Is makima the woman devil?

Is makima the woman devil?
>is female
>crushes men
>woman hate her because they can’t compete
>needs to be up high for her power to work -> putting pussy on a pedestal gives women power over (You)

If she’s not, will we see a semen demon?
If we can’t get one, will we have a devil for:
>fear of rejection
>fear of being cucked
>fear of losing your girl
>fear of being alone

Also translations when?

PS: If you’re against waifus and semen demons, you can fuck off this thread

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I like the movie monster devil idea

Dumping spoilers

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what's that?

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put chainsaw man in the title faggot

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The idea that her power is based on a fear of a classical movie monsters.

how did that theory came about?

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>Is makima the woman devil
>deals with rats/cockroach/giant spider
i would imagine those thing to instantly drop the power of women devil

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Women can be rather disgusting

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Will Quanxi join them if Makima will promise her more devil girls as compensation?


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I like that theory that says that the reason Quanxi doesn't emote is because that arrow messed her brain

She already has 4, I don't think more pussy will make her happy. i think she secretly craves cock, that's why her transformation is so ironic because she wants to be penetrated

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You can't replace true love so easily

Makima made a contract with the devil devil

nah, rubbing pussy doesn't make her happy, cock does.

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>that's why her transformation is so ironic because she wants to be penetrated
user not everyone has the same obsessio nas you.
It's so funny how people started to hate on Quanxi just cause she is gay and that she survived.

Her date Denji is an obvious starting point.
It implies that it has something to do with movies and she is a an emotion eater of some sort.
It would also explain spiders and rats
As for the direct combat, it doesn't get more classical than the Dracula and vampires are immune to ordinary bullets.
I'm not quite sure about the remote killing/life exchange, though.

>obsessio nas you

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Wtf I love Quanxi now?

Makima made a contract with Makima

poll results when?

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>Denji: I kneel

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If enough people fear Makima, shouldn't a Makima devil be born?

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those are some huge arrows

you mean sensei?

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What is that expression trying to convey?

the feeling of being darkness inside

>4 u

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Yes. And therefore she's the strongest as the manga creator is probably a incel and fears women more than anything - plus it'll be relatable to the average manga reader who never speaks to women out of fear.

maybe she's contracted to the unknown devil?

>also, last spoiler page

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Hey buddy I think you're on the wrong board

>unknown devil
This one would be top-notch, even stronger than the Gun

It's just theory crafting about the origin of her powers. Her being the woman devil makes a lot of sense when you consider her power levels and the average reader.


you shouldnt mention pol, the janny will get triggered

I don't see how it's is tied to the mechanics, though

you know damn well what that expression means

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A devil is stronger the more people fear it. I imagine the average manga reader fears speaking to a woman more than death.

Garbage newfag OP.

Fear of death is only the 2nd strongest fear, anons.
The #1 strongest fear is fear of public speaking. We fear public speaking more than death because we fear rejection, equating this on a primal level with the risk of dying alone.

>pic related

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