Walk in the streets during the day

>walk in the streets during the day
>see this

what do?

Attached: 1587550708197.jpg (1384x779, 533.8K)

Step over it and keep going on my way.

fucking disgusting non-humans.

Call 911

Lick her horns

Call 112

call my mom

Smell her butt

Attached: 2e5bbfb2-f0de-4078-9754-d2696fbd2e7b.jpg (1200x1200, 89.43K)

Don't go any closer. She could be on meth and will slice your throat.

Call this user's mom and then

All of the eggs.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Princess Connect! Re Dive - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.54_[2020.04.20_13.32.07].jpg (1280x720, 99.2K)

>stand there like a fucking idiot
>wait till someone else passes by to handle the situation
>no one comes
>pull out my phone
>forget to call 911 despite it being only 3 numbers
>check my messages
>dont know why the fuck im there so exit app
>remember 911
>turn phone off and one again
>tap emergency call
>woman on the other end, fuck
>dont know how to explain situation
>she asks me to check body
>check body
>retardedly, i just hang up because there's no problem here
>to nervous to call back
>go on Yas Forums
>go on Yas Forums
>see thread about same girl
>respond to thread. by typing:
>stand there like a fucking idiot
>wait till someone else passes by to handle the situation
>no one comes
>pull out my phone
>forget to call 911 despite it being only 3 numbers
>check my messages
>dont know why the fuck im there so exit app
>remember 911
>turn phone off and one again
>tap emergency call
>woman on the other end, fuck
>dont know how to explain situation
>she asks me to check body
>check body
>retardedly, i just hang up because there's no problem here
>to nervous to call back
>go on Yas Forums
>go on Yas Forums
>see thread about same girl
>respond to thread. by typing:
>stand there like a fucking idiot
>wait till someone else passes by to handle the situation
>no one comes
>pull out my phone
>forget to call 911 despite it being only 3 numbers
>check my messages
>dont know why the fuck im there so exit app
>remember 911
>turn phone off and one again
>tap emergency call
>woman on the other end, fuck
>dont know how to explain situation
>she asks me to check body
>check body
>retardedly, i just hang up because there's no problem here
>to nervous to call back
>go on Yas Forums
>go on Yas Forums
>see thread about same girl
>respond to thread. by typing:

Flip skirt

Take her home, put in the bed and have her rest. Then give her hot cocoa after she wakes up.

Do a 360 and walk away.

take her wallet


What if she has corona or some other dangerous disease?

Implying I'm even alive.

Attached: Now watch me create my skeletal army.png (1920x1080, 100.89K)

Dispose of it in the proper garbage bin like a responsible person.

Nice underboob and ass

>this thread

Attached: 70936396_p0.jpg (1240x1754, 1.24M)

Saw off her horns and sell them

Give her scrambled eggs and tell her she must finish the whole meal.

walk away, there are cops patrolling the town 24/7 because of corona they´ll deal with her

Put her on my front line.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (641x1080, 316.48K)

sell the horns

>all those buttons
post ID

Drink the mysterious substance leaking onto the ground. Maybe it'll turn me into an immortal loli. It'll probably just melt my insides, but there's always that chance.

>hot cocoa
>not eggs
You've let me down user.

Cut her horns and tail off and sell them to an alchemist.

>Take her home
>Take off her clothes and check her body for wounds
>Put her in my bed, I'll take the couch
>Boil some eggs for when she wakes up

wherever I am I must also rape

Attached: 1489241812974.jpg (160x160, 21.03K)