If Yui was to take an IQ test, what would the results be?
If Yui was to take an IQ test, what would the results be?
Given that she's shown as being fairly good at music, she'd do well
How much prep time does she have?
IQ tests are a meme. If I was to take math oriented IQ test I'd probably score super low, yet I speak 3 languages and do better in life and finances than most of my peers.
I wanted to say "potato", but lets be honest here, it's probably ケイキ
She wouldn't be able to write her name.
it'd be high. Yep, definitely high. Very high IQ.
>"it's strange doctor, the results just say 'cute', it doesn't make sense"
Wonderful bait
Her age
these digits
She is actually very smart of she tries, like that time she scored a 100
Yes she is an autistic savant, she'd score 160ish probably (and her sister would score even higher).
genius and retardation are not antonyms
below 70
Above average.
Both of these.
In the latter episodes of the second season, she starts coming off as less of a retard, and more of a deliberate troll.
I don't remember there being a lot mathematics related problems when I got tested as a child, it was mostly just a bunch of shape puzzles.
That's not fair, Kramer was distracting her.