This is North Korea's new supreme leader and you faggots are already drawing fanart and "waifuing" her at the expense...

This is North Korea's new supreme leader and you faggots are already drawing fanart and "waifuing" her at the expense of millions of innocents. You all should be ashamed.

Attached: 1587860282825.jpg (666x768, 30.33K)

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she looks like she fucks white guys

Can she live up to her father?

been getting a headache from al the ironic/unironic posts about her. Just saw a fancam earlier in the day and was about to loose it

Men lead, women follow, that's how it has been for whole history of mankind.

This is a shoop. You're part of the problem bruh

How much plastic surgery has she had?
worst korea has some of the highest rates of getting work done of any country.

The absolute state!

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Maggie Thatcher?

>The leader of a ruthless dictatorship is a cute girl
I-it's just like one of my Japanese anime's!

Make-up is banned in North Korea. I can see her looking like OP's pic with make-up


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>you faggots are already drawing fanart and "waifuing" her
no we aren't
go blame Yas Forums

Clearly an excellent horse-like lady, so OP's story checks out. Still would.

Yas Forumstards come from Yas Forums

Why is she cosplaying Byakuya?

she is just a very high ranking member of the school board

>at the expense of millions of innocents
Explain how making shitty jokes is going to affect anything in north korea.
Also take this to the designated board Yas Forums and stop spamming these threads, retard

She cute

no, they came in 2016 and stayed in the shounen threads

At least post a woman leader that did something good for her country, like Catherine II.

Just like my Japanese animes.

You forgot bans don't apply to the Kim family.

>Catherine II
>her country

aisans are not people

My human rights violating dictator can't be this cute!

Hopefully this will radicalize more weebs into becoming Tankies and Nazbols

She lived in and loved Russia more than she ever gave a fuck about German states.

its more annoying to see those shitty internet jokes and OPs way to vent out was to make a threath about it. although you have a point, but it can also be said that stupid memes have come to the point where they can shape up the perception of feeble minds about more grounded topics. Its obviously a problem of ignorance - for zoomers moreso - but something you can't help but think about nonetheless

the cutest supreme leader

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Is there a pixiv tag yet?

Attached: 1586631969721.jpg (1920x788, 337.08K)

Well, where's the fanart then?

I'm gonna coom.

would be surprised if there a lot of fanart from japs. more likely it would get deleted

wait so prevoiuus leader is alredy dead?


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Looks whos talking faggot.

Attached: ASDF17.png (827x512, 334.88K)

Anything to get these pathetic otaku slightly interested in a real girl is a kami-send.

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Post the fanart then!

>This is North Korea's new supreme leader and you faggots are already drawing fanart and "waifuing" her at the expense of millions of innocents. You all should be ashamed.
should i jack off to her?

Attached: 1538826798710.jpg (232x217, 9.22K)

but she clearly doesn't wear makeup in actual pics though

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