Boku No Hero Academia

The ACTUAL discussion thread.

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Other urls found in this thread:

dead thread

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Guess the only thing keeping the threads alive really are the autists

everyone has been chased off, they succeeded and moderation allowed them despite disrupting threads being one of the longest standing offenses on the site

so when are the villains in this series ever going to be anything other than jobber cucks who are only able to defeat each other


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Is the rabbit going to be daijoubu?

>The ACTUAL discussion thread.
No such thing when MHA is concerned.

There is nothing to discuss when the plot is that bad.

This is why I love Endeavor

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Translations out:


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Just like at this faggot , everytime he doesn't post anything Mirio related, he spams gay shit and then he samefags and sucks his own cock on how he is so based and how him posting his pedoshit stops the shitposting

What a shit fucking chapter

how is having some fabric in her mouth going to help?

I like Mic Black Bolting some noumus.

He seared her wounds and gave her something to bite on for the pain

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Rent free

Are you 10?

It's a magic flame cloth.

hello is this 2015 again?

to bite on for the pain

>hello is this 2015 again?
It must be. People somehow think bnha has potential.

yes, these thread live rent free in your head

Come one Hori, be less obvious. We all know Shiggy is going to wake up and start fucking shit up

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You say that but you have people in these threads thinking the exact opposite.

I'm not him, faggot. Miriofag has been posting mirioxeri for two years now and he only ever does that. Your tinfoil theory doesn't add up.
Now, leave the chad alone.

They must have less than 5 iq then

Are you that new?

>i-i'm not him
sure you are, mirionigger

how is he going to wake up then without the tube genius? he is currently stuck in a state of suspension.

As someone else said, All For One might give him a little help in some kind of way

Cleary you are if you can't tell miriochad posting pattern. All his pictures were deleted yesterday and none of the gay shit you're accusing him of posting was deleted. Fuck off
You're glowing Italian dekufag.

Of course Miriofag isn't posting this
But the guy who posted the Miriofag picture is hatefag

Why do you talk about yourself in third person?