I like Fate/Zero way better than the main Fate Series because most of the servants treat each other with respect and fight with honor.
I like Fate/Zero way better than the main Fate Series because most of the servants treat each other with respect and...
That's literally only Saber and Lancer though. You can count Rider if you want, but he's mostly just a retard
the entire point of the series is that war is awful and there's no honor in any of it
I only liked the MC more, but maybe that is just because Shirou is so shit.
How he became a badass like archer is beyond me.
I mean, that's true. But in the show that's only Kiritsugu's opinion. And he's hardly a character you should look up to.
epitome of good writing
...and because the MC isn't a complete retard like in UBW
>most of the servants treat each other with respect and fight with honor
Only Saber, Rider and Lancer want fair fights, every other servant doesn't give a fuck.
Anyone has the comparison between Zero and Stay Night Lancer when confronting Sabers invisible Sword?
I want to have sex with Irisviel
>war is awful
Get this hothead out of here. War is fucking great and most anons would jump at the chance to join a Holy Grail War, with half of them not even caring if it was corrupted.
>...and because the MC isn't a complete retard like in UBW
UBW is the worst route in the VN
HF > fate >>> UBW
I need to agree. As a Zerofag, Shirou is far more likeable in HF. The second movie is basically a big fuck you to Kiritsugu and his hero of justice bullshit. It feels like a real continuation to the problems shown in Zero
F/SN already did this "muh honorubu duel" concept better with Lancer, Saber, Gil and Kojiro.
No wonder your opinons shit, the anime skipped and outright changed with it's anime only shit the majority of Shirou's character development and motivations.
I read the VN and I honestly have no idea what you're talking about
>durr hurr why are you talking about anime in the anime board
You must have speed read the entire climax then which is one such example, compare Archer vs Shirou in the VN vs that of the anime.
read the vn
>why would you talk about the source material of an anime in an anime board
Gee wonder....
Zero is better because Shiro is not the MC.
Fuck that bitch and his moralfaggotry
zerofags please go
I mean most of Zero characters are retarded manchildren but go off.
Amazing direction and OST though.
>a big fuck you to Kiritsugu and his hero of justice bullshit.
LOL no. it's actually the confirmation of Kiritsugu's words to Shirou before his death.
No one else is going to say it so I guess I have to. It's because it's the simplest and shallowest so it's easy for brainlets and secondaries to understand without getting pissed off and screech endlessly about 'plot armor' 'asspulls' etc etc because they didn't get something as they usually do with the other works which require you actually pay attention to get everything. It's grimdark and 'mature' tone also helps cynics feel like they're watching something far removed from the usual tripe and that their taste is unique compared to everyone when in fact it's actually not actually all that mature or dark at all beyond a few moments that were crammed in for shock value and because 'muh tragedy' when very little of it actually added to the story at all. But they'll think otherwise because bad things happening to people = depth. The MC is a stoic, misunderstood, self-loathing jaded badass who is the only who sees the world for the mess it is, wears a trenchcoat, smokes constantly, has two insanely hot bitches on his dick and uses matrix and gun magic who's secretly a crying manchild who just wants to be held and understood and get away from all the injustices in the world. Which, of course, attracts a lot of the folks on here. Fate/Zero isn't bad by any means, don't get me wrong. I enjoy it but looking at it objectively after a few years of sucking its dick back when I was an angry, aimless teen really opened my eyes to the reality it's no masterpiece. Not by a long shot.
Kiritsugu is even more mentally immature than Shirou so that says a heck of a lot about you. Not even Shirou was enough of dumbass to actually physically to wish for world peace a future Kiritsugu has absolutely no it work yet wants to make a permanent wish that he could obviously fuck up.
Shirou outright turns down that stupidity and say it's stupid. Shirou goal is simply like being a body builder trying to reach superhuman performance, it's impossible and he knows it's impossible but the act of trying is the point.
Well said user.
Here's your reward.
Says an Yas Forums poster...
>most of the servants treat each other with respect and fight with honor.
the one who cheats is the magus this time.
The one thing I didn't like about the original F/SN was that EVERYONE was an irregular Master or an irregular Servant.
Hey, I really liked UBW. I didn't like HF, because Sakura wasn't worth all the shit.
I do find it really funny that Archer never kills Shirou in UBW. Look at it: There is no ending, even the Bad Ends, where he succeeds. He literally can't.
we know, Saber
>A magus acts according to his nature
To the surprise of nobody with more than 2 int.