I'm sorry for lying to you, user. I just wanted to protect the time we spent together. The thought of leaving you was scarier than putting a knife to my wrist. Everything around me was so scary. I'm sorry
I'm sorry for lying to you, user. I just wanted to protect the time we spent together...
It hurts knowing that, no matter how hard or how much I try, I could never give Sakura such powerful orgasms as the worms did.
Greedy and worthless slut
if i really knew you i never would have spent that time with you anyway
>wh-why does no one love me I'm a nice guy!
Sorry roastie, but your smelly vagina as no value here
>The thought of leaving you was scarier than putting a knife to my wrist.
You know, they could have shown stuff like this in the VN interludes instead of just off-handedly glossing over it in favor of SHE WANTS HOT SKIN AND SEMEN.
Real girls are disgusting, I'd rather fuck anime girls.
>smelly vagina
I'm talking about 3DPD user, 2D girls don't smell.
Imagine sacrifficing you ideals for a vagina
It's called love, and it's better than sacrificing everything you cherish and making your own family miserable like Kiritsugu did
And a pretty loose one at that
>I know I destroyeed the world b-but art least I had sex
Imagine judging women by their vaginas.
It's all they have
The best kind of vagina unless you have a micropenis.
Don't worry Sakura
Everything is going to be DAIJOBOU
So you think she ever misses the worms?
Yeah,what else does Sakura bring to the table besides her vagina?She's not admirable like Saber nor dependable like Rin.
Love and understanding
She's the only one out of the three who's actually feminine and good at cooking food other than Chinese.
He cooks good.
Sakura has suffered enough, and for no reason.
gtfo of my face wormslut, just kill yourself already you disgust me
I just want her to Dom me and to step on my balls
Sakura, we will get through this. Once we do we can send Rin all the sex videos we made.
context please, wtf
Let's not forget about boobs, Sakura has bigger boobs than Saber and Rin so she wins by default.
In the retconned porno version of the game, she had been tortured by worms that happened to be shaped like dicks. The updated version changed their shape and made her a virgin, though.