The ending scene in Made in Abyss is fucking beautiful

The ending scene in Made in Abyss is fucking beautiful.

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I wanna end my scene all over reg's belly

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Too bad it’s anime original

Meh, the music kinda makes the scene anyway.

MiA anime is better than manga


Minor attracted person?

It is canon though. Tsukushi addressed it in an interview and mentioned a detail that many did not pick up on. He said that most of Orth was evacuated besides the delvers, two of which being nat and shiggy as they walked the streets. I'm guessing they had intended on people knowing that when they watched the anime but from what I've seen most people did not realize that they were expecting a mostly abandoned city in that scene.

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I wish I was as cool as Riko

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I wish Reg would fucking put me out of my misery

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I wish Reg would fuck me.

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The extremely flat chest is just a bonus

That pedo is seething internally that an adult woman dares to cosplay as his pure fuck child fantasy

shut up the work on the chapter tsukushi

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It is funny that Tsukushi deemed it necessary for us to know beyond doubt that Reg is capable of fucking and being fucked.
A man with priorities is a powerful thing

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Agreed. Unironically makes you feel like you just watched a masterpiece

I love my wife Moogie

dang that's a hella cute riko

I love my wife Nanachi!

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I blame the beginning and ending for making people think this is a masterpiece.
The first episode as well has the beautiful chinese-movie-like sunset and city overview and the abyss. And the anime ends as well with some scenery porn.

The middle wasn't that good though, the abyss was very dull looking.

Can't wait for absolute despair the manga's ending will get

Vol.1 doesn't have that scenery porn intention and is already a masterpiece.

why indeed?

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I always cry when they blow up mitty, I dont even know why it is just so well made

Are they still on Namek?

her clothes would get too stinky after a few weeks

Reminder that those who hate MiA are the real pedos.

So was this show any good? I've heard some good things about it.

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Good is subjective.
Just watch it if you want to find out or don't if you dont.
But definitely stop being a fucking retard.

AOTY 2017 in a pretty stacked year.

Watch it and find out yourself.