What's the most aesthetic pose for a male anime character?

What's the most aesthetic pose for a male anime character?

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>jealous of his obliques

Gay shit for homos and fujos

Why so insecure, user?


Its in the water, THE GAY.

His grandfather's pose

Attached: Jonathan.jpg (1785x2365, 3.48M)

This is the CHADest pose a man can have.

Attached: 1487514984-super-vegeta[1].jpg (739x416, 87.47K)

Attached: gigastud roger.png (329x677, 211.01K)

Trips of truth

That pose along with his hulking size was some of the most threatening, alpha shit ever.


This is a very gay thread. I love it.

Sports and athletics have great physical body language ..about as far removed from book smart as you can get

Attached: gendo_pose.jpg (1000x712, 103.49K)

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Attached: kamina pointing up.jpg (1280x720, 140.8K)

Oh no no no Vegetabros..

Peak performance

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Based JonathanCHAD

>That pose along with his hulking size was some of the most threatening, alpha shit ever.

Attached: 1560065281736.jpg (510x304, 116.5K)

Attached: all might.png (407x653, 125.09K)

most of it went to Astolfo's huge dong

The frieza pose

Attached: 91447183ba622b5fb93ff6029585145bafb3791a_hq.jpg (722x1024, 92.38K)

Everything from FotNS