I miss good ecchi shows like pic related...

I miss good ecchi shows like pic related. Why can't I watch more shows where girls punch and kick each other and their clothes flies off?

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We can't have nice things because fuck you.

And with a harem end

>Why can't I watch more shows where girls punch and kick each other and their clothes flies off?
Because you touch yourself at night.

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best girl

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Drop the loli, and that's a really good harem.

I cant believe Minato fucked this

Watch Masou Gakuen HxH or Shinmai Mao no Tesutamento

why did battle harem die right when it was getting good?

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We all do user
>more shows where girls punch and kick each other and their clothes flies off
Sounds like every Lim Dall-young work but fuck him for not finishing them.

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It blended into isekai

isekai took too many steps back. battle harems were finally getting to where nudity and real harem ends with impregnation were becoming common. there aren't any isekai at that level yet.

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I agree, battle harem is by and large more fun than isekai.
But isekai is what took their place.

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Just like sekirei, all girls are great but Lewdmila and Lim were the best. Who would have thought that a secret to good harem was always in great girls?
I blame these terrible IS clones after what everyone got bored

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Battle harem, at the end of the day at least knew it has to be a battle show first and foremost. Isekai, however? Well it doesn't know what it has to be beyond some NEET faggot getting sent to a new world the same way everyone else was. They don't even try to change up the metod of isekaification

Is there a lot of harapan?

>Drop the loli.
What are you, Gay?

Pick one. Ecchi is always pandering shit that puts fan-service before actually being GOOD.

Just dial 8 already.

Imagine a world where Gonzo didn't fuck up the Rosario+Vampire adaptation. There could've been a battle harem boom.

What are you talking about we got a shit load of battle harems for a long time, hell you can even push it as far back as Tenchi or Ranma

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LMAO this trash even lost to rakudai.

T. Youtube faglord

Not him but I read that and it wasn't good even for LN standards

What was the last good one we had? Shinmai Maou?

the problem with isekai is that it's supposed to be the ultimate wish fulfillment setup but then the faggot protagonist does the opposite of what the audience wants.

That’s only for the Western audience, the Nips obviously like them well enough.

rosario+vampire was one of their best selling shows when they died