Are villainesses better when they are redeemable or when they are horrible monsters?
Are villainesses better when they are redeemable or when they are horrible monsters?
When they're redeemed through dick
Goddamn, look at those lewd, exposed toes .
Either way is fine so long as they act in semi-reasonable ways instead of being a strawman, cardboard cutout, or cuh-razy.
Step on me Admina!
God she was so hot, I miss her.
whichever one is lewder
Play Alicization Lycoris for more of her when it comes out
I've never played an SAO game before but I might give it a try.
When they can be your mommy.
Both types of villains can work well. Unless you want to waifufag some pure maiden
Why bother when she'll not even be nude. FUCK SONY!
The games, or at least HF and HR, are pretty good actually.
Redeemable, even if the option doesn't exist in the story.
It was only for a while, and I don't care about sao, but I miss Quinella's legs on the front page.
I was gonna say both are good, but has convinced me that redeemable is the only way to go, by posting a horrible monster.
Still a long way till release
El did nothing wrong. The Church is the true enemy
There exists no irredeemable villainess user. Only incompetent MCs who failed to save them.
What about this one?
Better when they are redeemable but they should never be redeemed otherwise it ruins their character.
all villainesses are weak to anal
Women already get away with everything in real life, they can at least suffer some consequences for their actions in my fiction then.
Simp logic
Did you post that picture on accident?
You fucking fool. The most effective method of taming a wild villainess is impregnating her. Just think about it. First you dominate and break her with mindblowing nakadashi sex. teaching her that in the end she's just a woman, to be owned and used by a superior, stronger man, and she won't be able to help but love the feeling and pleasure. Then the pregnancy itself physically weakens and inhibits her, preventing her from committing any more villainy. Then the pregnancy forcibly reprograms her brain chemistry to make her more gentle and nurturing. And then finally when she gives birth and holds her baby in her arms she'll realize nothing in the world could ever be more important than loving and taking care of her child, and never think twice about doing anything evil again. And you will be cemented in her mind as a beacon of hope that showed her how wonderful life as a wife and mother could be, loyally bonding her to you for life.
Can't do that with anal.
This user gets it
They should be as irredeemably evil as possible like pic related.
That user is mistaken. Anal is for disciplining smug XXth grader brats and teaching them the power of adults. Impregnation with the mating power of a thousand pneumatic presses is the only way to rehabilitate a true villainess.
>Are villainesses better when they are redeemable or when they are horrible monsters?
Definitely the latter.
I want to have sex with a villainess
How much overlap is there between villainessfags and ryonafags