What is it about Yoko Littner that sets her apart from other girls? Yas Forums seems to absolutely adore her

What is it about Yoko Littner that sets her apart from other girls? Yas Forums seems to absolutely adore her

Attached: yoko video.webm (720x400, 2.57M)

Nice pervy webm of a 14yr old, creep

Big tits
Was the love interest of Yas Forums favorite side character, Kamina
That's it.

>moralfagging a drawing
you need to go back

The hair
The outfit
The massive jiggly titties
The legs
The fact that she'd probably jerk you off if you bug her enough

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How would one go about bugging her?


drawings don't have rights, retard

Heavy flirting
"Accidentally" rubbing your boner against her

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Jerking me off would be one thing, but what would be the likelihood of me getting her to give me an assjob with those godly booty shorts?

taking the lame ass bait. you fucks are new as hell arent you?

I think she could be pretty easily coerced into doing anything non-penetrative

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Who's to say it couldn't progress beyond that after a few rub and tugs?

Maybe some paizuri if you tell her how awesome her tits are

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To completion, of course

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I wouldn't say "adore" is the right word. Yas Forums only values her body.

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>paizuri after sumata or hot dogging

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While in public

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IMAGINE the thighjobs

She's a virgin

Attached: thighs.jpg (1024x1024, 326.72K)

Very loose 14yo pussy


Who cares, just jerk off

She's a fanservice character in a well-known series with a big budget.

you first, user

She shows em off for a reason

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trips don't lie
neither does my dick

Pull her hair

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