Started watching pic related, i think i'm in love with her bros

Started watching pic related, i think i'm in love with her bros.

Attached: [Reaktor] The Tatami Galaxy - E01 [1080p][x265][10-bit].mkv_snapshot_13.20_[2020.04.23_21.41.28].jpg (1920x1080, 1.08M)

Doe she even have a personality?

I know she's scared of moths or something.

Yeah she's fucking autistic probably, but that makes her cute

You want someone inferior to you? Are you afraid of real people?

Her only strong characteristic is not having any, she's like the female version of your boring male MC.


Attached: yes.jpg (662x588, 85.81K)

As long as you acknowledge it.

>it's been 10 years since the airing of episode 1

Attached: the_tatami_galaxy_09[720p.bluray.h264.flac][npc][4014565b].mkv_snapshot_14.24_[2012.09.22_04.16.58].jpg (1280x720, 119.64K)

It's truly beautiful, at least what i've watched so far, probably finish it tomorrow.

Attached: [Reaktor] The Tatami Galaxy - E01 [1080p][x265][10-bit].mkv_snapshot_17.20_[2020.04.23_21.47.49].jpg (1920x1080, 1.04M)

get in line pussy

I wish to be like shisho one day

Attached: higuchi.png (1280x720, 626.08K)


She's got that mysterious shoujo manga love intrest vibe but is a girl which is the best thing ever

i wish i knew where to find more stuff like this because im usually pretty picky with what i like to watch but this was just perfect for me

enjoy OP, it's a pretty good series.
I wish I could repeat my college days

Look at the genres, creators, prizes, associated studios, recommendations on review sites, other reviews from people or sites that have written reviews you agree with. You do this with all entertainment, it isn't hard

Isn't she enrolled in a based STEM degree?

Sakamoto Maaya is just that good

i think the whole point of the show is the opposite of that sentiment

She feels like a legit well formed adult. A certain stoicism I find incredibly attractive; something you hardly see in real young adults nowadays.

Anime as a medium is very exaggerated, whenever there's a character who displays subtle traits, people just think they're autistic. I hate it

Wait you mean the singer? Was she the VA?

pic is not related btw

Attached: ryouko.jpg (225x350, 17.84K)

Well the bad news is that this easily one of the best and well there isn't that much like it.

And the good news?

While Tatami is my favorite of his works, the author has written three other books that were made into anime so check those out. There's The Night Is Short, Walk on Girl and Uchouten Kazoku (S1 and S2).

Oh, he apparently did Penguin Highway too, though I haven't seen that.

i have seen the night is short, walk on girl but those two other ones seem interesting

She's discount Daria.

>t. my favorite anime character is Rem
You have to be genuinly retarded to not see personality in Akashi-san.