuckers only hate it because it's not a 1:1 copy of what came before!
>I watched episode X, it's kino
>Every adaptation so far was different from the source material, why complain about it now?
>Just ignore what you don't like about it and enjoy the spectacle!
>Also ignore the fact that the spectacle is just bad CG acrobatics!
>hahah they're cracking jokes just like that one time in SAC, see it's not different at all!
>wow Togusa did kung fu instead of shooting someone that's badass!
>it's fun! why do you hate fun?!
>the animation isn't that bad! you just have to ignore that the models are poorly rigged, matter has no weight, the lighting is horrendous, the camera angles are completely arbitrary and actions have no impact!
>it grew on me!
>I got used to it!
>a horribly subpar product is better than no product!
>the writing is great. you just have to disregard absolutely everything else to enjoy it!
>they did their best!
>it's not bad if you ignore all of the bad stuff!
>it's okay. 9/10 so far!
>nobody forces you to watch it!
Just sad thinking some people really believe this. No wonder everything keeps going to shit, people still gladly eat it up and even pay for it.
so now that we established that this new series is an absolute meme, which previous installments are actually good?
Just finished it. I want episodes 12 to 24 already. That said, a few gripes:
1. They should have waited until they had the full season and released it all as one or alternatively negotiated with Netflix to release 1 episode a week, to let the setting and implications of the changed world be explored and discussed.
2. A GiTS CGi anime should not be released at 24fps, ever. The fact that it was, is a crime in itself.
3. The OST is good, but it's not Yokko Kanno good. I guess I'm nostalgic for that.
4. It took a bit too long for the post-human core of the story to come into play. But this is more a result of the fact that we only got 12 episodes instead of 24, and there's an arbitrary halt in progression until the next set get released.
i'm an old boomer who saw OG GITS when it was released to US Video.
i went and watched ep1.
it's not bad, but i do prefer anime over 24 minutes of Yas Forums cutscene,
the script is faithful to the feel of the original, but they added a Black dude (no shit, Shirow sold out to the US media years ago) and the characters seemed a little hammy.
The Major is still a dyke, nothing new here.
to be fair i hate the fact that Shirow declared the anime non-canon.
/boomer out
>it's not bad if you ignore the CGI!
the CGI is not too bad, aside from the glossy skin texture
>it's pretty much regular SAC because there's discussions about politics!
they present a lot of half-baked ideas, hopefully they expand on them in s2
>the CG is the only reason why you don't like it!
might be true for some people
>not great, not terrible, I kinda like it!
yeah, kinda average so far
>there was also cute character designs and comedy in the manga, this isn't different at all!
true, however it's quite different both in direction and tone, just like every adaptation
>hahah Ilya is pretty based, dabbing on the haters like that!
personally, don't care much for him
>I love it when they show the major's ass lol!
>There's cute girls!
>you're just hating it because you're a contrarianfag!
I'm sure a lot of people do it to be contrarian, many of those didn't even watch it, aside frome the reposted webms from like 2 episodes
>you're just hating it because you're a mindless drone!
also possible for a lot of people
>You fuckers only hate it because it's not a 1:1 copy of what came before!
kind of a retarded reason, none of the adaptations were 1:1
>I watched episode X, it's kino
yeah ep 7 is peak kino
>Every adaptation so far was different from the source material, why complain about it now?
>Just ignore what you don't like about it and enjoy the spectacle!
not really a good point, but I'm sure many do ignore other series' shortcomings and still like them
>Also ignore the fact that the spectacle is just bad CG acrobatics!
ep 5 was by far the most wacky of the episodes, I'm thinking it was for viral marketing purposes, lot of people give it the series more exposure it would've got otherwise
>hahah they're cracking jokes just like that one time in SAC, see it's not different at all!
>wow Togusa did kung fu instead of shooting someone that's badass!
only the Major used a cyber nova in that scene against the constructs, everyone else, even the bodyguards were using CQC
>it's fun! why do you hate fun?!
well, why do you?
>the animation isn't that bad! you just have to ignore that the models are poorly rigged, matter has no weight, the lighting is horrendous, the camera angles are completely arbitrary and actions have no impact!
I believe this was true in ep5, but against the boxer, the hits had impact
>it grew on me!
I didn't hate it to begin with so not really
>I got used to it!
same as before
>a horribly subpar product is better than no product!
not exactly, many people also hated Arise, maybe it's just not for you(the writer of this pasta)
>the writing is great. you just have to disregard absolutely everything else to enjoy it!
certainly not great, but still enjoyable
>they did their best!
I think bamco was involved, that only confirms it for me that they didn't do their best
>it's not bad if you ignore all of the bad stuff!
isn't that the truth
>it's okay. 9/10 so far!
more of a 6/10
>nobody forces you to watch it!
There was an opportunity in the first or second episode to make the major hack the new guy and punch himself in the face, as a bit of a continuity nod. Shame they didn't do it.
Random people's art is better than this shit.
I couldn't get through the first episode
does it have a plot?
>GITS now
>the only good ghost in the shell is the first movie
look at this fucking pleb
Jesus what awful taste.
Stand Alone Complex is better than the 1995 movie in terms of plot, characters and music.
1995 only really wins out from art and detail.
Yes. It's got a good foundation, but reeeeeaaaaaaaaaaallly needs the other 12 episodes asap to not fall apart. There's a lot of questions asked, and a great deal of implications made--but end of episode 12 is a very "wtf, where's episodes 13 to 24 guys? Why would you wait 6 months to release them?"
Shit looks like Code Lyoko
Someone post it.
ok thanks, I'll keep watching
Looks much better in 2d and without retarded Iryaface
I don't know if I want to given this CG.
It's unwatchable and I don't want to ruin my love of GitS with something that is going to tarnish that.
you sound like a faggot
just don't watch it if you don't want to
What I don't understand is, why is this a sequel to Stand Alone Complex? It seems so strange to have this take place in the SAC universe, especially since we have no real backstory as to what happened to the Japanese government after the late 2030's
You guys got the wrong idea its pretty good
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