
>this chapter is about Sawako
>next chapter is about Sawako too
>arc climax seems to be about resolving Sawako's issue
Assuming a volume then it's 3 chapters remaining, that would make this arc a rushed mess. Assuming more chapters, how many?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is this the power of amazing writing?

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Hopefully more. Sawako is much cuter than dumb udon.


I love Rizu
Rizu is not dumb or udon, she's a smart human being and cuter that anyone

> Misao: phone hijack
> Sawako: route hijack

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>yfw the Sawako route everyone is yearning for is just her losing against Rizu
>yfw Misao will move on to the afterlife without the 2 girls ever knowing she existed

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Rizuanon you're trying so hard but even Jump itself is joking about Rizu's relevance in this arc. It's that ridiculous.

>Thumbelina Supercomputer
>another Sawako chapter
yeah , sure.

i want to date her daughter in order to fuck her


Based Sawako.
Bless Sawamom.

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If they’re self aware about it, then it’s a good sign honestly. That means Rizu may actually do something and get the focus back on her.

Chapter link

>Sawako's backstory
>Misao's backstory
>even the fucking doll's backstory

There won't be any time left for Nariyuki and Rizu in Rizu's route.

when are we going to get some fluff? i just want to see the mc's being cute together, is that really too much to ask?

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yeah, I hope they deliver

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So Sawamom pretty much kept a timid housewife side she tried to keep for Sawako or at least when came over. And both Sawaparents really didn't get along but kept things together long enough til their child hit college. With 2 chapters of focus, not Sawako route yet. I do at least remember Rizu in swimsuit fanservice and a somewhat promising game I think.

>Assuming a volume then it's 3 chapters remaining, that would make this arc a rushed mess.
Not at all. It's a pretty nice buildup for a Sawako ending.

As someone who has always liked Sawako more than Rizu, I'm absolutely pleased with this turn of events.
This makes up for the criminal lack of Sawako in Rizu's arc.

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I really hope the rest of the routes actually focus on the girl instead of a side cast like rizus has. I'm not getting my hopes up though.

>I really hope the rest of the routes actually focus on the girl instead of a side cast like rizus has.
Fumino's and Asumi's have to focus on them. There's no one else there.

Does Sawamom fuck other people? Is Sawadad a cuck?

>So Sawamom pretty much kept a timid housewife side she tried to keep for Sawako or at least when came over
I think she just doesn't know how to communicate with his daughter

nariyuki no!



Read the first 4 chapters

not yet

Still about her.

Very much about her future as well.

He's talking about their future routes.
Fumino's could be a repeat of Uruka's arc if the branching point of her route is her not getting nandatte'd in her realization chapter.
Asumi's can very well be exclusively about her with minor cameos from the others.

As long as he can accept the fact that his son in law Oyakodoned his ex-wife.