When everyone thinks you're lesbian but you actually love dick

>when everyone thinks you're lesbian but you actually love dick

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Piss off yurifag, Kumiko loves dongs.

Deluded s/u/bhuman

This kills the shoefags.

>when everyone thinks you're lesbian but you actually love dick

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>being so insecure about your sexuality that you project your love for dicks on anyone and everyone

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That's not reina

Die a horrible death, degenerate.

socially responsible Kumiko


>when one schizo thinks you're lesbian but you actually love Yuuta's dick

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It doesn't matter what she loves, what matters is you love her

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Dicks really ruin characters.

Not always

It happens.

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Seems like her luck is not nearly as good as her bf's.


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The world can't handle that much fluff, or that much gay.

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I wish they would just dub this whole fucking series already. I grew out of wanting to read anime long ago and watching shit in another language is negative all the way around.

Then the world must adapt to the fluff or perish.

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how fluff is her puss

deranged straightfags

Who else decided against bothering with kyoanus yuribait shit altogether because of these shit threads?

And yes, I stopped feeling pity. It was fucking deserved.

there's not a single women who doesn't love dicks, women are all bi by default. """"lesbians"""" don't exist

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I haven't met a single lesbo that didn't first have a bad relationship with a man.

ive got some dick to give

>retard spewing 3D logic for all fiction because of kyoanus shit

Okay, fag.