Why aren't there more dominant girls in anime?

Why aren't there more dominant girls in anime?

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Dominant girls is such a laughable meme, honestly. I know it's fiction, but come on.

Girls are scary

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I've definitely heard a lot more women complain about men being way too macho and arrogant compared to being open and emotional.

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Dominant Yandere Housewifes.

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That explains nothing

Actually it does. Anime producers obviously pander to the wishes of their users.

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>false Chad myth
No such thing; a pro athlete can fuck 10/10 women whenever he wants. You have just fallen for the stronk woman myth.

Most of them are stuck in bad series and the only way author can make these womans look badass is making all the male cast useless bitches

e.g: Akame Ga Kill,Majikoi,Mato Seihei,

That’s because they don’t date wimpy men like the average user in the first place. They have no reason to complain about them, simply because they don’t associate with them.

That’s how it is in real life as well. The only way women can excel in sports is if you remove men from the competition.

By Chad I meant the attitude, not the physical beauty.
The guy you're replying to is ironic

Femdom is for closeted cuckolds, nothing more.

I fucking hate how adult women only exist in femdom garbage and tiny dick shota shit. It's not right. You know it's not right.

Most of them are stuck in bad series and the only way author can make these womans look badass is making all the male cast useless bitches

e.g: Akame Ga Kill,Majikoi,Mato Seihei,

Athletes must have traits of a chad in order to succeed. A typical Yas Forumsirgin wouldn’t put in the time to get good at a physical. Also, many athletes are ugly as fuck, so the ‘physical beauty’ thing is irrelevant.

There's nothing virtuous about wanting women to be more masculine. This isn't the same thing as a men expressing weakness or vulnerability. This is a complete non-sequitur. You are damaged in the head beyond belief. Also, I like your little quip about "fragile males", because this is the typical attitude of people like yourself. You sound like a cunt.

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Faggots like that are why I strongly believe every country should have compulsory military service for every male.

You're still referring to the aesthetical aspect, which I don't really care about.
>women to be more masculine
Did I ever mention anything like that? You're basing your opinion on the assumption that a woman can be dominant only when she outperforms the man in physical strength, which ultimately leads to
conclusions. This is just a subcategory of femdom, which I don't really agree with either. There are other ways a woman can assert its dominance.


It's a good idea

How can a weakling be dominant in anything?

If you are a degenerate that wants a woman to step in his dick

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The animation is awful.

in this case mc deserved it because he grapped her boobs and teased her nipples intentionally (but she liked it though)

JC staff
He knows how to milk a cow

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